Dental Issues
Dental Issues
Dental Issues
Again and again, you are applaused for promoting natural answers in the manner you have.
Used a generous tablespoon of raw virgin coconut oil the first time, then an hour later used extra-virgin olive oil. Four OPs so far since last night, with at least eighty percent reduction in pain, fifty to sixty percent reduction in swelling. I confess I've slipped a few drops of clove oil onto the gum area, which virtually erases the pain, but only for a half-hour or so. The oil-pulling is so surprising. Fast, simple, inexpensive.
Bless every one of you a million times. Looking forwarding to incorporating links to your site into my many sites. So MANY great stories. Thanks to you all.
Dental Issues
Dental Issues
(Stroudsburg, Pa)
UPDATE: After doing the oil pulling for several days again, I noticed increased energy and decreased hunger which did not dawn on me "why" until I read another post here today... and thought, yeah, I'm experiencing that, and wondered why previous, but realize now that is related to the oil pulling with coconut oil.
Dental Issues
Dental Issues
My liver enzymes are elevated for the 1st time ever and the doctor seemed concerned and I have to retest in 3 weeks. I read in one of Ted's comments that some of the oil in OP settles in the liver. Has any one experienced elevated liver levels or heard of this? Not sure if Ted's comment is a bad thing or not. Thank you EC for this site and to all that contribute.
(Orlando, Fl)
I read some place that Coconut oil isn't metabolized in the liver, while all other oils are. What kind of oil are you using? I would try to change to Virgin Coconut oil if your liver is getting grumpy from the oil pulling. I would also suggest organic, as some pesticides/herbicides affect the liver.
A liver has a poor tolerance to oily foods in general and may cause some congestion of liver. In which case I would likely do three things:
1. One tablespoon of granulated lecithin a day.
2. No oil pulling for now.
3. Take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day or three times a day.
An apple cider vinegar should always have 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda added to neutralize the acidity. Otherwise it will cause burning tongue. Usually a burning tongue or acid mouth is caused by the body's need for more potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate, which usually neutralizes the acidity of mouth quite fast. A baking soda will require more time, but the apple cider vinegar may aggravate it.
If there is any better alternative to oil pulling (O.P.)without any problems then it is alway the P.O. (Pulling Oil) remedy, which usually the use of granulated lecithin to remove the excessive oil accumulation, usually not from oil pulling itself, but from generally high dietary oily and fatty foods. Any addition of any oil may have broke the camel's back. The effects of Pulling Oil reduces excessive fats and congestion in the liver, while baking soda is supportive to liver function.
(Parrish, FL)
I am using unrefined sesame oil. I try to buy organic but can't find all the time. I'm confused about what kind of oil to use in regards to unrefined or refined. Dr. Karach (sp?) states to use refined. I do not eat fatty foods, only veggies, fruit, fish, a little chicken, whole grains. I have organic CO and will use that after a break from OP and currently starting on Ted's response. THANK YOU.
(Nashville, TN)
I have a Jack Russell Terrier that was diagnosed with elevated liver enyzmes about 5 years ago. We go to a holistic vet who prescribed SamE for her. She has been on SamE daily (200mg) for years and her liver enzymes are now normal.
Dental Issues
(Austin, TX)
Did the bump appear soon after a visit to the hygenist? If so, is it possible that the procedure at the dentist's office caused the problem? After a visit to the dentist last year, I had bad breath for weeks afterwards. I suspected that either the equipment wasn't adequately cleaned or that she pushed bacteria into my gums during the scrapping part. Yuck. Try holding a hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton ball to the area 3x a day for 5 minutes each time. Sounds like something got embedded in your gum and now you have an infection. Good luck!
Dental Issues
I'm a smoker and I have several crowns and an inlaid bridge, and these types of porcelain teeth do not respond to typical whitening methods at all.
The first time I tried oil pulling, I could actually see the difference after one 10-minute session and folks have commented on how much whiter my teeth look. In a week I noticed improved gum color. At my last dental check, my dentist wanted to know what toothpaste I was using, because I barely had any tartar (needless to say, he was incredulous when I said I had stopped flossing, which I have never been good at anyway). He also commented that my gums not only looked great, but had actually improved.
I simply can't stand the taste of sesame, so I mix it with either safflower, sunflower, or flavored olive oil. Teeth are then brushed with a good castille soap (soaps made with oils rather than animal fats) which does NOT taste soapy, by the way, then rinse with a little salt water. I am brushing my teeth only slightly more than normal -- twice a day for two minutes after oil pulling, and then a quick scrub with toothpaste just before I go to bed.
Other folks I know who have tried oil pulling have also remarked about the improved appearance of their teeth as well as improved oral health.
Oh....just make sure you don't spit your (now somewhat hydrogenated)oil down the sink drain or toilet or you'll be calling in the plumber or septic guy. And be careful NOT to swallow!
(Brookfield, CT. USA)
I live in CT. as well. I have septic and am wondering why it is harmful to septic and plumbing. You mentioned that you can not spit it(oil)in the sink or toilet or you will be calling a plumber or septic man. Why is that? I just learned about OP and have not yet tried it as I need to go get an appropriate oil. I have no real serious health issues (very minor osteo arthritus in one wrist) that I am aware of so I am just interested as a way to maintain and enhance my health. A reply regarding my septic question would be most appreciated!
(Socorro, NM)
Dental Issues
Dental Issues
Within one month I was in soaring pain with my first Root Canal. Thank God I found a good dentist in Los Angeles because what was soon to come would have been unbearable! In the last four months I have had 3 more root canals! With very little money as a single mother for over 16 years my teeth had been neglected. If your teeth are not in perfect shape: Do Not Oil Pull. You'll be sorry. Instead, find yourself a reasonable dentist and try to get caught up on your dental health.
A friend of mine with perfect teeth and in excellent health tried it for three weeks and saw no results at all.
Good Luck to everyone.
Dental Issues
Dental Issues
I used a Tbsp of cold pressed extra virgin sesame oil in the morning and at night. I first started to stop my gums from bleeding but it seemed like my gums started receding and then I later noticed the tooth becoming crooked. I don't know if the Oil pulling caused this but is there anything I can do to fix the tooth and gums?
Dental Issues
The reason I used it was to remove the bacteria and poisonous toxins I was sure were under my teeth. I also have diabetes and that causes teeth problems. When I started I was in pain from an exposed nerve.
I used 1T seaseme oil and 1T sunflower oil combined w 5 drops black walnut, 5 drops pepperment and 6 drops cinnamon oils. The peppermint for pain and the cinnamon for the antibacterial. Note: oregano as far as I know is an anti-fungal, not an anti-bacterial.
Regardless I swished my mix for 15 min, keep in mind I was in pain at the time. The first effect I noted, there was no pain even when I drew cold air through the area of my mouth. I could eat hot or cold food w no pain. Needless to say I am hooked for life. Teeth that were rising and becoming loose over the next week returned to near normal and tight in the gum. I don't know about the rest of my ailments. My teeth are much better.
A side observation I would like to mention is directed to the lady in India who tried OP for her wrist and arm metacarpal. I had metacarpal, and the thing I knew that allowed me to overcome it was this. The nevre when damaged will swell in its pathway and this is what causes pain when the joint is moved. Nerves continue to swell if they continue to bump bone which causes more pain. The wrist has a very small passage for its nerves. The swelling that causes the pain is closer to the thumb than the elbow (I mean the swell is trapped). The nerve for the thumb and forefinger extends thru the arm up to the armpit. To releive the pain from my wrist I reach up on a door frame as high as I could. I held on to the frame and dropped my body slowly down, stretching my arm until it was fully extended way over my head. At first fire was running up my arm but when I reached full extention of my arm I felt a pop in my wrist and all pain vanished. Now I stretch to insure it doesn't happen again.
I hope this can help someone. It worked for me.
Dental Issues
What happened is that ideas started coming to me, and one of them is honey, I decided to try honey on my acne face, I had half a jar of manuka honey at home so I started using it along with baking soda and lemon juice, and imediately I could see a glow. I also had pain in my gum, and have been using OP with some results, but still had soreness with brushing, then today I DECIDED TO USE THE HONEY in place of oil, put a tsp in mouth for about 5 to 10 minutes, then spit it out and brush, wow! no pain or soreness, I also had a bump on my face, i put a dab of honey and went to bed, this money bump gone. I took the honey jar and spoke into it, thanking all the bees that gave me this wonderful product, I thanked the farmers, the store keepers and last but not least this wonderful site, earthclinic. thank you for taking us back to earth, now i know everything works, at the right time with the right attitude. Love always.