Oil Pulling
Health Benefits

Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


25 User Reviews
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Posted by Tech Man (Western Nc) on 09/29/2010

I started oil pulling with coconut oil 2.5 months ago with great results. Plaque disappeared from teeth, gums stopped bleeding after 2nd day, intestinal health improved, much better digestion, etc. The only die off symptoms I experienced were a mild candida die off in my throat and tongue, which wasn't severe at all. The other day I decided to try Olive oil. I read that by most accounts, coconut oil seemed to have the most die off reactions so I expected the olive oil to be mild in its effect. Well, after pulling with EV organic olive oil I had a healing reaction with the most die off I've had in years! The symptoms were intense intestinal duress, swollen glands and throat, body aches, extreme fatigue, severe flu, fever. This was hiding in my body and remained unaffected by the coconut oil. I will continue pulling with olive oil until the toxicity is gone. It seems that in my case, switching to another oil flushed out some unhealthy life forms living with me that the coconut oil did not affect. After these symptoms disappear, I will test out another oil to see if there is anything else lurking there. If you are interested in cleansing your body of toxicity, I highly recommend trying different oils after any die off symptoms subside. Also, for those new to cleansing, make sure your organs of elimination are working properly and assist them with herbal formulas so the toxins that are stirred out of hiding do not get reabsorbed. Three areas of focus that come to mind are the liver (coffee enemas help dramatically), kidneys, and colon.

Posted by Maria De Suecia (London, United Kingdom) on 09/15/2010

I started oil pulling 3 days ago, 3 times/day, using Cold pressed Sesame Oil. I eat well and do Bikram Yoga 4 times/week and I run a couple of times per week. I don't drink and I don't smoke. I drink plenty of water with, always with apple cider vinegar for dinner, and I take Virgin Coconut Oil for my underactive thyroid. So I am doing what I can to stay healthy. Anyway, I think I must have a huge bladder because no matter how much water I drink (quite a bit daily) I rarely have to urinate, and I NEVER have to go during night.

This is what happened the night after oil pulling day 1: I had to go and empty my bladder twice! No, I did not have more or less water/tea/juice than usual. This is unheard of in my case. The 2nd day I had to urinate frequently throughout the day and the same went for day three. So I began googling "frequent urination" and read that it is a classic detox symptom. Ha! Is what I say to all narrow minded cynical sceptics. Morover my teeth have never been so white and I feel more mental clarity, more refreshed upon waking up. I'll keep doing this to see where it will take me!

Replied by Map77
(Grand Prairie, Tx)

I appreciate you posting this, as I have been OPing for 3 days now, I have also noticed that I have had MORE frequent trips to the bathroom.

Replied by Chris
(San Antonio, Texas Usa)

This may be a little late to post, but I assume the detox is occuring. When your body has toxins that are ready to exit, it uses the liquids that you ingest to expel the toxins. Once the detox becomes less prevalent, you will notice the urination to go away.

Posted by Ibiza (New York, Ny) on 07/20/2010

I've been oil pulling for almost two weeks now. I use 1 Tbls. Of Virgin unrefined VCO. I do it first thing in the morning after I clean my teeth but before any food. I read about it here and also read several people's testimonies about cleansing crises. I didn't think I would have one because, prior to oil pulling, I had been on a simple cleansing diet for two months, composed only of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans, teas and water. However, I have started a crisis. Let me say that, after about 5 days of doing it, I started to have slight pain while urinating. It felt like the beginning of a bladder infection. It cleared up in about 3 days without doing anything special. Afterward, I also noticed that my urine felt "heavy, " and maybe slightly darker. Mind you, I was drinking a lot of water. I just felt like toxins were being eliminated. Yesterday, during yoga class, I noticed that my perspiration tasted different. It actually burned my tongue a little and I had to wipe my mouth! I also attribute this to toxins being eliminated. I take a lot of yoga classes and sweat sometimes gets in my mouth. It's normally slightly salty and not gross at all. But the biggest thing that happened is that my heat sensitivity issue shot through the roof. I had several sweating spells when I just could not stop sweating almost all over my body. It felt like a seizure almost. (I've never had a seizure but I imagine you feel very much out of control). I was working in a tight space and it was awful! I'm lucky to have found a great natural deodorant that worked fantastically but it was still a nightmare. Before I realized that it was a healing crisis, I was so depressed, thinking that I was going backwards. I have been dealing with hormone disruption for over two years due to exposure to toxins that stopped my period, caused hot flashes, which turned into heat sensitivity. Now that I know what the crisis is, and that my body is really cleansing a lot, I feel much better about it. Still, I am going to have to slow the cleansing down. I just can't have sweating episodes. I'm going to not do the OP two days a week when I have to go into work. I also just started alkalizing my water with drops. I imagine that my system is very acidic from the toxins. Becoming more alkaline must help. I am also going to switch to sesame oil, the traditional oil used for OP. I did a lot of reading and I think it's the one I need, even though I like the VCO.

I also started taking a tsp of VCO in the evening. I read that it is really good for high cholesterol and thyroid issues. My theory is that my immune system has been compromised by allergens, both natural and artificial. As a result, my liver is working too hard and my endocrine system has been challenged. I know that my hormones are completely crazy. My inner barometer is broken. I feel like my heat sensitivity is due to that and is also a response to allergens which are not being dealt with efficiently because my liver is overworked. I know that thyroid and cholesterol issues run on both sides of my family. This bad smelling and toxic sweat, I believe, is really a secretion brought about by high cholesterol. Lipids are being excreted through my skin and they contain toxins that are being carried out of the body. The sesame oil will help internally and also externally as a nightly massage. I am going to try scrubbing my skin periodically with baking soda because it actually itches a little (I guess from the toxins) even though I use a peppermint castile soap. The liver produces cholesterol when it can't get it from dietary sources. I'm not sure but maybe VCO and sesame oil ease the production of these lipids by the liver. Eventually, I will also take a tsp of sesame oil daily too. I will report back about the progress!

Replied by Ck
(Houston, Tx)

So what has happened with your OP? Have you seen a reduction in thyroid/hot flash issues? I suffer with these too and would love to hear your feedback...

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Mrc, my personal experience w/ O. P. (Canola Oil) was positive as whole body functions go, but after about 1 mo my teeth were showing signs of hurried decay and my breath (after pulling) got bad. Fortunately I didn't loose any fillings as was your case. So now I swish Colloidal Silver once daily or before pull, and always rinse mouth w/ commercial otc mouthwash fallowing pull. If the body is toxic w/ pathogens one gets the foamy oil condition. As an adjunct, I would recommend some herbal antibiotics like Neem, Olive Leaf, Grapefruit seed, Pau De' Arco. Immune boosters like Echinacea, Cordyceps, Reishi, Maitake. Shark Liver Oil, Bee Propolis, Raw Thymus Glandular are good immune boosters. I like to use any combination of these prior to pulling so as to absorb the die-off toxins from the pathogens.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Posted by Kate (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/30/2010



I have been oil pulling with virgin coconut oil for just over 4 weeks, to try to address the chronic allergic rhinitis and CFS that I have had for the last 10 years. (I have tried unrefined sesame and sunflower oils with no results in the past). I have been using one teaspoon of oil (if I use one tablespoon, I have to spit out constantly as my mouth gets so full of saliva) and using wild oil of oregano on a 2 week on 2 week off basis, and OPing 2-3 times/ day. Ever since I started, my symptoms of chronic sinus pain/ headache and general exhaustion/ aching limbs have worsened considerably. I have the odd flash of exhilaration and huge energy but this is quickly replaced with having to slog through exhaustion and sinus pain again. After about 4 days the symptoms were so bad that I had to stay in bed for several days before I could function again. After 26 days I have now developed a severe head cold, with a huge, constant downpour of clear mucous, sore throat, swollen glands, and, of course, aching limbs and sinus pain, with continual fits of violent sneezing. I am on my 6th day of these symptoms. This is the first cold I have had in 16 months, and I was beginning to feel quite smug about how well my immune system was holding up while everyone else was getting sick.

I did not expect chronic problems to be resolved quickly. After all, I have had these problems for 10 years, so why would they disappear overnight? However, I am beginning to wonder if it is normal to have quite such an extended healing crisis. Has anyone else experienced anything quite so prolonged?

Any advice or shared experience gratefully received.

Replied by Alex
(Mumbai, India)

Kate, I think after a month you have made a point that coconut OP is not working for you. It's not working for me either but since I had only used it for a week I was looking for people who had been on it for a longer time to validate my observations. I feel more tired, dark circles around my eyes are getting worse, my skin is drier and crackling, sinus are swelling back after being cleared for a while, my whole body is stiffer but what alarms me the most is that my skin is loosing color! I have to admit though that I've been using coconut oil exclusively since one week not just for OP but in food as well. I wanted to know what was the exact effect of that oil on me. Following blood type diet, O type should avoid coconut products. I'm O type but I wanted to see for myself. One other thing that I find disturbing is that sticky feeling I get in my mouth and throat after using coconut oil. No other oil does that. I used olive oil and sesame oil successfuly in the past weeks for OP so I suggest you switch to those. OP can get you through some pretty harsh detox effects sometimes but even during that time you should see you general level of energy and positivity increase dramaticaly. If it doesn't happen then it's not detox and it's not working. For example, you won't stay tired all day, you can get extremely tired and will fall into deep sleep as soon as you lay down but feel rested afterwards, the need for extra sleep might go on for days and days but not slugginess, unless of course you don't listen to your body and stay up all night. I love the taste of coconut oil more than any other oil but since I got heart palpitations yesterday at the gym, I think I'll switch back to other oils. I might be saturated with saturated fats!

Replied by Karen
(Henderson, Nv)

Hi, I just now found out about OP and after reading some of the posts of those using coconut oil and getting some pretty strong reactions the first thing I thought of was that you may have had a yeast reaction. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid which is a known yeast antifungal. Just google it and you can read about it. I think you are having a die off reaction to the yeast dying off especially those taking it also in food. You need to go slower. Look up candida and the spit test to check to see if you have candida and then do everything you can to cure it cause systemic candida is deadly. Good luck.

Caprylic Acid (or Octanoid Acid) is an anti-fungal agent found naturally in coconuts and breast milk. In the commercial world, it is found not only in Candida cures but also dyes and perfumes. http://www.fungusfocus.com/html/caprylic_acid.htm

Replied by Tammy
(Seattle, Wa)

Have the people that are having such strong bad reactions considered allergy to coconut or nuts in general?

Replied by Ali
(Swansea, Wales, Uk)

These reactions are perfectly normal detoxing reactions.

When we get a rash or feel nauseous, vomit or have diarrhea, we assume it is something bad, but these are all ways the body uses to expel toxins.

The body will 'grab' a cold virus (or in some cases, even 'make' one) to enable the body to detox. All colds are usually accompanied by lots of mucous and discharges. Even coughing helps the body to expel toxins from the lungs.

Many people, when they start to detox - and detox properly and more deeply, will get a 'detox' cold. Don't try to suppress it, just let the body do what it needs to do.

We don't always give our bodies the credit for being able to heal - always interfering and throwing drugs down our throats, which just ends up adding to the toxic burden.

Things like coconut oil are potent detoxers. It is better to start gently with it and gradually increase the dosage - both in oil pulling, and when ingested. People who start throwing the stuff down their throats will often get quite a major reaction and get frightened - it's not an allergy, it's a heavy detox reaction.

As with any food that encourages detoxing it is always better to start gently and let the body detox slowly, otherwise the toxins can flood and overwhelm the body and make people even sicker. They need to be disposed of gradually - safely.

We speak of 'die-off' reactions, but are they die-off, or are they really detox....?

For more information on slow detoxing, please check out 'Healing Naturally by Bee'.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Is there a thumbs down arrow? I meant to click that I didn't like the comment but it came up as an up arrow meaning I agreed with the comment and I didn't.

EC: Sorry, we (EC management and EC contributors) decided against having a thumbs down button. Will find out from the programmers if it's possible to remove it!

Posted by Tracylove (Brooklyn, Ny, Usa) on 03/29/2010

I've been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for just over a week...and I feel HORRIBLE. My skin on my face has gotten dry (I also use it on my skin), I have black circles under my eyes, my throat is very sore and I've lost my voice. The worst is, I am constantly bloated and having awful heartburn...I am also eating like crazy, and always hungry. The heartburn only goes away after I've eaten something, which seems counterintuitive.

I am of the belief that this is detox, but not sure what exactly. I'm taking a day off from OP today, as I just don't feel good enough, and am still not feeling well. I'd like to make it through this, but not sure how long these symptoms last, or if I can take it much longer to see any benefits at all.

Any suggestions would help greatly!

Replied by T
(Maryland, Usa)

This doesn't sound like normal detox to me. I'd stop the coconut oil immediately, wait a bit and then try a different oil, organic sesame oil perhaps. Coconut oil is not for everybody, whether oil pulling or ingesting.

Replied by Jdixson
(Belgrade, Mt)

my understanding is that coconut oil is a natural yeast killer, you may have a high candida load, and feeling herx from the oil, look up the benefits of coconut oil, it is different than the others

Replied by Chick P
(Kodiak, Ak)

I am curious now, after reading what Alex wrote about the blood-type diet, and am wondering if those who have had side-effects from OP with coconut oil are having a reaction due to an incompatible blood type? Would anyone who has had a negative reaction mind posting if they have O-type blood? I am O and LOVE coconut oil, and use it in virtually all of my baking and have oil pulled with it a few times. It has the most pleasant taste of all of the types I have tried OP with but I don't want to use it if it would be bad for me! (Will do some research on this blood-type diet to become more informed on this subject.)

Also, maybe you are actually reacting to the type of coconut oil being used? If non-organic oil is being used, maybe the side-effects are actually a reaction to something that non-organic coconuts have been treated with which is being carried directly to your bloodstream... just a thought...

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I am type O but I haven't oil pulled with coconut oil yet, I will try soon. Some of the problems with oil pulling here were connected to the fillings in the teeth, I had those as well but before people just give up oil pulling I would suggest that you do the same I did and buy yourself a good book on oil pulling. It is not true that there is nothing to learn about the subject. I learned a lot and the most important was that the only filling that started to come out after I started to do oil pulling was because the tooth had some problems. I hope that all is well now....

Replied by Littlelight
(Healdsburg, Ca)

As this practice has its origins in Ayurveda, it might be better to chose your oil based less on blood type, and more on your predominant Ayurvedic constitution:

Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. You can take a quiz to find it out here:

And get some info on which oils are best for your dosha here:

You might find a better fit using this method.

Posted by Ranjana (Arlington, Tx Usa) on 09/02/2009


I tried the oil pulling for bleeding gums and a tooth that had started to feel loose. I did 10 minutes two mornings with unrefined sesame oil followed by brushing with baking soda. The results were amazing for my tooth and sums. The tooth was not loose anymore, no bleeding and I could chew on that side after many months. However, I started to feel sore with serious headaches and neck pain, and fatigue. I have chronic fatigue, and I really try to avoid doing anything that would trigger this. So, I stopped the oil pulling. Things got worse, I had to go see my doctor, he said I was badly congested and that was causing the severe headaches and neck pain. Now I am on 3 different medications with no relief. Could this be due to the oil pulling? Did it bring out all this mucus without getting rid of it?

Any comments would be appreciated. I would like to go back to the oil pulling for my teeth, but cannot risk the sinus congestion. One episode last year led to 5 months on 2 different antibiotics, and I really wish to avoid a repeat. Thanks.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca)

What you're describing is an onset of intense detox. This is not unusual for many of the natural remedies here on this site hence why so many people caution to go slowly. I eat very healthily, try to stick to organic for the most part, eat close to the earth and don't use any drugs or medication. Still, upon taking apple cider vinegar last December without much thought after purchasing the one with the mother from Whole Foods, I went home after work with it and took a capful in water. That night I woke up with a raging headache, chills and fever throbbing neck pain and immediately I knew that what I was experiencing was a major detox. Basically, it is best to try to let the detox occur instead of masking it with other drugs, etc. That's why it's best to move slowly. By going back on medications you are creating more toxins in the body. Also, be aware that they are finding a lot of connection between candida and chronic fatigue. Do research and learn how to move through the symptoms (lots of water, rest, alkaline foods, etc.) The phlegm that comes out is poison trying to get out of the body and is what causes much havoc through the body. Chinese medicine has lot to say about phlegm and what it can do to the body. You really want to encourage that to come out. When I worked with H2O2, the amounts of mucus that exited my body- well, you don't even want to go there! I cannot believe how great I feel though since that detox. I have loads of energy, my skin is clear and I don't have to constantly clear my throat as I used to. Now, I'm on oil pulling and that is miraculous in and of itself. I wish you the best in your exploration and research.

Replied by Ranjana
(Arlington, Tx Usa)

Thanks Lisa, for your feedback. After waiting about 4 weeks, I did the oil pulling again today, same oil and 10 minutes. I see the same problems (see post from 9/2/09) coming on 12 hours later and also feel itchy. It is like an allergic reaction almost and I know I am not allergic to sesame. This is discouraging, any advice anyone. Should I switch oils? Thanks for your help.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, usa)

Hi Ranjana, I'm glad to see you braved it and went back to doing the oil pulling. Again, the itchiness is another detox symptom. It is the heat and toxins trying to get out of your skin. Remember, our skin is one of the largest organs to detox from. I would also stay with the sesame oil because it is obviously doing its job. Since you are not allergic to sesame then understand that you are detoxing. You will have to move through the symptomology if you wish to truly detox. Make sure you are drinking lots of water. Perhaps try taking baking soda to alkalinize yourself as well. In Chinese medicine, red eruptions on the skin or itchy skin is too much heat built up in the body. Try some cooling herbs. Hope this helps.

Posted by Sydy (Staten Island, New York) on 07/14/2009


I have been doing the OP for a week today now with cold pressed olive oil --I noticed from day one so much flem coming from my throat as the days went on I now have lots of flem -a migraine which I always get and want to get rid of due to hormonal changes and a nausous stomach-- my tongue is coated with thick white stuff and my v----- smells exactly the same as my underarms like a metal weird smell--I know I am detoxing right now through my pores and all areas of my body= also my glands in my throat are swollen and my neck seems stiff--I have detoxed other ways before and have delt with the same symptoms--wow I say this is so cool --with me symptoms I have seem to get worse as the healing process takes action---people who do it for a couple of weeks and give up should just change oil and keep going--natural health take a longer time for healing to happen but when it does happen it is permanant unless you go back to the lifestyle that cause you feel crappy to begin with..good luck to all who cherish their bodies enough to heal----sydy

Posted by Kelly (Atlanta, GA) on 05/19/2009

I have been oil pulling for almost a week now, twice a day with 1 tablespoon of expeller pressed organic sesame oil. So far I have experienced a pretty serious "cleanse" it seems... (Men don't read this if you are squeamish about female situations.) I had been having mild yeast infections on and off for a long time, and trying to keep things under control with yogurt and acidophilus supplements. Well I actually became interested in oil pulling for my bleeding gums and bad breath. So I was shocked after my first oil pulling when not only did I have to blow my nose for an hour, getting rid of loads of mucous that I didn't even know I had, but by the end of the day I had a very extreme yeasty vaginal discharge happening. It all came out. It took probably two days and then ever since, my vagina has felt healthier than ever and very clean, if you are a woman reading this then I'm sure you understand what I mean. SO all I can say is be prepared for a CLEANSE if you try oil pulling, and I personally am very happy to have gotten all that out of my system! Looking forward to experiencing more benefits as I continue to oil pull at least twice a day. Thanks so much for all the feedback on this website, it is so empowering to feel like my health is in my own hands.

Posted by Laurie (Decatur, Georgia) on 02/24/2009

I just discovered this site today, but wanted to share my experience. I read about oil pulling two months ago and thought it would be good to try for painful tooth that 3 dentists gave me 3 different diagnoses on. Bought a large bottle of pure sesame oil and pulled three mornings in a row with one tablespoon of oil. On the third day I noticed I had a slight sore throat. Two days later that was followed by what appeared to be the flu for four days (I now know that was the Herkximer reaction). The curious thing is I had no fever or digestive compliants the entire time of said "flu" - bad nasal congestion, eyes hurt like a headache and horrible coughing. When it was over I noticed that I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth which I had not been able to do for a few months! Was it the oil pulling? I seriously suspect so. If you were a bad microbe and could not produce your own food, where would you choose to live in the human body? Close to where the food comes in, right?

Posted by Tonya R (Okinawa, Japan) on 11/10/2008

Hi, My husband and I just started OP and have been doing it for about 3 days now. The first night I did it something very strange happened. When I woke up the next morning my pillow case which is usually hunter green, had turned yellow! It was as if it had been bleached by amonia coming out of my pores! My shirt had even changed colors like it had been bleached as well and when I washed them, it did not come out. The sheets set is now ruined and has to be replaced. My husband did not experience this at all. Is this normal? Is this just my body's way of detoxing? Has anyone else experienced this? In the morning I use Peanut Oil and at night I use Saaflower Oil. My husband and I both have noticed that we feel better overall, it seems to give us a boost of energy and I've noticed that our teeth are getting whiter. I originally started this because I've been having acne problems, but honestly I haven't noticed much of a change in my skin from OP. I've heard all these stories of other people ending up with beautifu skin from OP and I'm hoping that will happen to me. My acne is not that bad, but I am willing to do anything to get rid of what I do have. Meanwhile, I've been using Hydrogen Peroxide and an Apricot Face scrub along with Clearasil cream and that seems to be helping. My husband and I also drink ACV 3 times a day and I'm hoping that along with the OP will help my acne as well. If anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to email me. I am all ears and will take ANY advice! I love Earthclinic! This site has been wonderful! Good luck to all! ~Tonya and Bobby

Replied by Dani
(London, UK)

Hi in response to Tonya R. I suffered from acne on one side of my face for over a year. I tried every product and detox I heard of and nothing helped. I eat healthy and exercise regularly so didnt think it was brought on from being toxic. I had never suffered from acne in the past so I put it down to adult acne as I was 25 when it started.

I had heard about using creams with peroxide but didnt want to burn and damage my skin. Everywhere I read recommended starting with 2.5% peroxide. This didnt work for me and I had no results as my acne was already too severe. I was desperate so I ended up purchasing a bottle with 10% peroxide (the strongest over the counter treatment I could buy). Within a couple of days my acne started to heal.

You do have to use this stuff sparingly as it can dry your skin out if you use too much - thats what you dont want. I would also recommend using a milder cream once your acne has healed for the odd lingering spot. But the 10% was the only thing that relieved me after a year of endless searching. And yes it did bleach my pillow cases so you may want to use white beding during treatment. hope this helps you and anyone else suffering with stubborn acne.

ps. I have just started oil pulling too. think its a fantastic idea but am sceptical. Not sure whether to start with sesame or sunflower? I am wheat intolerant so hoping it helps my digestive system.

Replied by Karina
(Munich, Bavaria)

With regards to acne - I had acne for a long time on and off with outbreaks. Two products helped me to calm my skin and overall stabilized my system: Schizandra and Duanwood Reishi [as well as Pearl Powder] - but only take the best & purest quality. I had to take about 6 capsules each per day for about 6 months and now outbreaks are gone [and believe me I tried a lot in the last 10 years]! Generally, my skin & overall health have very much improved. Furthermore, there are skin care products with tea tree oil, retinol for the night, which helped me clear my skin but since I take Schizandra and Duanwood Reishi I do not need them anymore. In Chinese medicine Schizandra is an important health tonic as it is suppose to be able to balance the 12 organ system in the body. Research it a bit but only take high quality products - all else won't do. It is very subtle and only after a couple of month I realised that my skin changed and now I have not had a flew or illness for over a year since I take these two tonic herbs. Hope this will be of help.

Replied by Thealth
(Los Angeles, CA)

Hi Karina,

Thanks for your wonderful feedback on the chinese herbs for acne.
If you can provide some more information about these herbs then tons of people will thank you regrading this..
1) Where can I find these Schizandra and Duanwood Reishi . I stay in Los Angeles
2) What are these herbs? Does it cause any sideeeffects or are they natural.
3) 6 capsules per day for 6 months. Will it not affect my system.

I would really appreciate if you can provide some mre details about these herbs. Again thank you very much.

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia)

Hi Thealth from Los Angeles,

The two herbs that Karina mentions comes from the Superior herbs class, or AKA Longivity herbs. Which means they can be taken for as long as you wish, and even for life if you wish (remember they are only foods). The Schizandra is actually a fruit, and Duanwood Reishi is actually a Reishi mushroom grown on a Duanwood log. Pearl is yet another mushroom. If you wish to find reptutable suppliers from China, I choose plum flower. There are several suppliers you can order online. I often order from Kalyx. I am mostly into making my own tinctures for myself and my family, but will sometimes order the powder form of an herb and capsulate them myself (I have no affiliation with any supplier or brand). I am posting my email address if you have any questions, Peace, Rena.

Replied by Karina
(Munich, Bavaria)

Hi Thealth,

Here is some more information which might be useful:

To point 1) I recommend Ron Teeguarden's book about Chinese Tonic herbs - put his name into google & you find a lot excellent researched information offered - I think he lives in Los Angeles & you can even consult him personally but as well check those brands which Rena mentioned].

To point 2) As Rena mentioned accurately Schizandra & Duanwood Reishi are both ancient tonic herbs and have no side effects. They act like a balancing power in your system recognizing what your immune system needs. In China & India they are revered as longevity herbs - especially Schizandra is a fruit of 5 tastes and in the Aryurvedic tradition it means that it has the power to balance all doshas. It is not just the skin that improved but overall vitality - calmness which I thought I lost after some pretty stressful years.

To point 3) These herbs are so gentle that at first I did not think they did anything but then a friend asked that my skin did look so much better. At some point I even raised the dosage to 3 x 3 from each capsule. The regimen which works perfect for me is Tonic herbs [2 x 3 capsules from each plant] & Yoga. After this year all inflammations left my body. But now I just feel save it is not just a treatment which "rubs off" but your health is improved long time and even builds up energy.

This might be interesting to some... and that is where my journey to health began a story of a Chinese man who was supposed to be 252 years old:Li Qing Yuen's Other "Secrets of Longevity"

According to the complete story of Li Qing Yuen, Master Li was once asked what his "secrets of longevity" were. It is well known that his diet consisted primarily of vegetables and tonic herbs, but also very small amounts of meat. But in response to the question concerning his "secrets", he is reported to have said that in order to live long, one must be able to "Sit like a tortoise, walk like a pigeon, and sleep like a dog."


"Sit like a tortoise" refers to the ability to sit still, free from concern, breathing slowly and calmly. This skill is achieved by practicing meditation. Meditation is not really passive, though it may appear to be. It is the art of achieving stillness - an art that allows us to rejuvenate both our body and mind every day. It also refers to the ability to concentrate and remain alert for long periods of time while sitting still - not an easy task for Americans, but definitely possible with some practice. Sitting still while breathing slowly has been proven to reduce high blood pressure, a huge problem in America. High blood pressure can be modulated in many individuals by simultaneously breathing deeply and slowly while calming the mind.

"Walk like a pigeon" refers to the ability to walk briskly, at any age. To the Taoists, walking "like the wind" is both a source and sign of vigor and youthfulness. Speed walking has been widely practiced in China for thousands of years as a form of superior exercise. Walking quickly and lightly for a distance of a couple of miles a day is considered to be superb exercise that promotes health and longevity. A pigeon appears to move all its muscles in the process of walking. Its head moves in rhythm with its feet and arms (wings). When we speedwalk, we should take care to relax and move all our muscles in a gentle rhythm that promotes circulation throughout the body (tense shoulders and neck are thus a no-no). It would be a good idea to stretch and or do some yoga or qi gung before taking our daily speedwalk.

"Sleep like a dog" refers to the ability to sleep deeply anytime, and to be able to awaken quickly with a clear head. Dogs, as we all know, sleep through the night as humans do, but they can be awakened easily and respond quickly. When a dog sleeps, they breathe deeply from their abdomen. Observe a dog and you will see that their hind legs are moving up and down. This is because they are breathing deeply, using their deep abdominal muscles. This is indeed a secret of longevity. Deep sleep combined with deep breathing rejuvenates the body every day, eliminates waste and restores vitality to all the cells of the body. Night time sleep is not the only sleep that is beneficial. Naps can be very important in a longevity program. In fact, a six year study of 23,681 men, published this year in the Archives of Internal Medicine, reported that taking a 30 minute nap three times a week reduced the risk of coronary death by a whopping 37%. Even just occasional napping brought a 12% reduction in deaths due to heart disease. Head author, Dr. Dimitrios Trichopoulos, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health, noted that countries where naps are common tend to have low rates of death from heart disease. Dr. Trichopoulos said that he thinks the stress relief provided by a short nap is a key factor in the reduction of deaths from cardiovascular disease, but other factors may play a role. To achieve this ability to sleep like a dog, practice slow, deep, abdominal breathing for five to fifteen minutes every night before sleeping. [information from Ron Teeguarden - I hope this is ok to post this like this].

At this place I just wanted to thank Earth Clinic and all of you for your inspiring stories! ACE and coconut oil is now added to my routine of natures treasures. Blessings!

Replied by Penelope
(Boston, Ma)

Hi Tonya -

I was researching oil pulling and came across your post about having acne. The 2 best supplements I have ever tried for acne are L-Glutathione (500 milligrams up to 3 times a day) and vitamin B6 (ONLY get the P5P form. The other form can cause neuropathy) Try opening a capsule of vitamin B6 (P5P) and take a third of it - or half of it - and see how you do. You can take the same dosage up to 3 times a day. Definitely take the B6 with food because it can make you nauseous. Also, both vitamin B6 and L-Glutathione are potent detoxifiers of the liver so go up to the dose you need VERY slowly! L-Glutathione really helped my hair to become shinier and healthier as well. You do not need to take both of these supplements together for acne unless you feel that that works for you. I have only taken B6 alone and L-Glutathione alone - and both worked separately to completely clear my skin in record time. I suffered with severe cystic acne and was on 3 courses of Accutane so I know what it's like to suffer with acne.

Best of luck to you trying these supplements - I'm going to go post this info on the acne section of this awesome website!

EC: P5P is an acronym for Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate.

Replied by Mirna
(Quebradillas, Puerto Rico)

I wish to thank all who participate in Earth Clinics' blog. One question, in reference to OP and SunFlower Oil, it seems not many people us it. Is it because the oil does not have great qualities?? I most recently purchased Organic SunFlorwer Oil and want to know if anyone had any yea or ney for it> Thanks!!!

Replied by Lee
(New York, NY)

Hi Mirna, I think you will be fine with the organic sunflower oil. It's interesting to try different oils and that's what I do, but I have used sunflower oil and it was good. FYI, I use organic coconut oil mixed with a few drops of clove oil - and alternate with organic olive oil mixed with a few drops of oregano oil right now. I'll probably switch back to sunflower oil when the olive oil runs out - Good luck! It's a good practice.

Posted by Abby (Chicago, IL) on 08/30/2008

I did the Oil Pulling with Sesame oil for about a week. I took about a tablespoon once a day in the morning according to directions. I swished for about 15 min, to 20min. About a week later I started getting bad headaches. I never get headaches, but these were bad. I also got diarreah that lasted 2 to 3 days. I felt really sick. I thought maybe this was all apart of detoxing, and I must have been really toxic. I wanted to continue to see if my symptoms would subside, but I had an important weekend that I couldn't be sick for. So I stopped. I want to try again but I'm a little afraid. Maybe it was wrong oil for me? Or maybe I need to just keep it up until I'm throughly detoxed? If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. -Abby

Replied by Ruth
(Sydney, Australia)

To Abby re oil swishing:

just want to make sure that you are actually spitting the oil out completely afterwards; the dirrrahea sounds like you may be ingesting some of it and the whole point is the oil collects toxins from the mouth that we can then remove quickly. I've only been doing it for about a week but the oral hygenist will be fascinated to see in 6 months time to see if it has cut down on plague buildup.

Replied by Mike
(Dublin, Ireland)

Hi Abby from Chicago, I had a similar detox-type reaction when I began to OP. I had a constant severe headache, persistent nausea and real difficulty eating. These symptoms became more severe over a period of about a week and I wondered was I doing the right thing in persisting with OP. Similar to yourself I had an upcoming family event so quit OP, and the symptoms disappeared.

However I re-started OP about a month later and have been doing it daily for the last 6 months. My teeth are whiter and feel less sensitive when chewing hard food such as muesli, and my oral health is generally better.

It is also the middle of winter here in Ireland and I have been less affected by colds than most years, with the last cold clearing up without needing a trip to the doc. My sinuses, which have given trouble over the last few winters have also not bothered me this winter. I have also had a number of people remark on my healthy looking complexion and have even asked if I have been away on vacation - strange because I'm normally milk-bottle white in winter!

One of the reasons I started OP was to see if it would cure the keratosis pilaris on my upper arms. Although I can't yet say as I am still using my last dose of prescription cream, the condition seems to have improved over the results I saw using the cream alone. The real test will be when I stop using this tube of cream!

What I would suggest is giving OP another go and see if you experience the same symptoms - all I can say is that I didn't.
Best of luck

Replied by Suzanne
(Houston, Texas / USA)

Headaches are often caused by a food allergy. You might try using Sunflower oil and see if you have better results. Good luck!

Posted by Jivana (Scottsdale, AZ) on 12/02/2007

I have been oil pulling for 3 days now, with sesame oil, and feel very nauseated, and headachey. Wondering if this is related...typical...just detox?

Posted by Jane (Greenfield, Iowa) on 09/25/2007


I have been oil pulling for about 4 months and have noticed results. Just this week I started to get a metal taste in my mouth and it takes a great deal of water to get rid of it. The oil is not turning white like it always has. I'm not doing anything different. I use Sesame oil - somethimes olive and coconut but mostly sesame. Any ideas what the problem is? I'm going to eat seaweed all week to get rid of toxic metal but why all of a sudden is this happening?

Dry Skin and Hair

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Paula (London, Great Britain and Poitiers, France) on 07/30/2009

health and oil pulling

iam a 58 yr old female in good health. Since my early 40's when i had arthritic twinges (i remembered my grandmother's hooked fingers) i decided to learn about diet and have followed a healthy lifestyle influenced by reading and my own experiences.

I eat fruit on an empty stomach which is so effective that my sceptical husband does it! Also i eat according to my blood type ( i used to have eczema and discovered that tomatoes and potatoes,the deadly nightshade vegetables are like poison to A types)

i like hearing about other aids to health and i have been oil pulling for a couple of months it has helped my dry skin and hair. My theory is that the swishing and the saliva change the oil chemically so that the full goodness of it is taken up by the body. I clean my teeth carefully afterwards with a natural toothpaste then sip a large glass of filtered room temp. water (i do it once in the morning immediately on rising). I use 1 12 tsp of organic olive oil and will try walnut tomorrow.

My mother who is 81 also has found great benefit from it; she has followed my health ideas and is on no medication (she hops and skips about showing up many people who are years younger than her), Isn't it incredible how many people think that bad health is 'dropped on them from above' rather than the terrible high sugar, junk fat, high carbs diet that the advertisers 'make them eat.

Ear Infection

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rnh (Mississauga, Ontario Canada) on 08/10/2009

I have a very bad outer ear infection for about two years now very sore and tender. I tried OP for the first time using cold pressed Sesame oil. In about 3 pulls my ear infection cleared up the next morning AMAZING getting bumps on my arms guess it is the toxins being flushed out. thanks for a wonderful site.