22 User Reviews
My late husband constantly battled sinus infections, but when he added garlic to the netti pot, everything cleared up. It's worth a try for you. Here is a youtube video from Dr Berg:
Hope it helps!
I wanted to share another option for the garlic used for a sinus infection. I am currently dealing with a horrible sinus infection because I spent hours using a blower in my yard to clear away all of the pollen that fell from my trees. It is my fault for not wearing a face mask...duh! I have used this remedy many times and recommend it to anyone who suffers from allergies or chronic sinus infections, as I am not a fan of antibiotics at all.
You will need a nasal mister (the mister style works best, but a saline squeeze bottle will work) I usually find that most pharmacies have a generic mister style sprayer full of saline that I can unscrew the top to set aside in container to refill later. This container works best because the tops can be taken off and usually costs well under $5. If using a squeeze bottle, you will just need to empty it and suction in the garlic blend a little at a time. I usually start with about a half of a clove, the mister bottle and distilled water (if you do not have distilled available, boil some tap to remove the chlorine and let it cool) mince the garlic and then place between two spoons to smash it, place it in the mister and add slightly heated distilled or cooled to warm boiled water and let it sit for fifteen minutes.
After cooled but still warm mist/squeeze two times in each nostril. It may sting and technically it should sting a little. If it does not sting a little, then add a little more garlic. As you use it more often and infection improves it will no longer sting. I use this same potion for 3 days and then make a fresh batch. Store it in the refrigerator and do this 3-5 times a day.
It will ease symptoms of pressure and pounding face and head right away. It calms the inflammation and after a few days to a week the infection will be completely gone without a trip to the Dr. and no antibiotic's needed. This also works for stuffy nose, allergies and common cold congestion. It is a life saver and I highly recommend it for anyone suffering any sinus complications. I hope this helps who ever is willing to try it.
Better boil that tap water for at least 5 minutes! Even tap water can carry a brain eating amoeba which can cause coma and death. Boiling for 5 minutes will kill any dangerous organisms that may be present.
Also.. be careful putting garlic in your nose or on the skin. It can cause blistering
True, But you breath in lots of tap water droplets when taking a shower. Chances of getting a brain eating amoeba from tap water is extremely rare.
(Traverse City, Mi)
Did this work for sinus congestion? My current sinus infection has been going on for about 6 weeks, and I'm very congested, so much that I can't really use the neti pot. I have had recurring infections for the past 3 years and can't seem to break the cycle. Eating a vegan no grain diet, taking hydrosol silver, zinc and other supplements to boost immune system, but not seeing great results.
I had boatloads of congestion with allergies and asthma - the trick for me was black seed oil (nigella sativa). 1 teaspoon, straight, then downed with water 2x a day. Tastes like rocket fuel but the results - incredible. Just get the most popular brand off Amazon....small bottle, to see if it works for you. If you decide to try this method, start on a day you have off from work. You will be blowing a lot.
If you can't shake that sinus infection, I would try diffusing either frankincense essential or myrrh (about 3 drops) in a diffuser, and let it run at night while sleeping. Do this nightly until the infection is gone.
Note: if you sleep with pets, keep them out of the room at night as it may make them feel wonky in the morning.
Good Luck,
MyWay :D
(Parksville B.c. Canada)
Thank You so very much for your advice and and experience with garlic. Rudy
I can't believe how fast and effective the Qtip soaked in garlic solution has almost completely taken away all the swelling and pain. Relief! I would normally think only a round of prednisone could resolve.
(Roanoke, Va)
This concoction truly worked for me. My headache was gone within an hour of drinking the ACV and 32 oz of distilled lemon water. I had the sauteed recipe for lunch and I'm almost ready to go on an afternoon run for the first time in 5 days. Thanks for sharing!!
(Perth Australia)
I combined a mixture of garlic, tumeric powder, cayenne powder, onions and ginger and chillies, lightly cooked in coconut oil and within 2-3 I could breathe normally after 6 weeks of trying nearly every other home remedy: colloidial silver, Apple Cider Vinegar, tea tree oil, nasil wash hydrogen peroxide, they nearly all totally blocked my sinuses. But this combination has been a godsend for me, hopefully my 25 years of suffering sinus has come to an end
(Florida, US)
Did you put all that into your nose? Did it not burn?
(Florida, US)
Did you put all that into your nose? Did it not burn?
At the same time, I had a painful earache. A few drops of oil of oregano cleared that right up. No doctor or antibiotics necessary!
Do you drop the oregano oil right on the ear?
Can I just boil the garlic instead?? Thanks!
(Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Sunny,
Straight oregano oil should not be put in the ear. It is very, very strong. I have used 1 drop of oregano oil, diluted with 3 drops of olive oil, on a cotton ball, placed in the opening of the ear for ear infection. Many will use oregano oil on the bottom of the feet for its antibiotic properties. I have done this for my children, but still diluted, 1 part oregano oil, 3 parts olive oil. It is generally recommended that you not put any essential oils into the ear.
~Mama to Many~
Dr. Eric Berg is finally on board with using garlic tea as a neti-pot rinse for sinusitis. If you need a video tutorial, here is the link. I use two cloves of garlic to make mine. This really works! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNM_NXwOkcQ
Dr. Eric Berg Sinusitis Garlic Tea Neti-pot Rinse Modification Recipe:
Material Needed: – 2 cloves garlic – garlic press – 1 pint mason jar – distilled water or pre-boiled water – fine mesh strainer or coffee filter – measuring cup – neti-pot – USP salt Method: Squeeze/Press (two) cloves garlic into mason jar. Add 16oz distilled water to mason jar and allow it to steep for atleast 30 minutes. You are making a tea. After 30 minutes, strain out 8oz of this garlic tea into your measuring cup. Add to neti-pot w/ ¼ tsp salt added. Cap and shake neti-pot and flush out sinus membrenes. Curse like hell… repeat above 12 hours later with remaining garlic tea (i.e. 2x/daily or more). Always make a fresh batch in the morning.
I tried chopping the garlic up (3 cloves) with fresh oregano about 2 tablespoons chopped. I poured just enough boiling water over it to cover, then I put a tiny pinch of cayenne in the mixture and let it sit for about 20 mins to a half hour. I put q-tips in the watery mixture and laid down and put the q-tips up my nose. I sneezed a few times and although it burned a little, it was actually relieving to the pain of the sinus infection and migraine I have been feeling. I have relief for the first time I almost 48 hours! Thank you so much earthclinic! I hope this helps someone else. I did it 3 consecutive times and I will do it several times before I go to bed tonight. I went from feeling 95% crappy to feeling 35% crappy after the q-tips. Huge difference!
(Medford, Ma)
Garlic works to lessen sinus pain and help the sinuses drain. After one time, I feel much better already. I will try it again, so maybe three times a day.
This can be a rather irritating treatment, but it works and works fast, without any long term side effects. During treatment, it may be some what uncomfortable and there will be a tendency for some people to sneeze. But the Q-tip must be left for as long as the person being treated can actually tolerate it. Usually, even with bad infections, it only takes about five or six treatments to end the sinus infection completely.
(Denver, Co)
Udargs method from Boise worked great! I chopped up a clove of garlic and added a few tablespoons of water. After letting the mixture sit for 10 minutes, I soaked some Q-tips in the solution. I stuck one Q - tip up each nostril as far as it was comfortable. I tried to go 2 minutes each session. The first session got my nose dripping. The second and third sessions included lots of sneezing. I was able to blow out lots of green and yellow mucous after these sessions. The fourth time didn't result in any sneezing and most of what I blew out was clear. I will try this again in a few hours. Lots of immediate relief, worth smelling like garlic!
Udarg's method seems to work! I didn't even let it stand for 2 days, just did it right away after blending and made me sneeze like crazy but felt much better afterwards. This morning no itchy feeling anymore. Will leave it for another day and then add the salt as mentioned. Thank you for sharing this Udarg!!
I tried this Q-tip method and it's awesome. What I did: Chopped 2 big cloves of garlic, covered with boiling water, let it sit 10 minutes, soaked 2 Q-tips in it, shook off excess liquid, set a timer for 2 minutes, laid down and stuck the Q-tips in my nostrils.
Five seconds later I was sneezing like crazy. Pulled out the Q-tips and blew my nose (lots of yellow snot) then laid down and re-inserted the Q-tips. Twenty seconds later I was sneezing again, blew my nose again, and re-inserted the Q-tips. This time for two full minutes. When I blew my nose the third time, the snot was part clear, part yellow. Then I got fresh Q-tips and started again. I made it to 2 minutes then blew my nose (not much snot, and it was clear).
While I write this, I'm coughing because there's still phlegm in my throat. I will definitely repeat this process and I'm going to make some garlic tea for my throat. I've had sinus infections most of the time for two and a half years, and now, in just 5-6 minutes, it's 95% better. Wow.
Chop up two or three cloves of garlic (very finely) put in small cup or whatever and cover with about 40 drops of water ,let it stand (10-15) min's so the water can absorb the oils from the garlic. The recipe calls for an eye dropper to drop 20 drops of garlic water in each of your nostrils. My suggestion is to drop a drop or two in one nostril at a time, to see how much you can stand because, if you have an infection there will be intense/immense pain! But please don't let that stop you from using the recipe until you have used it all! I nearly died when I did this the first time WOW I ain't kidding ya -- the pain was severe. But hey it worked great!! And you will notice there is no garlic smell while it is fighting the infection. Since I now know what this feels like I take it slowly.. I won't stop trying this because it works very fast.
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia)
I want to thank Barbara from Chickasha OK about her Russian Garlic Cure recipe. OMG does it clear out the congestion in the sinuses. I know she had written this just about 2 years ago, so I hope she sees it.
I have been battling this sinus infection for nearly a year now, and tried so many things on this site that helped a little, but nothing blasted away the congestion like the Russian Garlic Cure. I diced up the garlic, and let it set in water just as Barbara instructed, strained it so I only had the garlic water, Then I hung my head over the bed and dropped several drops into each nostril (I couldn't see to count the drops). The pain was pretty intense but it was well worth it. I swear, if I had a marker, I could draw exactly where my sinuses are, because the pain directed me every square inch of where my sinuses were.
I wish I could report that the infection is gone, but some of it still remains. I am doing the Russian Garlic Cure daily to see if it will go away completely but at least I can breath again, and sleep most of the night clog free. Thank you again Barbara, and thank you Earth Clinic for having the best natural health site on the web.
Peace, Rena.
(Kansas City, Mo)
I have a variation on the Russian Garlic cure. I crush one clove of garlic and let it sit for about a minute. Then drop it into a neti pot and swish it around until it smells strong of garlic. Then add a packet of salt such as Sinucleanse and stir in. Then rinse one side of the nose out, blow nose. Repeat with new solution on the other side. This hurts so bad but it works very well. You may have to use less garlic at first because it will have you about in tears if you use full strength.
EC: The juice of garlic has a most beneficial effect on the entire system as it helps dissolve an accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavities, bronchial tubes and the lungs.
(St. Louis Park, Mn)
I have had a sinus infection for over 3 months and thought I might need an antibiotic, so I took 1 pill and had some unpleasant side effects, so stopped taking them and then got worse, including stomach pains and loose stools for quite a few days. Anyway, I wanted to try the garlic (juiced). I used to do it years ago, but had remained fairly healthy. I was reading how the Russian's used it during WWII to heal wounds when they ran out of antibiotics. Anyway, I'm going to start on it tomorrow and see how it goes. Sounds like it's helping folks. I hope so. I need to get well. Sending along prayers for all suffering. Thanks for the advise.
Well, I have tried this, this doesn't work. Garlic doesn't help at all. I even ate the minced garlic and munching on it and literally ate it and swallowed it. Gave me a really bad stomachache. This doesn't work. Garlic doesn't help at all when it comes to sinusitis.