11 User Reviews
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
I would also wake up in the middle of the night and sneeze about 20 times! And mornings were the worst... just sneezing over and over till I could hardly stand.
I was in my local Dischem chemist looking for yet another cure when the sales assistant asked me if I ate BANANAS???? Bananas I asked??? She said I should just try cutting them out for a month. Well, I had already cut out dairy, wheat and sugar all to no avail so it was worth a try.
Well, its been over 6 months now and no more sneezing, sinus and my taste and smell have returned!!!! Its apparently NOT actually the bananas themselves, but the gas they use to artificially ripen soft fruit. So all fruit that is ripened with gas causes this allergic reaction, and cutting out all these fruits have stopped all my sinus... JUST AMAZING!!!
Very interesting. This is the first time I've heard of this. My diet is healthy, but I sometimes like to have some dried fruit, and it's not always organic... I will have to look into this more! Bananas were a staple of my diet growing up (though not much now), and I've had sinus problems all my life, so there could be some link there. Thanks for your post here.
Dietary Changes
Now that I have gone on a healthy diet including eating fruits and vegetables, salads, pinto beans, black rice, juicing of fruits and vegetables, eating sardines, mackerel, salmon and cutting down on coffee and sugar. No meat. And plenty of water plus a glass of water with a lemon squeezed into the glass morning and night I now hardly ever need to wear a cap. My sinus nightmare is over!
I am you, the hat and all, for over 21 years.
Dietary Changes
Hello Jaenfifi, The loose stools are probably from the apple juice itself. So just put his ACV in whatever juice he likes (please not prune juice though because it is also a good laxative) and see if it solves the problem.
(Parkwood, Qld Australia)
Hi Jaenfifi, sinus issues can be very debilitating when they continue over a long period of time, I should know I suffered for years on and off and nothing seemed to help. I find that cutting out wheat products and washing fruits and vegetables that are susceptible to mould in a solution of water and lugols iodine can eliminate some triggers. However, the best relief I have had and seems to be permanent, is using Wild oil of oregano. Due to the hot nature of oregano oil it may not be especially palatable to a 5 year old, but I just place 2-3 drops of oil into a glass of warm to hot water ( this helps with the dispersion of the oil) and stir it in using a non metal spoon/stirrer. I then drink most of it and stir again, this helps incorporate the remaining oil as the last bit seems to be the hottest and then drink it down. This clears my head within minutes and any full feeling or mucus build up dissipates and generally clears within the day. Hope this helps. I also have a nasal irrigator that I use periodically to clean out the nasal passages which doesn't allow bacteria to get a foothold. Good luck.Andrea.
(Red Deer, Ab. Can)
Your son could be allergic to milk and other dairy products.My ear's hurt and plug up when I consume these products. Hope this helps. I feel for him.
(Anderson, South Carolina)
My son (age 4) was sick for most of his first two years. We were told he was allergic to milk. However, I did not feel this was so. He had runny nose and sinus problems often, and also had skin problems. We started using raw milk and taking supplements (Shaklee) and he has not been sick in two years! I am struggling with sinus' this week and plan on using the ACV. My husband has used this before and it worked well.
Awsome mom, nice to see that you don't want to give drugs to such a young child. Yes diet always helps. They way I see it its either an infection or allegies ( to food ex). There are netipots designed for little kids. If its an ifection then it need a killer of infection( garlic, oregano, etc) , read here that may are trying boiled garlic juice added to the sea salt solution for the netipot rinsing. ( might want to do it very light/ diluted as he is a young boy) Quadrupel efforts! Diet and neti pot, and supplementation. and eliminantion diet. For sinus problems no: sugar stuff, no milk, no cold stuff( feeds infection). Yes: hot/ warm drinks, lost of water, lots of lemon (
Pass the love forward- Sunny
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
(Lake Zurich, IL)
(Huntsville, AL)
Dietary Changes