Address Dehydration
For one who is forever telling people to hydrate, when I get busy, I don't. ROFL! I'm often dehydrated. Not to the critical degree that got me interested in hydration in the first place but the body DOES slap me upside the head to remind me. Whether with that "Oh no! " approach of indigestion or a headache or, duh, SNEEZING!
Address Dehydration
It all calmed down very quickly.
I recognise that I have been very dehydrated for a long time so have started implementing the Water Cures protocol as per their website. I do have the book ‘Your Body's Many Cries for Water' & must dig it out & read it again to remind myself.
I did go through a period of drinking 2-3 liters of water daily, some time ago, but was not taking any salt. It didn't seem to make much difference. I was also pretty low in Potassium back then, but now eat a mostly plant-based diet, with quite a bit of raw food so do get more potassium now.
The unrefined salt is needed to provide electrolytes & trace minerals so the body can use the water properly. So much improvement can be gained when the body is properly hydrated.
There is no magic number that can be said. as an example, my wife drinks 6-8 glasses a day while I drink 2-3. You drink what you feel. Just remember that if you drink dehydrating drinks, you are taking out what you put in. Monitor what you drink that is dehydrating, and as a general rule drink 1 glass of water for 1 cup of coffee just to break even. Also look into your diet. Some foods require more water internally to aid in digestion than others. Also look at physical exertions. Do you ride bikes, exercise, or walk a lot? Do you currently have any medical conditions? And medications? These are all factors to consider. But, if you feel thirsty, drink water. You can never really go wrong drinking water as long as you don't overdo it.
As for allergies, even seasonal allergies, we found in research and personal experience that they are very dependent on diet. Every year in the fall for 2-3 weeks I would get a bit phlemy and a bit itchy here in Northern Europe. Looked into my diet, made a change, and the past 2 years has been non existent. Also for joint pain, tremendous amount of research has indicted that joint pain unrelated to injury, can be helped/cured/fixed via exercise. Mild to moderate exercise alleviates most non-injury related or condition specific joint pain. Adding natural anti inflammation ingredients like Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger help wonderfully.
I may have over answered this post as I noticed just now you were simply asking about water consumption! And that the allergy, joint was just the thread you were on! Lol, my bad! But maybe someone will benefit from thsi long winded answer to a simple question!
Address Dehydration
Having started drinking more water recently (mainly boiled tap water), the hay fever attacks HAVE reduced significantly. I wonder about that. If so, it's an easy way to feel more comfortable!
(Faithville, Us)
Sick people go to hospital and get saline IV and most go home fine. Most meds have anti histamine in them. Salt and water are natural anti histamine. Any mineral has a balancing mineral. Iodine lower selenium, selenium lowers iodine. Salt lowers potassium, potassium lowers salt. Zinc lowers copper, copper lowers zinc. Etc. Water lowers salt minerals.
The body will HOARD what it has become deficient in for a short time until there is a steady supply of it and so.....when you finally get some it can feel like it was bad as your ankles swell if you are dehydrated and take too much salt or water....
Batmanghelidj books woke me up and I am not allergic or having histamine rashes, sinus, lung, mental, emotional, colds, dry sinus cavity, horrible dandruff, psoriasis, digestion problems, or you can just go down this huge list of sick and ick off my bucket list that I overcame. Praise the Lord for information that sets us free.
(Faithville, Us)
Yes, I read Dr. Batmanghelidj's books on water and salt mineral balance and he said that histamine was a warning shot across the bow that the body was out of balance. I was starting his program after rupturing L-5 and a neighbor said her peonies were in bloom. I loved them but gave me bad headaches in short time and had to see them in vase through patio door. After the salt and water, I could not smell them and thought something was wrong with her flowers. She let me have them every year when they bloomed.
Next day I got water /minerals out of balance and had to put vase of flowers on porch, pounding headache. Proved to me Batman was right on. So I let as many people as I can hear this information because I used to get three allergy shots every other day for over a year and was allergic to everything.
(Middleton, Id)
Hi Charity, what was your protocol that you took that helped? Did you simply drink more water with sea salt added?
(Faithville, Us)
If my problem had been averted at first sign, it would have averted all the other problems I have been facing. I say start low dose and slow so you don't have a healing crisis. In 2010, every direction I turned I got more bad health news and I was in pain all day every day. The days felt like Ground Hog Day. Repeating the same problems day after day and then I would tell my prayer partner and she would pray. I read books, a lot of books, at the library and found the water book but wasn't going to read it because I drank a lot of water already. I avoided salt and fats because they were bad for you. Little did I know I was killing myself and creating a long drawn out nightmare. Read the link below this one Keep reading, keep learning, keep applying wisdom. Pray and don't quit when your answer doesn't come the way you expect or in the time you hoped it would. Lean in and Trust God loves you and is working it all out for the greatest Good. Bless you, Charity
Address Dehydration
(Port Charlotte, Florida)
I used one tablespoon of Himalayan pink salt for 64 oz. of water to cleanse my intestines and it has helped my digestion and immune system
I would suggest using Redmond's Real Salt, which is unrefined and packed with minerals. Better for you than theH imalayan pink salt.
Address Dehydration
We've been doing this for 5 months, just a few pinches of sea salt each day and drinking half our body weight in ounces of water every day: neither of us had even a smidgen of allergies ALL the past 5 months since we started the water cure. NO allergies. All through Spring, Summer, and now early Fall. We've been outdoors all day long in hayfever season, with all the ragweed and both of us were fine. No snoring, our skin looks phenomenal (YAY) and our joints are as limber as they were in our 20's, no popping or creaking or crunching when stretching and moving. Even my neck is loose and moves in any position smoothly. Digestion is optimal. This water cure is my way of life now, FOR LIFE. Simple sea salt and water has done us both the WORLD of good! Super cheap (almost free) and extraordinarily effective. The only cure we need!
PS - he hasn't needed any of those expensive allergy meds he used to need daily! He no longer uses over the counter pain meds daily for headaches. It's wonderful!!!
Address Dehydration
Address Dehydration
I used the water cure successfully to rid myself of most allergy symptoms I even started having asthma symptoms which went away in two days of drinking sufficient water. You need 1/2 your weight in ounces of water and a little unrefined sea salt per day the pink Himalayan is great. You also need iodine, I used kelp and then later Lugol's solution. Magnesium, I use magnesium oil. The rest of what you need you will most likely get from your food. The water has made a huge difference for others who I have recommended it to.
One lady is off daily doses of Benadryl. Now she only takes it as needed. I am off of Zyrtec. I have stopped needing antibiotics 4 to 6 times a year! This has been a huge life change for me! I am about to turn 40 and I am so proud of taking control of my own health!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne
(Bowling Green, Ohio, Usa)
Neither apple cider nor Cayenne have done anything for my allergies that I can tell.
Apple Cider Vinegar Pickles
So here's the Recipe:
1 cucumber - sliced thin
1 red onion - sliced thin
1/4 cup of turbinado sugar or to taste
1 teaspoon sea salt or kosher salt
3/4 cup of ACV - raw
1 cup of filtered water
4 or 5 minced fresh garlic cloves - or more
dried pepper flakes to taste
1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed
1/8 teaspoon tumeric
In quart sized (very clean) mason jar, place cucumbers, garlic, onions, and then the rest of ingredients. Place lid on snugly and shake gently to mix all. Open jar and push down cucumbers so that all is submerged in brine. Keep in the refrigerator. Let sit a day or two to let flavors develop -if you can! Flavor only gets better .
I think these must be pretty healthy! Lots of sulphur from the garlic and onions, and probiotic effect from ACV and cucumbers and healing herbs, too.
My skin looks a lot better, too. I use Extra Virgin olive oil on it after my bath. Love it! Put it on when skin is still moist.
Good Luck!! PICKLES work for me!!!
EC: Sounds yummy, thanks for posting your recipe!
Regarding Stephanie's post from 2008 - how many pickles should you eat daily?
Recipe looks delicious too, thanks for posting ♥
Apple Cider Vinegar Spray
Apple Cider Vinegar Spray
Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey
Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Local Honey
Two weeks ago I started an ACV and Turmeric regimen for allergies with a wonderful side-effect! My skin is georgeous! I take 1tsp of ACV in 8oz of water 4-5 times per day. I drink 8oz of warm soy milk, 4 dashes of turmeric, 1 dash of black pepper, and 1tsp of local honey once a day. I live on a farm with cows, horses, dogs, hay and LOTS of pollen. I was taking OTC drugs twice a day with little relief. My eyes would swell, tear up and itch; and I'd sneeze like crazy. For two weeks I have not taken ANY otc drugs, and the worst I've had is a little bit of eye itching. Another wonderful side-effect is that I HAVE ENERGY! LOTS OF IT! Everything I've used is straight off the grocery store shelf - not organic. Except the honey - local farmer's market. This website has saved me lots of money and grief...thank you!
(Manhattan, New York)
in the thick of this allergy season my old remedies of Freeze Dried Stinging Nettle, MSM & Quercetin didn't seem to be working as well... I started drinking them down with ACV & cayenne, and that did the trick..breathing through my nose again...and can concur with above, skin looks better..dark allergy circles under eyes are not as prominent.
(New York)
Hi Rob,
I have experienced NY spring allergies for years. This year I have been inhaling a little bit of h202 a few times a day (first thing in the a.m. - then, as needed) and it has helped tremendously. I think I will up my ACV/cayenne intake as well. Thanks for the reminder. Lee
Avoid Anticholinergic Medications
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