Vitamin C
Vitamin C
I have had what I think is a sinus infection or allergies for 6 days now. Overall I am doing better, but the stuffy nose that switches from one side to the other, along with the pressure is driving me crazy.
I had successfully been treating this condition with high doses of Vitamin C. I would take 1 GRAM capsules, 2 at a time every 2 hours until my stomach said "enough". With this method, all my symptoms would reduce to nothing. I would be aware of some inflamation in the sinuses, but no stuffy nose or pain or anything. But whenever I would stop taking the VitC the symptoms would come back. I am up to 20 GRAMS a day. Normally a person could only tollerate one gram to three grams a day when healthy.
So the reason I say all this is I wanted this condition to leave, not just be almost gone, so I read what others here had done and took 2 tablespoons ACV in 24oz water. I experience what others did in the way of a rapid draining of mucus. Unfortunately it was temporary and not complete. I did this a few times during the day.
I am back to taking the VitC as described above. Hopefully this will take care of it within the next few days as I have always had great sucess when I took VitC for colds in the past. I have always been able to eliminate symptoms, and reduce the time the cold hung around to just a few days - plus still go to work and do the other things I had to do. The trick is taking enough, stay away from sugar, and be faithfull in taking it every hour or two hours or what the schedule may be.
Good luck to you others that are searching for non-medical treatments.
Vitamin C
I estimated I consumed about 40 grams of C over a 24hr period. Normally that much C will give you severe diarrhea and gas! I had neither.
I also take it for severe allergy flareups with great and quick relief, though only last for 2-4 hours, depending on the intensity of the allergen.
Vitamin E
Yerba Mate Tea
Yerba Mate Tea
I started drinking two cups of yerba mate tea sweetened with stevia twice a day during the spring when my allergies are near their worst. After three days, my allergies were all but gone. Prior to this, I was practically bed-ridden with swollen itchy eyes, fatigue and congestion.
I was able to decrease the dosage to just one cup a day after a month. I drink it every morning, even during the winter months. I am able to go outside and mow the lawn now without getting sick for two days! If I do get a huge dose of allergens for whatever reason, I just simply drink an extra cup and the symptoms dissipate within fifteen mins or so.
I got my sister to try and she is also pleasantly surprised. She can't even sit in grass without breaking out in hives so I can only imagine how her lungs reacte to allergens. She is 90% off of her prescription meds. She still takes one if her breathing becomes too labored from her reactions.
I highly recommend this tea to anyone who has suffered from seasonal allergies. I almost forget that it's allergy season when it comes around, that is until I see people suffering all around me and realize that I'm finally not one of them!
Well, I reduced those supplements and added a 50mg chelated zinc tablet. My skin is less dry, is clearing up, and I have more energy! I also have noticed an increase in libido, which apparently zinc has been known to do.