Natural Remedies

Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

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Posted by Dtnovelties (Tennessee) on 05/28/2018

Food Allergies and Hay fever Allergies.

I treated myself after viewing Youtube videos of N.A.E.T, (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Treatment). After performing this procedure to myslef using a muscle massager on key accupunture points of my body, I am almost free of tree pollen allergies. I am no longer allergic to salt (which used to cause large blisters on my tongue when I ate chips and other salty snacks), and I am only slightly affected by dust. I used to be off the charts with allergic reactions to these 3 things. Since I am allergic to chocolate and vitamin C, I will be addressing those next. Awesomely easy and very effective.

If I increase treatments fo the tree pollen and dust I believe I will be fully cured. But it takes a number of treatements, and I was anxious to free myself of other reactive items in my life. I'll return to tree pollen and dust late in the year. I read that this same treatment helps those with autism as well. It has restored sight, reduced pain and other heartbreaking effects from autism that we had no idea they were suffering from...because they were really victims of allergies.

Posted by Angela (Tonasket, WA.) on 08/13/2008

NAET (allergy elimination technique):

My family has been treated of one food intolerance disease, EE, by this treatement called NAET. It is the only known permenant treatment for allergies or intolerances. . .which is just a really severe allergy. My chiropractor does the treatment, and some acupuncturists and acupressurists also do it. I am not yet aware of any celiacs that have been cured, but my chiropractor tells me there is no reason why they couldn't be. It's a simple and painless proceedure that they can do to even a baby. (They did it to my 6 mo. old.) It's usually under $50.00 and can be done in only one session, but you may find them so helpful for that, you go back for other allergies you were only slightly troubled with. I feel our daughters' life was saved by this treatment, and I've talked to others who've said the same. Look up a practitioner in your area if you can, but it is still relatively new, so you may have to travel a bit to find one.

Neti Pot

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Artfox13 (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/31/2013

My allergies were really bad today, woke up with tears coming out of my eyes and snot oozing out of my nose. I have tried up to 3,000mg of MSM to no avail (maybe it's the wrong dosage?) What did work was:

1. Using a Neti pot to clean my nose first.

2. Took a q-tip and dipped it in tea tree oil and lined the inside of my nose with it. Not deep, just around the very opening. It seems to ease the nasal issues for me. The oil is actually very gentle, however you still want to be careful about putting it in too deep. I think the drying mechanism of the oil could be responsible for the relief. There was a period I would get staph infections in and around my nose and I would always dab the tea tree oil on it and after about 2-4 days it would subside.

Neti Pot
Posted by Yogini23 (Bedford, NY) on 03/25/2010

Allergies: Please, please, please try the "NETI POT" !

Healthfood stores, yoga studios usually have's looks like a tiny tea pot, you fill it with water, add salt, and rinse the nasal passages. It gently washes away dust, pollen, excess mucus. Simple!

All info, saline solution, head position (with pictures), a little breathing exercise after the nasal cleanse is included with the neti pot. Salt can be purchased separately.

P.S. Love this web site, love to learn about natural remedies, and so many good willing people...:)
Thank you EARTHCLINIC for creating a place where our good spirits can meet!

Neti Pot
Posted by Marty (Nashville, Tennessee) on 10/11/2008

I have had seasonal outdoor allergies for most of my life due to living in Tennessee, which is known for high pollen counts. I have been able to manage this with over-the-counter medication until this past spring. I got deathly sick after painting a few rooms, pulling up old carpet, sanding some hardwood floors, and then trimming shrubs when the pollen count was high here. I've never had to seek medical attention until this event. I had all of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but was coughing my head off to the point of urinating on myself. The mucus was so bad that I was throwing up. With no health insurance or physician, I opted to go to a clinic inside Walgreens. I was placed on a Prednisone Dosepak and an Albuterol inhaler, and was told I had asthma due to allergies. After I took the prescription, I had one good month and then the symptoms returned. I went back to the clinic, and was given the same medication, but was also told to go to the emergency room because I was wheezing in all lobes of my lungs. With no insurance, I opted not to do this. I took the steroids again, but the symptoms came back. I was told I couldn't return to the clinic because asthma was out of their realm. I've been sick for over 5 months. The coughing has been so bad that my ribs feel broken.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. I purchased a Neti Pot (Sinu Cleanse) after seeing it demonstrated on Oprah. I highly recommend this to all! After a few days, it helped with breathing and sinus headache. I'm still doing this 3 times per day. I also found this website, and began the organic apple cider vinegar "cocktail." I use _____'s, and have decided two tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 tsp. baking soda, and one tablespoon of raw honey in 6 ounces of water (3 times daily) works best for me. I heat this in the microwave for 40 seconds to melt the honey. I do this for 6 days on and one day off. I also eat a cracker with no salt on it while drinking this to help offset the taste. I'm on my 3rd week with the ACV, and I feel so much better. For someone who felt on the brink of death and that an ER hospital visit was next, I'm amazed at the results. I'm slowly weaning myself off of the inhaler, but still need it. I'm also taking Mucinex and Zyrtec with the hope of getting rid of it too. I highly validate this ACV remedy to allergy and asthma folks! I will keep it up as a maintenance regimen with hopes I don't get this bad again!

Nettle and Horseradish Tincture

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Posted by Shelley (Sun Valley, Nevada) on 11/28/2016 10 posts

Editor's Choice

I use a tincture that I make of Stinging Nettle Tea from traditional medicinal. I use all 16 of the bags in a 32 Canning jars. I then add about an 8th of a cup of horseradish powder. I pour Brandy, I don't use Vodka since it gags me. I fill the jar to the bottom of the Rings. I stick this in my dark cupboard after I have shaken it so that it is all mixed together. I shake it daily for 2 weeks.

I take a tsp in a 16 Oz glass of water and ice and as soon as I first sip my sinus clear, my mold caused frog voice is gone. I use it for seasonal allergies, as well as our mobile home had serious mold issues that we have removed, and I used it to help with my severe mold allergy.

I original bought Simpliers Nettle and Radish tincture for many years since it was readily available in Sonoma County CA where they are based and where I grew up. After moving to Northern NV last year, I could not find it anywhere and was upset since I never paid more then $5.99 for an Oz. The only tincture I could locate was at Whole Foods at $15.99 an Oz. Not the same brand. I began making my own this past Springs after coming home from a month in a hospital and having been hit by a car as a pedestrian. My hospital room had moldy ceiling tiles, I was given meds I'm allergic to, was given a bi-polar med when I'm not nor have ever been bipolar.

It's very simple and very effective. I don't use a dropper since it isn't big enough in the beginning of treating my allergies. I do it every few hours as I develop symptoms. I finally after a week I become able to go much longer in between doses. With seasonal allergies, 2-3 weeks usually did me until the following year.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Shelly,

Thanks for sharing! We too love nettle for allergies. I think when it is used long term it is healing. I have never heard of using horseradish with it. I will have to try that!! I appreciate your clear instructions too!

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 05/19/2020

I have posted about nettle many times in the past. I have used it for my children for allergies for years. My allergies this spring have been very bad. I think having an indoor cat this year has really aggravated my allergies in general. But this cat is part of the family. If she jumps in my lap my nose starts running. We did get a HEPA filter for our central air/heat unit. And I started to take nettle. I take once capsule morning and evening. This reduces my symptoms at least 90%. ~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/06/2017

Editor's Choice

My daughter is experiencing some allergy symptoms, mostly a runny nose and "sneezy" feeling.

I had her take nettle tincture that I made a few months ago. I usually put a dropper full into a couple of ounces of water, but twice today she just put a dropperful (about 1/4 t.) into her mouth without diluting it. She held in in her mouth for a minute.

Her relief was nearly instant. She did take several doses today and will probably continue for a while.

We have usually used capsules and they work well, but not as fast as the tincture worked today.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Catlyn (Washington) on 08/21/2016

I've been using nettle capsules for years for seasonal allergies. Before I started using it, I literally hated spring and fall. Now, when my eyes get scratchy, I get stuffed up or my ears itch way down inside, I take a nettle capsule. I don't hate spring and fall anymore. It's the one thing I consistently stay with.

Posted by Sue From Wa State (Bellingham, Wa) on 10/29/2011

Hi, I have had complete success with nettles eradicating a springtime pollen allergy, it was a completely miserable stuffy nose, but not at all a cold, etc. I made a nettle infusion actually, which is easy, just steeping 1/4 cup of dried nettles in hot water in a pint jar overnight, then strained and you drink it over the next two days. It's not bad, kind of an acquired taste and sure worth doing. I kind of learned this accidentally, from Susun Weed's book on menopause. Somewhere she mentioned nettles as helpful with allergies, so I gave it a go. Nettles seem to have many amazing properties.

Posted by Sheila (Cork, Ireland) on 10/27/2011

I have used nettles as an allergy cure for many years. In "The Healing Power Of Rainforest Herbs" By Leslie Taylor ( the book is online ) nettles are the number one cure for allergies. Fresh is best. I put mine in salt water for a minute to kill any insects. They can be used as a salad vegetable, added to soup or made into a tea. For emergencies I keep dried nettle leaves in store. These can be purchased cheaply at most health food stores.

I searched online for the list of vitamins and minerals and came across Dr. Christopher's Herbal Legacy:

He lists nettles as containing:

Vitamins A C D E F K P B complexes, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, selenium, zinc, iron, magnesium, boron, sodium, iodine, chromium, copper and sulfur.

Good Luck and God Bless You.

Love Is The Answer.


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Posted by Gean (Salina, Kansas) on 09/17/2012

My husband has had ragweed allergies for many years, and we've tried everything. Many times he had to sleep sitting up in a chair during the ragweed season because he couldn't breathe lying down, because of nasal congestion. This year he tried niacin, and within 20 minutes of taking it he has no more symptoms whatsoever. It has to be nicotinic acid, the kind that makes you flush. He takes 750 to 1000 mg twice a day. If the pollen count is very high he has to take the higher dose, otherwise 750 will do it. Do not take the no-flush kind, or the slow release kind. Has to be nicotinic acid - you can get it at health food stores. Do not take it more than twice a day, otherwise it can be harmful to the liver. Take at least as much mg vitamin C as niacin per day.

Oil Pulling

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5 star (5) 

Posted by Mln (Clinton, NJ) on 04/12/2013

Sunflower Oil cured the nasal allergies that had plagued me all of my life in under a year. I used to take a cheaper 24 hour pill 365 days. During grass and ragweed season I had to ADD a 12 hour non-drowsy pill.

I only "pulled" the oil once in the morning for 20 minutes. After I spit out the oil, I rinse with a small amount (1/4 teaspoon or a bit more) of a mixture of baking soda and salt in a quarter cup of cool water. I rinse/spit/rinse and brush my teeth right then but don't use toothpaste.

I kept oil pullling up because I love the way my teeth are whiter, my mouth feels like I just went to the dentist, and that my breath is very clean. The plaque is nearly non-existent.

I recently noticed that I like doing crafts with my fingers again. I never realized that I might have arthritis, but I guess I did because I'm happily using my fingers again!

I highly recommend oil pulling as I've also noticed that even the back of my teeth have gotten whiter and the teeth cleaning at the dentist is easier and less odorous.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Liz (Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia) on 08/14/2012

I had been suffering severely each year during harvesting of the rice with acute hayfever symptoms. My eyes were red and very itchy and a runny, itchy nose with a scratchy throat. I had been taking Claryntyne for some time but was looking for something natural as it seemed this was an ongoing life condition. Through this wonderful website I discovered oil pulling. I was a little skeptical of course as the whole idea of oil pulling was very strange to me. However, being in the land of coconut oil and having some at my disposal in the bathroom to rub on my skin daily I figured it couldn't hurt to try. This was back towards the end of 2011. The first morning I tried was a Friday I pulled for 15min - timing it. The first day I did it twice - morning and night.

On the Saturday I woke with the most acute case of allergies I had ever had, I ended up spending the whole day in bed. However, I read here somewhere not to give up as it can sometimes make it worse before it gets better. So I persisted and within about 3 weeks all symptoms had gone. I kept pulling for about 3 months and then we went away on holidays for 3 weeks and I broke the routine. And the whole time my allergies didn't come back. When I talked with people about this I used to say things like - well it could have been a coincidence, maybe it went away because I stopped eating something different.

However, about a month ago it started again. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and a slightly runny nose. I was kind of pleased because it was my opportunity to test oil pulling for a 2nd time. I am extremely pleased to say that I have been oil pulling again now for about 3 weeks or so and I have no allergy symptoms again. This for me is proof that it actually works. I've recommended it to many people but I think they are just not sure. This time around also I have only been pulling in the morning for 10mins while I'm in the shower! I will continue to oil pull with coconut oil for a long time to come.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Michael (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/19/2008

Oil-Pulling (remedy) for allergies (ailment):

I started oil-pulling with Sesame oil about 3 months ago. It took a little while to get used to 1 whole Tablespoon of oil for 15-20 minutes, but I just did my normal morning routine while oil-pulling. I have not had to take any prescription allergy medications that I usually took at least a few times per month or when pollen counts were very high in my area. I oil-pull every morning when I wake up without fail and find that I have increased energy and no allergies.

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