35 User Reviews
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
For simple ease of use, I just buy the oil in supplement form & use it as needed. You could also try to wash your nasal passages using a regular nasal saline squeeze bottle, no need for Nettie pots or wasting money on them, the standard nasal saline bottle works better, you can control the Flo better so no pain or discomfort & can be used to just rinse out the nose with plain water.
I've found that using a facial mister (abt $9 at Amazon) is really a great way to get the mixture where it needs 2 go - I use one daily with HP 3% saline + distilled water.
Just don't rinse out your sinuses with plain water from the tap. People have gotten the brain eating amoeba doing that.
(Morgantown, WV)
Many trusted sources report that Oregano oil does not kill healthy gut bacteria. A neti pot will also work better than a saline spray bottle if your upper sinuses are infected, so if there is pain in radiating to the forehead, cheek bones and/or jaw, try a neti pot. Using plain water will often produce a burning sensation so use saline. Be cautious if sinuses are extremely plugged. Water from the neti should flow freely. Oregano essential oil is extremely hot so I wouldn't recommend it in a neti pot and always dilute it with an oil like coconut or sweet almond, even when taking in a capsule. It can also be mixed in a liquid and swallowed. Three drops twice a day is usually effective.
Thank you for the dosage information. I've searched for the last hour!
Oregano Oil
Prior to using oregano oil blend (OOB), whenever I felt a cold coming on, I would gargle and/or use a qtip with 50/50 Hydrogen Peroxide and water to swab the inside of my nose. This worked well to hold off most infections, but there were times that swabbing the nose was not enough to reach the deepest regions of the sinus cavity.
I had been googling the topic and stumbled across people inhaling or using the neti pot to solve the problem. Since I wasn't interested in using a neti pot, it seemed logical to me to somehow get the OOB vapors into my nose and throat. The good news is that it was VERY EASY, and quick. All I had to do was microwave half a cup of water in a mug for 2 min and put 2 drops of OOB in it. Once it was ready, I would take 20 to 30 deep breaths (working my way up to it, since the first few inhalations sting) over the next couple of minutes (with eyes closed, otherwise it will sting your eyes). The great thing about OOB is that it has multiple traits. It's anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant. But the thing that really surprised me is that it's also an anesthetic/analgesic.
So, while the first 10 sniffs stung, after a while the stinging went away and OOB's analgesic property kicked in. Any pain or discomfort in my sinuses or throat was pretty much eliminated, and that lasted many hours. If the pain lingered I would do another round. That alone (the pain relief) would be enough to recommend the regimen, but it also hits the viruses and bacteria causing the problem. Wow! And to cap it all off, each “treatment” costs about 3 cents.
To be clear, if your pain is in your sinuses, inhale via your nose. If it's in the throat, inhale through your mouth. With throat pain, I would also do the water/peroxide gargle to hit it from both sides.
Without any doubt, this is the MOST powerful thing in my arsenal to fight colds and viruses. It's truly amazing. And I'm shocked that there's not been more written on the Internet about this. Most people recommend putting a few drops of OOB under the tongue, but I've tried that, and it doesn't compare to the immediate benefits of inhaling it. I hope you try this out and reap the benefits. God Bless you all!
(Los angeles california)
Right. and I have wild oregano oil. So heres the deeper issue....It's in the deeper parts of my sinuses cavities guys. Like the top/back of my head...If you've ever done snuff guys...and you feel that tingling in the top of your head... that's where the infection really is...deep in there. I do a borax/salt navage last night...and it helped for sure...i felt a war going on in my head...top topback of it...wondering if there are any ideas on how to remove the biofilms using a navage to deliver it to the back of my head. Any ideas?
(Plano, TX)
I use a water pik. You can buy a “nasal irrigation attachment” for the waterpik,, this way it delivers the salt, baking a soda, warm water saline mixture deep into the sinuses to flush them. Goes in one nostril and comes out the other often dragging out mucus buildup with it. I can remove large volumes of mucus goop this way.
Have you had an MRI to see if you have sphenoid sinus disease (look it up)? I do and I have that top of head pain. I'm going to start dropping colloidal silver in my nose (upside down so that the CS gets into my back sphenoid sinus).
Oregano Oil
Ingest once a day. It's very powerful. You can also steam inhale. Post nasal drip is thought to be caused either a fungus or mold that's got into the sinus. Get a lrg bath towel, a small saucepan pot of hot water, and wild oregano oil. We like Oreganol (no affiliation, just like it). Place 5-6 drops wild oregano oil in the pot, cover your head and pot with the towel, close your eyes, and breath in deeply through your nose. You can do this am & pm.
Oregano Oil
Then I remembered about the JUICE option and thought well hell, if it doesn't work then I'll just have to knuckle under and go the antibiotic route. I ordered a couple of bottles of juice, and last night they arrived. I diluted 4 capfuls in 250ml distilled water and ran it through my sinuses with a neti pot.
Within an hour – ONE HOUR – I noticed there was no more pressure on my swallowing mechanism. I went to sleep normally and was not disturbed once overnight. In the morning, back of my throat still clear and “dry”. i'm clearing a rhinovirus right now and there was some disturbance later in the AM but I ran the oregano juice through again at noon, and as I type this, my sinuses feel clearer and lighter than they have in many many weeks. I also use the juice in dilution in my waterpik to gently disinfect my gumline. This stuff is truly God's gift. Now with the first two cases of confirmed 2019NCoV only twenty minutes from where I live, I am armed to the teeth with oregano.
Stay well, friends.
Where to you get oregano juice?
(Boston, Ma)
I have a 60 day Sinus infection that is still plaguing me. I take oregano capsules just twice daily. I just started 2 days ago. I have no blockage nor anything coming from my mouth or nose, just pain in the sinuses for 60 days!
I am trying different things. I haver the nasal wash machine I use salts and iodine and sometime s a little Hydrogen peroxide. Does not seem like the nasal flush gets in to the sinuses but only the nostrils. Very frustrating.
(New Zealand)
try to poultice clay on both cheeks, make a paste of green French clay and spread in paper towel. Do it bedtime and avoid all dairy.
Love Elsa
Could be nasal polyps. I have had 3 surgeries to remove them. The constant pressure headaches and post nasal drip were the main symptoms. They got much worse when I had a sinus cold or infections as they would block the drainage. Might be worth talking with an ENT
Hi Bill, you know what worked for me? Coconut oil! I applied it topically... A few times a day I applied a liberal amount on my face and temple area. The sinus pain and pressure resolved very quickly after having suffered for over a week or 2. I had previously tried neti pot rinses and other herbs (can't quite remember now), but was pleasantly surprised when the coconut oil finally knocked the infection out. I may have rinsed / oil pulled with coconut oil too. (Again, not sure since it was several years ago) If I were to get another infection I would also rinse / oil pull for 5 minutes once or twice daily until resolved.
Oregano Oil
Then I remembered about the JUICE option and thought well hell, if it doesn't work then I'll just have to knuckle under and go the antibiotic route. I ordered a couple of bottles of juice, and last night they arrived. I diluted 4 capfuls in 250ml distilled water and ran it through my sinuses with a neti pot.
Within an hour – ONE HOUR – I noticed there was no more pressure on my swallowing mechanism. I went to sleep normally and was not disturbed once overnight. In the morning, back of my throat still clear and “dry”. i'm clearing a rhinovirus right now and there was some disturbance later in the AM but I ran the oregano juice through again at noon, and as I type this, my sinuses feel clearer and lighter than they have in many many weeks. I also use the juice in dilution in my waterpik to gently disinfect my gumline. This stuff is truly God's gift. Now with the first two cases of confirmed 2019NCoV only twenty minutes from where I live, I am armed to the teeth with oregano. Stay well, friends.
Oregano Oil
I could not take one sip of oregano oil & warm water, too strong, burnt my mouth. I spit it out.
SAME here - the oil is STRONG and it burns very bad to go down my throat :(
(Columbus, Oh)
Re-read the above about "How to use oregano oil". NOTE: However, as one reader warns, oregano oil must be diluted with another oil like coconut or olive before being placed under the tongue to avoid burning your mouth. (Anyone who finds the taste objectionable can put the oil into an empty gel capsule.)
Oregano Oil
How much lemon juice for your mixture?
Can I ask do u just add the drops to your drink? And are u taking this daily without fail or just when u feel infection coming on I'm unsure what to use the oil or capsules. Thanks
(Danville Pa)
Will a oregano oil pill also work? I just started taking them. Chiropractor said it should help kill the bad bacteria in my belly.
(Omaha, Ne)
Yes, the pills work fine. Read online reviews on Amazon, there are different strengths and qualities - but for those who hate the taste or the burning sensation, pills are the way to go. I use them for myself all the time, and even my kids sometimes (at a lower dose) when they have ear aches or sinus infections.
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
Since doing this, I have not gotten a sinus infection. I think it is an excellent preventative and MIGHT work for a mild sinus infection. Of course, one must see a doctor for any serious infection.
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil
Just take in an empty capsule. Read my post about clove oil. Greater quantity of oil is required when swallowed than when simply held in the mouth. Inhalation puts oil molecules directly into the blood stream through the alveoli of the lungs, as well directly to the brain through the olfactory nerves which connect to the central brain. French school of aromatherapy says the best way to optimize the benefits of EO is to be open to administering them by any and all pathways, by nose, skin, mouth, intestines (suppositories), rectum, and or vagina, depending on the situation. Either way you apply it will immediately reach your blood due to small size of its molecules. Try to apply on the soles of your feet or a throat, you will immediately taste it in your mouth. Read about safety measures in my post about clove oil. Oils are smarter than antibiotics. They have homeostatic intelligence. Myrtle oil for example can stimulate an increase or decrease in thyroid activity depending on person's condition.
Oregano Oil
Get Inhaler Maholda, a clear glass inhaler and inhale oils. It has an attachment to inhale through nose. This cheap medical device is worth million times more than it cost. Different oils for differrent purposes. Oils cross blood brain barrier and can be used for neurological or any kind of health issues. Get free book on butterflyexpress oils for guidance. The inhaler is very cheap, don't overpay. It is invented by a german scientist and maybe found in russian/ukranian shops. It cost 29 grivna in Ukraine. About $2-3
(Miami, FL)
I would also add Quercetin and take it for not less than 6 months. NOW brand with bromelain is a good one. Address guts health where body immunity begins. Read Patient heals thyself book, which on a surface has nothing to do with your problem. But only on a surface. "Garden of life " digestive health supplements are excellent. You will know what to take after reading this book. Meantime Use inhaler Mahold. Essential oils are God sent miracles.. or God's love manifest in molecules ( as david stewart named his book)
Oregano Oil
For many years, I've had terrible sinus infections -- like clock work! : in-between Sep-Oct, Dec-Jan, Mar-Apr. With out fail! For whatever reason, when there is a change of temperature or season, my nasal passages decide to fill with green mucus and cause my body to think it has a fever...not fun!
So las December my girlfriend introduced me to oil of oregano pills, recommended by one of her friends...it was life altering.
I started taking these pills a week or two before the known months of sinus issues and bam!!!!!! Problem solved!! It has eliminated, no, eradicated my sinus issues completely along with my allergies. And get this, any time I feel my asthma creeping up, instead of taking the inhaler, I drink one of the pills and 3 hours laters I start coughing up white mucus and asthma gone!!!!
I only take the pills 4-7 days straight out of the month and it has helped my tremendously.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you suffer from sinus pain/congestion, give it a try, at least for a week...you will thank yourself!!