Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Fatigue

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cold Water Splash

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Posted by Obeybunny (Santa Ana, California, United States Of America) on 12/29/2011

Maybe it's a sugar crash your experiencing or maybe you are doing something that bores you and your subconscious is trying to do you a favor by putting you to sleep. Regardless, you need to stay awake, but your eyelids are sagging shut and you simply lack the muscle power to move them open again.

Here is what you do. Rub the undersides of your eyes with cold water. In 3 seconds, you'll be wide awake.

It doesn't need to be a violent splash of water on your whole face like they do in the movies, a simple damp wash cloth will do.


Obviously, make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep within each 24 hour period. It might also help if you don't eat sugary foods (or foods that quickly turn to sugar in your bloodstream like bread). You can also try sleeping on a more comfortable mattress, sleeping to the sound of a fan (if little noises that are amplified by your bedrooms' dead silence are keeping you awake), and taking Melatonin (melatonin is healthier than a sleeping pill, less addictive, and impossible to commit suicide with) to ensure that you are getting enough restful sleep during the night.

Eliminate High Histamine Foods

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Posted by Terry M (Redondo Beach, California, Usa) on 01/20/2013

Editor's Choice

Hi! I have suffered from fatigue for many years. I found a naturopath who told me that my fatigue issue wasn't a virus, but a high histamine response to certain foods. Since then I have tried to follow a largely dairy-free, wheat-free diet and have found a huge increase in energy when I do. But there are plenty of days when I "fall off the wagon", eat pizza or banana bread and within an hour of eating start feeling exhausted and just want to sleep. Hope this helps someone with fatigue. God Bless.

Replied by Melanie
(Nova Scotia)

Thank you! I have always felt that was my issue too. When I eat too many sugary foods (or so I found) I found I would get really tired. It's only when I eat really clean, that I feel my best! The best was when I was on a plant based diet. I just have a very hard time sticking to it, since everyone in my house eats a lot of processed foods. Who wants to eat salad when everyone else is having pizza and ice cream. Any recommendations to stick to eating healthy would be appreciated! I wonder if I have an overload of candida too

Replied by Benita
(Boston MA)

There are specific probiotic strains/blends that can improve histamine intolerance. For example, ProBiota HistaminX Powder is one you can try. I hope this helps you!


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Posted by Nicholas (Edison, NJ) on 08/16/2013

Home remedies I use to avoid fatigue, in addition to all else on this site, is daily exercise. I do three exercises daily. I have to, I'm 76 years old. I do not have arthritis, nor prostate problems, and the chakra exercises keep me sexually potent.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

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Posted by Christiane (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/31/2007

I have been experimenting with several rememdies. I have been doing the HP inhalation for a few weeks now but only when fatigued. I use a throat spray bottle and spray a few times until I cough while inhaling, that seems to be the only way that I can determine that it's not just coating the back of my throat. I notice that it works almost immediately to get me out of that "desperately need more sleep" haze. It lifts that "heavy" feeling. I tried it again 2 days ago when I only got 4 hours of sleep with the intent that if I did the HP inhalation and it worked AGAIN then I would be convinced. I'm completely convinced for fatigue purposes at this time. I intend to increase my usage soon.

Also, I read where someone mentioned using iodine on cysts. I am using it on a cyst (may be caused by an ingrown hair or not!)on my shin, about the size of the circumferance of a sharpie marker. I started this a few weeks ago and was applying the iodine once a day for about 3 days straight. Then I forgot about it. I just happened to look this morning and it has shrunk by about half and the skin on top just peeled off. I will be starting up again today to see if I can get rid of it completely over the next week or so.

I have Candida but no insurance and I was trying a product that has been rated as the number 1 recommended product. Unfortunately, it felt like my kidneys were not happy about it so I had to get off of it. I am going to try some other methods to see if it helps. I'll post when I know more.

Replied by Sunny

How much Hydrogen Peroxide do you use? How much water? For the spray bottle Mix... Thanks!


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Posted by Ish (Kansas City, Mo) on 02/23/2012

I am a 55 year old male in good health. From time to time I experience fatigue and have used Kelp and almost immediately I feel alive and with lots of energy. I have decided that I need to take Kelp on a regular basis. I am currently taking 150 mcg. Another option avaialbe is to simply buy a Centrum or any of other brand that contains Iodine.

If you exercise on a regular basis and feel tired I would recommend taking Kelp or Iodine.


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Posted by Karen (Lucedale, MS) on 11/17/2006

After reading the blackstrap molasses cure, I realized that this is what has cured my sugar cravings and constipation after 25 yrs of constipation.wow. i have lost weight in the past 2 or 3 weeks. my sugar cravings have stopped. i use the bathroom after taking the syrup. i have also been taking enzymes since i have no gallbladder so i wasn't sure how i lost 7 0r 8 lbs. but now i know.and my fatigue is gone. i've been fighting fatigue for the past 4 yrs. i feel better now than i have in 4 yrs. I have been battling a lot of things. but everything is getting better. and i'm also sharing this information with my brothers and sisters cause we all have digestive issues and degenerative bones. It's wonderful.

Posted by Jan (TX) on 01/30/2006

One teaspoon daily dipped and dripping with Blackstrap Molasses (House of Herbs 70% iron content) totally eliminated my anemia, dizziness and fatigue. I drink it in hot water or eat it straight off the spoon. If I forget to take it or run out, all symptoms return within days.

Power Nap, Eye Massager

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Posted by Max Nass (New York, NY) on 03/26/2009

Fatigue: Power Naps and and Eye Massager get me home at the end of the day. I have a very stressful job working with little children. When I drove home I was so tired my eyes with see double on the road. Very dangerous. I know take a 15 minute power nap (close my eyes for 15 minutes and think about nothing in a quiet place).Then I put on an eye massager I bought on the net. I use it for three minutes. I am reguvinated. It's a miracle. Now I can drive home and have energy when I get home. Hope this helps some of you out there. P.S. look up power naps--there incredible.


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Posted by Sherry (Chicago) on 04/21/2014

I have just started taking Rhodiola and I think it is helping with my constant fatigue. I'll keep you posted.

Replied by Jillery
(Rawlly, Nc)
86 posts

hellllllooooo.... how were your results with Rhodiola? I guess no news is bad news?

Tomato Soup Tea

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Posted by Jc (siafulinux) (Savannah, Georgia) on 04/20/2011

Hi everyone. I had sinus pain over the weekend and tried the tomato tea listed elsewhere on this site to see if it would help. It didn't help for the pain, but I had no congestion - which is what it's supposed to help with. However, what I discovered though was that the next morning I felt quite a bit better than I normally do.

I usually suffer from a constant "drained" feeling no matter how much or little sleep I get. There is normally this heavy feeling in my eyes. My day goes by with sitting on the couch, laying in bed later than I need to or sitting in front of the computer dreading having to go out or do anything around the house because I just feel so drained. Before going to work I take an energy pill to "get going" and to help me think clearer and that's after a number of doses of coffee.

Since the weekend I've been drinking tomato "tea" made with tomato soup, about a half a cup, with hot water. I am enjoying the taste! I'm going to start adding some Cayenne to it as well, but not a lot. So far though I've noticed no more energy pills to go through my day and I'm able to get more done. I feel normal again!

I don't want to describe this as it is when drinking an energy drink or taking a pill, but there is this mostly steady feeling of "capability" to get things done I didn't have before. Not sure if there's just something in the tomato that I've been missing, but it does include some B vitamins, vitamin A and C as well as Iron and Potassium It's like a natural multivitamin that's actually working. :-)

I drink two to three of these drinks a day; halfing a cheap 54c can. Going to look for organic without any High Fructose Corn Syrup though but for now the benefits outweigh any bad.

So not sure if this would help anyone else, but certainly is worth trying. Like I said, this may just be due to me lacking something the tomato is providing, but it's working well for me so far. Going to keep this up for awhile and then report back later if I'm still feeling the same; give it some time and see how it goes.

Thanks E.C. And all it's contributers; if this continues, you've given me my "life" back!

Wild Blueberry Powder

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Posted by Natalee (Boston, MA) on 10/01/2024

After trying for so long, I have finally found a few things to help with my longstanding, daily, overwhelming fatigue. WILD BLUEBERRY POWDER is nothing short of a miracle for me! I mix about 1/3 of a tsp. with water or kefir. I take it a few times per day. It does stain the teeth so I brush afterwards. The effect only lasts for a few hours but it totally WORKS!!!! It's quite pricey but it is worth it to me. I am still playing around with the dosing, so maybe a larger dose (1 tsp as recommended) will last longer, I'm not sure.

(Re: Wild blueberry powder, you can give a bit of this to your dogs too to help extend their lives, just make sure your dog can safely eat blueberries first just in case they are allergic).

Also, Red Bull is nothing short of a miracle for me, although the diet version stimulates my appetite more than I would like.

B1 is also helpful for my energy levels.

I am still looking for a longer-term solution to "cure" my fatigue, but until I find it, these give me a nice boost so that I don't constantly feel tired every second of every day.

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

Natalee, have you looked into Blackstrap Molasses?

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