What DOES work is honey, which is known for its ability to promote wound healing. Just keep smearing it on the cold sore - and yes, it is a sticky, gooey mess. But boy, does honey ever work!
EC: Earth Clinic said that? Don't think so... However, a few of our readers have indeed reported success with apple cider vinegar for cold sores here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/herpes2.html#ACV
(Nyc, Ny Usa)
It's April and it is spring. The weather is fluctuating 15-20 degrees (cold at night - warm during the day)
On Monday night, I was feeling extremely tired and exhausted to the point that I went to sleep at 9PM (I usually sleep very late). I woke up Tuesday morning and started feel a little tingle on my upper right lip and at the same time felt a bit of "COLD" coming on. I wasn't concern about the cold ( continuous sneezing gives me an early warning that I am catching a cold which didn't happen), but I knew that I'd have cold sores on my lip and it would hurt. Tuesday went by with my upper lips giving tingle sensations. On Wednesday morning I GOT the BLISTERS popping out, my lips were irritated, and it hurt. I came to work and researched earth clinic that always I always do for a personal healing information/solution. At around 12 Noon, I started dipping dabs of honey (which I use with my green tea) on the spot. At first, after a minute or so my cold sore started to tingle then the area felt burning a bit ( not too high, but I felt it). I kept on dabbing honey at the spot the rest of the day. By evening, the area stopped hurting, but the tingle continued whenever I dabbed honey on the spot. Before I went to sleep, I dabbed a bit of honey on the spot and went to sleep.
Thursday morning (after sleeping only 4 hours), I woke up and went to bathroom mirror. My lip sore WASN'T SWOLLEN as yesterday, the dark scab was lighter (instead of darker and hard), and the top skin on the sore must have come out. The area feels a bit hard and I believe that by end of day, the swollen area will subside. THE PAIN AND IRRITATION IS GONE and IT DIDN"T COST ME ANYHTING EXTRA.
RESULT: After a cold sore outbreak, I applied HONEY, and it took 24 hours to stop and start reversing the virus.
HONEY has multitudes of benefits including ANTI-BACTERIAL power.
As for the cold, I started taking Tomato Tea just to be safe.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I would let the skin rest and probably not do it more than a few times a day, especially each application is for an extended time.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
However, 2 days ago I got a break out and the acyclovir has not helped as it did before. SO, I found this website, and decided to use HYDROGEN PEROXIDE!!!! It is amazing! I left a cotton ball doused in hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes on the sore and it has gone down so much, its unnoticeable!
(Blenheim, New Zealand)
I can not reccommend Hydrogen peroxide enough! I had my first ever break out of cold sores on my bottom lip, it started as one then ended up having 4, my lip was a mess and showed no signs of improving it just kept scabbing then cracking. I went and got Hydrogen peroxide 6% (but im sure 3% or whatever one you can get would work) and I put it on every time I looked in the mirror or remembered about it -the more the better! (I also started taking L-lysine and olive leaf extract but I know it was the hydrogen peroxide that made the big difference) then within only 2 days my lips were 90% better!!!! It kills the virus, dries up the blisters/scabs and heals it but without it getting so dry that it cracks. If my lips did feel a little dry I just put some coconut oil on them and it worked so so well! Had to come back on here and reccommend to anyone who is going through what I have just been through. USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE!! :)
Hydrogen Peroxide
As somone who travels for business, frequently crossing time zones, there are several times a year when I don't get enough sleep and get "run down" Up until recently, the cold sores would appear without fail. I tried taking food grade hydrogen peroxide according the the advice given on this site. That hasn't worked for me yet but what HAS worked is very simple. When brushing my teeth, I dip my toothbrush in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water (half h2o2 and half water) and simply brush my lips with the solution. The h2o2 is the 3% kind found in conventional drug stores. It's been two years and I've only had two occurances of cold sores, both when I neglected to bring my h2o2 with me while traveling. This is not a perfect cure because when I've neglected to brush with the h2o2 and haven't gotten enough sleep, the cold sores reappeared. But even after a cold sore has developed, I've brushed with the solution and the cold sore has gone away in two days maximum. This really is a completely workable way to manage cold sores. If I feel a "tingle" on my lip, which is an indication that a cold sore is about to appear, I quickly brush with the h2o2 and water. I've actually begun to brush this way on a daily basis just as a precaution.
I've recently discovered that they are making toothpaste with h2o2 as an ingredient. I've been using this for the last 3 months and the results have been the same. No cold sores. This is even easier.
This is a really simple remedy and I'm anxious to hear if it works for you.
The short version is to simply brush your lips with 1.5% h2o2 daily and also whenever you feel a "tingle". Let me know how you do!
(Jackson, Ms)
Hydrogen Peroxide
The next morning I discontinued use of the product and switched to Hydrogen peroxide because of this website. I also went on to read a book about the amazing healing properties of HP.
PROCEDURE: In the morning I woke up, soaked a cotton ball with HP and pressed it to my lip. I felt and enjoyed the burn because I knew something was working. The sore began to turn white with small bubbles and dried out. Let the sore dry out every time. It must remain as dry as possible. There is no limit to the amount of times to use the peroxide as it is a natural compound. I started eating 4 small yogurts each day on that saturday to boost my immune system and get a good amount of lysine in my body. I continued doing the pressing procedure all day, by night fall it had begun to create a scab and the peroxide didnt burn anymore. Sunday the cab was more apparent. Realizing it was in its healing process I used Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula in its Palmade form to help with the healing process. I could feel the tightness of the scab around my mouth. The scab began to fall off monday night. I woke up tuesday continuing with use of the palmade. It is tuesday night at 7 pm and I have been completely cold sore free for hours. The skin showing is not red or raw. My lip looks completely fine and healed because I didn't pick the scab. My mouth looks the exact same as it was last tuesday before any hint of a cold sore.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Wish me luck! I will keep everyone posted if I still have the virus even if I don't I will be more religious about taking fghp. When I fell off the program I noticed a dramatic difference in my energy level and overall emotional state. I may also do a 10day green fast. I highly recommend reading works by a Dr. Robert O. Young who's theories are based on there being only one real disease which is over acidification of the body. Take care everyone and stay positive!
(Los Angeles)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
A few days ago I had an outbreak down there and poured boiled water plus purified water from store and added lots of FGHP in tub and I have to say it dissappeard by next day( I added little water and sat for a short while). I also was brave enough to put some FGHP on cotton ball and stuck it on OB for a while in underwear and lay in bed. It stung, but did the job. I have been boiling water instead of buying purified, is it the same? This blog has saved me. I feel there is hope out there. The FDA will not approve this natural stuff, because they will lose money. Thanks everyone. Thank you earth clinic.
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Usa)
Hydrogen peroxide works! Do this now: Sterilize a safety pin and poke a hole right in the middle of the sore, put hydrogen peroxide on lip multiple times (you will be able to feel it tingle in the sore), then the sore will dry out and you can squeeze the pus stuff out. When you see what comes out, you will know why it hurts so bad. You have to get that stuff out. Do this every day until you get it all out. It took me three days. It feels wonderful after having a swollen lip for a week. Relief!
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Dillon, Co)
I'm curious to know if ingesting or inhaling H2O2 really works to eradicate the HSV 1 virus. So far, I've read annecdotal comments about its effectiveness but haven't heard of any real studies that confirm this. What is the science behind it and have you been tested negative since undergoing your treatment?