Ear Wax
Ear Wax
(New Zealand)
I had an out break yesterday of genital herpes. I have been suffering for two years now. As when an out break occurs I end up trawling the net for anything to make my situation better. I read this last night about the earwax and was kind of interested. I applied it to the blisters this morning and within 3 hours noticed a significant change in my situation. Almost no pain. Within 6 hours all the blisters where the earwax had been had vanished not giving any a chance to burst and therfore not having to go through the whole scab healing process which totally sucks and is probably the worst part. By this evening it is as if I had never had an outbreak. This has taken maybe 10 days off the whole cycle which is a god send. I am actually still totally stunned at how effective and quick this has worked. TOTALLY RECOMMENDED. Better than anything from the doctor and health food shops by a mile. Natrual and free. Thank you to this site and all who have posted here. This is a game changer. :-)
Ear Wax
(Miami, Florida, Usa)
Yes, earwax will stop a cold sore in its tracks. This is an old remedy that should not pass into oblivion. We all need to pass these down to the next generation!
(Philadelphia, Pa Usa)
I was plagued by cold sores for years. They were usually brought on by certain foods or sunburned lips. I read about using earwax on this site, and after trying all of the other remedies, which did not work for me, I resorted to earwax. It has been a miracle curee for me. I have been able to eat citrus fruit again. I sometimes eat three or four oranges a day when they are good. Before one orange would cause an outbreak. Thank you, everyone at this site.
Ear Wax
(Boise, Idaho)
My Mother suffered from cold sores, My Great grandmother always said use your own ear wax. Grandma was from the Old Country..When I got married my husband suffered with cold sores, So I told him what grandma used to say to mom. Use your ear wax. After many Years of going thru this. I told him again and also saying i will not tell you again and to just suffer. Well to my surprise he tried it and from then on. he was telling all of his friends. My last words were not to lick your lips.
(Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa)
Ear Wax
Ear Wax
Ear Wax
Unfortunately didn't know about this until mine had horribly popped and scabbed over. I tried icing it, and putting apple cider vinegar on it but didn't seem to help much... Hopefully I'll not have a chance to try this remedy out soon! Hopefully no cold sores again soon.
Ear Wax
(Queenstown, New Zealand)
I heard this remedy when I was mining up in the Yukon Territory. I think there is something in the earwax that is designed? to prevent infections in the ear. It is serendipity that it also works on coldsores!
Yes, My grandmother told me the old wives tale about ear wax and cold sores. At first I was like most horrified and grossed out, I bought the expensive squeeze tunes of "cold sore medication", tried about 2 or 3 different forms of it...nothing. I tried popping them and alcohol to dry them up....nothing but more days in pain, I even went to the doctor and was given a script when I had one inside my lip in fear that they would reach my throat. They cleared up, eventually.
But when I felt that well known oh no tickle the next time and thought I have nothing else to lose so I go into the bathroom and qtip to ear and took a deep breath and 1,2, wait what am I doing?? Screw it...3!! And on like I would lipstick or gloss but just to the spot.
You know what....no break out! Are you kidding me?! All of this time, pain and wasted money. Should I been doing this for years! And I have been ever since.
Let me say this, it only takes one time to forget that you have it on and you rub your lips together or stick out your tongue. Lol. Heaven forbid if you lick it! Lol, but you will only do it once.
Ear Wax
Ear Wax
Ear Wax
Ear Wax
Then I tried taking B-Complex w/C twice daily...this helped a lot...but not completely but at least I was down to one or two outbreaks a month usually around my menstrual cycle as opposed to chronic outbreaks...so I did a little research & found that Elderberry was an anti viral herbal (see notes below) I gave it a try...
To my Amazement WITHIN DAYS, I was free of any outbreaks at all...and the only outbreak I've had in the past few years was due to running out of the elderberry...it's an amazing little fruit.
Of course now, I make sure to have a little extra on hand...I am able to eat citrus again, this used to aggrevate my outbreaks, so much so that I had to avoid all citrus or suffer the consequences.
The research I read said that Elderberry is an anti-viral fruit... The way it works is that it actually encapsulates the virus and thus it is kept from attacking the body so it is flushed out in the urine/waste products. Regardless of how it works that little berry is another of Mother Nature's blessings. Before discovering it, I was in such bad shape from chronic outbreaks that I really couldn't have relations for fear of spreading that nasty little virus to my spouse.
I would Imagine since it is an anti-viral, it would work with regards to ANY VIRUS, which would make it especially helpful during cold & flu season & I would imagine (in my unprofessional opinion) that it would help those suffering from the HIV Virus as well. Please pass this info on to help others suffering as I was.
I recently began growing my own Elderberry Bush to make jams & pies, juice etc...the birds seem to love it as well...hope they leave some for me...hahaha...anyway, There is an Online shop that sells it at a very affordable price...and it's worth mentioning this because they sell it at 1/2 the cost of what one would pay at the local herb shop.
Thanks for Reading & Blessings to All, Caryn
My family doctor suggested at the onset of ob boosts of double regular doses of various vitamins... mainly C, B-complex, A & D; as well as drying the blisters out with rubbing alcohol and unscented anti-perspirant; then regularly cleaning the burst blisters with alcohol and hydrogen peroxide; all of which has a predictable but slight effect.
HOWEVER... just this weekend, with the familiar feelings of the onset of an ob, just a week and a half after my last (and pretty severe) ob cleared up, I was at my wits end as it has been nearly a month since being able to kiss my girlfriend. So I got this crazy notion... What if I try to electrocute the virus ?
I did a little on-line research and found a little info that it is feasable, a-LOT that it is bunk, but nothing that said it would cause any damage, so I licked my lip depositing a good conducting layer of saliva, gritted my teeth and touched the two electrodes of a fresh, clean 9 volt battery to the area... And... I got a good shock! But I pressed on, holding the shocking electrodes for 15 second intervals over and around the festering area, both the outside and slightly inside my lip. Once every couple of hours since the onset yesterday morning.
... and...
... without blistering, it's starting to shrink and the burning pressure is subsiding. Now this is only the first time trying this, and it's quite possibly, just a mild rebound (albeit about a centimeter over) from the last and pretty severe ob less than a week ago, but I'm actually quite surprised... Shocked you might say! Lol
I am going to continue this low voltage "electro-therapy" for the duration of this ob and some future ones to test its efficacy, and hopefully some other brave souls may experiment with it too and report back. And if anyone has any professional medical evidence advising against it, that would be great too.
I'll hopefully keep this forum posted. - RagingCase
(Maricopa, Az)
Interesting technique, but very painful. I have been cold sore free for over 30 years. Prior to using a treatment (I received from a nurse) I had sore large sores at least 4 times a year. This nurse told me to get some drinkable iodine, place 10 drops in a large glass of water, drink it up, do this for 30 days. She said the virus for this herpes lives in the pancrease and this iodine kills it. Well it worked for me. I recommend this to my friends - think they are a bit sceptical - so they may not ever use it. You may want to try this.