Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Clove Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Anonymous (Orange County, CA) on 01/20/2009

Clove Oil for Cold Sores: Another remedy that isnt listed on here is clove oil. i have used it ever since i read it in the back of the master cleanse book. I get these blisters approx. once a year. The clove oil dries them up and clears them out. It works like a charm if you dont mind the taste. I also heard that a little bit of clove oil on the back of your tongue is also a remedy to help quitting smoking. I have never needed to use anything else but the clove oil, oh and tea tree oil works quite well too. good luck, i know these things suck. :)

Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Sharon (Pennsylvania) on 01/25/2016

Love the coconut oil for cold sores. So much better relief than anything I've tried. Also used tea tree oil this time soaked into a q-tip. But I think the coconut oil worked first. Love both for cold sores.

Cold Sore Prevention Tips

1 User Review
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Posted by Rr (Tennessee) on 12/10/2015

Any one who gets cold sores try this. This is to keep from getting them. Don't wash behind or around your ears. I swear there is something about oil being behind the ears that protects you from outbreaks. I was getting one after another until I realized it started when I switched from body wash to real soap which strips all your natural oils. I remembered how I had one almost all the time growing up and guess what we used...soap.

I stopped washing around my ears all together. I just wipe the area with a wet wash cloth occasionally, no soap or body wash. It has been more than a year since I got one and that's a long time for me. I also haven't had a cold since I started this.

I also only clean the ear out with a cotton swab when it feels like I have to.

I hope this helps someone.

Colloidal Copper

1 User Review
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Posted by Kathy (Grandville, MI) on 05/12/2024

Herpes cold sore

Dabbing colloidal copper on the cold sore stops the cold sore from ever breaking out.

Colloidal Silver

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Drew (Scotland, UK ) on 09/02/2021

Colloidal silver is the only thing I have found which a real and quick effect on cold sores. I apply it frequently when I get a flare-up.
I am not prone to cold sores, and the vast majority of the ones I have had can be traced to unwittingly ingesting the poison that is aspartame.
Thankfully, the silver goes a long way to countering it. If I'm quick enough, it can stop an outbreak entirely.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 10/19/2018 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

A friend of mine recently got a cold sore / herpes sore on her upper and lower lip. She tried colloidal silver applying twice a day and both sores were gone in three days or less. I told her next time to apply a CS wetted cotton ball and tape it to her lip area so the silver can have plenty of time and material to do its job in contact with the sore. On the second day she told me she thought it was reversing because she felt much less "pressure" at the location of the sore. By the end of the second day, the sore was obviously diminished!


Colloidal Silver and Aloe Vera

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Posted by Rianne (Canada) on 03/27/2016

I woke up one morning with a large "cauliflower" cold sore on my upper lip. I could also feel that it was sore and still growing. I broke out my colloidal silver gel (1:1 mixture of aloe vera gel and 10 ppm colloidal silver), and was amazed to watch it shrink to nothing in 4 he's, with repeated applications of a small amount of the gel! It usually requires a 7 day healing time. wow! I have found my answer to my cold sores now. Thank you, Earth Clinic, for everything I've learned here for I had never even heard of Colloidal silver before this site. Thank you again.

Colloidal Silver, Coconut Oil

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Gonna Try Again (Fort Lauderdale, Fl, Usa) on 02/20/2013

Read on EarthClinic about both Monolaurin and Collodial Silver (CS) for cold sore, and fiqured that I would give it a shot. For about a month, I took CS five times daily and two coconut oil supps each time I took the CS. That was a year ago (Should note that I can go years between a cold sore). This weekend was a bit cold and I may have also had an allergic reaction to orange juice which caused my lips to burn/itch. I put Carmex on it and today woke up with a small cold sore. It is so small that it is barely visible. I added some topical CS and it is already drying up.

Obviously a month of CS and coconut oil supplements did not cure the virus, but I cant deny that this is probably the smallest coldsore I have had in a while. So I'm going to try taking the CS and supps longer to see if it will finally go away FOREVER!!

Replied by Alakhi
(Livingston, Mt)

Try DMSO, it really works on cold sores!

Colloidal Silver, Coconut Oil
Posted by Sandy (Sedona, Arizona) on 08/03/2011

To Lea from Waterford, Mi... Yes, you need to take Monolaurin (coconut oil supplement) with ionic silver to cure herpes or any other virus (HIV, mono, HepC). Monolaurin destroys the lipid envelope around the viral cell deactivating it, also allowing the ionic silver to enter the infected cell killing it and all the other infected cells forever. This will work, just don't give up. Take both everyday, shouldn't take longer than a month. You can tell/feel when the virus is gone from your body. Blessings/Healings to everyone!!

Replied by H Smith
(Phoenix, Az)

I'm intrigued by this "cure".... I've heard of colloidal silver and HIV and the effects of lauricidin on many health issues. I don't have or suspect I have HIV, but I do have cold sores (very infrequent) and would like a permanent solution. I will do more research but this is insanely great news if true. Where did your research come from? Has someone you've known been cured? Thanks!

Replied by Sam
(Seattle, Wa)

If you take monolaurin understand it will get worse before it gets better. It will erupt and scab over within 24 hrs. So it's not a remedy that will suppress the early stage for those who want to hide.

Once it erupts hydrogen peroxide will help exfoliate and bubble the skin. Acetone will help dry it up.

Make sure your colloidal product is made with deionized water not tap water so you are not ingesting large particles that isn't good for you, and is yellowish in color. I find that spraying the silver on the face kills the offending pathogen (virus/bateria) better, rather than ingesting.

Replied by Mark
(Las Vegas, Nv)

I have used Lauricidin brand of Monolaurin. I would NEVER reccomend it to anyone. I threw out $250 worth of tha stuff.

I never was able to take it without getting sick with a bad infection that would go into my lungs. Healthing Crisis B.S. The first rule is DO NO HARM. If something has to make you sick it's not worth using.

Coconut Oil however is good and I have had good experiences with it as well as Soverign Silver for any type of infection. I believe it will also help cold sores and herpes.

Dietary Changes

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Diane (Idaho) on 01/04/2019

Avoiding Chocolate and Nuts Prevents Cold Sores

I used to get dreaded cold sores every few months and would feel so ugly for the long 5-7 days until they'd go away. It seemed related to stress, and I'm sure that contributed. But then I realized it was also due to my eating a lot of chocolate and nuts! Come to find out foods high in arginine will bring them on. Now I watch not to eat too much of these foods, and I've not had a cold sore in 2 years! If I start to feel that weird little tickle, buzz around my lip, I immediately take some lysine and lay off those foods...if you do get one, lysine pills and then topically apply a few drops of tea tree do mixed w/ a few drops of coconut oil

Dietary Recommendations

9 User Reviews
5 star (9) 

Posted by Anonymous (Bklyn, Ny, Usa) on 04/29/2012

Got a little time on my hands so I am posting today since I have not done so in a long time. I forgot to mention that I juice a lot primarily alkaline products. I juice celery, parsley, cucumber, few cloves of garlic, ginger, lemon and spinach. Every once in a while I change it, but a few of the items there are standard. I follow a chart and eat mostly alkaline foods and some raw. No rice, flour, oatmeal etc. Rice on a few ocassion if I am visiting somone which is rare. Mostly, ground foods, green salads and fruits. It can be frustrating at times, but after hearing that two people got cured, I am trying hard. No more fried foods etc. My meals r bland and boring, but I want result. I also test my urine. Powdered spirulina raises ph so I use it daily. Read my other posting. This is just an extension to what I forgot. Try to eat the foods that are very high in alkaline. I am no longer concerned about getting an OB. I am trying and praying hard. Read my blog to see what is working for me. I need to be patient. A lot of what I am using is updates that I get from my friend in Geogia who met this young man and told her what he did to be cured. I changed my diet recently, so I need to understand that it might take longer.

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Tbo (Louisville, Kentucky) on 03/22/2012

I wanted to share an option for treatment of Herpes with all who are looking for and ALL NATURAL and VERY EFFECTIVE option. In recent years I have been learning more about natural foods verses commercial and processed foods. A year and a half ago I joined a local food Co-Op where they follow Weston A. Price Founation practices regarding food orgins. It has been a great benefit to me and my family's health. Learning how natural (truly natural) food sources are key in our overall health. So, when Herpes invaded my happy little life I was compelled to find a remedy that would be natural and beneficial as well.

I've tried acetone, apple cider vinegar (ACV), campho phenic and I take L-lysine daily and I am still getting the outbreaks and having the full cycle of an outbreak with blisters etc. Again, hoping this info and the link provided will help someone else out there looking for natural ways to live with this embarassing virus.

Replied by Ms. Qt
(Miami, Fl)

I know you're looking for dietary remedies, and I empathize. But let me make this suggestion, the only thing that has worked immediately and the fastest of all I've tried is Xovirax - get a prescription and keep the tube in your bathroom.

When you feel a hint of irritation - no visible signs take a pin point portion on your finger and apply directly to the spot. I tell you, the sore/blister never surfaces. And the tube will last forever!

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Cathy (Johnsonburg, NJ) on 01/01/2009

I dealt with cold sore on my mouth (lips) for many years. Then I read somewhere to stay away from nuts and citrus to keep the herpes virus under control, which I have done for the past few years. I almost never ever get them anymore. Once in a great while I may eat a few nuts or citrus & if I overdo it (which I almost never do) I may get a very small sore on my lip. But, I usually don't mess with the nuts & citrus and as long as I don't, the cold sores stay under control. For me, keeping away from these two items seems to work really great. Cathy

Replied by Glenn
(Perth, Australia)

I suffered frequently from cold sores most of my life. The embarrassment of a large outbreak on the lips is enough to want to hide away at home until the sore dimishes to just a small scab. But that's not possible when you need to work. It's even worse if, like in my job you need to interface with the public a lot.

A few years back I changed my diet by excluding or seriously restricting all wheat flour products because I was getting overweight and could hardly tie my shoe laces without needing to come up for air to finish the knot. It was hard to start with because these foods are so tasty and addictive. But as a result of the diet change I not only lost 15 kilograms but also found that I no longer suffered from cold sores or head colds either.

On the very rare occasion that I do get a cold sore now I can immediately trace it to a binge on bread, pizza, pasta or rice the previous day, and the lesion is tiny in comparison with the past. To control it I abstain from the flour products and rice and try not to lick my lips, and it goes away within days. Nuts, chocolate and citrus fruits are not a factor in my case nor are diet drinks because I don't really go for them much.

I wonder if genital herpes would respond to the same dietry restrictions.

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Walter (West Palm Beach , Florida) on 09/28/2008

I started suffering from a form of herpes called gladiatorum herpes in my face from practicing brazilian jiu jitsu with someone who had the virus. It has one of the most, or perhaps the most horrible illness I ever had. Started taking L-lysine and it helped, stopped taking anything with Aspartame, it helped, however, everyweek for the last three months I was having outbreaks every single week!! Reading and researching on the internet, I figured I had a very acidic PH in my blood so I started doing the Gracie Diet (google it), I can say after a week and a half I am for the first time in months, free of outbreaks.

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Mario (Olympia, Washington) on 10/17/2007

I felt my cold sore coming on like I normally do about this time of year when my core temperature drops, but because I've been changing my dieting habits I decided to fast on blended fruits and dark leafy green vegetables until it went away. The cold sore came to a head much like a pimple so I popped it and it just dissappeared. At the time I thought that perhaps it was just a pimple but now it is a few weeks later and it has reappeared as a cold sore much smaller and more towards the inner part of my mouth which has never happened in the 15 years I've had it. In fact it had spread within the last three years and I thought I had made it permanently bigger. I believe it has come back because within the last week I have eaten a lot of junky foods again. So my suggestion would be just eat fruits and vegetables either whole, blended, or juiced until the cold sore goes away. It will give your body a chance to regroup and deal with it and other ailments that you may be experiencing.
