POD Triggered by Tannins
POD Triggered by Yeast
I will try the grapefruit seed. Has anyone tried zinc powder directly on the face? It seems like everything I put on it makes it look really red, dry and irritated. Does this mean it's making it worse? I have been using the aloe/coconut/probiotics since sat feb 8th and it looks like the tiny bumps are sorta diminishing but the rash is in full bloom still. I had her tested for wheat, haven't received the results yet. If anyone has used this combo please give me any advise. I just don't know how long it takes or if I'm only making it worse. The dermatologist are no help! They only make it worse by telling me to use the wrong stuff. Please help me, thank you.
(Tennessee, Usa)
Dear Amy,
So sorry your little one is dealing with this! It sounds like you have tried a number of things already, and now you are going to be trying GSE, which sounds good.
For any kind of inflammation, we have had success with turmeric. It is so good for many different skin problems. I have used it with my little ones. For a 19 month old, I would try 1/8th of a teaspoon 3 times a day. You can put it in a little bit of apple sauce or yogurt.
If you have a reputable health food store, you could look for a good herbal salve. I would be looking for one with plantain, calendula, and comfrey. If you could find one with at least one of those as the main ingredient, that would be good. If you want to make a salve like this, I will write out a recipe.
I would also give the coconut oil internally, if you haven't already. You can give 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.
Please keep us posted. I hope your little one is better soon!
~Mama to Many~
Silver Gel
I think silver gel might be a more effective method for skin conditions than colloidal silver spray because it is supposed to last up to 3 days per application and definitely keeps the skin hydrated, which a cs spray does not. Hope this helps someone!
I believe mine was caused from changing my CPAP mask to a memory foam type mask. Along with taking zinc 25 mg. The sulfur smells bad, but it's cleared my skin very well.
I've tried ACV, grapefruit seed oil (and capsules), zinc paste (which worked ok, but didn't take care of it) oreganal, primcrolamus, metronidazole, ketoconazole, Azelaic acid (made it worse), calendula, ivermectin gel, aloe Vera, Maura honey, Aleppo soap, and doxycycline. By far, the sulfur helped me the most, along with the prosasea. None of these worked.
I used the regimen above morning and night, for about a month now. The zinc cream worked very well to take redness and flakiness away but moved on to sulfur, as it worked better for me. I really hope this helps someone suffering with this. I've had perioral dermatitis for a year, and will be taking no more prescriptions!!!!!!
Sulfur Soap and Castor Oil, Coconut Oil Cleansing
I developed the annoying little bumps about four months ago. They started as small bumps on the creases of my mouth and then sure enough migrated to the sides of my mouth (bottom) and the other side of my face. I was sure it was a breakout, so I tried everything I could think of (lavender, tea tree, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, green tea, salt water, manuka honey) but nothing worked, the final straw was when I developed the bumps under my eyes, that's when I knew I was dealing with a form of dermatitis and rosacea. After months of trying one thing after another, none helping at all, I have FINALLY figured out what works for me. I use 10% sulfur soap with vitamin on the dermatitis around my mouth, I don't put any oils or moisturizer on it.
When I started this routine, the bumps nearly cleared 100% within a week/week and a half. The ocular roseasa around my eyes only got worse with the sulfur soap so I use a mixture of castor oil and coconut oil to wash my eyes and the rest of my face (being careful to keep it away from around my mouth!! ), this has cleared it up within a few days. The redness is FINALLY going away around my mouth and the tone of my skin is returning to normal.
My mom also gets this, and she was put on antibiotics, it worked well the first time but it didn't get rid of it for good...I wanted to find a way of keeping it at bay without having to be on antibiotics for months at a time. Not sure if this will work for anyone else, but it's been great for me!
Violet Extract, L-Lysine
I also used Lysine- I caution readers that Lysine is a secretagogue, an amino acid that can increase human growth hormone...which is good, but still keep your doses down because hormones are powerful. I was told this condition was a type of Rosacea, so I found that by adding anti-yeast remedies like adding a fouth of a teaspoon of borax or so in approximately 1 cup warm water and applied topically cools the skin down wonderfully. I also use an aloe /neem gel to follow...great hydration on my skin, but not for everybody (some relatives reported redness). I also use a very gentle glycerine oatmeal soap, or even just my neem gentle formula shampoo dusted lightly with borax - which is great in your hair!
But I would encourage users to change their diets too - ACV, probiotics, maybe a good yeast cleanse formula. My face has been clear except I still have the Rosacea in my eyes, so I use the much diluted - an eighth of a teaspoon or less, in a cup of water to flush them clear... much relief! Hope this is helpful... Best of luck!
Vitamin A, GABA
I've been struggling with perioral dermatitis (PD) on again/off again for years.
I've recently started supplementing with *MICELLIZED* Vitamin A daily (dosage will vary depending on which kind you buy, don't overdo it as you can create toxic levels of Vitamin A build-up in your body. Do your own homework and get professional medical advice if you're unsure) and that is the first thing that seems to actually help heal the PD.
Also, I started taking Pharma GABA to help me with stress management and sleep hygiene and, to my my surprise, I think it has also helped treat the perioral dermatitis. This has me wondering if there is, in deed, a hormonal component to PD.
Best of luck to anyone dealing with this. I feel your pain but I'm hopeful that I'll figure it out and have my face back to normal again.
Vitamin D
Witch Hazel, Grapefruit Seed Extract
Has anyone tried pure iodine on the affected areas? I put it on for the last two days at night time. It stings but I heard it is antibacteria can kill fungus.
So far my skin is dried up at the lesions sites and flaking with no new white filled pimples. Im interested to see how it progresses either way.....