Perioral Dermatitis
Health Benefits

Things to Avoid for Perioral Dermatitis

| Modified on Dec 18, 2024
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Sometimes the answer for perioral dermatitis comes not from adding a remedy to your natural treatment plan but by subtracting remedies or other substances from your treatment plan or daily routine.

Many who suffer with perioral dermatitis find that avoiding certain additives in health and beauty products is the solution to the problem. These additives may not even be used near the site of the perioral dermatitis, but still abstaining from them will often cure perioral dermatitis. For example, sometimes a change in shampoo will help the rash around the face.

Additives in HBA's May Trigger Perioral Dermatitis

SLS - SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulphate) is in most shampoos found in typical grocery stores and drug stores. You may need to go to a health food store to find an SLS free shampoo. Read the ingredients on shampoos sold in health food stores as well. Sometimes they are not really all that healthy!

Another option is to clean your hair without shampoo. Plenty of people find that they can use diluted vinegar, baking soda, or borax instead of shampoo with excellent results. See this page for many creative ideas!

Most toothpastes also contain SLS. Again, check your health food store for another option, or try something simple to wash your teeth like baking soda.

Fluoride and Perioral Dermatitis

In addition to SLS, most toothpastes also contain fluoride, another irritant for those with perioral dermatitis. Fluoride is in most city water supplies. Not all (or even most) water filtering systems remove fluoride from water, so if you decide to purchase a water filter, do look for one that does filter out fluoride.

Make Up and Perioral Dermatitis

Unfortunately, for those who are sensitive, perioral dermatitis can be caused or aggravated by make up, including nail polish. Look for natural make up alternatives, mineral make ups, make your own make ups, or consider going "all-natural," at least for a time to see if this helps you.

Body Care Products that May Trigger Perioral Dermatitis

Many common body care products can cause or irritate perioral dermatitis. Lotions, lip balms, face cleaners, etc can all culprits. Avoid products that contain petroleum products, chemicals you cannot pronounce, long lists of ingredients etc. Did you know that Earth Clinic has a natural Beauty section? See this page for chemical free body care ideas.

Even some natural remedies can aggravate perioral dermatitis. While castor oil is a help to many with dermatitis, it makes dermatitis worse for others. The same is true for coconut oil. Always try new products, even all natural ones, on a small area of skin to make sure that it suits you.

Foods that May Trigger Perioral Dermatitis

You may need to keep a food diary to see if there is a connection between certain foods and your skin outbreaks. Even foods that are healthy can be a problem for some people. If you have chronic skin problems, you may need to make some significant dietary changes. Eating less processed foods, white flour and sugar would be the first place to start. Eat more whole foods, fruits and vegetables. Still, there are healthy foods that may be a problem for some. Strawberries, cinnamon, black tea, wine and beer are among foods that could trigger an outbreak.

Have you figured out what triggers your perioral dermatitis? What do you need to avoid? Let us know! Continue reading to see connections others have made about certain products, chemicals and foods and their perioral dermatitis.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

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Posted by Charlie (Melbourne, Victoria) on 05/22/2016

Editor's Choice

I have had POD (perioral dermatitis) for about ten years. So often I thought I was eating the right foods and avoiding thing I was intolerant. I always avoid unnecessary toxins in all things food, cosmetics, household cleaning and so on. Even during times when I was being extremely strict about my diet it would still flare up for what seemed like no reason. But I knew it had to be related to something going on in my gut because if I fasted it would completely calm down. I have tried all the suggestions on this site and many do help to varying degrees but still don't seem to solve the core issue.

Then I discovered something that has been hard for me to come to terms with. I work with tea and I love tea. Most days would start with a rich organic black tea, organic soy milk and organic honey (i now soy isn't great but I cant digest dairy and nut milks aren't as creamy). I would drink various other teas throughout the day. Then my day would usually end with a glass of red wine and a small piece of dark chocolate (again, almost always, both organic). Throughout the day I would snack on nuts, berries, grapes or apples and if I were cooking for myself my favourite spices and seasonings included cumin and cinnamon, miso and sesame to name a couple.

I went to stay with my sister and her palette and eating habits are completely opposite to mine. I like rich, dark, sour and dry flavours. She likes soft, light, sweet, acidic flavours.

Although I was drinking alcohol and eating foods that would usually upset my digestion and/or weren't my usual preference, my skin completely calmed down. As soon as I returned to my chosen habits it flared up again.

Finally, I realised all the things I was favouring were all extremely high in tannins.

Its a sad state of affairs because I've had to give up my most favourite but now that Ive recognised this and cut most tannin rich foods and drinks out my POD has almost disappeared. After a bit more research I found that the skin reaction was only the tip of the iceberg and that this issue was the reason for a few more ailments I was struggling with for example- headaches, joint pain, lethargy, brittle nails and hair, depression and more.

Anti oxidants are such a praised health benefit but they seem to go hand in hand with tannins. So although I thought I was doing really good things for my body, it was actually having a really hard time processing a huge part of what is otherwise nutrient rich and delicious food. I don't fully understand the science of how tannins react in my body but I'm still researching. I have discovered that heating or fermenting the tannin vehicle will unbind the tannins from the plant protein and thats when they become more difficult for my system to deal with. The tannins in tea are already oxidised and then you heat them to brew the tea. real chocolate is fermented. Wine is fermented. You obviously heat the spices to cook them. So I can have some raw tannins in moderation with out a flare up but mostly just try to avoid it altogether.

I am not suggesting that tannins are the culprit for all POD but I definitely think it needs to be addressed from your inside out. It took me a really long time to figure this one out and it was staring me in the face.

If you're a big tea drinker and love the odd glass of red or piece of dark chocolate and POD is an issue then cut out these for a few days and see if it makes a difference. I would've loved to have known about this sooner so I hope this can help out some others.

Replied by Monica

That was GREAT information. I have the same eating habits as you had...I am going to give your suggestions a try!

Replied by Jill

Thank you Monica, I too love the tea, wine and chocolat but will give it up to get rid of a PD flare up. Thank you for sharing and I hope you are still PD free.

Replied by Shelly
(Cumming Ga)

Thanks so much Jill. I too enjoy a nice glass of pinot noir and our eating habits are much alike. I am going to follow what worked for you in hopes that it works for me too. Did you find a milder cocktail to enjoy without the breakout? :)

Replied by Siobhan Feely
(United Kingdom)

Thankyou for sharing what you have discovered. It could help so many sufferers of Perioral Dermatitis.

I eat such a wide variety of foods and drinks, some processed, some not but nonetheless difficult to go through a process of elimination. I've been diagnosed with dermatitis/ acne rosacea and more recently peri oral dermatitis. The doctor whose specialises in skin disorders ( I've seen about 4 GPs) has been able to determine that it is POD because my skin condition worsened with hydrocortisone applied externally. I have spent an obscene amount of money in the last year on facial treatments, eg. Galvanic facials and microdermabrasion and on natural products and others that could obtain aggravating chemicals in the attempt to resolve the issue.

I am currently on antibiotics applied topically and taken orally. I have tried metronidazole which helped but didn't completely eradicate it. There has been a slight improvement. I am still itching like crazy and now think I may have peri ocular dermatitis too because it's now in and around my eyes! However, I have been indulging in typical Christmas foods like plum pudding, cream trifle, mince pies, Christmas cake, red wine and sherry.

Before Christmas, for 3 months I was eating healthily, porridge, home made broths, lots of fruit and veg( including citrus fruits, avocados and strawberries which are supposed to be histamine containing foods and therefore off limits) 2/4 litres of water, caffeine free tea and coffee, very little processed food etc yet I still had problems.

I am going to see my doctor next month with a selection of skin products that I use ( half of Boots the chemist! ) and she's going to advise me further. I have also decided to pay privately for a food allergy test because I am reluctant to eliminate huge elements of my diet like dairy before getting the results. The doctor has advised me to use very little make up, if any, non oily moisturisers eg Nivea and to continue to use La Roche Posay cleanser for the time being.

In the meantime I shall try to avoid decaf tea, red wine etc to see if that helps. Any things worth a try!

Replied by Rachel

Thanks for your post, I seriously got choked up when I read it. I've never known what this is and never met anyone who was sensitive to these 3 foods. I've been trying to figure out what is going on with the sides of my mouth for 16 years. I also pinpointed it to black tea, red wine and spicy foods. 😩 so I gave them up 15 years ago, although I still eat spicy foods sometimes and it got better. But it's still flares up at times. I think too much tomato sauce and some flour also aggravates it. I'm wondering what else you have noticed and if you have had success in irradiation?

Replied by Shelley
(Glendale Calif)

Tannins in teas. I was diagnosed in Dec with Perioral Dermatitis. I came across this article and cut out my ice tea everyday and my green tea for 2 weeks then had an ice tea and had a flair up waited again and tried a green tea ice tea and had another Flaire up. I am using a antibiotic gel on my face because I didn't want to take the oral since I haven't taken antibiotics in all most 30 years. It seems to be working. Is there any teas I can drink

Replied by Debra

I also suffer with rosacea, peri oral and periorbital dermititis. I had rosacea for years, but the dermititis started a few years ago, at age 65. Tomatoes and any type of alcohol worsen my condition. Oatmeal packs help ease the discomfort so I can sleep at night. I also use Apple Cider during breakouts as a cleanser and add it to my smoothies. Make up of any kind is off limits during breakout, but when it is a must, I use all nartural products. Absolutely, no hydrocortisone. Stress is often part of the problem so I try to use meditation techniques to help. Noxema also seems to help. It calms the redness down and I use it as a facial cream, meaning I don't wipe it off. Just a thin layer. I have not found any dermatologist with a good cure. It is so bad at times, I am unable to work. I often have it on my lips and inside my mouth. Very unpleasant. No flouride toothpaste or the SLS as mentioned in the above note. Not much luck with antibiotics either. I also wash with a mixture of borax, vegetable glycerin and distilled water. This is all the time. Tea tree soap is used with it, if I need to remove makeup. I am a different person during breakouts. Depressed and insecure. Normally, I am happy and outgoing, but when I have an outbreak, I am ashamed to be in public. I hate it.

Replied by Lisa

Mine started when I sat in the hospital last December with a mask on while waiting for my husband to have a 8 hour procedure. Two days later I had a red rash and itching on the side of my mouth. A month later it was around my eyes. I thought it was from wearing a mask and glasses. That was not the cause, but it aggravated something I didn't know I had. I thought maybe it was fungus related, I think that aggravates it too so I did a Candida Cleanse diet for a month. When I was finally able to see a good dermatologist he told me I have POD and will likely have it for some time. I am trying to find things to avoid to, hopefully, stop this from flaring up. I don't drink wine or beer anymore, but had a shot of whisky the other night and my face was on fire. Then I had a couple sips of a marguerita a week or so later and the same thing happened. Alcohol is off the table now. That's ok! I think you're right that it is from the inside out. Thanks for your input!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Kelly (Orlando, Fl) on 05/09/2016

Editor's Choice

My 4 year old daughter had perioral dermatitis for 9 months. We tried switching to natural toothpaste, soaps, laundry detergent, etc. with no improvement. Her rash started out at one corner of her mouth and slowly progressed to a muzzle around her mouth. It would flare up sometimes and other days would quiet down but the little bumps were always there. The dermatologist prescribed tacrolimus but I didn't fill the rx because I was concerned about the immune suppression.

We were on a week long trip when I realized it had been a few days since she had eaten strawberries (which she would usually eat daily) and her face seemed better. I continued to withhold strawberries and her face gradually cleared up. After 2 months it was completely clear and has remained so for the last month and a half.

Replied by Myway

Out of curiosity - was her consumption of strawberries from US based farmlands? I am wondering if it was the strawberries or the pesticides put on them since they are a "dirty dozen" fruit.

Has she eaten organic strawberries with the same problem?

Thanks! And congrats on figuring this out.

MyWay :D

Replied by Kelly
(Orlando, Fl)

Thank you MyWay. She was eating conventional strawberries, not organic. I wonder that myself if it was pesticides since I have lately seen that non-organic strawberries are very high in that. We now eat a lot more organic and as well as local produce. However, I am fearful to introduce strawberries again, even organic. Also, I should note that my mother thought she had an allergy to strawberries as well. So for us it may just be the strawberries. I would encourage everyone with this problem to monitor their diet and see if it could be some form of food allergy.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Many commercial farmed veggies have pesticides, herbicides, as well as pathogens. One can wash these foods with a natural soap like Bronner's or can oxidize with a food & water Ozone Generator found online retailers like Ebay or Amazon.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Christy (Lexington, Ky) on 04/23/2014

Last summer I developed a burning, itching rash beginning around my mouth. The skin would itch for a few days, then pustules would develop that burned and the skin around the area became inflamed. After a few days it would appear to begin to heal with dried scabs, only to re-emerge worse and spread. It spread to my cheeks and forehead and the burning and itching became intolerable to the point that I was scratching my face in my sleep at night. After a few months, I visited the dermatologist and she diagnosed it as perioral dermatitis and prescribed topical antibiotic (Metronidizole) and oral antibiotics (Doxycycline). She said it was common in teen and menopausal women (so related to hormones possibly). I tried the Metronidizole for a week but it only worsened the area. I decided not to use the Doxycycline until trying a few more things first. I eliminated fluoridated toothpaste and began to use simply baking soda with a bit of peppermint essential oil and the dermatitis improved a bit, but did not go away. I switched shampoo and conditioner to one that did not have sodium laurel sulfate and I saw a bit more improvement. A friend recommended derma E Psorzema Creme which calmed my skin and lessened the itching and burning, but still the rash didn't go away completely – it would subside for a few days, only to break out again.

I cleaned up my diet and began to think about the food allergy triggers in my diet. Gluten has become increasingly problematic as I approach menopause, so I strictly eliminated all gluten from my diet for a month with only mild improvement in the dermatitis. I decided to read all of the ingredients in my haircare products and discovered that the shampoo and styling products had wheat protein in them! I immediately switched to different products that have no gluten ingredients and no SLS and my skin completely healed within two weeks – after 6 months of suffering! I currently use Gud by Burts Bees (Red Ruby Groovy) Shampoo and Conditioner and Purology Silk Bodifier. The last time I had my hair cut and styled, my stylist used Pureology Hydrate shampoo, conditioner and Root Lift mousse styling product. When I washed my hair the next day, I began to break out on my cheek and forehead in the same way as before – itching, burning, then pustules developed. I looked up the ingredients of these products and they had wheat-derived ingredients. This was all the confirmation I needed to determine that the perioral dermatitis was an allergic reaction. I have found the Skin Deep app from to be helpful in determining what products contain gluten, chemicals and other allergens – both for hair and skincare. Also, the is a helpful resource.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Erica (Germantown, Md Maryland, United States) on 03/04/2013

I recently had an outbreak of perioral dermatitis for the first time in 10 years. I tried a few different suggestions from this site including ACV and clendula cream, but the inflammation continued to get worse and it continued gradually spreading from the right corner of my mouth up to my eye and to the left side of my mouth. I finally stumbled on an article online linking the condition to cinnamon/cinnamon flavored foods. I thought about it and realized I had started taking a cod liver oil/butter supplement that was cinnamon flavored right around the time the dermatitis re-emerged. I have been off the cod liver liver oil for one week now and had dramatic improvement in the rash! So this is something to consider for those of you dealing with this painful and unsightly condition. Good luck to you all!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Emily (Raleigh, Nc) on 08/08/2012

I had a mild to moderate form of perioral dermatitis for about 3 and a half years, tried medicines and creams of all kinds, tried apple cider vinegar, wholistic toothpaste, tried avoiding sodium laurel sulfate, pretty much everything on the internet. I suddenly realized it was gone one day. What was the only correlating factor? I stopped letting my pets lick my face! My cat used to like to get up on my chest at night and lick my face around my mouth which I of course thought was sweet, like he was giving me kisses. I don't let him do that anymore and I haven't noticed a problem! I also switched from using colgate total to using crest whitening advanced. Thought I'd mention that also. But it's like night and day.

So if you let your dog or cat give you face kisses, try stopping that altogether and see if it clears up!

Replied by Cassie

Omg. My dog licks my face a lot and I wondered if this could be the cause. My POD started 4 months ago around my nostrils and one side of my mouth. Dermatologist has just told me I need to do 100 days of Dercutane which has a lot of side effects. Very interested in the holistic approach rather than pharma Has anyone applied zinc topically?

Things to Avoid
Posted by Lizzy (London, Uk) on 04/11/2012

After years of living with perioral dermatitis, I have finally worked out what has been causing my sensitive skin - bismuth oxychloride in my mineral make-up.

I'm 33 years old and about 5 years ago I started getting red, scaly, itchy spots on my cheeks and chin. I initially went down the medical route (prescribed antibiotic creams etc) which helped briefly, but then just made my skin worse in the long run. About a year ago I discovered that SLS that I used in face wash and aqueous cream (routinely prescribed in the UK for eczema, dry skin) was an irritant, so stopped using and switched to SLS, paraben etc- products. This undoubtedly helped clear my skin. However at the same time I also switched to using mineral make-up in the hope that it would suit my sensitive skin better. Despite not using any other products on my skin (just plain SLS-free cleanser and baby oil to moisturise), my skin has just got worse over the last few months, which naturally coincided with me using more mineral make-up to cover it up. I've tried a tonne of the other remedies suggested on this site, but got no long-term benefit. To cut a long story short, I researched mineral make-up some more and found that bismuth oxychloride is a known irritant (i'm surprised it's not mentioned more on this site). I stopped using the makeup a week ago and my skin is 95% better, I'm amazed - for the first time in years when I run my fingers over my cheeks they are smooth and soft and the blemishes have nearly almost gone.

I've ordered a sample of a pure mineral make-up from a small company in the UK (that doesn't use bismuth, talc etc), but at this rate I won't be needing any cover up! I thought it was worth contributing my story in the hope that bismuth may be responsible for anyone else's sensitive skin. Note it's contained in lots of make-up powders, blushes etc (its what gives makeup its 'glow'). Best wishes everyone and thanks for a great site!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Jessie (Vacaville, Ca) on 02/28/2012

Hi there. I discovered castor oil makes my PoD break out. I was trying a new facial cleansing method with oilve oil and castor oil and the next morning I was all red and bumpy again. I use oilve oil as a moisturizer all the time, so it had to be the castor oil. Coconut oil also makes the bumps bigger and more sore. I can use it on the rest of my body and be fine, but can't get a drop of it on my face. I was using tea tree oil and it seems to dry it up but it's been weeks and I'm still not clear. So now I'm gonna try the ACV and yogurt.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Joan (South Riding, Virginia Usa) on 02/24/2012

I have experienced a rash around the outside of my mouth as a result of tartar control toothpaste. Someone saw my mouth and told me about the reaction, and I just had the pleasure of seeing a 10-year-old girl with the same mouth rash (and she'd had it for five months) clear up in two days. Switch your toothpaste and the rash around your mouth will clear up!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Craig (Forest Grove, Oregon) on 01/28/2011

I've had perioral dermatitis for years, and think That there are a variety of Causes For POD outbreaks. That said, it's up to the individual to determine what those causes May be.
For me, it turned out to be fluoridation, both in toothpaste and in water. Until I figured this out, the only product that really helped me was Margarie's (tinted) zinc cream. Hope this helps someone.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Rn123 (Calgary, Ab) on 11/12/2010

I have been afflicted with POD for about 6 yrs now. At the beginning I tried all the prescribed ointments & oral medication (eurethrmycin? and tetracycline), but these never quite cured it. I'd be ok until I went off the meds, then it would flare back up, but each time the meds became less effective and I started to notice severe stomach cramping (side effects) so I went cold turkey on all meds.

Finally I self diagnosed the root of the problem and it was the vaseline I was using as a lip balm for years. Within a week of switching to an organic olive oil based lip balm, I was back to normal and haven't had a problem until now, 2 yrs later. I've continued to use an organic lip balm, but have perhaps developed an allergy to one of these 3 ingredients (olive oil, castor oil & beeswax). Has anyone experienced a problem with these ingredients as well?

Also, my POD is not as severe as before, but this time my lips are actually blistering and so tight & dry that I can hardly open my mouth to eat anymore, and smiling/laughing are out of the question! I would love any help I can get!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Melissa (Kirkland, Wa) on 07/02/2010

My second outbreak of Perioral Dermatitis began in Dec. 2009. I visited a dermatologist in January who confirmed the Perioral Dermatitis diagnosis and prescribed oral antibiotics as well as a topical steroid cream (same treatment used in my first outbreak seven years earlier). After completion of a one month round of oral antibiotics the Perioral Dermatitis seemed to come back with a vengeance. Being an individual opposed to taking antibiotics unless absolutely necessary I began researching alternative therapies for said diagnosis. I read on this clinic...that sometimes the chemical Sodium Laureth Sulfate can be responsible for said Perioral Dermatitis breakouts and by simply removing products containing this chemical from ones daily routine the issue will clear itself. This sounded simple enough until I realized that Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) is a common ingredient in many, many personal hygiene products. However...persistence and a desire to cure this condition without the use of antibiotics and/or steroid creams paid off. There are many natural products...especially for babies/children...which are SLS free. I managed to replace everything from my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste etc. with SLS free products. I began to notice a reduction in the redness and flaking within 7 to 10 days and now 45 days out from the elimination of my SLS containing hygiene products my Perioral Dermatitis is completely gone! I am absolutely ecstatic to have a clear, flake free complexion without sacrificing my body to unnecessary antibiotics and steroidal creams. I would highly recommend to anyone who is/has suffered from Perioral Dermatitis to try this treatment. I am convinced SLS was the cause of my Perioral Dermatitis and will continue to be a supporter and user of SLS free products from now on.

Replied by Tracy
(Fort Worth, Texas)

Would you mind compiling a list of certain products you switched to and where one could find them? I am in the midst of the absolute worst break out in my life. I have suffered off and on for 8 years and now it is beyond out of control :(
I look unsightly and can't even finish my Christmas shopping because of all the stares, not to mention my face is in so much pain, cracking, flaking. My husband doesn't quite get how severe this is emotionally and lolligags in going out to get treatment for me. I am starting to get depressed.

Replied by Brendan
(Adelaide, South Australia)

Hey Tracy, My name is Brendan and I know exactly what your going through, I too have dermatitis all over my face and no matter what I do it seems to get worse. I hate going out and only really ever go out to the organic shop to get my vege's. It's ruining my life and I am so scared that I have to go back to uni in feb and endure the staring again. I have found stress is a major cause too as I am doing architecture which is full on and as the semester goes on it gets worse and worse. I never believed it before but I know stress is a major factor as when I went to Fiji this year for my bros wedding, my face cleared up in a couple of days, it was like magic. Im convinced the mud bath I went to when I was there had a healing effect but you cant bring the mud back so theres no way of proving that. After I got home to Adelaide and back to uni it progressively got worse and is now worse than its ever been. I've tried every remedy, natural or not, I could find and every med my dermatologist has ever reccomended which is a lot but im done with that now because I figure everything he's given me has only ever made it worse.

I am now just trying my very hardest to just eat as healthy as possible and supplement what I think could help, all I eat is basically raw organic veges and a bit of organic chicken as well as gluten free cereal in the morning with organic rice milk. Actually tonight I went crazy for the first time in months and had some green and blacks organic dark choc. It's my christmas gift to myself. I figure youve got to give your body the best chance to heal itself so feeding it well is the first step. Anyway, enough about me, I could go on all day about what ive done so far. All I really wanted to say was that ive found something a few days ago which has helped me somewhat, the first thing in ages which has had a positive effect. Its called Aveeno, daily moisturising lotion or theres another Aveeno skin relief moisturising lotion but that has menthol in it which may aggrivate your skin as it did to mine a little. It's made by johnson and johnson and im sure youll be able to find it in the states. If your like me you will read the ingredients and think "oh I dont know about this" as it contains things like alchohol and other chem sounding stuff which I would usually steer away from but Seriously it is the only thing in ages which has actually kept my skin moisturised for a decent amount of time, like overnight. My skin is still red but less so, it is more a pinky colour but still stands out as I am fair skinned irish australian. It still looks pretty bad but it is no longer so dry and tight and is a lot less flakey, almost not at all actually. I can now crinkle my forehead without it feeling tight and dry.

Anyway it is a step in the right direction, and has given me some glimps of hope for my condition. I know everyones skin is different but I thought it's definately worth mentioning and maybe you can do a test patch first before you go and use it full on. I would love to have a decent chat with you and maybe discuss things further as I have not found anyone with the same problem as me in all my searching and I think ive blabbered on for long enough on here, I tend to babble on a bit lol. My email is austmade(at)live(dot)com(dot)au Email me anytime for a chat. Dont give up, I know its so hard and I know exactly how alone you feel as nobody knows what it's like to have this constant burden on your mind. But I know there is a cure out there somewhere and I will not stop till I find it. It's so discouraging when doctor say "there is no cure" but all that means is they dont have it and they'd rather give you there bs meds which prolong your suffering and keep you poor. The way I figure it, the answer is something we need to find ourselves. The big pharm cos are making billions of dollars a year on skin condition meds which dont work so why would they cure us, that means less profit for them, somehow I doubt theyre gonna do it. They are afterall a buisness. Sorry, for going on and on. Try to have a merry xmas. Hope to hear from you soon, Brendan.

Replied by Melissa
(Kirkland, Wa)

Hi Tracy from Fort Worth... Sorry for such a slow response I have not checked back on this website in quite some time... As far as SLS free brands I have been using either California Baby Products or Burt's Bees Products. I am able to find both brands at Target stores in my area also both brands have websites where one may purchase said products. As far as my Perioral Dermatitis it continues to remain a thing of the past. I feel blessed to have been able to cure this problem with such simple small changes and wish you the best of luck.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Llh (Ventura, Ca) on 06/27/2010

I spent from '92 to '00 trying to figure out what was causing my pd. I went to the dermatologist and they could not tell me. They simply prescribed stuff that didn't work. Definitely STAY AWAY from the cortizone creams they will appear to clear it up but they simply "hold in" the problem in addition to thinning the skin. After you stop using this cream it will flare up like you have never seen before.

I have seen it mentioned on this site an association with tea and coffee. This was the case for me. I cut out all the tea coffee and sodas with caffeine and it healed up! Eventually I tried some teas and coffee that were "caffeine free" however I did have problems with small break outs of pd. After doing some research I found that even decaffeinated coffees and teas still have traces of caffeine. Eliminating all of these was the answer for me. I've been pd free since 2000 . . . well until April of this year. The only thing that has changed in my life is my roommate has a small dog. I am careful to wash my hands after I have pet her but alas the pd is still present. Will try the apple cider vinegar as well as the probiotics and see how things go. If it is mite related I'm going to attack it from every side. Will post again in a week and let everyone know how it went.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Miriam (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/24/2010

When I was first diagnosed with perioral dermatitis about 6 years ago, the dermatologist advised that there were 5 primary provoking agents - cinnamon, vanilla, mint, fluoride and whitening agents in toothpaste. He had no explanation why these provoked outbreaks but suggested the elimination of all from my diet. His suggestion was validated by a second dermatologist.

I did so and have been remarkably successful in preventing further outbreaks. My dentist uses pumice as a cleaning agent as all the manufactured products have one of the offending agents. Plain dental floss. Non fluoride, non whitening, non mint toothpaste can be found at health food stores. Allspice can be substituted for cinnamon in baked goods and coffee can be substituted in some baked goods for vanilla.

Replied by Anne Moss
(Midlothian, Va)

I kept reading things on this website and then I saw the reference to cinnamon. I regularly eat saigon cinnamon with no issues but got a new type of cinnamon and that's when I got my serious breakout. It was when I saw this post that it hit me. Usually, if I break out or have a reaction it's due to something new or different in my diet. Thank you! Itchy eyes are gone.

To treat, I combined coconut oil, tea tree oil (5 drops per tsp or so of coconut oil) and a bit of neosporin. I also took coconut oil melted in water. It worked!

Things to Avoid
Posted by Melissa (Shelby, Mi Usa) on 09/08/2009

perioral dermatitis and nail polish

I had perioral dermatitis for a little over a year and a half. I was so angry because I could not find a cure. Anytime the rash would go away it would just return within a few days. Medical websites were no help and of course they have no idea what causes the rash. I came across a discussion where a girl stated that her doctor told her that the perioral dermatitis was caused by nail polish. I immediatly went in the bathroom and took of my finger and toe polish and the next day the rash was gone. I was so excited that this was a simple answer. However, confused at how nail polish could cause such a rash. After a while I forgot and painted my toes...sure enough the rash came back and I took the polish off once again and the next morning the rash was gone. I just wanted to share this and see if anyone else had the same amazing results.

Replied by Kelly
(Pueblo, Co)

I too painted my nails and toes which I haven't done in awhile and I developed dermatitis on my face. With the weather change and stress and possibly the polish was the reason. I took off all polish just now so hopefully the rash will disappear too.

Things to Avoid
Posted by Deanna (Calgary, Alberta Canada) on 08/14/2009

Hi All, I suffered from perioral dermatitis for about 6 years. After several rounds of tetracycline, I began to research possible causes. The main culprit appeared to be fluoridated toothpaste. About 2 weeks after switching to natural, fluoride-free toothpaste, the dermatitis went away. It was amazing. I started to suffer from it again after moving to another city only to realize the water was fluoridated. Switching to a fluoride-free water source ie)drinking bottled water, the dermatitis disappeared again. Be advised however that many foods contain high levels of fluoride such as grapes, raisins, tomatoes, beer and many many more. These should also be avoided if the condition persists after eliminating fluoridated toothpaste and water.

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