2 User Reviews
I cured my PD about 3 years ago.... Until a month ago..... It was back!!! Again! I have tried everything people.... I mean everything.... Milk of Magnesia, Coconut Oil, Oil of Oregano, tea tree oil, Vit E, Lavender, GSE....
But then I found the miracle cure once and for all!!! I am truly serious this worked not only fast but easy and cheap. The answer my friends is Lanolin..... Yes you buy it in the baby section, women use it to sooth their breasts during lactation ( I bought the lavender colored tube). I have to tell you put it on all day whenever you can, I put it on 8 times the first day and by morning it was half gone! By day 3 it was hardly visable anymore, no joke. I kept puting it on for about 2 weeks just to be sure it was gone. Praise God it is gone and all from Lanolin..... From sheep skin.... It's actually a wax not an oil. Please let me know if you try this and if it's cured I would love to know!
(Drexel Hill, Pa)
Hi Shelley, from Aurora, ILL, just wanted to let you know that I have been using the lanolin now for two weeks and have had much improvement with the Perioral Dermatitis. Within a day or two I could tell that the rash wasn't as itchy and scaley. It has been improving everyday and I hope that it will be gone soon. Just wanted to update you and thank you again for posting this awesome information. God Bless!