I am on 40 drops now, ramped up since 9/10/2022.... neuropathy feet waking up, color is great on both feet..... the one foot that was not neuropathic is going a bit faster cleaning the color and regaining feeling.
I see your post from 2022 that you used methylene blue with some results for neuropathy in feet. How did it go? How are you now? My hubby has neuropathy and I'm looking for some relief for him. Thank you.
You are right very few know about this wonderful simple cure, . It can pass through their tough skin that can even protect themselves the most toxic products.
Hi Bill, Thank you very much for your posts. I have a question regarding the use of methylene blue against Entamoeba Hartmanni. This protozoa is believed to be non-pathogenic, however, me and my wife are experiencing the same mental and GI problems and some articles talks about virulent strains of this parasite. I feel like a bubble moving in my chest. And sometimes in the back of my neck. I took the Hulda Clark protocol for a week and I felt great but after that I felt that the protozoa has developed a resistance because I continue taking the tincture (Black walnut, Wormwood, cloves) without any improvement and I felt the symptoms coming back. What I want to do next is to use Methylene Blue against this protozoa but I don't know the right protocol. I wonder if you have time to help me with that?
I'm also taking L-Argiline because I read that L-argiline stimulates the productions of Murine macrophage in mice's which make them able to fight the protozoa. God bless you.
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Tommy... Using Methylene Blue will certainly help fight your problems. MB has been used against malaria for a century and was used on American troops fighting in Vietnem with malaria. MB should always be used with Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) to avoid the side effects of the whites of the eyes turning blue and also causing blue-green urine. Use of Ascorbic acid with MB prevents these side-effects. Take at least 1000 mgs vit c with the MB.
The protocol I follow is as follows:
Add half a teaspoon of Ascorbic acid powder to the glass, then add water and mix into solution. Then, if you can, add the Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (Arm and Hammer is fine) to this solution until the fizzing stops, to make the solution alkaline(in order to preserve the bicarbonates in your own body). Now, just add the drops of 0. 1% Methylene Blue(usually 3 - 8 drops as required). This mixture is taken outside mealtimes. Take this mixture first thing in the morning and again (if required) before 3 pm. If you take the mix after 3 pm, your mind may be too energised by the MB and you wont be able to sleep later in the evening.
Parkinson's Disease
I am amazed that after one and a half days of taking methylene blue with vitamin c my 85 year old dad, who has Parkinson's, initiated transfer to his wheelchair and needed much less assistance than yesterday. Yesterday he was not weight bearing much. This morning I did not pick him up to get in his chair, just guided him. I broke out into laughter of happiness!
Thank you a million for the information you provide on earthclinic. I love seeing the results!
Dear Jane:
The methylene blue works, however, continual use of low dose is very helpful. However if it is discontinued, at least in the beginning may weaken the energy level, but further dose will allow the person to recover. Methylene blue is considered a super antioxidant for the mitochrondria. The best that I have seen so far. The brain is the highest metabolic rate in the body and hence is helpful with methylene blue since it increases energy level to normal levels through mitochrondria support. Taurine supplements and some potassium bicarbonate with baking soda are also helpful and supportive to this remedy too.
It's often best used as dose I have mentioned. I liked it so much I have since added methylene blue to my Emergency Aid kit as posted previously, although it remains I still needed some tweaking. Low levels of brain metabolism is what I believe to be causing the Parkinson's disease, and I have found the methylene blue to be helpful.
Thank you for the feedback!
Hi Ted, your posts are very much appreciated! I'm wondering about using methylene blue to control epileptic seizures in my dog. Do you think it could help given that it seems to be helpful with other neurological conditions, I.e. anxiety, Parkinson's. Thank you.
(Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Hi Jane, can you tell me how your father is getting on with the methylene blue? Is it proving helpful. A relative of mine has just been diagnosed with Parkinson's. As yet they only have tremors in the hands and I would love to get something that prevents it getting any worse, or at least slows down its progression. Any updates would be appreciated. Thanks, Mary.
(Fort Worth, Texas)
Dear Mary from Northern Ireland,Yes my father is getting along well and the Parkinson's symptoms are definitely diminished since taking the methelyne blue regularly. I am very encouraged about this and I have specific reason to suspect that the Parkinson's is at least partially fungal related in my father. He is also taking the alkaline drink with sodium carbonate, bicarbonate of soda, potassium citrate, taurine, carnosine. The alkaline drink two and sometimes three times a day is noticeably helpful as well. He has sleep apnea which is problematic at times. The alkaline drink seems to help with this some as does sleeping on his side and not on his back. I would hate to be without any of these things because I have noticed increased mental focus for my dad and increased energy. At first I believe he was taking too much methylene blue, a drop of 1% solution three times daily. He is now taking a drop or two of 0.1% two to three times daily depending on our schedules. The higher concentration may have temporarily caused a tremor that wasn't there before. His symptoms did not initiate with the tremor, but with the mask like face and a shuffling gate. Now his face is like his old self with his smile and usual expressions. He has his sense of humor and his personality again. Also I believe that magnesium is helping him very much too.Not magnesium aspartate! Also I have since learned that our eating food with msg may have correlated with a little setback he had. So now we are much more careful to avoid all msg and excitotoxins that are sometimes in mineral supplements. He takes carbidopa/levidopa three times daily as well.
(Toronto, Ontario)
(Fort Worth, Tx)
Dear A from Toronto, I learned from Ted that the sodium ascorbate is in a form more appropriate for the body since ascorbic acid would be a lower ph and our body is more optimal at a ph of about 7. Actually you could probably get a better answer from Ted because I am just learning about these things.
I have seen a published drug study regarding using the vitamin c with methylene blue. I believe it was in regard to treating malaria. At any rate it appears that vitamin c is needed. At least there should be vitamin c circulating in the body when taking methylene blue. I don't think its necessary to take vitamin c every time one takes methylene blue.
As to the stroke issue, I just don't know much about that. What I have read is that it is the chlorides that are so harmful. You know, table salt. So a good sea salt is something that you may want to get and avoid the table salt that is refined and not natural. Sodium chloride is in the processed foods as well. Apparently sea salt, like Celtic sea salt, is very good for us and even fights infections. It also increases thirst and so then we drink more water which is good for us.
Another comment about stroke. I have learned that excess calcium circulating is one sure cause of stroke. The misinformation about taking calcium is not been helpful to us at all. Also I gave my father mega doses of a magnesium citrate product that we since learned was not even magnesium at all or at least had a large component of calcium in it. We have now learned to make magnesium oil with the magnesium flakes sold to salt water fish hobbyists. I rub it on my Dad's skin and it goes through the skin into the body and relaxes his muscles and also helps to put the calcium in its place and out of the blood stream which greatly reduces his chance of having another stroke.
The alkaline drink is something we take about once per day, sometimes twice and now sometimes not at all. Everyone's needs are different and sometimes I am not that compliant. I guess its because my Dad is getting better and so now I'm not that scared. The alkaline drink we take is in a small cup with a small amount of water. We follow this drink with a glass of water. It is 1/8 tsp of sodium carbonate dissolved, then add 1/8 tsp baking soda dissolved, then add 1/8 to tsp potassium citrate dissolved. So that's it. I still recommend inquiring of Ted because I learned this from him. The basic thing is to check urine ph and I believe it is supposed to be a 7. You may find other posts to verify all of this. It will not be in the methylene blue thread though.
Another way to alkalinize is to drink lemon water. Just don't use chlorinated water.
I hope this helps.
If you are concerned about stroke then learn about DMSO. Miraculous and does so much more. ( Just learning about methylene blue…0
(Portland, Or)
Hi! Jane,
How is your Dad doing now. Is methylene blue still working?
I have friend who have Parkinson and I am trying to find out what I can for her. I will appreciate your reply.
(Brandon, Mo.)
How can something from a pet store for fish tanks help with parkinsons? What is this methylene blue? Is it safe to take? When I read the post that others have written, there's no reply or answer will I get an answer? How am I supposed to get my mom to take something from a pet store it sounds crazy. I hope someone has good answers for this post. Please help.
Pet store methylene blue is very low quality and apt to have heavy metals included. It is not for human consumption. You can purchase pharmaceutical grade that is tested for purity and it comes with directions to dilute for the correct strength. I would mix with normal saline.
(Boston, Ma)
You have to be able to think outside the box.
All of the questions you asked can be answered by doing some online research. I've been an EC devotee for many, many years, but I never stop doing my 'homework'. I read, read, read *everywhere* online.
With natural remedies, quite often, there isn't a real answer to 'why' something works--it just does.
If you are concerned about the quality of the methylene blue you are considering using for your mom, you can purchase it through a chemical supplier like Sigma Aldrich where they will have a certificate of analysis, a spec sheet and a certificate of origin so you know exactly what you are buying and its purity. It will cost a little more and won't be as easy to get, but you know exactly what you are getting.®ion=US
Another option is to speak to your mother's doctor about it and see if he/she will write a prescription that can be filled at a compounding pharmacy to your doctors specifications.
You will have to do some research on your own to get a better understanding of how MB may be helpful for neurodegenarative diseases and what dose would be best in your mother's case. MB has a good safety profile and probably a very good safety profile at the dose your mother would likely use.
PD has multiple forms and one form is directly associated to longer term pesticide exposure while others do not have this association. Some progress slower than others.
In the mean time, you might look into vitamin D as it relates to Parkinson's Disease. There are many studies available on PubMed that suggest that the population in general is low on serum 25 (OH)D, but even lower among people with Parkinson's Disease and that the lower the serum 25(OH)D, the worse the symptoms. A couple of the studies go so far as to say that the proper serum level of 25(OH)D may slow disease progression and help protect neurons in the brain.
There are many supplements that show benefit for people living with PD. I am currently compiling a lengthy list of about 50 of these supplements and gathering information on them trying to see which ones are most likely to have actual benefit in humans. Many supplements have only been tested in rodents and consequently would fall lower on the list. It is a work in progress and will take me sometime before I am finished. Having a very good to excellent safety profile is a very important consideration for me because that will improve the odds of having a doctor approve a supplement for a patient.
The topical magnesium oil is frequently noted for helping to relax stiff or cramping muscles in PD and is readily available at many health food stores and on the web. It also has other health benefits and can build up the bodies supply of magnesium while limiting the potential for diarrhea.
There are many supplements that show potential to be of use in PD, but you'll have to do your research and determine what will be compatible with for your mother.
In any case it is important that you get approval and supervision from your mother's doctor before using any supplements to make sure that they are compatible with the prescription meds that she is taking.
As of 7/13/2018, Your link goes to Methyl Blue, which is NOT Methylene Blue. As you all know, in chemistry, the EXACT NAME matters. Be sure you are looking up "methylene blue".
(North Carolina)
CBD oil has been used successfully by many people to control epileptic seizures in their dogs. There are several videos on YouTube that cover its use and dosages for this purpose.
Prostate Cancer
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The doctor told me that it is a non-aggressive cancer. So the doctor suggested we periodically monitor it for changes.
I am 85 years old and the diagnosis is as follows:
Grade and score on the Gleason scale of 3 + 4, clinical stage T 2 and a PSA of 7.25 ng/ml.
I heard that MBCure (methylene blue) taken together with baking soda might make this cancer go away.
With 1 gram of MBCure and 100 ml of distilled water I can produce a 0.1 solution which seems to be recommended. With this formula I will have a total quantity of 100 ml of MBCure.
As my weight is 78 kg (172 lbs), I would like to know how many drops I should take each day to get a good result.
Also does it have to be taken with vitamin C and can it be taken and mixed with baking soda?
In addition, I would like to have your opinion on these products:
There is Deuterium-depleted water that can be consumed to reduce the Deuterium in our body to around 120 ppm.
There is also Zeolite Clinoptilolite which seems to be another product that can improve cancer treatment.
Thanking you in advance for your advice and for all the people who may benefit from your advice.
On the chance that you don't get the replies you are seeking, two other potential adjunctive treatments for PC is Melatonin and Berberine as discussed in the following links below:
A relevant quote :
' This is the first demonstration showing that melatonin impedes metastasis of prostate cancer by suppressing MMP-13 expression in both in vitro and in vivo models. Thus, melatonin is promising in the management of prostate cancer metastasis and deserves to undergo clinical investigations. '
A relevant quote :
' Recently, melatonin emerges as a prospective therapeutic agent with a series of beneficial effects on human cancers over a wide range of concentrations and tumor types. In this review article, we predominantly discuss the anti-tumor effects of melatonin on human PCa. The underlying mechanisms of how melatonin inhibits the growth and progression of PCa were related to the promotion of AR exclusion, activation of MT1 signaling, modulation of PCa metabolism, inhibition of angiogenesis, regulation of neuroendocrine differentiation, induction of apoptosis. Moreover, melatonin also exerts synergistic benefits while incorporating with other chemotherapeutic agents and is an effective adjuvant to androgen depletion therapy. Melatonin is also hopeful to be a noninvasive biomarker for predicting PCa since a low urinary melatonin level is highly correlated to the incidence of PCa. '
A relevant quote from the study :
' In a multivariate analysis, melatonin administration proved to be an independent prognostic factor and reduced the risk of death of PCa patients by more than twice (p < 0.0001). '
Another consideration is Berberine :
A relevant quote :
' Berberine inhibits prostate cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis. A, structure of berberine. B, BBR inhibited the growth of LNCaP. Cells were treated with various concentrations of BBR for 24, 48, or 72 hours. MTT assay was conducted to determine cell viability. The viability of control cells was set at 100%. The data plotted are mean ± SD; n = 8. C, BBR induced apoptosis in LNCaP. Apoptosis was quantitated by cell death ELISA in LNCaP cells treated with indicated concentrations of BBR for 24 hours. Data plotted are mean ± SD; n = 3. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01. '
A relevant study quote :
' BBR has been shown to suppress the capacity of prostate cancer cells to spread and infiltrate, these cells being strongly metastatic [49]. The inhibitory activity of BBR resulted in a substantial reduction in the expression of a panel of mesenchymal genes that control developmental EMT. High BMP7, NODAL, and Snail gene expression in metastatic prostate cancer tissues is associated with shorter survival in patients with prostate cancers and offers potential therapeutic targets among the EMT-related genes downregulated by BBR [49] (Table 2). '
A relevant quote from this review :
' Importantly, the active ingredient of berberine has clear inhibitory effects on various cancers, including colorectal cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and cervical cancer. '
I have always felt that topically applied colloidal silver (CS) with a DMSO primer to allow the CS to penetrate the skin and dermal layers in the area of the prostate would be useful, but it is only speculation on my part so I can't even recommend it, just me thinking out loud.
(Fort Worth Texas)
Have you looked into Essiac tea? They have very successful results … people who have cured themselves also do various parasite cleanses but if you are doing MB w the tea might be a magic bullet. All the best to you.
Recommended Books
(Canberra Australia)
There are a few and most are pretty poor. The best reviewed one by Mark Sloan is "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue" for about $US 4 on Kindle which was worth getting I found.
Recommended Videos
Here is the link to an excellent video on dosage. make sure you watch his Methylene Blue and Near InfraRed Light for Neuroprotection video as well.
Removing Methylene Blue Stains
I had a bottle from a fish store that had some crusty MB on the top of the bottle. I didn't think anything of it when the MB flake fell on the counter. Later when it was exposed to water (didn't immediately see it), I figured out my mistake.
Removing Methylene Blue Stains
Shelf Life
Swine Flu
10. The Swine flu scare is not real.
It is real and the numbers are much larger then what authorities say. However the real scare is to spread it and for people to get vaccinated and then it gets deadly. It eats up the lungs over long term flu. I am as yet trying to fine a cure to restore lungs after they have been eaten away by the flu. What I am currently looking is the lysine, methylene blue and the Ganmaoling chinese herbal preparations.
EC: The above post has been excerpted from the Swine Flu remedies page...
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
The way the media in this country ran with the story, it did look like a hoax. And then so few cases were discovered despite the apparently urgent need for vaccines and face masks. And the people who succumbed to it were already ill. It has been said that other types of flu that hit do more damage and receive less media attention. It did look like a hoax, possibly an attempt to force the public to demand the borders be closed. Thank you for the clarification, Ted :)
Tooth Abscess
A chipped tooth with a lose filling, not treated resulted in a serious abscess and excessive (scary) swelling in my face.
Visited the dentist who prescribed 500mg Amoxicillin 6x/day for 10 days. Frequent salt water/sodium bicarbonate rinses/brushes were in place and continue The antibiotic had zero effect on the swollen site and after 2 1/2 days, I went to urgent care where I was prescribed Amoxicillin 875 with CLAV…time released every 12 hours. Because the antibiotic was not able to reach the site due to swelling and poor circulation to the gums, I was advised to apply heat therapy 5 minutes at a time to encourage blood flow to the site. I also massaged the area. 2 days later, the jaw was still swollen.
I was told to go to the ER if fever, throat tightening or lymph swelling occur. None of these things occurred, so I did not go to the ER.
My dentist and most medical offices were closed for an extended holiday. In an attempt to stay out of the ER and keep the infection from spreading to bone, brain, lymph…blood
With a very clean mouth, I began using DMSO with H202 and DMSO with silver alternately…2x/day at the site, inside my mouth. I also rinsed mouth with salt water/sodium bicarbonate and took silver here and there. There was a slight reduction in the swelling.
After 5 days of taking antibiotic with infection still clearly present…I decided to venture into the world of methylene blue. I had ordered pharmaceutical grade powder some months before (after Mercola interview), and (though VERY new at this) figured out and prepared a 1% solution and ordered ascorbic powder to mix. 
I searched for info on dosing (50-300 range) and found nothing specific to my condition, much less for use with infections.
So I had to guess and took 27 mg total in 2 doses, 12 hours apart. I was still taking the AMOX-CLAV. The idea initially was to assist the absorption of AB, and reap mitochondrial benefits.
In a Brave search, I found that for UTI infections 30mg 2 or 3x/day could be dosed. On day 2 of taking MB, I took 3 doses totaling 67mg/day. I added cayenne pepper to the mix (filled 0 capsules) and took 2x first day. Used cayenne with coconut or castor oil inside of mouth, all with the idea to stimulate blood flow to the area.
All along the way, I consumed 3-5 cloves of garlic in food and chew-juiced slices of ginger in mouth over the course of the 7 days;The time it took for the swelling to reduce to a reasonable level.
On days 3,4 5 I dosed @65,100,90, respectively. Don't ask😅…was uncertain and trying to learn and figure out as I continued to do battle with the scary infection.
Now that the swelling is gone (2 days)…AND the The AMOX-CLAV prescription finished. There is no way that I am out of the woods with the infection. I would like to have an idea as to what a good MB dose would be to keep the infection at bay until my appointment with a dental surgeon…10 days from now, and if there is anything that might assist the healing that I haven't considered. My thought is to continue with the MB…at site DMSO/silver/H2O2, cayenne, sodium bicarbonate and keep taking D3, zinc, boron, magnesium, garlic, ginger, with hot/cold stimulation, natural ferments and brisk daily walking.
Just discovered EarthClinic site in my search for info on MB.
It is SO hard to navigate the censored net these days to find good information. Wow, what a community resource. Those who believe that we are given what we need in the earth to heal and remain healthy are truly blessed.
Hello Farmer,
Wow, I hope you have cleared your tooth infection.
I had a severe tooth abscess and was scheduled for surgery though was unable to see the dentist for a week. I used the following to help with the pain and swelling though discovered it also cleared the infection:
Clove essential oil rubbed into the gum line around the tooth 6x/day. After 3 days the pain disappeared. Later in the week I also included oregano, cinnamon and peppermint essential oils (today we use: oregano, peppermint and a "thieves" blend - clove, rosemary, cinnamon, lemon or orange and eucalyptus). Many include thyme EO for the high thymol content.
When I saw the dentist there was no evidence of infection! Both of us were surprised.
Today, this is all my husband and I use for tooth infections and it works:
We do a combination of direct applications of essential oils (always clove & oregano) to the infected site along with ozonated oil swishes (ozonated coconut or olive oil with or without essential oils) for 15-20 minutes. Also, we sometimes apply the essential oils externally to the skin over the infected site (diluted to tolerance).
We still do the warm salt (with or without iodine) swishes.
All of these procedures are done 4-6x/day for serious infections.
My holistic dentist told me that oregano essential oil has been shown to even penetrate bone infections in the jaw and said it could treat cavitations. It is a very strong broad spectrum antimicrobial. I had surgery on my cavitations so I have not tried oregano oil on jaw bone infections ... yet.
Clove essential oil is such an effective broad spectrum antimicrobial that it is still used in many dentist products and materials today.
Lots of research using essential oils for dental issues.
Benefits of oregano and clove EOs:
Antibacterial - gram negative and gram positive
Potent Antioxidants
Anti-Parasitic - broad spectrum
Anti-Inflammatory. Insect repellent Anticancer
Clove EO also - analgesic, anesthetic, remineralizes teeth & food preservative
IMPORTANT: must obtain real, non-synthetic, quality/organic essential oils. More synthetics are showing up on the market from China. A good oregano is from the Mediterranean, such as from Greece or Turkey.
I have found that some oregano EO brands were actually cayenne pepper oil sold as oregano oil!
Note: I tend to use a mix of oregano species, both O. vulgare and a mediterranean species (e.g., O. minutiflorum, O. hirtum, O. vulgare Heracleoticum or P73). These are high in carvacrol, over 85%.
Hoping your infections clear up soon,
Oil pulling (coconut oil would be a good choice; it's anti bacterial) and an activated charcoal or clay poultice should help prevent the infection from spreading and may actually draw the infection out where the other anti bacterial things you are using can more effectively deal with it.
I forgot to mention that DMSO mixed with some Lugol's Iodine should also help because Iodine kills all bacteria. The antibiotics may not be effective right now because the bacteria causing the infection may be resistant. Resistance is often caused by the bacteria developing a lipid coating to protect itself, so something that breaks down this fatty protective membrane is a great help in fighting these types of bacteria. Monolaurin works well for such issues.
(Glens Falls, Lake George, NY)
Thank you Dano!
We facilitate the iodine transport inside the mouth as I have been doing with the H2O2, Silver? Hope to try this evening. Yay!
Will learn about Monolaurin.
I've done “abbreviated” oil pulls (a little (1t? coconut and/or castor w/cayenne or oregano) “painted” on gum line…the cheek…at the site. Then swished with gathering saliva for 10-30 minutes before discarding. More oil?
My son (8 yr) had an infection like you are describing, with a super swollen face etc. we went to a child dentist with very very good recommendations, and being there the first thing she did was to scare the f* out of my son and blamed me for not doing things and prescribed exactly the same you have gotten! She mentioned heart muscle infection if we do not operating! She wanted to remove all teeth around the infection etc. After coming back to my senses we used the following remedy to not only drive the infection out and the swelling back, but also revert to a clean and function yet half teeth!!! CDL solution ( DO NOT SWALLOW) 100ml filtered water 10ml CDL 0.5ml DMSO Apply to mouth and swirl around affected area for 1-2minutes and rinse with water! Do this up to 8 times a day! If very urgent or little effect double the CDL and dmso amount! Be careful though' this is a very potent and cleaning solution! We never heard from this tooth again! All possible treatments and solutions can be found on Good luck and stay healthy
(Glens Falls/Lake George, NY)
Thank you Chlorophyllus!
So, your son did not take the CDS internally…treating only with mouth rinses? Wow…what a happy ending for you and your son.
I will save this protocol in my notes!
While I rinsed with CDS a couple of times, early on…to sanitize mouth…before swelling started, I did not go full on, because I would have been inclined to drink the solution, (in addition to rinsing) and wasn't ready to endure the taste for the hourly, multiple day Humble or the Kalcker protocols. Did your son find the taste to be horrible?
Also…as it became clear that the antibiotic was worthless in reaching the site of infection, I decided to try Methylene Blue. My understanding is that one should not combine MB with CDS.
I'm sorry I'm just seeing this. I have dealt with many tooth infections, I believe, because I have a cavitation I can't afford to deal with properly. But I would have added 1000mg of vitamin c to bowel tolerance (during active infection as you described I have taken as much as 4000mg/hr for a few hours and never hit bowel tolerance). As an antibiotic I take oil of oregano in capsules. I also placed a capsule of activated charcoal on the sight to try and pull out infection. No idea if it helps but it seems to make it feel better. Those are my main go to along with some other things you described - but not all. My heart goes out to you though because I know it is so very painful. Hope you got everything resolved!
Topical Methylene Blue
In reply to Leanne (Ca),
Topical methylene blue is difficult because it stains your skin blue and for that matter, some painted surfaces and stone such as marble so you have to be careful handling methylene blue. If the topical application is for fungus, borax might be worth considering or the borax and diluted hydrogen peroxide which do not stain the skin.
(Cabarlah, Qld.)
Recent research has been published about methylene blue : Common antioxidant could slow symptoms of aging in human skin. The study was published online in the journal Scientific Reports on May 30,2017. The article is available on several web sites.
I have used ascorbic acid (vitamin C) successfully to remove methylene blue stains from my skin after cleaning up a spill. It worked well.
Using Methylene Blue
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Wydo... There are few problems with Methylene Blue(MB) bought from aquatics shops. Fish are very sensitive to chemical toxins, and if the MB purchased at the aquatics shop started killing fish, no one would buy it anymore. Sodium Benzoate, as Ted has mentioned, is a deep acting viral killer and is quite safe to take in small amounts.
I buy Vitamin C as Ascorbic acid powder, which is the purest form. When you buy the Ascorbic Acid tablets, they add adhesive fillers which I don't like, because these fillers inhibit the Ascorbic Acid going into solution thereby inhibiting absorbtion into the body. The ascorbic acid powder is the purest and cheapest form you can buy.
To create Sodium Ascorbate I just add half a teaspoon of Ascorbic Acid to a glass of water and then add Baking Soda(Sodium Bicarbonate) -- Arm & Hammer BS is fine -- to this mix until the fizzing stops. Now you have Sodium Ascorbate in solution -- in its most absorbable form. Then I just add the drops of 0. 1% Methylene Blue(usually 3 to 8 drops depending on your needs) to the Ascorbate or Vit C solution and just drink it down.
(Ventura, Ca, United States)
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Wydo... Yes, mix them together. Add the Ascorbic acid to the glass, then add water and mix into solution. Then, if you can, add the Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate to this solution to make it alkaline(in order to preserve the bicarbonates in your own body). Now, just add the drops of Methylene Blue. This mixture is taken outside mealtimes.
(Santa Barbara CA)
Hi Gina,
Methylene Blue(MB) does alot of beneficial things for the body:
1. In it's pro-oxidant or "blue" form, MB can supply increased oxygen to your cells, thus giving you more energy. Also, supplying oxygen more efficiently to all your cells helps to prevent cancer.
2. MB is an efficient wide-spectrum pathogen killer -- it kills viruses, bacteria and fungi on your body.
3. MB is used in medicine to cure Methemoglobinemia.
4. According to Dr Deepak Golwalkar who is a renowned pulmonary specialist in India -- you can use low dose 0.1% MB to both stop the deadly cytokine storms so heavily involved in COVID-19 to actually help to cure COVID-19 problems.
5. Dr Golwalkar also regularly uses a low oral dose 0.1% Methylene Blue + daily nebulized MB to cure and save his patients with serious pneumonia and tuberculosis infections.
6. MB is used as an antidote to cyanide poisoning.
7. MB has been used for over 100 years -- by the spoonful(i.e. large doses) -- against malaria.
8. MB in it's anti-oxidant form -- which is it's colorless form also known as Leucomethylene Blue -- has many cognitive benefits. There is also much research that shows that regularly supplementing low dose MB improves learning, memory, increases energy, is neuroprotective and protects the brain. This therefore makes MB extremely useful against degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other diseases like Huntington's.
9. It's also worth remembering that Methylene Blue is useful in the body both in it's pro-oxidant or "blue" state as well as in it's colorless or reduced state as LeucoMethylene Blue.
10. Methylene Blue has a half-life in your body of abour 6 hours. So this also means that even a small or low dose of MB -- either in it's pro-oxidant or anti-oxidant form -- will protect your body for an extended and useful amount of time.
11. To be absolutely clear, it does not really matter which form of MB that you take -- the pro-oxidant form or the anti-oxidant form(with added Ascorbic Acid) -- because the MB in your body will undergo many conversions to and from it's pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant forms until it is eventually removed by the liver.
Now here's some simple maths for the sake of MB dosage clarity. I don't like using MB expressed as a % and drops as the dose of MB because it seems to always confuse people. That's why I much prefer expressing the MB dosage in milligrams per drop. See below for a useful reference:
1 drop of 0.1% MB solution contains 0.05 mgs MB powder.
1 drop of 1% MB solution contains 0.5 mgs MB powder.
1 drop of 2% MB solution contains 1 mg MB powder.
From now on, I will express all MB amounts in milligrams and you should now be able to easily work out the exact number of drops you must take -- at whateverv % concentration -- from the above conversions.
Dr Golwalkars Own Daily MB Protocol
In his many articles Dr Golwalkar has said that the only protocol or precaution he took for himself during the COVID-19 pandemic in his hospital was just to follow one MB protocol. He said that he took half a teaspoon of 0.1% MB, which is equivalent to approximately 50 drops of 0.1% MB. So from the above -- that converts to:
50 drops x 0.05 = 2.5mgs MB powder.
Dr Golwalkar would then hold the MB in his mouth for 30 seconds for fast sublingual absorption into his bloodstream and then swallow it with a little extra water. Dr Golwalkar has also said that he has had very few COVID-19 deaths at his hospital despite treating many thousands of people. He has also said that he never used a mask in his hospital when doing the rounds and visiting his patients. And he never succumbed to COVID-19 during the whole period of the pandemic. As a consequence, Dr Golwalkar is regarded as a hero in India for saving so many of his people but he still remains unknown in the West because of the FDA's efficient control over the CDC, the WHO and the ever-obedient Western media.
I currently use Dr Golwalkar's low sublingual MB protocol every day -- which helps to protect me against any COVID-19 infections and, since I'm an old guy, also helps to maintain my cognitive and neurological health as well.
Many thanks, Bill, for taking the time to write this up. This is the best explanation I've seen yet on MB. It actually answers many of the questions I had since recently becoming interested in taking it and trying to learn more about it. I'm glad I can take the colorless form so I don't have to worry about stained blue teeth but still get all the benefits. Thanks again for sharing!
Where to Buy
Compass labs. $30 or so
Buy directly from Compass Laboratories. Never from Amazon.
I found it from a lab in Florida, They offered free shipping and USP grade 8 oz with 2 oz bottle free for $100. Easily the best price I found for pharmacy grade.
(Queensbury NY)
My alternative doctor (also MD) recommended I start taking MB for Morgellons, Atherosclerosis, and PAD. She orders hers 1% from BioPharm on Amazon And also gelatin capsules to fill with MB. I ordered size 00 gelatin capsules which each hold about 15 drops (7.5 gm). I started at 5 drops and worked up to 15 and take early am and pm. With each dose I also take three (3) or five (5) capsules of 1000 mg of Vitamin C. I also take the soda water twice a day and borax and H2O2 liter water twice a day—8 ozs at a time. I have only been on this protocol with MB for one week and the little Morgies are coming out in great numbers. I am thrilled to be in such pain knowing they are leaving my body at last!!! We are blessed to have received Ted' and Art's protocols.
COULD you buy such capsules already with MB?
All I see is powder or solution and I want my husband to take it w/o staining teeth...