Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Ted's Remedy Feedback

Posted by Cure Herpes (Gold Coast, Qld) on 09/17/2010

Hey Ted really need your help. I have genital and mouth herpes. I have been on the internet days on end searching for a cure. You seem to be one of the very few that give a glimpse of hope. I have read all of your suggestions on Earth clinic. What I really want is a short, concise protocol on how to CURE herpes. If u had herpes how would you go about eliminating them? (100% no fail CURE)

In my own research I have seen zinc seems to be the key. Zinc alone being able to kill off 99% of the virus. And if applied enough case studies indicate that it stops outbreaks for 2 years if not more. U suggest magnesium chloride, why is that? I have done research and some people suggest that magnesium cholride in fact doubles the replication of the virus. (Not saying your wrong just want the insight into why)

So please ted, I really need your help. Please outline the latest, greatest, the most relevant protocol for 2010 that will killl the herpes virus for good. Thankyou so much in advance. Ted you have amazing insight and thanks for the hope and knowledge u bring!

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz, The Land Of Oz)

Hi there, I will copy Ted From Bangkok's latest info for combatting Herpes Virus (latest I can find is 2012).

07/31/2012: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Yes, that is a weak remedy. I might try a stronger one, with BHT 500 mg, twice a day, lysine 1000 every hour for 4 hours once a day, and vitamin C 500 mg five times a day, for a month. You can also take the lysine twice a day, for four hours twice a day, with threonine, 500 mg at same time taken with lysine. There is a more powerful remedy than that, but I believe starting with the weakest one and gradually increasing strength is the safest way to go. Lithium is also antiviral and is taken at 5 mg a day before sleep and so is Lugols, but that's another remedy.


-- Source:

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by E11even (Miami, Fl) on 10/24/2009

Clarification of Ted's remedy

Can someone PLEASE translate Ted's remedy into simple dosage and instructions??? pills? liquid? topical? internally? This formula sounds good but is unclear....

"The exact measurement for the herpes simplex cure is a 5% concentration of Zinc Chloride and a 5% concentration of Magnesium Chloride. This is the simplest formula that is most easy to remember. Viruses take a long time to kill because they hide inside your body.

To quicken the kill so they can no longer hide dormant, you should take 25-50 mg. of zinc acetate for a week alternatively. This means take this one week on and take it one week off. Do this for about two months."

Thanks in advance, God bless...

Replied by Samantha77
(South Whitley, Indiana, Usa)

RE: Ted's Cold Sore Remedies

I'm a bit confused about the dosage of Ted's cold sore remedy as well. Can somebody clarify? Sorry if it's a repeat question.

I've just read about a similar remedy that involves taking zinc as well. It's optional though.
It also recommends taking Lysine tablets which has worked at healing my cold sores faster and to balance your pH if it is too acidic (which I found out that mine was).

So I've been drinking some purified alkaline water and eating more alkaline based foods rather than acidic foods. So far it's really been effective. I've had much less cold sores since starting this routine. It's really helpful if you have severe cold sore breakouts, or you get them often.


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Posted by Chris (Minneapolis, Mn) on 12/02/2007

Stop a herpes outbreak: THC, the active ingredient in marijuana kills the herpes virus. It stops the pain of a canker sore on contact. You do not need to smoke or get high at all, just put a pinch into rubbing alcohol and apply with a q-tip.

Replied by Maryjane420
(Dallas, Tx Us)

Well, I've never heard of that before...Really don't see how that would work, but I suppose it's worth a try, I guess, 'cause I always got bud around! But just in case anyone is wondering, NO, smoking out WILL NOT prevent or cure an outbreak!!! Trust me, I'm a freakin pot head who smokes everyday and I'm actually having a massive outbreak as I type this. I haven't had this disease very long so I'm still learning about what works, what doesn't, prevention of spreading and outbreaks...but man is it horrible. Suppressive therapy still allows outbreaks, but then if you find yourself like me, without a job or insurance, you can't afford it anymore and it makes the next outbreak SO MUCH WORSE! Plus, any stress factor or change in your life, your body, your emotions...all of that will cause an outbreak. If you are sick, a smoker, have another disease, even menstruation can trigger an outbreak. Guys who have it should consider themselves VERY lucky. They don't have the proper "environment" to advocate growth, as we girls do. It sucks. THE ONLY thing I've found to be very helpful is the typical M.D. answer: "Eat right, exercise, take vitamins, drink water" etc etc. As stupid and cliche as that advice sounds, it really did do wonders for me when I was vigilant about my health. It may be worth noting (or may not be...dunno) that I was following a gluten-free diet during this time and drank no carbonated beverages at all, as well as no alcohol. When my world fell apart, though, like everyone's does at SOME point, that's when my health went to s--- and that's when I even discovered I had the disease(s). I'd had them for several months and never knew. I knew this because I had been single for a while by then. This is probably why fairly healthy individuals can have these for years and really, truly NEVER know--until their immune system drops. HPV works very similarly (I got the 2-for-1 special from Mr Manwhore whom I foolishly trusted). I didn't even know I had a problem, aside from the usual paranoia after having sex with a different partner. But yeah, you know, it sounds real easy to just eat good foods, drink water, and exercise, but when everything sucks in your life, it's real hard to actually do. Pile jobs, kids, housework, relationships, bills, etc on top of it and it's easy to just say *F it!* and go to McDonalds. THEN, try doing it by yourself like I, and SO MANY other single women, have to do. And then when immunity is down your outbreaks take over and make you feel ugly at the VERY least, not even mentioning the pain. If you're not SUPER careful you can spread it around your body. I do not have oral herpes but whether it was from just being not careful, or a towel, or whatever, I managed to get a sore on my lip. So yeah, another bad cliche, "an ounce of cure is worth a pound of prevention"...Wear condoms, people. Don't be stupid like I was. Sure it feels great, but the potential consequences ARE NOT worth it. And most of the time the guy is not worth it either. Well, anyway, that's about all I had. Hope that helps someone out there, anyway.

The Rip-Em-Off Method for Cold Sores!

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Posted by steve (bolingbrook, illinois) on 10/09/2007

what has worked for me for getting rid of cold sores faster than anything else may, not be the best thing. it hurts for a while, but it gets rid of them fast. take a wash cloth, dampen it with hot water, apply the washcloth to the coldsore and rip the cold sore off. afterwords apply vasoline/neosporine to the open wound. i have yet to have a problem transmitting the virus, even minutes after ripping the cold sore off. this is the fastest way i have found to rid myself of the embarassing sores. as for preventing the outbreaks, i try to live my life as stress free as possible. i have found that stress is the main cause of getting cold sores. i may have 3 outbreaks a year, each of which lasting no more than 12 hours.

Replied by EricSF
(San Francisco, CA)

I'm sorry, but with all the alternative remedies listed here I can't condone ripping off part of your face; in effect, performing surgery on yourself as a remedy to cold sores. Not only would this be excruciatingly painful, you also leave an open wound on your face to develop infections and leave scars. Next time, try Apple Cider Vinegar. My cold sore erupted, oozed, dried out, scabbed and cleared up within 24 hours after repeatedly applying 100% Apple cider vinegar for a few hours. By the next day, only a small dry red area of skin was left which could be covered with a little concealer and healed within the next 24 hours. What would usually last 8-10 days essentially ran it's course in 2 and vinegar is all natural. I was amazed how well it worked, but it certainly did and didn't involve mutilating my face.

Replied by Lisa
(Boulder, Colorado)

Apply Aloe Vera whenever you feel a cold sore coming on. Most the time you will not have an outbreak at all. You can also take Aloe Vera by mouth, too! If you do get a cold sore, pop the blister with a needle, then apply the Aloe Vera. You won't even see it after about 2 hours! Good for me!

Tinactin (Foot Spray)

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Posted by Wellington (Quincy, WA) on 01/14/2007

I used this product called "Tinactin" (its an athletes foot spray) I used it for 3 days morning and night .I sprayed it on and let it dry,(I used it because Tinactin has an anti itch medicine in it )after the 3rd day the blisters were gone and i have not had an out break for about 1 year.

Replied by Birdy
(Ankeny, Iowa, Usa)

I must agree with this. I use an off brand of this athletes foot spray that has the same medicine it it and BHT. It also is the spray that has some talc. If I feel a tingle I apply this and just leave it on for a while at home. It will wipe right off when I want it to. It has stopped all cold sores from developing for 5 months. If I feel a scare I just put it on. Dont wait until you get one, prevention is the best way to deal with these.

Tissues with Lotion

Posted by Tracy (Ohio, US) on 12/31/2014

While it could very well be herpes, mrsa, staph or some other virus... it could also be from your tissues! It took me months to figure out what was causing my nose sores - TISSUES WITH LOTION. I don't know what they are putting in those tissues with lotion, but they were causing my nose to break out inside every other day with crusty, cracky, weepy, hurty, open sores. As soon as I stopped using tissues with lotion, they cleared up.

Tomato Juice

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Posted by Puddles (Regina, Canada) on 02/28/2010

Tomato juice is an excellent cure for cold sores. Dab generously directly on the sore and also drink about three glasses a day for at least a week. I have known some people to never get another cold sore with this remedy. I hope it works for you!


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Posted by Angela (Cheyenne, Wy) on 04/20/2012

I want to share my sucess story with you all. I hate cold sores they leave me in a deep depression. With that being said I tried everything to get rid of the virus so it can heal. I have important plans for the weekend. I started getting one on Moday thinking it was a zit on the corner of my mouth. Boy was a wrong! I woke up on Wednesday morning at 3 am. In pain and saddened that I will miss this weekends events. I then decided to try Colgate total toothpaste on the sore. It helped ease the pain and I woke up with the virus gone!!! It is now Friday and I have been heavily appling aquaphor and neosporin since wednesday. The scab is off and a little red. I hope this helps you all good luck!!!!

Transfer Factor

Posted by Hope (North Carolina, US) on 10/29/2014

To Ted:

Ted, I would like to know your opinion on Transfer Factor. Will it kill hsv1? Is it worth the money or should I be using something more powerful for herpes?

I want to Thank You for all of your information!


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Sb (Rockland, Me) on 05/19/2010

I found that an Apple allergy causes open sores around the mouth. So far I know at least a dozen people have checked to see if their cold sores are related to apples and agree that apples bring on the sores.

Posted by Marion (Powhatan, VA) on 12/28/2008

I have suffered with herpes since I was a little girl. Giant sores would appear around my nose and mouth. I actually go into hiding I am so ashamed. I have tried everything. Valtrex does work if the sore is caught early enough but this requires a prescription and is very expensive. In my search for an alternative I have decided to avoid the food triggers that cause the outbreaks. Chocolate, Nuts and Oranges too much sugar and artificial sweeteners. I also drink lemmon balm tea every morning. Since changing my diet. I have been outbreak free for over three years. I hope this info helps.

Posted by Leslie (Philadelphia, PA) on 05/24/2007

I have always noted that body temperature changes cause my oral herpes cold sores to flare up. Tanning beds, vacations to warm areas, having a fever, or exposure to sudden drops/increases in the weather have caused outbreaks within days. I now skip the tanning, and avoid being outside in extreme hot or cold weather.


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Posted by Going_28 (East Norriton, Pa, Usa) on 04/05/2011

I have been able to successfully suppress genital herpes outbreaks indefinitely with two daily doses (morning and night) of 3-4 300mg turmeric capsules per dose. So 3 or 4 in the morning, then 3 or 4 again at night. Without taking turmeric (or anything else to fight it), I'd break out everyday with full symptoms.

Replied by Jflange
(Chicago, Il)

I have had the same result with turmeric. 1/4 tsp organic turmeric powder mixed into a small amount of milk (any milk with fat will do) and a bit of honey. Symptom free since I began and otherwise it would have been a monthly outbreak for me.


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Posted by Michelle (Toronto, ON) on 09/07/2008

I've suffered from cold sores my entire life. I hate when I feel that tingle coming on. I tried everything, and some things will help and shorten the duration, but I finally found what will stop if from even developing. My step-dad said he heard of people using their own urine. Just pass a q-tip through your own stream of urine, then dab it on the spot where a coldsore is developing. I was VERY reluctant to try this, but one day I felt one coming on and I was desperate. I tried it, and it worked!! Nothing came of it! I've tested this 2 or 3 times since, and can happily report its still working! I'm so happy to have found something that works.

Replied by Fiona
(Ilford, Essex, England)

I found urine a very effective treatment for cold sores and also mouth ulcers too. Just dab the urine on the cold sore and for the mouth ulcers, swill the urine around your mouth then spit out. The relief is impressively quick.


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Posted by Sandy (Monterey Park, Ca) on 07/29/2009

My husband was sporting a cold sore on his lip for a couple weeks. He was using some OTC stuff. I told him that I heard Dr. Oz say something about Vicks being good for fungus. He ignored me. Then I felt a sting on my lip and knew a cold sore was coming on. I immediately took a swab of Vicks and put it on my lip. I could feel it tingle. I kept applying it when ever I felt it had rubbed off. In two days the sore was gone. He was still sporting his!

Replied by Vetta
(Northeast, Usa)

This stuff works wonders on cold sores. Just apply like lip gloss. The scent isn't as strong as you think. Doesn't work instantly but heals them faster. And prevents future ones.
