Olive Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Honey
Yesterday, due to an agonizing pain from my bleeding anal fissures and hemorrhoids, I was browsing the internet for a relief and visited this site. I read about mineral oils, olive oil, cod liver oil, honey and beeswax and how the could relieve my situation. I managed to go out - was in serious pains - and bought some honey, cod liver and olive oils. I could not find beeswax. I took a tablespoon full of each of the oils and the honey by mouth. I then mixed 1 teaspoon of each of the items in a small glass bowl, and then applied the mixture on the external part of my anus. the anal area well lubricated, I used a dropper and injected about 2ml of the mixture in my anus. I was able to sleep quietly (took some panadol though) and I am feeling quite some relief. about twenty four hours now, I am feeling so strong and I can wait to share this with someone who may be suffering the agony of anal fissure and hemorrhoid at this time. I hope to get beeswax today and to add aleo vera gel to the combination. I believe these are all natural and little risk of overdose.
(Califon, Nj)
My husband has been suffering agonizing and debilitating pain from fissures for several weeks-- having to call in sick to work and not knowing day to day whether he would be fine or not able to function at all. This is such a horrible affliction to deal with Doctor-prescribed pain killers didn't even seem to help lessen the pain when he was going through the agony of a freshly irritated fissure post bm... The olive oil/cod liver oil/ honey remedy seems to be the first of many tried that helped somewhat more than all the other things he had been trying. I also want to share what we just tried this morning that really helped lessen another bout of excruciating pain so that he could go back to sleep.
First of all-- Let me share the whole regimen he has been on: Changing his diet to include more raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables and less processed or sugary or oily junk foods or starchy sides (such as rice or pasta or mashed potatoes). Then Orally on a daily basis: Psyllium Whole Husks which he mixes with juice and drinks at night.. Also one tablespoon of olive oil also at night, one tablespoon raw honey one capsule of cod liver oil and one tablet B6 (100 mg) and a multivitamin with zinc (the store didn't have just zinc alone so we used this with some good effect). This regimen seems to help make a much softer/smoother bm that he can pass without straining and also helps with stress level and healing processes. The fissure takes a while to heal, however, and pain still has been occurring unpredictably, on and off, even with this oral regimen-- Day to day he doesn't know if he will be fine or suffer with debilitating pain where he can't drive or go to work.. From what I have read this pain is as bad as being in labor... Topically he has found that witch hazel applied with a cotton pad to the area gives some relief (temporarily) as well as sitting in a warm bath. However, the day is still shot and he is really not able to do much except to moan and groan and fret about this. What I want everyone to know is what we JUST tried this morning that had IMMEDIATE soothing effect for the internal pain. Nothing we have tried up to now has made such an immediate difference...had read about the healing effectiveness of a mix of things and decided we should be prepared to try if he had another flare up.
Yesterday I bought an oral syringe (pharmacy didn't carry rectal syringe. I made sure it had a smooth rounded end to it (several have a pointy end which you do not want as it can possibly re-injure the area) I mixed about a 1/2 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (100% pure) with about a 1/2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil and a splash of Aloe Vera juice. Once it was well mixed I took as much of it as I could get into the syringe (which I had first coated the outside end of the syringe with coconut oil) and then gave it to my husband to administer rectally. Very important to not put the syringe to far in (just the tip up to the 2 ml mark at most) so that you don't risk damaging the area. This gave him IMMEDIATE relief so that he could go right back to sleep and from what I have been reading on line, Manuka honey has healed fissures completely within three days of daily treatment. We shall see if this works. All I can say is I am SO relieved he is not bellowing and stomping the floor in the middle of the night and hyper-ventilating and panicking that he will end up losing his job because of this affliction. I gave him a sanitary pad to use in case the stuff comes out and all I can say is how relieved I was that his pain was substantially helped.
This may be our Miracle Cure...We will do this every night before sleep and hope for no more incidents. If I remember I will post again to let you know if this treatment is 100% successful in curing and healing him.. Just wanted to share as this site has been so helpful for treating other ailments during the last few years. I recommend checking out Earth Clinic's website to everyone I speak with who is suffering from any ailment. Hope this helps someone out there!
Potassium Permanganate
1 go to your chemist and buy a small jar of potassium permanganate,also called condys crystals
2 buy a tube of haemorhoid ointment you only need the applicator tube that comes with it,you may have one already
3 take a new sterile handkerchief or similar piece of cloth and wrap it around the applicator and covers the tip of the applicator as well.
4 get a small empty glass or jar and put about a heaped teaspoon of the condys crystals in the jar, now add a little water at a time until you get a mix which looks like pale ink,if you test it with your finger it should stain.
5 get a condom and go all around it and make holes from from the bottom to about half the way up, these will allow the mix to leak out in to the fissure.
6 now take your cloth wrapped applicator and dip it in to the mix until well soaked, you might put on plastic gloves for this job or your hands will be stained,
7 next when your cloth is really wet with the mix slip your condom with the holes in it over your assembly and tie the end off so nothing can leak an elastic band will do, and smear baby oil or vaseline on the condom.
8 now insert condom in to anus a short distance and then wiggle it about and the mix will leak in to the area of the fissure and enter the fissure....
9 I did this every day for 3 days on the third day i was pain free and it never returned,beforehand i was in agony and due for surgery, the relief of the cure was amazing
10 my doctor gave me the tip about condys but i had to work out how to get it in to the right area of the fissure because the doctor told me to sit in a bowl of it, that didnt do any good because it has to get inside so i had to brainstorm a bit to come up with my method..
11 dont treat yorself with this method unless your doctor has diagnosed you as having a fissure, and ask if this is a suitable treatment for your case, all i can tell you for sure is if you have a fissure this works and it is a permanent cure and fast, i have changed my diet since and make sure i eat fruit and drink more water.. good health
Eat organic yogurt. I only eat wallaby from whole foods or Ralph's or sprouts. No I'm not a seller. Just someone with more than 10 years experience with this problem. And having tried most everything. The wallaby will cure the cut from inside. But you still have to keep stools soft. And sometimes I add coconut oil or neosporin to the outside, especially at night and before going to the bathroom. If wallaby ever goes out of business I'm in trouble. 100 million probiotics in one cup. And no the pills with billions didn't work. For some reason it has to be yogurt.
Rubbing Alcohol
To treat the anal fissue, make a poultice SOAKED IN ALCOHOL out of a piece of a paper towel, apply it to the area where the fissure is or is starting to become painful, indicating the emergence of an anal fissure, and sit on the poultice, rewetting it with alcohol when it dries. Do this for as many days (nights, too) as it takes to rid yourself of the fissure. As soon as you feel the fissure forming (when the rectal area hasn't yet formed a tear, but is "telltale" sore), immediately apply the alcohol soaked poultice. The alcohol will eventually dry out the surrounding skin, forming a superfical scabbing or blistering. Just keep the area immaculately clean by often cleansing with diluted antibacterial soap. The soap doesn't have to be full strength; the idea is to get the rectal area immaculately cleansed when dirty.
Rutin & Psyllium Husk
Hi all,
I would like to add a little more info to my previous post regards Rutin and Psyllium husk as I have learnt more about the issue since creating that iniital post which I hope helps many like it did me.
My issue was ultimately hemorrhoids which gave me fissures due to the fact when hemorrhoids occur and you got to the toilet it causes more stretching around the exit area which causes tears. So I stopped the bleeding using Rutin, which is fantastic, 500mg a day does the job.
How I ultimately fixed my issue altogether is 20 mins of exercise a day, I am talking HIIT exercise as well. Do this everyday for few weeks and then every other day and the pre biotic which I will explain further.
I now take a pre biotic fibre supplement which has been a miracle for me. An emphasis on PRE biotic! If you look online you can find this called Inulin in forms such as chicory root. I take a PREbiotic powder with kefir yoghurt which is probiotic. If you want to understand more about why this works. Have a good look in to pre/pro biotic and fibre what they do for us. The pre biotic feeds the bacteria in the lower gut. Also to say fibre is not just 'roughage'as what I've been told all my life, fibre so much more than that for us.
All foods now off the shelf have next to no pre biotic in them in form of fibre which is why we have so many gut issues in younger people. This bacteria layer which lines our bowel is super important to keep healthy which the pre biotic feeds the little guys there and stops inflammation and dis-ease to occur.
Hope this helps some of you out there, it has been a journey to find this what works for me and fixed my issues.
Saline Solution
For stubborn chronic anal fissures, after using the saline solution you can fill another enema bottle with betadine solution (1% iodine solution), and deliver a little bit of solution inside the affected area, also you can use proctofoam HC (RX only) and take daily supplements of vitamin A 10,000 IU, vitamin B-complex 100mg, vitamin C 500 mg and Zinc 30 mg until the affected area is healed.
The medication will work better if the area is cleaned with saline solution first.
Saline Solution
I really don't want to have surgery due to the risk of incontinence so I have been getting desperate. The one thing that has finally given me some relief and started to really work is injecting a small amount of saline into the rectum before each bowel movement. This really softens up the initial surge (which is where I always had my tears and pain occur). It's a bit of a hassle and kind of gross, but it does really work. I just use a small syringe (the same type used for giving medicine to kids) and just mix some saline solution that is used for nasal flushes and neti pots. The one problem is you can't use it everywhere, so I still occassionally have some episodes of minor fissures but they are usually small, have minor pain, and go away quickly. At least it makes things manageble without the risk of surgery.
St John's Wort
First one was 4 years ago, I visited the doctor, after examination he gave me some medicine to take, cicattritina cream, and also xylocaine cream. I took some sitz baths also, after some time and day by day the pain was eliminating.It took few days though, maybe 2 weeks.
Last month it appeared again the problem, because of constipation.I had the same treatment but did not work this time.I was not so much in pain like the firs time, I could stand it.But it was really annoying, especially after BM.I used few other creams, including natural aloe vera.I read many articles and comments with reagrds to this problem.I started getting really worry, because I could not find a cure to the probleM.Finally my Pharmacist suggest to try an oil that some othe people with same problem used and worked on them.I thought to give a try, I had nothing to loose, I was desperate and the oil was totaly natural.I found my health.I used it few times, and the pain gone.THANK GOD!!! The oil is called ST JOHNS WORT and is made from a plant called Hypericum perforatum.This plant has yellow leaves, although the oil is red.
I hope some people will be helped from this. Good luck.
Toilet Paper Improvement
Vitamins C and E
I made smoothies in the morning and at night with 1/2 cup orange juice for vitamin C and 1 ounce raw almonds for vitamin E and 1 ounce raw pumpkin seeds for zinc and my anal fissure healed completely in about 4 days.
According to the website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2903966/ proteins, carbohydrates, arginine, glutamine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, copper, zinc and iron play a significant role in wound healing and their deficiencies affect wound healing.
Wheatgrass, Vitamin E
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel
For hemmoroids dampen half a cotton ball and insert partially in the rectum (like a soppository) for a few hours or as long as needed. Caution! Can sometimes burn or sting a little But usually goes away.
Witch Hazel