Lichen Sclerosus
Health Benefits

Anti-Candida Diet for Lichen Sclerosus: Natural Healing

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Brigitte (Québec) on 05/23/2017

I think chronic candida has something to do with this LS. I have read on another forum that the Albican cadida not well treated would be the cause.. I am trying at the moment a certain essential oil cure to see if I can cure my LS from the inside instead of just treating symptoms....Brigitte... stay strong ladies.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Tanya (Burlingame) on 03/16/2016

I had the same issue and think that frequent candida is the precursor to Lichen Sclerosus.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Andrea (Eagle Lake, On, Canada) on 03/02/2015

I had chronic vaginal yeast infections all my young adult life. I was taking Canestan at least once every 3 months for years. Now I'm 66 and I was diagnosed with vulvar Lichen Sclerosus 13 years ago.

A connection? Seems logical.

The LS symptoms are under control with diet (no dairy, wheat, sugar, flour) and drinking lots of pure water, plus doses of lactobacillus and digestive enzymes, all of which were originally prescribed for IBS, so they keep my gut (and therefore my whole system) healthy and alkaline.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Tina (Sydney, Nsw Australia) on 12/02/2012

I was originally dianosed with Lichen Sclerosis in the late 80s (my early 20's) with extreme redness, swelling and white stripes on my labia minora. Treatment with cortisone via skin specialist was painful and did nothing. A naturopath put me on a Candida diet which we extended to wheat free whilst also using homemade golden seal pessaries nightly. In 9 months I had lost about 10kg (healthy weight for me) and all symptoms. My skin in that area has been thinner since and prone to minor splits, usually during times of stress and my periods. I'm not sure if it's related but I have also developed 4-5 largish subserosal amd pendunculated subserosal fibroids (up to 11cm) in the last 5 years.

Recently I have had a flare up of intense itching in the crease areas of the groin, also due to stress and can easily remove skin if I scratch even firmly. I will get it checked but am looking at the original solution to deal with it. I'm also looking at Red clover tea and will report what happens.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by R.l. (Fresno, Ca., U.s.a.) on 07/14/2011

I have vaginal Lichen symptoms and have had chronic vaginal candidas for many years. I am wondering if vaginal yeast infection is THE precursor to vaginal Lichen Sclerosus? Has anyone had the Lichen problem without a pre-existing candidas problem? Just trying to locate the possible origin of my condition. Thanks.