5 User Reviews
(Mn, Usa)
Glad you found some relief! This condition sounds a bit like the IC I have that makes eating high oxalate foods or detoxing endotoxins at times unbearable. As an RN, Zinc Oxide used commonly for 'toughening' the skin with burns, but it's only a bandaid. While I heal from Mycoplasma (one of the Lyme complex infections), I use a more healing bandaid for symptom tolerance: Oils of Frankincense and Tea Tree in equal parts to 20 parts of raw coconut oil, applied externally.
LS has both fungal and bacterial aspects and both need to be addressed. One option is Borax in coconut oil as a vag suppository for the fungal aspect and D-Mannose (buy the pwdr) to rid the body of excess E. Coli. There are benefits to vag supps of probiotics too. For bacterial vaginosis, douching with ACV or even 25% dilute hydrogen peroxide works. You may want to look at an overall Candida overgrowth and begin a protocol to balance your microbiome or body terrain, do some diet changes, balance minerals and vitas, and do some serious self-care, knowing you deserve to be well. Best to you.
Dear Natalia, it sounds like you really know a lot about this disease! I have learned so much from reading on this site. It helps me a lot as I have just been diagnosed. Could you please give me the specific amounts of what you recommend? After urination, I would like to have something to "cool off" ..
I believe in essential oils and use them often so the one with frankincense and tea tree oil would be beneficial. Please let me know how much of each to use or some kind of recipe would be great!
Thanks so much!
Zinc Oxide
Please try zinc cream and zinc baby powder for lichen sclerosis. It worked for me. I also use borax water for itchy eyes.
Zinc Oxide
(Richmond, Virginia/usa)
I have had LS for 18 years. I have tried everything my doctor has suggested and had it under control for many years. About 1 1/2 years ago I had a flare up that has persisited. I am burning and itching. I can no longer use the prescription medications. I have tried Perrins products which helped at first but are no longer giving any relief. I am considering other options such as Emuaid and the Zinc Oxide powder or Scar-Zone mentioned above. I have tried Desitin which contains zinc oxide, in the past however, and am wondering if I need to even try to zinc oxide products. Can someone tell me if there is a significant difference? Has anyone tried the Emuaid?
Also, for immediate, calming relief there is a product which is mixed with water and used as a compress. It is available at most drug stores and is similar to the vinegar idea. I have used this for years with flare ups.
I have used Emuaid and it does offer a great amount of relief. I just ordered some more yesterday as well as the bar soap. I just with is wasn't so strong. I feel like people must smell it on me. I think it has turpentine in it. I have had LS for about 8 years, and like most on here, I have tried many things. I just turned 53 and think I am now heading into menopause and I've now been experiencing intense itching that is not leaving me alone at night or in the am. Also, I've noticed some of those sores that people talk about which I never had before. I just went to naturopath nurse and did a pap and will have results this week. She was going to test my hormones as well and I she did a complete thyroid panel as I have Hashimoto as well. I know there is a connection to the 2 I just wish we could figure this out. I know the medical field has the answers, they just want to make money. I really wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! So painful and stressful sometimes! I've tried Vitamin E, it's ok. I've tried, Boric acid suppositories recently and wondered if that's why my problem seems to have exasperated, perhaps I kicked up some fungus/candida and now need more to rid myself. I know food is definitely a factor, high oxalates and inflammatories. Clobetosol had worked well in the past to stop the attack until hormones or stress or food made it act up again. But recently it burns and does not stop the itching!!! I also have recently done a few castor oil packs and I got this mark on my belly that looks like ringworm, so I'm wondering if I did something with my hormone balance that caused a shakeup and just need to keep doing it to get it right. I do take sitz baths with epsom salt, borax, baking soda, ACV. I am going to try some lavender and frankincense oil w/castor oil to see how that works. I'm hoping if this nurse can help with hormone balance, that will help a lot!! I can't just keep living like this every day! It's so hard to tell people what you're suffering from because it's so personal and in such a private place. I thank God I'm not the only one suffering, because how would we learn if we weren't all here talking about this!! Keep experimenting and sharing ladies!! WE GOT THIS!!! God bless you all!!! Wishing you health and happiness!! And a healthy vagina!!! :)))
(Merritt, Canada)
Hi - I have had LS for 30 years, but until recently I have not had to treat. I use emuaid, in fact I just ordered the moisturizer bar today. It works very well for the itching and burning. I stopped using it to treat with hormone cream my dr prescribed, and this was a big mistake. I cancelled my follow up appt with the dr and started using the emuaid again. Like every one else, I am looking for something to fix me, so I am also trying many things which I have found on this site. Lavender has also worked well, I mix a few drops in with the emuaid. Good luck!
Zinc Oxide
(Kearney, Ne)
Zinc Oxide