Lichen Sclerosus
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Lichen Sclerosus: Natural Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mom (New York) on 11/10/2013

Hi, I have had Lichen Sclerosus (LS) most of my life, it was finally diagnosed 2 years ago and I had surgery 1 year ago. It helped alot. I have tried apple cidar vinegar, it helps a lot, I also will drink it! This is a life savor. I have recenlty found that applying lavender essential oils made thy itching stop immediately! Try a spot to make sure it doesn't burn. It did not burn me, but was slightly warm. It did not cause any other yeast infections or BV at all, which I was worried about. I am one of those weird people who get both at the same time. Try it! It helped a lot!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (Effingham, Usa) on 08/16/2011


I have had some success with all the self experiements I have tried.

The ACV completely stopped all symptoms for me, but I couldn't take the ACV as it thinned my bones and bothered my joints. I found a interesting article at Pubmed indicating that acetic acid (ACV) stops MS symptoms, in relation to inhibiting a gene tranference. The following was a conclusion about LS being related to an oxidized state and recommending anti-oxidants - thus my remedy below.

The enzymatic antioxidant defence in LS was found to be significantly disturbed. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to demonstrate oxidative damage to lipids, DNA and proteins in LS, revealing a novel pathophysiological mechanism which may contribute to sclerosis, autoimmunity and carcinogenesis. Therapeutic strategies using antioxidants might be a useful new approach in the treatment of LS and could also help to prevent secondary malignancies.

For the Itch, I buy PURE Aloe Vera, mix with Lysine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cystene, Primerose oil (a few drops), Grapeseed extract and it usually keeps that BAD fire at bay without any flare ups and without the itch. I have had it for 11 years and only have (1) 1/4 inch scar. I do have some atrophy, but that came from attempting to use OTC steriod creme (absolute no-no). The scar over my pubic bone completely resolve using the ACV and above remedy. I thought I was totally resolved when I was taking the Vinegar daily, I had nothing, no symptoms and skin was regaining pink color. I stopped taking vinegar because it was demineralizing my bones - started noticing joint and back issues.

I regained minimal symptoms when stopped so continue to use above mixture with good results to stop the progression. I am going to start adding Hyaluronic acid and Niacinamide to the mixture. I am going to start taking niacinamide (small dose as it can be toxic if to much) I am hoping for a straight out healing!!! I am certain it is related to thyroid issues - that started when they put me on Premarin after hysterectomy - causing my thryroid to fail completely. I will post with results.

TED - HELP!!!!

I want to know if Ted would answer a question. I have been taking Armour Thyroid for 11 years, did an Ultra sound found out the thyroid tissue has regenerated. Is there anyway... somehow I can get off of the medication? Have your ever heard of this?
