Lichen Sclerosus
Health Benefits

Baking Soda for Lichen Sclerosus: Natural Relief Guide

Baking Soda
Posted by Lynn (Dallas, Texas) on 09/18/2016

Baking soda and castor oil and water. It works!

Baking Soda
Posted by Naomi (Delta, Canada) on 01/07/2015

Editor's Choice I have had Lichen Sclerosus for about 10 years now. I have just recently started using baking soda for it. I put about 1 tbsp bakin soda in a small glass 1/3 cup of water, take a seat on the toilet and pour it directly over the vaginal area. Let it dry, and I'm good to go! It has been very helpful!!!! :))

Baking Soda
Posted by Carol (Gardner, Ks.) on 08/05/2012

I have LS. Was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago... I was prescribed the steroid cream and it caused atrophy really bad.. Clitoris disappeared.. I no longer use it. I have severe itching and pain when I urinate and it gets on labia. I read on here about the baking soda.. I tried it last evening but I added baby oil. I am simply amazed at the progress I made with this combination... I actually got some sleep... I also have sjogrens disease which is in the lupus family, I am diabetic, and have fibromyalgia... This combination has helped me more than anything I have tried... Any more input would be much appreciated. thanks so much for the baking soda tip...carol

Baking Soda
Posted by Jay (Pueblo, Co) on 12/31/2011

I am a 67 year old male. I have had Lichens since about age 50. It started with extreme pain in the anal area. It was so severe I used a linament intended for livestock for relief. It was not diagnosed until 3 years ago, and my GP and Dermatologist seemed baffled about the whole thing. I don't think I can describe how painful this condition has been, but at times it felt like I had a razor blade between my buttocks. I have been thru all the steroid creams etc. With no effect. About a year ago a friend recommended baking soda and it has been a lifesaver for me. I soak at least once a day in baking soda bath, and the pain relief has been miraculous. I can usually function for 8 to 10 hours without pain, however I am still plagued by itching. It is best described as like poison Ivy, the more you scratch the worse it gets. I believe that the itch is caused or aggravated by my coffee consumtion, and I am trying to cut back on that. I apply a cream after bathing (Nupercainal) and that usually gets me thru the day. The itch, which is driving me crazy, is usually at night and effects my sleep patterns. I only saw one reference to baking soda in earlier posts, but I can assure you that it has been extremely helpful to me in the relief of pain. I am hoping that eliminating coffee will relieve the itching and in the mean time , I use the same ointment for temporary relief, or just take another bath in very hot water with the baking soda.

Baking Soda
Posted by Angela (Tehachapi, Ca) on 10/28/2011

I have LS my condition has been very severe. I read on this site that someone used Baking Soda in there bath. So since all the other remedies seem to be costly and hardly effective I tried it. Let me tell you IT WORKS. I used 1/2 a box of Baking Soda in the tub and soaked for 30 minutes. I know that sounds like alot of Baking Soda but I was afraid less would not be as effective. After my first soak I did not itch for 3 hours. After 2 weeks I visibly look close to normal. I use 1/2 a box every other day. The itch is still there I am working on my own mix of oils and shea butter to stop the itch and restore myself to 100%. I will write more if my mix works I am still waiting on the supplies.