Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Side Effects

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Dallas2 (Amesbury, Ma, Usa) on 08/29/2010

I just wrote a post re: kidney pain and baking soda/borax use. I forgot to mention that I have recently become a vegetarian.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Sara (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/23/2010

Are there side effects from taking baking soda constantly as a remedy for heartburn?

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 08/26/2010

There are probably not side effects for everyone - however baking soda for some reason does not agree with my body. I was putting a tiny amount in ACV and noticed that when I would do this I would get gas and that I wouldn't get gas w/o the baking soda! Also I tried using the baking soda to rinse my mouth out after taking the ACV and noticed my teeth got more sensitive with the baking soda than they did with the ACV alone!!! However my boyfriend frequently takes up to a tablespoon (!!! ) of baking soda in some water - at one time and hasn't had problems... So I would say it depends on your body! Watch and see what your body tells you. Personally I am now leery of baking soda for myself and my boyfriend LOVES it!!! Btw - he hates ACV...

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Jody (Fort Worth, Texas, United States) on 04/19/2011

If I only take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with a 8oz glass of water, I get severe gas and abdominal pain. After I pass the gas, I start to feel better. I was taking the baking soda to relieve burning after urinating. I don't think I will be able to take baking soda. Every time I take some baking soda this happens. Some people can take baking soda without any problems & in some people it causes problems. I guess I will have find another remedy that don't cause belching and severe abdominal gas.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Jc (Tonawanda, Ny) on 08/22/2010

I have been nebulizing sodium bicarbonate for a lung condition with positive results. However, there is a negative side effect with the treatment: I have been developing urinary discomfort. A CT scan revealed a ureter stone that seems to have passed when I temporarily ceased the SB and drank a lemon juice/oil mixture. But when I take the SB the discomfort comes back soon after. Is this common with others, and what can I do to continue the SB nebulizing without damaging my urinary systems? Thanks. Jc

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Lou (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) on 04/28/2010

You have warned that taking bicarb soda may deplete vitamin b & other vitamins - could you please advise - under what conditions does this occur,,ie what amonnts ingested will effect vitamin depletion, also if this is the case, is it advisable not take bic soda at all ? i take a qurter of teaspoon daily with ACV. Your comments are appreciated.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Mira (Oshawa, On, Canada) on 12/21/2009

Baking soda and gas

I have been taking backing soda on an empty stomach after reading on this website that it would alkalize my body and get rid of acid reflux.

I am also taking other medication for candida such Godenseal, Pau d'arco, black walnut and spilanthes (all in one pill) and probiotics. After the baking soda or some other time I take 2-3 garlic bulbs on an empty stomach. Other than that I have been taking wheatgrass only for 7 days.

I suspect it is the baking soda that is giving me gas. I could have accused the eggplant dip I am using but I dont think eggplant or other vegetables can give me that much gas.

I almost forgot but I do take some coconut oil about a teaspoon in cayenne pepper and lemon.

I hope someone can tell me the answer.

EC: Coconut oil can cause severe gas in some people.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/22/2009 490 posts

Hello Mira from Oshawa, Canada,

If you have both vinegar & baking soda in your kitchen you can answer that question yourself by putting a couple of teaspoonfuls of vinegar & then dumping 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. baking soda in it. That reaction between the alkaline bicarbonate and the acetic acid does emit gas, so the reaction between your baking soda and the hydrochloric acid (HCl) in your stomach probably does also.

Don't be too sure about that statement that meat and vegetables won't cause it, because all I have to do to become a "gas factory" is eat a bite or two of anything containing bleached flour. Not only is it embarrassing from the flatus sounding off, but the odor is most foul. Life is much more pleasant, gastrointestinal tract wise, since I stumbled on this bit of wisdom. Seldom have GERD, indigestion, constipation, nausea and only had the outright gastric ulcer pain once since then. I first blamed this on the raw broccoli I thoroughly enjoyed eating with a commercial dip purchased in the grocery. Since then I realized that it probably came from the dip having some bleached flour in it for a thickener. Have eaten raw broccoli since then with a homemade dip (mostly with either a cottage cheese or plain yogurt base) without the problem.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Marvin (Virginia Beach, Va) on 12/22/2009

I cant comment on the baking soda but one thing I would like to share with you is if you eat a lot of tomatoe sause based foods as do it adds to your reflux problem. What has worked for me is organic tomatoe sause. I love a good bowl of spagetti every now and then or a good slice of pizza but that came with pain and an antacid until I started making my dishes with organic sause it worked for me as well as my wife. I know its not good to do i can eat a bowl late after 9:00

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Ill) on 12/23/2009

Joyce, does this mean unbleached flour is ok to consume? Thanks!

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/24/2009 490 posts

Hello Peter from Chicago,

Yes, unbleached flour does not give me any problems with acid reflux & other gastrointestinal problems that bleached flour does, so common sense tells me that it is something used in the bleaching process that creates the problem. So, yes, unbleached is safe to eat. However, unbleached is not as healthful eating as whole grain breads & cereals are, because a lot of nutrients were removed along with the bran, including most of the fiber that our GI tracts need to keep the food moving along and keep us from being constipated. So why not eat the healthiest whole grain. I agree with the fellow who said "where do they get off calling it enriched when they have removed 52 nutrients from the bleached flour and only added 8 back?

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Tekalign (Calgary, Alberta) on 09/15/2009

I have terrible acid reflex and I found this site and was reading about using baking soda to kill h. pyroli. I then googled baking soda good for stomach and I came upon the link below which has instances of people's stomach rupturing after taking baking soda as an antacid. Will you please check it out?

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/15/2009 84 posts

Ok I looked at it and the first thing that I noticed is that the wording in the documents titling each article was unlike any other medical document I have ever seen. Most doctors will not use the word stomach for example or burst for that matter so I googled the documents and each search brought me back to the same URBAN legend site ... you decide....

EC: We did find the document titles, but no abstracts are available:

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 07/20/2014

This study provides a good overview about the risks involved with baking soda ingestion:

"One patient in our series was using the baking soda as antacid and subsequently was diagnosed with a perforated bowel requiring surgical intervention. This case was illustrative of the problem of using a home remedy treatment which could delay seeking medical help, as well complicate or exacerbate an existing medical problem. The instructions on the package for baking soda state ‘stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms last more than 2 weeks'.[1] This may be an inappropriate time frame as some patients may need medical intervention more urgently based on more serious symptomatology. The package also warns the user not to take the product when the stomach is overly full from food or drink. This warning was added at the request of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of multiple case reports of spontaneous gastric rupture due to production of large volumes of carbon dioxide on neutralization of stomach acid by the baking soda."

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 07/21/2014

Thank you for taking the time to link to this interesting study.

My takeaway was the importance of balance when we supplement. In this case, there was sodium supplementation from the baking soda, which obviously led to problems in people with already suboptimal potassium.

The whole "beat some drug test" aspect was something unexpected!

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 07/21/2014

Thank you for taking the time to link to this interesting study.

My takeaway was the importance of balance when we supplement. In this case, there was sodium supplementation from the baking soda, which obviously led to problems in people with already suboptimal potassium.

The whole "beat some drug test" aspect was something unexpected!

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 07/21/2014

Thank you for taking the time to link to this interesting study.

My takeaway was the importance of balance when we supplement. In this case, there was sodium supplementation from the baking soda, which obviously led to problems in people with already suboptimal potassium.

The whole "beat some drug test" aspect was something unexpected!

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 07/21/2014

Thank you for taking the time to link to this interesting study.

My takeaway was the importance of balance when we supplement. In this case, there was sodium supplementation from the baking soda, which obviously led to problems in people with already suboptimal potassium.

The whole "beat some drug test" aspect was something unexpected!

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Jill B. (Newcastle, NSW Australia) on 07/02/2009


any dangers from taking bi carbonate of soda? i have been taking approx 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda twice a day for approx 2years without any apparent side effects. Recently I have been a bit constipated, despite drinking approx 2 litres of filtered water a day, and having a small quantity of fruit. Our diet has only small amount protein, no beef, and asian vegies. I have regular colonscopies, all good. I am not on any medication (62yo). At present I have a virus, flu and dr said low blood pressure. Is long term use harmful, could it cause fluid imbalance, hence constipation and low blood pressure, or leach out other necessary salts?

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Betty (Spearsville, LA. USA) on 07/02/2009

Dear Jill B,
I do not know if the use of the BS would cause the constipation. I have considered using it to help my lungs. I hope you are soon able to resolve the problem. I just wanted to mention to you that supplemental magnesium will help with the constipation. It draws water to the intestines. If you begin to develop diarrhea just back off it some. Everyone should be using mag.


Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 07/03/2009

i cant speak for others, but i too experienced the constipation effect while taking baking soda and ACV. i releived this problem by taking magnesium citrate, 450-500 mgs a day. i think the baking soda may rob your body of some minerals, i dont take baking soda 7 days a week though. i take it 5 on 2 off. hope this helps. Sara.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Misty (Fullerton, California, USA) on 04/18/2009

I have tried baking soda to alkalinize my system. This is because a recent colonoscopy resulted in minor surgery to remove a large polyp. I was told the polyp was a "pre-cancerous condition" and because of info I've gotten on the net, I decided to try 1/4 tsp baking soda in drinking water several times a day to neutralize an acidic blood condition. Apparently an acidic condition can produce cancer. To my surprise, a great deal of pain happened very quickly, in the joints and hip. I couldn't walk. It subsided when I stopped taking the baking soda and then started up again when I took it a second time. So there seems to be a link between pain and baking soda for my body (not necessarily yours). I am wondering if you know about this and can explain it, and also can recommend any alternative ways to bring the pH balance to a more alkaline state.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Diana (Whitney, Texas, USA) on 02/21/2009

I have been using baking soda for a few reasons. Stomach problems, fungus in my month, that it has helped and is almost gone. But since I have been useing it I have gained a lot of water weight. I do have a hypothyroid, But since I have used baking soda my weight has going up and I feel really swollen. My legs and ankles swell if I am on them too long. I have only used baking soda to wash out my month and when my stomach is upset. Will this cause me to hold water more?

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 02/23/2009

I am having the same problem. I think I am low in potassium and the sodium in the baking soda is too much. But the benefits from taking the baking soda is great, so I am supplementing with potassium tablets sometimes I need more tablets than other times but you will know when the swelling goes down. Don't take too many at one time as they can be hard on your kidneys and stomach. And if you have kidneys problems you should consult with you Doctor before you use potassium. :)

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Elaine (Chicago, IL) on 01/06/2009


I added Baking Soda to my ACV treatment and had many of the side effects others mention on this site. Baking Soda lowers Vitamin C levels and this can lead to symptoms of scurvy. I had to do a lot of research to find this out. I woke up with a purple spot/bruise on my leg and that convinced me, as I had not bumped into anything to bruise myself. The purple bruise looking spot is a sign of scurvy. Luckily, it was recommened to me to take Vitamin C for Constipation. I was sooo sick (my asthma was out of control) last night and the night before. I did not know that Vitamin C actually helps Astmatics.

I took 6 mgs of Vitamin C last night in error. I picked up the wrong size of measuring spoon!!..luckily! I had been up the prior two nights coughing up mucus, but last night I slept through the night. I couldn't figure it out since I needed to take bendryl the other nights just to not choke on the mucus. It appears that the 6 mg of Vitamin C did it's job to replenish my Vitamin C and to help with my asthma.

I woke up with the usual morning junk to cough up and spit out. I took 1000 mg of vitamin C and it stopped this problem dead in it's tracks. People need to read about what vitamin C does, especially for people with Asthma and food allergies. Also, the baking soda should NOT be recommended on this site.

It depletes the Vitamin C. If someone is already low in Vitamin C it can cause Survy Symptoms as it did in me.

I love this site, but I think promoting Baking Soda that depletes Vitamin C is wrong. Also, I love Apple Cider Vinegar and it is promoted here as the top natural relief, but I never hear any talk of vitamin C. It works wonders for Asthma, Hay fever and a load of Respiratory illnesses and other illnesses.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Mark (Joao Pessoa, Brazil) on 09/02/2009

Just about anything one does depletes vitamin C, especially stress but one would not give up working and walking on the streets because of this depletion. Same with sodium bicarbonate, it is not helpful to warm people to not use it if they need it. What would be more helpful is to recommend supplementation of vitamin C in conjunction with the use of bicarbonate. Whenever we use bicarbonate we should also use magnesium chloride because the two together make the perfect mitochondrial medicine. Combination therapy is the key when using natural remedies.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Jean (Lytle, Texas) on 03/11/2010

I would like to make a simple common sense comment about this. I believe moderation in all things is very important and the absolute key to good health. Some people see a bottle of pills and it states one pill twice a day and some individuals believe if one, twice a day is good,then four, twice a day is even better! Well it's NOT my friends! Some people over do it and then suffer the consequences. Nothing should be repeated continually over a period of days/weeks or even months, not even the same foods, without consequences. But lets consider the substance we are talking about. Baking Soda and Baking Powder can easily be confused. Make sure what you are using is exactly what is being recommended. Don't mistake baking powder for baking soda. And if you are familiar with kinetic energy then you can test to see how much is too much and avoid going over your necessary limit. If you do not know about kinetic muscle testing then find a good Chiropractor who practices it or research the internet to learn about it. It is the most valueable tool you could ever use to measure your limit on everything from food to suppliments. You can even determine foods you are allergic to or are slightly allergic to. Lets be sensible and safe with our bodies. But most importantly, if a doctor recommends ANYthing that has a needle attached to it...DO NOT ALLOW IT. Many people put WAY too much faith in our Medical Society. It's time to take control of your life and your health. Research EVERYTHING!!! The internet is the best thing that ever happened for all of us. Stay Connected ~ Good Health to All!!!

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Frank Styger (Oakville, Ontario Canada) on 09/13/2008

I have major chronic fatigue. I have been tested for heavy metals by "Doctor's Data lab" in located in St. Charles IL. Test results showed my body burden of aluminum Literally, off the scale in the red. Of course there were other metals. I used baking soda for acid/reflux by the spoonful in my younger years. Go figure. Frank

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Sally_oh (Escazú, San José, Costa Rica) on 09/16/2009

Frank, there is no aluminum in baking soda. It is baking powder that is (was?) the problem. I have written to Arm & Hammer and researched this quite a bit. You didn't get aluminum from baking soda. More likely from immunizations.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/16/2009

Sally is right...baking SODA is Sodium Bicarbonate, pure and simple and does not contain aluminum. Sources of aluminum include vaccines, American cheese like the kind used in fast food joints (makes it melt easily), municipal water supplies (they add aluminum to clear up turbidity and make the water sparkle; purely for aesthetic purposses), food colorant that has the word "lake" in the name and anti-perspirants to name just a few of the sources of aluminum in our world. Oh, and I think non-dairy creamers have aluminum in them, too.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Dion (New York, New York) on 08/14/2008


Danger Baking Soda/ Carbicarb alkalization:

I have tried using baking soda 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon twice a day for about two months for alkalization. Needless to say, my urine ph moved to a comfortable range of 6.5 - 7.5, although my saliva ph reamined a stubborn 6. At times, the saliva ph seems to dip below 6. I am vegetarian with a diet leaning more towards acid forming foods.

I felt increasing insomnia and restless brain on the baking soda remedy, so I switched to carbicarb about three weeks ago. First few days on the carbicarb, I did feel calmness, but afterwards, it was the same as before - more insomnia and brain restlessness.

These effects really made me wonder if it is safe to take baking soda or carbicarb over any meaningful period of time. After all, both sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate are inorganic minerals, and aside from their occasional use, I wonder if prolonged use causes more harm to be body. I did read on the net that excessive ingestion of baking soda can lead to chloride ion deficiency (which is important for stomach acid).

This is just my experience. I would love to hear from other readers who may have experience with baking soda/carbicard over some period of time. Please note that I think it's ok to do baking soda/acv or baking soda/lime because then the baking soda gets complexed with the acv and lime, however, on the issue of ingesting baking soda or carbicarb alone, my experience has been unfavorable.

Many thx,

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Sandhi (Ottawa, Ontario) on 12/13/2007

Baking Soda remedy With all my experience, I can say the BS remedy is potentially harmful. I tried it and suffered bad consequences. Skin becoming dry, hair falling off in clumps and yeast infections....

Lemon Juice / ACV must be taken with just water.

Our stomach is meant to be acidic and anything which tends to neutralise stomach acid is harmful and will prevent the absorption of nutrients. NO Baking Soda should be added. I am just wondering how many ppl might be harming their healths with BS.

No offense to TED. I think he is a nice guy with intentions to help people. But not everything can be helped with supplementation. Having a healthy spine is very important.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by TP (Boston, MA) on 11/22/2007

I was taking baking soda for general reasons, creating an alkaline environment, staying thin. For some reason, I ended up with a cough for over a week and I think it was caused by the baking soda. I was taking the remedy 2 times a day. 1/8 baking soda and 2 Tbsp ACV with water. Maybe I took it for too many days. I felt good taking it, I even looked thinner. But after getting this cough, I started to think maybe the baking soda was such not a good idea after all. Was this effecting my lungs? It is a cleaning agent, it neutralizes acids in the body. But is it really good for the body the way it is considered to be good for cleaning your kitchen, laundry, or even an agent for clogging drains? It's a pretty powerful chemical. What if this chemical is eating away at our delicate tissues? What if it causes vitamin deficiency. I challenge you to prove to me this is actually good for anyone's health. Thank you.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Kathy (Dagenham, England) on 11/10/2008

I feel that there are times in our life when we need alkaline to neutralise the acid in our body to help iradicate conditions that flu viruses cancers and other degenerative ailments love only too well. The good old saying of everything in moderation is important however; and nothing must be used over a prolongued period of time. Once the desired results are achieved, one should go back to normal. We need the acids for digesting certain minerals, and we need the alkaline for when the acids need to be reduced. Seasonal foods may hold a secret as to what we need in particular seasons.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Kathy (ESSEX, England) on 11/10/2008

I think that prolongued use of Apple Cider Vinegar; especially the non organic without the essential microbes, can in fact raise the stomach acid as it will no longer be a weak enough solution to neutralise the stomach acid; hence why even when taken with Bi carbonate of soda, can still the acid conditions that colds and flu viruses love. My own experience with one such type of ACV led to thrush. I analysed this as too much acid for the candida bacteria to live on; and a very good sign for the need for an Alluminium free Bicarbonate in water solution treatment.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by TP (Boston, MA) on 11/22/2007

I was taking baking soda for general reasons, creating an alkaline environment, staying thin. For some reason, I ended up with a cough for over a week and I think it was caused by the baking soda. I was taking the remedy 2 times a day. 1/8 baking soda and 2 Tbsp ACV with water. Maybe I took it for too many days. I felt good taking it, I even looked thinner. But after getting this cough, I started to think maybe the baking soda was such not a good idea after all. Was this effecting my lungs? It is a cleaning agent, it neutralizes acids in the body. But is it really good for the body the way it is considered to be good for cleaning your kitchen, laundry, or even an agent for clogging drains? It's a pretty powerful chemical. What if this chemical is eating away at our delicate tissues? What if it causes vitamin deficiency. I challenge you to prove to me this is actually good for anyone's health. Thank you.

Baking Soda Side Effects
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 11/24/2007 490 posts

To TP from Boston (ll/22/07) in reply to your challenge, I challenge you to "listen to your body". This is where you live and it will tell you when you are abusing it better than anyone else can.

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