Baking Soda
Health Benefits

Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Kidney Disease

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Posted by Luis (Cali, Colombia) on 07/20/2009

Good news for our natural health EC community of practice:

Baking Soda: For Cooking, Cleaning, And Kidney Health?

ScienceDaily (July 17, 2009) "A daily dose of sodium bicarbonate -- baking soda, already used for baking, cleaning, acid indigestion, sunburn, and more-- slows the decline of kidney function in some patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD), reports an upcoming study in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). "This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients' nutritional status, and has the potential of translating into significant economic, quality of life, and clinical outcome benefits," comments Magdi Yaqoob, MD (Royal London Hospital).

The study included 134 patients with advanced CKD and low bicarbonate levels, also called metabolic acidosis. One group received a small daily dose of sodium bicarbonate in tablet form, in addition to their usual care. For this group, the rate of decline in kidney function was greatly reduced--about two-thirds slower than in patients. "In fact, in patients taking sodium bicarbonate, the rate of decline in kidney function was similar to the normal age-related decline," says Yaqoob.

Rapid progression of kidney disease occurred in just nine percent of patients taking sodium bicarbonate, compared to 45 percent of the other group. Patients taking sodium bicarbonate were also less likely to develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis.

Patients taking sodium bicarbonate also had improvement in several measures of nutrition. Although their sodium levels went up, this didn't lead to any problems with increased blood pressure.

Low bicarbonate levels are common in patients with CKD and can lead to a wide range of other problems. "This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind," says Yaqoob. "A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective."

The researchers note some important limitations of their study%uFFFDthere was no placebo group and the researchers were aware of which patients were receiving sodium bicarbonate. "Our results will need validation in a multicenter study," says Yaqoob.

Other authors were Ione de Brito-Ashurst, RD, Mira Varaganum, PhD, and Martin J. Raftery, MD (William Harvey Research Institute and Barts and the London NHS Trust, London). The authors reported no financial disclosures.
Journal reference:
1.Ione de Brito-Ashurst , Mira Varagunam , Martin J. Raftery , and Muhammad M. Yaqoob. Bicarbonate Supplementation Slows Progression of CKD and Improves Nutritional Status. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2009; DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2008111205

Multiple Ailments

Posted by Laura (North Platte, Nebraska) on 05/28/2014

Baking soda... Need to find a doc who treats candida, fungus, bacteria, parasites. I am 27. no answers. I know baking soda is the answer. Please help

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Laura: There is already much lifesaving info of your conditions in the E.C. "Ailments" page. Here are two links to get you started.

Copy and paste relevant info on a notepad and make yourself a product list for purchasing the supplies you need for the fight.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Laura...There are only one or two American doctors like Dr William Shaw that treat Candida as well as other related problems. You can buy kits for testing yourself from him or you can get your doctor to give permission for him to test or treat you. He knows candida well, but the problem is that he charges rather alot for both testing and for treatment. This will depend on your med insurance(which is accepted by Dr Shaw) and you will also have to convince your doctor for permission for him to treat you. See this link:

Dr Shaw Test Pricing

The only other option for you would be to educate yourself quickly on candida problems and just treat yourself, which would be far cheaper. And a good place to start is here on EC. Just type Candida in the upper right hand search box on the EarthClinic page and start there. You can successfully treat and cure serious candida issues yourself, I'm living proof of that.

Another piece of advice: If you have had serious candida issues over the last few years or decades then you will probably not be able to cure it using the single protocol approach -- using just simple remedies like only baking soda or by just using diet or probiotics on its own. These approaches might work for simple localized yeast infections but will not work for serious systemic candida fungal issues. Systemic means that the candida has spread into your blood organs and tissues. This form is much more difficult to treat which is why you should always use a multi-protocol strategy against serious systemic candida issues that incorporates the following or similar strategy:

Anti-Candida and Anti-Pathogen Protocols

Anti-Biofilm Protocols

Alkalizing Protocols

Essential Detox Protocol

The Anti-Candida Diet


Replied by Mary

Laura: have you considered turpentine to kill yeast? Check out Dr. Daniels on Turpentine she calls it the yeast cleaner.

Replied by Dina

hi, maybe there is no instant gratification, and I don't think that she has to study for ten years, that sounds kind of mean and harsh and a little arrogant.


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5 star (1) 

Posted by Liz (Melbourne, Florida USA) on 04/30/2009

I have been dealing with SEVERE nausea since starting chemo treatments for leukemia in 2005. I stopped all chemo meds in 2006 but the nausea has stuck around since then. I have tried EVERYTHING that the doctors have given me. I finally got tired of putting chemicals into my body and started searching for natural remedies. I found this website through a cancer community and it has been a GODSENT! I tried the baking soda for nausea and within 5 minutes, my nausea is almost completely gone. It would have taken Phenegren over an hour to help. Thanks SO much for this website!

Nausea, Indigestion

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Posted by Brenda H. (Scotland, UK) on 08/28/2022

Cure for indigestion, nausea

After reading all the cures for flu! Using bicarbonate of soda, I wanted to add, that whenever I have bad indigestion or feeling nauseous, I take 1/4tspn bicarbonate soda dry on tongue, and swallow with cold water....cures these things within 20 dad told me of this years ago! Great cure!

Red, Irritated Eyes

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Posted by Rob (Cape Hatteraas, NC) on 03/20/2022

I have redness in the corner of my left eye. I have had it over a year. My eye also produces and lot of sand and grit. My left eye always feels tired even after just waking up I read about adding 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda to an 4 ounce glass of water and splashing it in my eye and drinking it. After doing this, almost immediately, my eye felt better! Can't recommend it enough:)

Restless Leg Syndrome

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Diane (Hope Valley, England) on 02/11/2015

I have suffered from rls for 10 years. I got tired of taking more and more prescription drugs and was getting rls even with the drugs.

I was amazed when I found, after looking at this helpful site, that 1/4 Tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda made into a paste and rubbed onto my legs took the rls away immediately.

Restless Leg Syndrome
Posted by Pat (Fredericksburg, VA, USA) on 08/07/2007

I have restless legs at night sometimes. Since reading about the many cures here I have tried 1/4 tsp of baking soda in a cup of water: within 20 minutes my legs are calm and I am able to sleep. I haven't found anything else that helps; won't try pharmaceutical drugs to help, don't want any side effects. The baking soda really helps me!

Replied by Jacqui
(New Zealand)

Mum always used Baking Soda, it is a very old remedy for sickly tummies etc.


Posted by Rosemary (Az, US) on 07/26/2014

Can anyone confirm or debunk this statement for me? "Baking Soda should not be taken orally for more than 3 weeks, and after that time you should not take any baking soda for at least another 3 weeks."

Replied by Ed2010

There is no reason explained why ascorbic acid and baking soda mixture should not be taken more than 3 weeks.

Moreover, ascorbic acid and baking soda combines to form Sodium Ascorbate which an alkaline form of Vitamin C.

2 C6H8O6 + Na2CO3 = 2 C6H7NaO6 + H2O + CO2

(above is the chemical reaction equation)

You should understand most of these websites have authors who are paid to write. Even if he is a qualified author, still there is no explanation for why a person should not take more 3 weeks.

Good Health

Replied by Rosemary
(Az, US)

Ed2010 from Canada, thank you for your reply. I was wondering because a similar warning is on the baking soda box (I believe the box says 2 weeks, actually) and there are additional statements on other sites of similar warnings/suggestions. Those websites are not as numerous as ones like this that do not mention pulsing or staying of the baking soda for the same length of time that one was using it. Although, I do recall a posting on here somewhere where Ted recommended 5 days on and 2 days off for a particular ailment. Anyhow, thanks again for your reply.

Replied by Rosemary
(AZ, US)

Ed2010 Canada. I am looking for advice on a friend's Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. Vit C/Ascorbic acid seems to be a viable option for stabilizing/reversing this disease. Certainly, alkalizing would help also. Based on your previous reply to one of my questions I personally continue to take the 1/2 tsps of ascorbic acid and baking soda 2 - 3 times a day but, I have normal functioning kidneys. My concern for her would be that the baking soda would contain too much sodium for someone with stg 3 CKD. Do you think that this a viable concern? If so, what could she use in place of the baking soda with the acsorbic acid in order to help buffer and alkalize that would not contain sodium? Your knowledge and assistance is greatly appreciated.

Posted by Ron (Texas, US) on 07/20/2014

Is it safe to take baking soda daily, so long as you supplement with any vitamins or minerals that may be depleted as a result of long term usage?

Severe Indigestion and Acid Reflux

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Posted by Mark ( Queensland) on 03/05/2022

I have been using Bi-Carb regularly for about 20 years with good to great results, I get severe indigestion and Re-flux. Drinking alcohol, water, eating basically anything whether it is meat, wheat products, sugar products, if it enters my mouth it gives me indigestion and Re-flux. I'm not a glutton, in fact I eat very little, I am a T2 diabetic so I shy away from the sweets, and I mean anything sweet, no soft drinks, I eat a little fruit and probably 1 slice of bread per month, I do eat 1 biscuit per day with coffee for lunch, but that is my lunch.

I would say my worst "habit" is potato but even that isn't as much as it used to be. 3 glasses of beer per week is usual, 1 Friday night, 1 Saturday and the same Sunday, an extra one if I'm cooking a BBQ. My problems started with a dose of "Hydrogen Cyanide" poisoning while working as a plastic fabricator. Many Doctors and Nutritionists have tried to help over the last 30 years and all have given up.

I could go on forever on things that have gone wrong with my health, 5 years ago I had a fairly severe stroke which I'm still having problems with including Dysphagia which only added to my stomach problems, BUT where here to report on the side effects of what you Americans call Baking Soda, We in Australia call Bicarbonate of Soda or Bi-Carb. To me Baking Soda is a mix of Bicarbonate of Soda and cream of Tartar, a different product, so that may need checking out. I love Bi-Carb, I have 1 teaspoon in water (since 2008 we have used distilled water) I use that 3-4 times per day (mix a 250 ml glass and drink 1/3 - 1/2 and leave the rest to have if and when I need it next.) and as I said that happens multiple times every day and sometimes at night also. I carry a small container with me at all times as the indigestion can be uncomfortable up to debilitating. I used to have a heaped teaspoon in a glass and drink the lot... I'm not sure if my stomach is improving or it's just my effort to use less, but honestly, I have never ever had a problem taking it internally or using it externally. (That's another story.)

Replied by Mala

Just curious, are you drinking distilled water? That could be a problem because when water is demineralized, subjected to the reverse osmosis process, or distilled, it is stripped of all minerals and becomes acidic. And it's actually harmful to health. Rainwater, believe it or not, is also acidic if consumed directly. When rainwater gathers in a pond or flows into a stream, the minerals in the soil remineralize the water and make it fit for human consumption. I had a lot of health issues because of RO water (water made soft by the reverse osmosis method). I have now switched over to a simple activated carbon filter which has a pore size of 5 microns. The activated carbon also improves the taste of water and removes odor if any.


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Phoenix75 (Carmel, Ca, U.s.a.) on 01/14/2010

I used baking soda, as an exfoliant, on my hands and arms; it made them super soft and worked wonderfully!!

Posted by Angelclare (Valencia, California, USA) on 09/25/2009

Last night I used a zapper to zap some bacteria, viruses and hopefully parasites. I turned the zapper up to 16 v for one hour. After I removed the wrist bands my wrists were extremely itchy and burned. After 5 minutes I thought of using baking soda, so I made a paste with a little water, applied to my wrists, and the itching stopped immediately. Kudos to earthclinic!

Posted by Carrie (Nashville, TN) on 06/08/2008

Baking soda and skin conditions: I have some areas on the right side of my body both arm and leg. They start out with a small pimple and the start growing. raised areas with rough thick skin. I mixed magnesium oil and baking soda together. What is good about this is that it makes a crust that stays on the area without using a bandage. All of the areas are now back to a small pimple and I hope they totally disappear.

Posted by Ttecha (Montego Bay, Jamaica) on 02/01/2008

Hi, I read the caveat that Baking Soda can deplete vitamins in the body. Recently, I started using it to clean my face instead of using soap. I use about 1 tablespoon full mixed and apply it directly to my wet face twice per day. Is this safe? I have combination skin but no matter what I used, my face would become very dry and tight after cleansing. Then I would have to moisturize which makes my skin very very oily afterwards. The baking soda seems to be helping with this problem. Thanks!

Replied by Sesame
(Minneapolis, Mn)

I suggest you try organic, cold pressed sesame oil as your skin moisturizer after washing with baking soda. I've had acne and skin trouble for decades, and I recently solved the problem with these simple, natural products.

You may also try using any good dandruff shampoo, since "combination" skin (oily yet with dry flakes)may actually be a form of dermatitis that creeps into your face from your scalp.

The sesame oil (buy at health food store)is so excellent for skin, you will be thrilled with the cleansing and tightening of pores (especially around the nose). Use very little. Use all over body either before or after shower, as you like. It removed the little bumps I had on my arms within 2 weeks. My skin is markedly improved. I've read that it cures gum diseases & athletes foot too. Fungus doesn't like it, but your skin & your whole system will love it. Sesame oil is a MUST! Good luck! :)

Replied by Tee
(Chicago, Il)

I have used both olive and sesame oil for my acne with no improvement. I want to try them both again after reading the recent posts on the two. As anyone ever heard of ozonated olive oil? If so what is a reputable place to get it from?

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Tee,

The reason you don't see any improvement is because the source of the acne is from what is going on internally. Remember, our outside is a reflection of what is going on on the inside. Perhaps, there might be some relief by using oils on the skin but rashes, acne, skin afflicitons will persist if we do not go to the core and eradicate the problem. This is done through diet if you wish to see any real changes. Of course most drs. are not going to tell you that. Instead, they will just give you antibiotics to "clear up the problem" which only exacerbates the whole situation leading you further into bedlam. Antibiotics destroy any good flora that exists in the body- if there is any after eating a typical standard American diet (SAD).

I considered my diet very good if not excellent but always dealt with rashes occurring and re-occurring and also very dry skin unless I slathered oils on it. Problems with my scalp and both oily and dandruff conditions. Melasma on my face as well. Upon re-evaluationg my diet and being clear with that, I have turned all of that around.

I hope this info helps. Lisa

Replied by Alilamos
(New Orleans)

Just a note on using oils as a face moisturizer. I started using organic cold-pressed (all oils you use should be) coconut oil as a moisturizer. I have used sesame oil in the past. I have oily skin, so need to be light-handed. The best way to apply oil is wet. If your face is wet and your hands are wet (sometimes I just wet my hands under the sink if I've already dried off and forgot to apply) the oil won't go on so heavy. I pat my oiled, wet hands on my neck and chest first which can handle more oil, then pat my face with my now only very lightly oiled hands. Then I pat my face with a towel to dry and absorb any extra oil. This has always worked well for me and I don't get any breakouts.

Posted by HerDon (Assonet, MA) on 09/15/2007

I suffer with sores the doctors cannot diagnose. They are itchy, bleed and sometimes get pus filled. They hurt so much that the pain keeps me awake. I've discovered that sprinkling baking soda onto the sores drys them up. It doesn't heal them but it makes the pain bearable.

Replied by Byron

I just saw your post and wanted tell you that you may have HS. It's a skin condition. You should see a dermatologist.

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