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I now have hair all over my head (with just one or two patches) and it is growing thicker and thicker all the time. It has taken me about a year to get this far and although thicker I still have a way to go before being able to walk around without a scarf or wig as it's thin in places where it hasn't fully grown in yet.
I use a Champion juicer but my sister just used a normal centrifugal one that she bought in a superstore for about $40.00
When I get lazy I buy fresh carrot juice from the health shop where they make it fresh while you wait.
Initially I added one apple to the mix and sometimes a small chunk of beetroot and sometime some spiriluna powder but I got a bit worried it was too sweet and now just have carrot juice (occasionally I add beetroot or spiriluna to break up the boredom).
But I am sure just plain carrot would be enough.
If I eat a lot of sugar, bits start to fall again so I stop eating so much and keep up the carrot juice. If I go too long without carrot I think it would also start to fall again. So I drink it daily.
Hope this helps you!! I suffered for about 12 years off and on.
F: It's nice to hear your successful remedy.
If I might add, sometimes hair loss isn't simply a disease in itself (alopecia), but is a bad side effect of a source condition like toxicity. During an acute phase of aplastic anemia I lost most of the hair on my body and much off my head, but as I got better, the hair grew back. Hair loss also occurred by becoming deficient in Vit-D. Cancer chemotherapy patients also experience hair loss almost always to some degree or other (toxicity issue) over the entire body.
Carrot juice is high in Beta Carotene which the body converts to Vit-A which is a powerful antioxidant. You may also consider taking 50mg Zinc daily to maximize the Carrot Juice (not w/ the juice if it also contains the fiber, no fiber w/ Zinc). You would also likely profit from any or as many antioxidant nutrients as you can incorporate into your diet. I often encourage Vit-E (Mixed Natural Tocopherols & Tocotreinols) plus Selenium plus CoQ10. Grape Seed Extract is excellent. 3mg Melatonin before retiring is excellent.
You may also consider having a hair mineral analysis done to check for toxic metals and mineral deficiencies.
Update - my hair is continuing to thicken up - I have a small pony tail now - just waiting for the sides and top to fully thicken up so I can walk around with no wig. All my hair now seems to be holding well - no falling out when I eat sugar or salty chips. YAY.
In response to taking supplements etc - I wanted a cheap cure that I could rely on which is why I haven't taken bulk supplements.
I'm glad that it all worked out for you! Carrot Juice is great! I had high cholesterol for 20 years (not food related) I discovered Carrot Juice to lower my Cholesterol to the Normal Range and it did! Carrot Juice alone lowered my Cholesterol from 294 to 184 in just 3 months! The lowest was 162 and it doesn't go above 185 because of the Carrot Juice! 8 oz. glass a day! I'm glad for you that Carrot Juice works good for you too!
Can I ask please did your skin turn orange at all from all the carrot juice? I heard if one takes too much it turns your skin Orange? Thx L J
L J, anything in excess is bound to be detrimental. Better slow and low but steady.
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