I now have hair all over my head (with just one or two patches) and it is growing thicker and thicker all the time. It has taken me about a year to get this far and although thicker I still have a way to go before being able to walk around without a scarf or wig as it's thin in places where it hasn't fully grown in yet.
I use a Champion juicer but my sister just used a normal centrifugal one that she bought in a superstore for about $40.00
When I get lazy I buy fresh carrot juice from the health shop where they make it fresh while you wait.
Initially I added one apple to the mix and sometimes a small chunk of beetroot and sometime some spiriluna powder but I got a bit worried it was too sweet and now just have carrot juice (occasionally I add beetroot or spiriluna to break up the boredom).
But I am sure just plain carrot would be enough.
If I eat a lot of sugar, bits start to fall again so I stop eating so much and keep up the carrot juice. If I go too long without carrot I think it would also start to fall again. So I drink it daily.
Hope this helps you!! I suffered for about 12 years off and on.