Lichen Sclerosus
Health Benefits

Castor Oil for Lichen Sclerosus: Natural Relief Guide

Castor Oil
Posted by Lolo (Boston) on 12/14/2023

About 1 month later - happy to report that I have been able to manage symptoms with castor oil etc. --other than a 2 day flare up where I did use Clobetasol, and have been mostly symptom-free.

Also invested in very expensive Dermasilk underwear, which seem helpful when having symptoms

Castor Oil
Posted by Lolo (boston, ma) on 11/18/2023

lichen sclerosis relief with castor oil

thanks so much for these posts. My gynecologist insisted that I would need to use clobetesol twice a week for the REST of my LIFE!! Tried that for over a year, but still had flare-ups. And who wants to use steroids forever? -- I have started using castor oil twice daily, with occasional aloe vera for irritation or lavender oil for itch, and coconut oil once during the day for extra moisturizing. Symptoms calmed down quickly, and No symptoms for 1 week now.

Wonder if people are using the castor oil even when symptom-free as a preventative? Or just when needed. Would be helpful to know.

I notice that lots of people ask for follow-ups, to see if these remedies work long term -- so I will post again. Here's hoping...

Castor Oil
Posted by Twww (Uk) on 02/13/2018

LS: Dry it out first! Cures it completely

I was using castor oil with lemongrass and lavender as well as hydrogen peroxide 6% - the itching had gone but the white patch wasn't going.

I rolled a small section of a panty liner up and wedged it next to the sore and taped it in place with micropore tape before bed. After massaging the hydrogen peroxide solution in the next morning (quite vigorously), most of the white stuff wiped off with a tissue. One more night of the same and the rest of it came off. Now the skin is pink and I'm just using castor/lemongrass/lavender oil to make sure it doesn't come back.

I'm so relieved it seems to be completely cured. I had a patch about the size of a 5p piece on my labia minora. I think drying it out killed it completely, and surprisingly it didn't irritate the skin around it. Hope this helps some others get rid of it completely as well.

Castor Oil
Posted by Sandra (Arizona) on 12/01/2017

For LS:

3 tbsp castor oil, 2 to 3 drops lavender oil and 2 to 3 drops lemongrass oil. Mix and apply in the morning and at night. Lavendar helps for the itching.

Castor Oil
Posted by S (Kansas City ) on 08/13/2017

Lichen Sclerosus:

Castor oil, lavender oil and lemon grass oil mixture have given me incredible relief from pain and itching. I'm Almost feeling normal at times. Also, it looks much better only after 2 days of use. Bowel movements are much less painful as well. Before I tried this wonderful oil mixture, I had tried Butt Paste with 40% zinc oxide which helped with itching and pain to a certain extent. Applying several times night and day just to get by. Coconut oil is very soothing and felt nice but didn't help the itch at all. Please try the castor oil!

Castor Oil
Posted by Cheryl (Tennessee) on 05/06/2017

Castor oil is the best remedy for taking away my LS itching. I apply in the morning when I am itchy ..... and it is gone all day long excellent remedy and works for me ..

Castor Oil
Posted by Karen (Goldbar Wa.) on 03/18/2017

I use Castor Oil applied to the area for my L.S. and the itching goes away immediately.

Castor Oil
Posted by Trish (Ca) on 09/15/2016

Castor Oil is it! Finally got some relief. Slept through the night last night with no irritation. First time in years. Thank you!

Castor Oil
Posted by Ramona (New York) on 09/14/2016

You must use castor cured my LS.....have no more symptoms. It's been over 2 years now. No more pain, no tearing.. Sex is great...........please just use castor oil.

Castor Oil
Posted by Joyce Mor (Boston, Ma) on 10/09/2015

Thank you, I used the castor oil, lemongrass, & lavender, I added about 4 drops of Frankincense.

My niece has LS, after about 4 or 5 day putting it on liberally throughout the day, she called today and said everything is back to normal, her skin is back to normal, no more itching, bleeding and pain, hopefully it last, she is only 19, I hope this helps. Thanks again for your post giving me the original recipe.

Castor Oil
Posted by Aj (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/24/2014

Editor's Choice I was diagnosed with LS at the age of 27 by a dermatologist specialist. I am now 48. I am not sure what caused it as I have had no trauma that would warrant it that I can think of other than an episiotomy at age 18 when my daughter was born. I have always been able to keep it under control with steroid creams clobetasol and OTC 1% cortisone ointment. Been out of clobetasol for 4 years and OTS ointment has not really been helping. In the last 9 months my skin has turned more white and some tearing with sex and itching and burning with my monthly menstrual cycle.

I have been doing so much research on how to heal myself. I tried emu oil with little results, coconut oil mixed with lavender and lemongrass with pretty good results but last week I think I found the best thing ever. I researched and starting using a solution of organic castor oil (4tbsp mixed with 2 drops lavender oil and 1 drop lemongrass oil) I have used it for a little over a week now with wonderful results. It gives instant relief of itching and burning, my tears have healed and my skin is finally starting to turn back pink again. Castor oil is very thick and odorless so it stays with my skin well throughout the day while I am at work or in bed asleep at night.

Sex was great with no tearing or itching burning afterward. I will continue to use this and I hope it helps anyone who reads this suffering with this horrible affliction.