Chanca Piedra
Health Benefits

Chanca Piedra Protocol and Optimal Dosage | 20 Health Benefits

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Chanca Piedra - Earth Clinic.

by Bill Thompson
Published January 27, 2019

I know that I’ve posted a lot about the many benefits of Chanca Piedra in the past, but that was a while ago. So this is really a refresher for any new members of EC who might like to consider supplementing this wonderful herb.

Benefits of Chanca Piedra

From research, here are the many benefits of Chanca Piedra:

  • Expels kidney stones and gallstones stones
  • Kills viruses, bacteria and worms
  • Supports kidneys
  • Treats malaria
  • Increases urination
  • Prevents mutation
  • Relieves pain
  • Reduces fever
  • Protects liver
  • Detoxifies liver
  • Reduces spasms
  • Reduces and normalizes fatty liver(obesity)
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Safely reduces blood sugar
  • Clears obstructions
  • Aids digestion
  • Reduces blood sugar safely
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces excess blood calcium
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Cures jaundice
  • Cures Hepatitis B


The best and most effective way to take Chanca piedra (CP) is in aqueous solution as a tea or decoction. You can also take the powdered capsules.

Chanca Piedra Is Safe?

There is no known overdose limit for supplementing Chanca Piedra.  It has no known side-effects when taken on its own, so it is completely safe.

From the Raintree Research Database:

“Chanca piedra has a long history in herbal medicine systems in every tropical country where it grows. For the most part, it is employed for similar conditions worldwide. Its main uses are for many types of biliary and urinary conditions including kidney and gallbladder stones; for hepatitis, colds, flu, tuberculosis, and other viral infections; liver diseases and disorders including anemia, jaundice and liver cancer; and for bacterial infections such as cystitis, prostatitis, venereal diseases and urinary tract infections. It is also widely employed for diabetes and hypertension as well as for its diuretic, pain-relieving, digestive stimulant, antispasmodic, fever reducing, and cellular protective properties in many other conditions.”

“Most of Blumberg’s early research was carried out in India in collaboration with an Indian research group. Their first human study reported that a water extract of Phyllanthus amarus[chanca piedra] cleared the HBV surface antigen from 22 of 37 chronic HBV patients in only 30 days (and they continued to test negative for 9 months, at which time the report was published). ”

“Two human studies reported chanca piedra’s liver protective and detoxifying actions in children with hepatitis and jaundice. Indian researchers reported that chanca piedra was an effective single drug in the treatment of jaundice in children, and British researchers reported that children treated with a chanca piedra extract for acute hepatitis had liver function return to normal within five days. Researchers in China also reported liver protective actions when chanca piedra was given to adults with chronic hepatitis.”

“The Chinese published a more recent (2001) study which compared 30 chronic HBV patients taking a chanca piedra extract to 25 patients taking interferon (the leading conventional drug used for HBV) for three months. Both treatments showed an equal effectiveness of 83%, but the chanca piedra group rated significantly higher in the normalization of liver enzymes and recovery of liver function than the interferon-treated group. They published yet another study in 2003 which attributed the anti-HVB effects mainly to four chemicals in chanca piedra: niranthin, nirtetralin, hinokinin, and geraniin.”

“In a 2002 study, Indian researchers reported that chanca piedra increased bile acid secretion in the gallbladder and significantly lowered blood cholesterol levels in rats.”

Chanca Piedra Dosage

You should take chanca piedra tea every day for specific problems like HBV or gallstones/kidney stone problems.

The other way of taking chanca piedra is to take it for a month, once or twice a year, as an effective preventative and protective for the liver, kidneys and blood.

How to Make Chanca Piedra Tea

I use one whole chanca piedra plant, with roots included, for the decoction. I chop the plant up, bruise the stem amd roots to open it up, then add it to a large pan. I add 2 litres of water. Then I boil this gently to reduce the liquid in the pan down to about 1 litre.

I let it cool then decant the liquid off, strain it, and put it into a sealed glass container and store it in the fridge. The way that I take my doses is by filling a glass a third full with the CP decoction and then topping up with fresh orange juice. CP tastes quite bitter so fruit juice does help to get it down.

How to Use Chanca Piedra Powder

If you are buying the CP powder, then you can take this as a tea with fruit juce or with hot green tea perhaps – say mixed with a 1/4 of a teaspoon CP powder. Drink two or three cups a day.

... I have used the decoction of CP on a man who had painful arthritis in one knee which was swollen to the size of a small football. He couldn't walk anymore. After five days of taking the CP decoction, the knee was back to normal with no pain and he could walk again. Little known also that CP has such remarkable anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties like this. But if you take CP, you must take it as a tea or decoction — this is the best and most absorbable way to take it.

So if you buy CP — try and get the organic powder from a good and honest organic seller like the one shown in this link.

Optimal Capsule Dosage

Take two (2) 500mg Chanca Piedra capsules 3 times a day with meals.

Art from California (Earth Clinic Top Contributor) writes: "I've only used the 500mg capsules taken two at breakfast, 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner for a total of 3 grams per day. This generally works for me within two weeks or less. My friends that have tried it have had pretty much the same experience as me. Chanca Piedra can sometimes have a rather strong taste so I avoid the tea in order to avoid the taste."

Optimal Tincture Dosage

5-10 drops of Chanca Piedra tincture in 8 oz of filtered water 2 or 3 times a day.

Where to Buy Chanca Piedra

Powder: Wild Crafted Chanca Piedra Powder from SunFood (Amazon)
Capsules: Chanca Piedra Capsules from Peru (Amazon)
Capsules from Swanson (per Art from California)

Research more brands here at Rain-Tree (recommended by Bill Thompson)

Related Links:

Chanca Piedra for Calcium Deposits
Chanca Piedra for Covid Symptoms
Chanca Piedra for Kidney Stones
Chanca Piedra Herbal Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

2 User Reviews

Posted by Bill (the Philippines) on 01/28/2019

I know that I've posted a lot about the many benefits of Chanca Piedra in the past, but that was a while ago. So this is really a refresher for any new members of EC who might like to consider supplementing this wonderful herb. See this page.

Replied by Georgene
(Manteca, Ca.)

Thank you for your article on Chanca Piedra. It recommended 5-10 drops of the tincture. My bottle says 30 drops a day. I was wondering why there is a difference? Also, if you take it once a year for 12 weeks as you suggested would that prevent kidney stones?

Bill Thompson Protocol
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/28/2012

Editor's Choice

I have used the decoction of CP on a man who had painful arthritis in one knee which was swollen to the size of a small football. He couldn't walk anymore. After five days of taking the CP decoction, the knee was back to normal with no pain and he could walk again. Little known also that CP has such remarkable anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties like this.

But if you take CP, you must take it as a tea or decoction -- this is the best and most absorbable way to take it. I also do not trust tablets that undergo chemical processing and have unnecessary additives -- as this can hinder proper absorption into the body.

So if you buy CP -- try and get the organic powder from a good and honest organic seller like the one shown in this link:

Chanca Piedra Source

Replied by Ed2010
(Oakville, Canada)

Hi Bill, Can you explain the recipe to make Chanca Piedra - Phylanthus Niruri decoction. I take it as mixing 1/2 tsp cp with a glass of water, leaving it for 5 mins. And then drink it. I like to test your method to see its effects. thanks

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Ed2010... I use one whole chanca piedra plant, with roots included, for the decoction. I chop the plant up, bruise the stem amd roots to open it up, then add it to a large pan. I add 2 litres of water. Then I boil this gently to reduce the liquid in the pan down to about 1 litre.

I let it cool then decant the liquid off, strain it, and put it into a sealed glass container and store it in the fridge. The way that I take my doses is by filling a glass a third full with the CP decoction and then topping up with fresh orange juice. CP tastes quite bitter so fruit juice does help to get it down.

If you are buying the CP powder, then you can take this as a tea with fruit juce or with hot green tea perhaps - say mixed with a 1/4 of a teaspoon CP powder. Drink two or three cups a day.

Replied by Ed2010
(Oakville, Canada)

Hi Bill, during my childhood, I used to pluck one full plant of CP and eat it raw. Now, I am taking 1/4 tsp of CP powder in a glass of water occasionaly. Thanks for your recipe.