Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium, Milk Thistle
Dawn, the nutrients you listed will help your liver if you take them.
If you don't have gallstones or hepatitis, then you are several big steps out of the danger zone. In chronic alcohol consumption, the first thing to happen to the liver is the buildup of fat. If fatty liver continues it will become enlarged and cirrhotic. If you eat well and don't drink severely and you do take a good multivitamin/min, you should not have progressive fatty liver.
As for supplements, zinc is also critical for alcohol control. Choline and Carnitine are the two main fat burners, but all b-vit are good and augment the C & C. Also you must have lots of the omega 3's in your diet as alcohol depletes them.
(Milwaukee, Wi)
So, It's okay for me to have a few drinks on the weekends as long as I take all of these supplements and this will not damage my liver any more? What about the itching and the pain in my abdomen? I used to have 4-5 glasses of wine each night, now only on weekends, could this have caused the fatty liver you discussed?
Dawn, any or all the nutrients will greatly help your liver regardless of your past or current lifestyle. Try any or all these supplements and if the pain & itching is your liver, it should subside. If the pain & itching is severe, you may want to have your liver checked out by a physician. A parasite infestation or some kind of infection may be causing these symptoms, so also consider herbals for that possibility.
Report back as to your progress.
(Latin America, La)
(Cardiff, Wales)
i was drinking coz of chronic pain xxxxxxxx The only way is STOP!!!!! Take alpha lopoic, drink water, distilled if possible xxxx Selenium, and also b-vits. You will get a healing crises too xxxxxxxxxx Listen to your body xxxxxxxxx The meds I was put on, oxycodone, valium, are doing a number on me xxxxxxxx They made me crave ciggarettes and alchohol xxxxxxxxx And my liver is trying to run away!!!!!! I also got BLETHERITIS fro these bastards xxxxxxxxxx There is no easy way out xxxxxxxxxx You have to STOP all of it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAN!!! Your gonna feel it too!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I refuse to get DOCTORS involved, they will give you MORE DRUGS????? Its no good xxxxxxxxxx Will your self to live xxxxxxxxxxxx Its hard!!!!!! BUT remember, it took years of medical abuse to put you there xxxxxxxxxxx It will not be an over night cure. What works for 1. May not work for another xxxxxxxxxx Keep trying <3 <3 <3 You will find your own path <3 It takes time xxxxxxxxxxx Love Andrea c
Anti-Yeast Diet
(North Carolina)
Please explain in detail your anti-yeast diet... I am very interested in trying this. Thanks
Apple Cider Vinegar
Note that he doesnt want to quit and doesnt know that I want him to. Would apple cider vinegar help in this case? If so, how can I use it without him knowing?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Stay well my friends,
(Lewisburg, Tennessee)
coming from a non drinker what is a jigger?
(Akron, Oh)
roughly one ounce of liquid.
(East Tn)
I LOVE that plan...
(Jind, Haryana)
Hi. My father is very big drunk addict n we are seriously worried about him. and he is not ready to stop this at all. We gave him several medicines but nothing worked at all. Please tell me about what to do for his addiction we are seriously concerned!! I would go for some natural remedies.
(Vancouver, Washington)
How much of each did you put in the mix?
Agreed! I'm helping my daughter get off the hard stuff. She said she misses the "burn" you get in the throat so I suggested the ACV. I gave her a shot of ACV last night and she said it relaxed her and gave her the "burn". We will continue on this path and see what happens....
Actually, the 'story' this guy told about his 'neighbor' may have been initially true but it is one of those circulating urban tales. I won't say it's an urban 'myth' but I have read almost identical stories on the web many times before with slight changes, ie: My neighbor was a pilot that had to quit drinking and used to drop by for a drink after work so one day gave have him ACV instead without him knowing and he didn't notice and was amazed when I told him what it was ... etc, etc, .
That said, I think ACV does work but people should just tell real stories and not resort to these sort of chain-letter email lies.
You know, actually... when I stopped drinking beer, the first time, I substituted with ACV and baking soda... fizzy and it actually tasted a bit like beer to me and became my new ritual. Lasted a little more than a month, but like smoking, I gave myself permission to have a beer after work and it became my once again newer ritual.
However, about to start drinking ACV and baking soda again. ;)
(South Carolina)
Try L-glutamine, vitamin c, kudzu, lobelia, amino acids. Read The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism.
Look up the Sinclair method. There are videos at youtube. Naltrexone is the medication. It can be bought on internet. It is saving lives! God Bless, Good Luck!
This story is bogus. No aficionado of alcohol would swallow ACV thinking it was alcohol.
EC: Not a bogus story. Alfred posted on Earth Clinic for years!
I Totally agree real deep Drinkers would not just take ACV and say oh we're good.. we want to get drunk not have a similar tasting thing at all.. It's Totally BS to think ACV helps stop drinking alone.
THOUGH!! Once someone is already accepting to detox it can save lives it helps a lot to detox and restabilize the blood, reduce the anxiety, jitters and burning sensation that one can get while going through heavy detox, there's tons of reasons and ways it helps to cleanse and stabilize but it's not a replacement for alcohol that's not the same department at all
I have basically not missed a night of drinking alcohol in the last 15 years. I began 3 days ago substituting my vodka/water/lemon slice for ACV/orange juice, and it's true it does work very well. I don't think I could actually deal with these cravings without it.
Chloride of Gold
(Brighton, Sussex)
I beg you, for your sake... Do not do this!
Chloride or ionic gold is neuro toxin, it can do severe damage to your nervous system. It may eventually lead to Peripheral Neuropathy; where your skin will itch and feel like its burning, leading to permernant numbness.
There are some commercial products that will, upon alcohol consumption induce nausea and vomiting, also some strong antibiotics ( which ones I can't remember) will also produce a simmilar effect.
Alcohol dependency is often a symptom of depression or boredom, try st johns wort and go outside or read.
Read more about oral gold treatment here.
Dietary Changes, Supplements
When trying to quit, do not let yourself get hungry, but avoid high carb snacks. Nuts, veggies with dips, moderate fruit all work. Shiritake noodles (yam based) work great with any soup, stew or sauce you like to satisfy appetite and fill you up with low carbs.
Alcohol depletes vitamin B1. It is water soluble and easily drained from your system. To fight back, buy the fat soluble form, called Benfotiamine, and use as a suplement. In short, you will lessen metabolic damage. Hopefully, this will mean it becomes easier to quit as the side effects of quitting are less.
Likewise, vitamin C is depleted. Same story, top up vitamin C as soon as possible.
Repair liver stress with silymarin and NAC (n-acytlcysteine).
Some people find niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3) lessens cravings. | do not confuse with niacin (also B3), as niacin causes flushing.
Dihydromyricetin (DHM)
Experiment with the dosage, 1600 mg is a good starting place in my experience. I could sing the praises of this stuff all day, but these pages say it better:
Good luck to you!
DHM works very well! I take it every night after I drink alcohol, usually right before bed, and have for over a year now. I buy it on Amazon, the bulk 100 gram bag of powder for $40, and then make my own 1 gram capsules. I take about 1 gram per drink I want to eliminate from my system. The typical pre-made capsules sold are not only expensive but I don't believe the dose is high enough. Not for me anyway. It absolutely does help sober me up quick and completely eliminates a typical hangover, including relief from the anxiety. If you take it before drinking, the alcohol will not be nearly as effective, which can help you lose interest in drinking more.
If you are trying to cut back or quit, definitely give this a try. I've noticed my health improve slowly, especially with skin and memory issues. Even if you aren't quitting or cutting back just yet, it will lessen the damage your poor liver has been enduring for so long. It has many anticancer properties as well. So far studies have found no negative side effects and I definitely tried my best to research risks since I take it so much. If that ever changes I'd love to know. Overall, it's the most effective product I have ever taken to counteract the effects of alcohol. Definitely add it to your arsenal. I also just got tested and discovered I'm B12 deficient... and that could not only be because of drinking, but also causing me to crave it more. Keep fighting the good fight!
General Feedback
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
Hi to C1265, well done giving up the alcohol. Google delirium tremons and you will find a lot of information about alcohol withdrawal, most people think that the dt's are a hangover but they are a lot more serious than that. You will find some extra information and I would try to find a forum where ex drinkers are discussing their symptons and what they did to relieve them. I do know that juice is quite helpful in restoring the sugar in your body that the withdrawals deplete. Hope the best for you. Lily.
It is not well known, but in addition to b vitamins, the body is also depleted of minerals, specifically magnesium and potassium. The muscle tightening sensation is a lack of magnesium, and potassium also helps with muscle cramps and nervous issues. This is why the apple cider vinegar works in providing those trace minerals, but you can take a 100 mg of magnesium, and a 100 mg potassium. We are all different, so some need more magnesium and potassium to get fast results. It works better taking them separately, than having them combined in one tablet.
My brother had the same sensation - electricity running through his body- and we researched it. Treating for nerve issues solved it. B vits 100mg several times a day worked better than anything else. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
General Feedback
Once those rules are in place, you can set a limit like 4 beers. When you get used to that, decrease to 3. At that point, change to a cheat day like 1 day per week. Alcohol steals your time, but it is possible for some to wean off of.
If beer is your alcohol of choice, and you're quitting, beer is high in b-vitamins, so a b-complex may be helpful. Unclear.
Since Ted mentioned liver damage, it would seem that this may be reversible. My chemistry isn't very good, but I see Phenyl and Sulfur, two anti-fungals in this Drug, so the closest natural remedy might be turmeric (which has both).
"Improved Liver Function
(SF, CA)
Rich: I must have missed something. Sorry. In your last sentence, you said "in this drug". What drug are you referring to that has the same anti-fungal components as turmeric? Thank you.
1. one part of Goldthread herb, one part goldenseal herb. Place equal amounts in 1/2 small tea bag. Put into tea infuser and steep as you would a cup of tea.. Not necessary but if you Add a little Epicae to the tea it will make the tea stronger..
After They drink the tea... The taste of alcohol will be bad.. he will not drink again..
2. buy the herb Antibuse and follow directions.
your husband will be back to normal.
Hello you had Epicae added to one of your tea mixes. What is it? I can't seem to find it. Thank you. Tami
Were can I buy this herb to stop drinking liquor?
Hydrogen Peroxide
(Raceland, Ky)
My son was drinking 4 to 5 thirty pks of beer a week! He was driving me and everyone else around him crazy, and he did not want to quit saying it was his life, so I had to trick him :) He had acid reflux so I gave him 2 tbls of Apple Cider Vinegar morning and evening. He also said he needed more energy so I had him use Bill Munro's method of inhaling 3% hydrogen peroxide 4 to 6 times a day. I noticed he was drinking a lot less after 2 weeks so to speed things up I bet him $20.00 he could not go 1 week without drinking. Not only did he win the bet that was 2 months ago and he still has not had a beer. Thanks Ted and Thank God for helping me find Earth Clinic.
(New Hampshire, US)
Hi Ted from Bangkok, I have used Earth Clinic to research on many ailment and this is a gold mine, so 1st, thank you for putting it up!! Second, I am trying to cut back on alcohol intake before it is a problem. I drink about 1/2 bottle of wine per night and I have a hard time to skip a day. But I truly want to try (again) :) So yesterday, I looked to see if you had any idea about it and here you are, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.
I am starting today, very slowly. I had 3% FGHP on hand, so I will use that. I don't really want to deal with 35% technicality about the handling and online ordering.
I went with 3 drops of the 3% in a full glass of spring water. The water stayed clear, no bubbles, so as per the technique I should be good to go.
I feel compelled to write the brand, just because there is so much confusion and hype on which kind to use. Feel free to delete it if you don't agree. Essential Oxygen is the one I used from my health food store.
I ate a peanut butter toast at 10h and drank the water w/hp at 12h. So far, I felt a little dizzy and my toes tingles after about 5 minutes of my first sip. The tingle went away after about 20 minutes. I am still a little lightheaded after an hour, not like a glass of wine though, more like if I would be really hungry... (which I am not). I will try to eat an organic mix salad in 1/2 hour and see how it goes. I will keep posting here as I think so many people are frightened by everything surrounding the use of HP.
I will also use another glass 1 hour before diner...
If this works as I think it will, Ted from Bangkok, I will be forever grateful!! ( I already am but I have tried so many things to get rid of this problem: acupuncture, EFT, The vitamin cure, all the books I could find on the subject, regular psychological therapy, amino acid, diet, avoiding sugar, muscle testing, kinesiology, hypoglycemic therapy. I discovered alcohol at 11, so it is at cellular level.
EC: Thank you for your kind words on the website! It is always appreciated. Ted is an extremely valuable resource and Contributing Editor and will be pleased as well. fyi: Deirdre Layne founded and manages Earth Clinic.
(Somewhere Usa)
I don't think you are supposed to consume peroxide, 2 hours before and after eating food. I could be wrong, but you may want to read up on this. I believe your post said you ate peanut butter toast and drank the water.
(New Hampshire)
So sorry about my mistake, Dear Deirdre Layne, thank you so much for this valuable website and the idea to have it brand free for objectivity sake, it is brilliant.
For some reason I always tumble across Ted's posts and they helped me so much, so I just assumed.
Follow up on the FGHP, everything went fine with the salad with chickpeas I ate at 1:30h. No nausea at all. I am pretty much vegetarian, so I read it was better not to eat meat, (perhaps not at the beginning anyway).
What I noticed in the afternoon up to 11h last night: Quite a bit of bowel movement without being loose. I am used to diarrhea (sorry for graphic description) because of the alcohol, but this felt definitely more like a cleansing, without cramps.
I also noticed I had to blow my nose a few times this morning and last night.
After my 3 drops FGHP this morning in 8 oz of tap water, still clear, without bubble. (We drink tap water on the top of my hill) This time my hands feel a bit numb almost 3 hours later. I am also still lightheaded. Not enough to prevent me to do anything but just enough for notice.
I am amazed by what 9 drops of 3% FGHP can do. I will also stick with 3 drops until the effects cleared out a little. I can't afford to get sick right now so I am glad I tried the 3% instead of 35%.
I will keep posting if there is any changes...
I am reading a message from 2007 which states that L-Glutamine really helps with alcohol cravings. Is this correct?
I drank upwards of 10 standard drinks a day, and only as low as 2 drinks a day for 10 solid years. Red wine or Vodka ( or whatever hard liquor was on hand). I am over 90 days sober, and although not perfect, I am much better than I ever was drinking. YES Amino Acid Therapy works like a charm. 500-1500mgs L-Glutamine 3 to 4 times a day and the same for L-Phenylalanine 3 times a day. EAT 3 healthy meals a day. Salads, veggies, yogurt, cheeses, wheat crackers, green tea, and lots of water. Also take b-complex, vitamin c, take a multi calcium, zinc, and d3, and some chromium.
L-Glutamine, Kudzu, B Complex, Magnesium
I have heard about magnesium and the B vitamin, the others are new to me and I will try them. Thank you.
Here is a lengthy list of substances studied for the purpose of Alcohol Use Disorder:
Good luck!
L-Tryphophan and B Vitamins
I was very concerned for my husband, who is hypersensitive (and was getting more so all the time) had severe anxiety issues, constant brain chatter, severe insomnia and drank way, way too much (it was the only way he could calm down).
On discovering Earth Clinic and while searching for stenosis for myself, I came across Ted's advice on alcoholism. I went over all his advice thoroughly and decided on the following once a day:
- L-Tryptophan 1500mg
- Vit B-6 100 mg
- and a Raw B-Complex.
My husband agreed to give it a try. I didn't notice anything for about 4 days then, all of a sudden, we both noticed that his anxiety levels and drinking had greatly reduced. And all this in the middle of stressful issues that were coming at us one after the other. After a week, my husband noticed that he was feeling sleepy in the mornings after taking the supplements. So we reduced the dosage from 3 capsules (1500mg) to 2 and that has stayed at that level. It has been nearly a month and we are both delighted with the results! I am so thankful to this Earth Clinic site and to Ted's advice which was exactly what we needed!
A very effective way to reduce one's craving for alcohol is by taking a 50mg tablet of naltrexone one hour before having a drink. This is called the Sinclair Method. It works because naltrexone blocks the endorphin release from drinking alcohol or taking drugs, and as the user becomes accustomed to no "high" from drinking, the desire for alcohol is lessened or goes away. Here is the site to learn more:
There are many other sites and Facebook pages as well. There is also a book that details this process. Unlike low dose naltrexone, which most people on Earth Clinic know I advocate for a variety of illnesses and is sometimes difficult to get a doctor to prescribe, 50mg Naltrexone is an FDA approved drug and should be easy to get a prescription to use as this is what it was originally approved to do. It is inexpensive and easily taken by tablet before drinking to reduce the desire for alcohol, very effective and does not require the user to stop drinking to utilize it. Best wishes.
Hi Rsw Uniontown, Oh,
I just found out from reading that if one has been taking Naltrexone and then gets off that there is an increase of drinking alcohol that can lead to overdose and death. I also read that vitamin C in high doses can do the same thing that Naltrexone does without the side effects. One must start out with 1 gram per hour then increase to 2 grams per hour and then 3 grams per hour etc. until you have to run to the bathroom in a hurry then back down. Alcoholics can take a much higher doses than healthy people. Of course one must buy pure powder of vitamin C and mix with water. Pure Ascorbic acid is very sour so one might try Sodium Ascorbate powder. Buy small amounts at first to see what you like then buy it by the pound. Sweeten with stevia and erythritol. Pure Niacin powder is next and one needs to work up to 500 mg then on up to 1500 mg per day then move to twice a day over time. Niacin flushes will last until 2 weeks are over so one needs to stay with it. I am still reading on this. I may do a separate post as the cure is quite comprehensive.
Hi Wydo,
This article says that the naltrexone will have to be taken before drinking alcohol for the rest of one's life, although 25% decide to give up alcohol completely.
Naltrexone is an out of patent FDA approved drug and is not expensive. I am unfamiliar with the B3 approach, but if it works, then who can argue with success? Low carb seems to be a beneficial way of eating for many conditions, and alcohol often contains high levels of sugar, so a low carb diet to reduce sugar cravings would make sense. Best wishes.