Dietary Changes, Supplements
I cured my cold using this.
1. Blend
- 7 teaspoons Vitamin C powder,
- 2.5 teaspoons zinc gluconate ppwder,
- 3/4 teaspoon vitamin D3 powder,
- 12 tablespoons sunflower lecithin powder,
- 4 cups distilled water.
2. Blend for 4 minute in a high speed blender.
3. Pour mixture into a 1000 ml pyrex beaker
4. Suspend beaker in a sonic cleaner with these specifications which you can buy on Amazon: (I made a wooden jig to suspend the beaker without touching any metal) VEVOR Commercial Ultrasonic Cleaner 6L Professional Ultrasonic Cleaner 40kHz with Digital Timer&Heater 110V Excellent Cleaning Machine for Watch Instruments Industrial Parts Excellent Cleaner Solution
5. Add cold tap water to the sonic cleaner almost all the way up to the top of the beaker and turn on the cleaner.
6. The sonic energy will go from the water into the beaker and from the beaker into the mixture. I buzzed the mixture for a couple of hours, changing the water once to keep the water in the tank cold.
7. I drank one tablespoon of the mixture every hour for four hours. After that, since the cold was much better, I drank one tablspoon full about 4 times per day.
OK, I'm not sure this will work for ALS, but it sure kills the cold virus. This could be one part of a more advanced ALS regimine.
Consider Antiviral Remedies
Coconut Oil
Medication Combinations Can Mimic ALS Symptoms
Multiple Remedies
- Coconut oil (Virgin C.O. is best)(work up to 9 to 12 tablespoons per day, start at 1 tablespoon)(this seems to be very helpful for ppl with MND/ALS)
- Sunflower lecithin (tip: have a tsp of sunflower lecithin with every spoon of coconut oil. Re-build myelin sheath and improves oil digestion)
- Zeolites (pink is best)(2 tsp per day)
- Diatomaceous earth (mix a heaped spoon of D.E. with a litre of water, add 1 drop or two of ACV, drink the water full of silica, leave the mud on the bottom - easier on kidneys)
- D-mannose (1 Tb / day. A must to rid the candida & fungus and the metals that the candida is holding along with it)
- Selenium 200 mcg /day
- B-vitamin complex (plus additional B2)
- Benfotiamine (B1) take 1 capsule, several times per day.
- Vit D3 10,000 IU /day
- Iodine
- Boron 3 to 9 mg /day
- Magnesium 400 – 1200 mg /day
- Melatonin (3 to 50+ mg per night, 1 hour before bed)
- Butyrate
- Antioxidants
- Follow a low carb diet & also avoid gluten. (High fats, eating lots of animal fats & eggs is very good).
- Saunas are a useful adjunct to safe mercury removal because they induce copious sweating.
- Increase circulation by exercising 20 minutes, one to three times a day walking or bouncing on a rebounder (mini trampoline).
- Apply coconut oil and ACV on topically on sore muscles (very helpful).
Apple Seeds and Oil
Multiple Supplements
We used Teds' spinal virus remedy, I expanded it to ALS remedy. ALS is commonly a virus picked up in a medical setting. So Ted emphasizes topical treatment to get a good kill. This takes some doing, you might need help with the topical. I make a castor oil pack on a folded paper towel. I fold 3 or 4 longwise and fashioned to fit the length of the spine. I add castor oil and pat it in to spread it without drippyness. The some DMSO sprinkled along the length, then sprays of magnesium. Oil. Finally drops of clove oil so it looks wettish. Sit on a towel. Drop onto spine. Sit back on a towel. Do this as often as you can. We did it for 3 days. A few times a day. Can be made on sheet strips. Can be stored in a ziploc. Refreshed 10 to 12 times. If nothing else put some firm lotion, not drippy on the back of a wooden spoon with clove oil mixed in. Or even a yard stick to get it applied. This might sting, test the mix an other skin so you are prepared. Your shopping list for an online retailer. Most powders are not sold in stores. In garden supply, Diamond black Humic Acid, 1 quart. A tablespoon in water a day Aquarium supply Methylene Blue, this must be mixed and mixed again, you might need help Clove Essential oil Castor oil Magnesium oil spray Some glass, dropper bottles and spray bottles, 2 or 4 oz Powdered bulk L lysine L Threonine Sodium Ascorbate InCapsules Zinc chelate is okay, it was what we had Vanadium In Gel caps Vitamin D3 is available now days, back then not so much. Buy one that is in coconut oil To get deep into the body and extremities I have been using vitamin B1 thiamine. Ted recommended Thiamine mononitrate. We use, lipothiamine. It seem to be a more absorbed b1. On Amazon. As is all this. Ted stresses the topical remedy. And the virus killing with humic and the lysine remedy Below is my lysine recipe to make a batch. Amounts can be changed according to remedy. The remedy goes bad after 3 days and must be remade. A great addition is hyaluronic acid. In capsules 3 to 600 mg a day. There are more suggestions within his posts. I thought this info might help. I will post recipe and Teds chapter below, separately. As my phone will not copy paste. Janet
Multiple Supplements
Ted's Remedies
Consider Antiviral Remedies
Lipid Replacement Therapy
Posted by Sarah (Carlyle, Illinois ) on 04/10/2013: My father-n-law has recently been diagnosed with ALS. We are having a really hard time to figure out what to do to help him. His progression is coming way to fast he is really having a tough time sleeping, problems with saliva, constipation and he is also very depressed. He has doctor appointment this Friday at the ALS clinic in St Louis. Ted, I need your help.
Sarah: I'm not Ted and cannot offer any specific recommendations, BUT I just watched an ihealthtube video of Professor Garth Nicholson of the Institute of Molecular Medicine speaking of his successes treating degenerative and chronic diseases with Lipid Replacement Therapy (LRT). He mentioned only recently using LRT in degenerative neurological diseases with success.
Ted's Remedies
Deanna Protocol
Thank you, Sara
ALS Research
The cause of AlS is contradictory and in another article in the same time frame Ravits argues that the virus may be hard to detect especially when looking at frozen spinal fluids and other methods for detection which might not yield the evidence for the existence of the virus that causes ALS, if indeed a virus is the cause.
The undisputed fact says Ravits is that the disease is progressive. I think that fact alone tells us ALS is likely viral. If I read his analysis correctly, he says the "movement" is like polio except the supposed ALS enterovirus is "acute slow motion. " I hope I am not misrepresenting the Ravits papers. Ravits is not affirming the cause but hypothesing why the ALS virus has not been clearly identified like the polio virus.
But let us suppose it is viral. What can be done and in the posts on the Earth Clinic web site some anti viral methods are used. I'll propose consideration of another method for killing the supposed virus.
To be clear, Dr Ravits does not discuss cure at all. He only discussed causation. So what follows is only my own suggestion for possible experimentation:
I believe, and have much anacdotal evidence to support my belief, that colloidal silver will kill virus and bacterial infection... Fungal infection also. But if I were to take the solution of water, containing atoms of silver, and add DMSO, a carrier, solvent and penetrant and saturate the combination of the colloidal silver with 5% DMSO into a white cloth or white paper towel and apply the very wet cloth/paper towel to the spine and let the cloth soak slowly into the skin... Then in theory the silver will be taken into the spine. If there is a virus there the CS will kill it.
I would suggest that the CS be orally consumed as well... A tablespoon daily. That amount for a few months. And if I found a diminishing of my symptoms I would continue the protocol for at least a year. The "poultice" application should be continued for at least two months, every day for two weeks and then every other day for six weeks. If nerves have not been destroyed then one might see an improvement within a month. To help the cells repair, Calcium AEP should be considered also. Dr Robert Adkins in his book, Vita Nutrients gave Ca AEP by IV to his MS patients as the most important part of the MS protocol achieving wonderful results at his Long Island clinic.
I would apply the CS/DMSO solution to the entire spine... base of skull to tail bone.
Medication Combinations Can Mimic ALS Symptoms
Medication Combinations Can Mimic ALS Symptoms
My Mother was recently diagnosed with ALS. So far she's only lost some use of arms. Now I am needing help in knowing how to proceed. I ordered supplements to begin Ted's basic ALS treatment-Lysine, threonine, glutamine, zinc, lithium carbonate, beta glucan, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, and BCAA. She will also go on sugar and gluten free diet.
I have a list of medications and supplements and am needing to know if any should be discontinued or anything added:
Riluzole 50mg 2x a day
Olmesarton-HCTZ 20/3.75
Progesterone 200mg
Synbiotic 365, Aleve gel, Womans Alive Vitamin, Vit. C, Elderberry, Omega Q10, Glucosamin Condroitin1500/1200, Red yeast rice, Lutein, low dose aspirin, Melatonin 10 mg, and Unisom Sleep
All help appreciated and I would love to hear Ted's recomendations!
I was wondering if any commenters on this thread have any updated news on use of treatments Ted advised or other treatments.
Thank you
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Dietary Changes, Supplements
Dietary Changes, Supplements
Thank you for your story which gives me a hope, cause doctors only prescribe Riluzole knowing that it doesn't cure the disease but hurting badly the liver.
I hope you feel better now.
Dietary Changes, Supplements
Magnesium Oil, Coconut Oil
Consider Antiviral Remedies
You mention you have apply white cloth as a poultice to spinal column. Please tell me the quantity for one time and you mention drink cs daily it means Colloidal Silver ?
Can you little elaborate how to apply?
Consider Antiviral Remedies
And you also asked how to apply....a poultice is just the wet cloth laid onto the skin and let absorb for twenty minutes.
Use about two cups with a light white cloth for poultices. Enough to have the cloth very wet without being too drippy.
Ted's Remedies
Ted's Remedies
Your posting gives me hope for my mom who has ALS. I have my mom on the Deanna Protocol and she is also on Rilutek. She is getting so much weaker in her arms. She has drop foot and has a hard time getting up. She also coughs alot and has trouble projecting her voice. Could you please tell me what regime worked for your dad? This site has useful information but it seems Ted has recommended slightly different doseages and supplements for everyone with ALS. So Ted if you read this, I would appreciate if you would be able to otherwise recommend a regime for my mom, my best friend.
Thank you very much, Sara
EC: So sorry, Ted had a stroke in 2015 and has not been able to correspond since then.
Ted's Remedies