You've got to drink water, it's the most important thing for your body. 50 ounces is not enough for an adult. The colon saves water as if you were in survival mode in a desert. It extracts every drop of water possible from the feces. Is there any wonder why anal fissure occurs with hard brick like feces?
Most people do not know this but 50% of the fecal mass is not food waste, it is bacteria. When your intestinal bacteria diminish constipation becomes a problem. When good intestinal bacteria is low bad organisms flourish, wastes products accumulate and your intestines become far more toxic. It is conditions like this that give rise to colon cancer
Reverse the trend towards disease by drinking lots of water, frequently replenishing the good bacteria and eating raw organic foods with living enzymes and lots of fiber then your body will be much cleaner and less likely to develop cancer.