Anal Fissures
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Anal Fissures: Soothing & Effective Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Ev (Australia) on 05/07/2015

Botox injections cured my fissures after 20 years of pain.

Epsom Salt Sitz Bath
Posted by Revite (California, US) on 12/07/2014

Epsom Salt sitz bath for Anal Fissures: Put 2 lb. of Epsom salt and mix with 2 inches of warm water. Sit in it for 20 minutes. Repeat daily.

Olive Oil
Posted by Mary (California) on 11/21/2014

Editor's Choice

I had fissure & hemorrhoid for about 4 weeks. As one of the contributor on this site said, it felt like I was pooping blades. Horrible pain. By the end of the 4th week I was at the fag end of my hopes for cure. This could have easily been a emergency or surgery situation by prevailing practices. But I firmly believe in natural cures. So I was surfing the web and bumped into this site.

I first thought it was hemorrhoid only. I tried out quite a few treatments mentioned on this site and some other. Didn't work. But from my symptoms, when my doctor friend told me over the phone that I had fissure as well, I searched for fissure treatment on this site. I came across extra virgin organic Olive oil treatment.

Boy it worked wonders for me. I started with oral intake that didn't do much for me. But as I started generously putting it deep inside the rear end with a dropper 3-4 time a day, it gave me immediate relief. The pain started subsiding rapidly. It took about 3 days to cure 80%. And about 7 days to fully recover. I still kept putting it at least once before the bedtime for a few more days so that it didn't recur. In the mean time I had ordered fully ozonated Olive oil. But by the time it arrived from amazon, I was almost cured.

From other mentions here, my guess is any healing oil like, castor or vitamin E should also work. But make sure you keep the anal passage(from deep inside) oiled all the time until it heals.

I am so grateful to the site owner and everyone contributing on this site. I had to share my experience as well for others to benefit. Please keep it up.

Olive Oil
Posted by Patricia (Texas, US) on 06/05/2014

sorry about previous post typos and post poorly stated. I can report, pain free day, all day! Remember I had multiple BM earlier today, normally pain would last from AM thru PM.

What I learned:

1. Keep rectum clean throught out the day, use baby wipes soaked in witch hazel and apply organic coconut oil, I sit on heating pad for blood flow.

2. 1-2 Tablespoon organic olive oil at bedtime.

3. 1/2 tblsp manuka honey, 1/2 tsp coconut oil, 1/2 tsp organic aloe Vera juice, mix well, insert with a syringe at bedtime

4. Bath increase from 1-2x, to 3x daily, sitz bath when time allows.

5. exercise - walking helps.

6. Sit in over size firm pillow, at home and work; in car.

Olive Oil
Posted by Psr (Texas, US) on 06/05/2014

I currently fissure, had H for over 30 yrs with no real issues, about 6 months ago pain started, thought it was my H, after colon test now at 58 have a fissure. I have prescription for antibiotics and anal cream now taken 5 days, after completion of antibiotics, pain back not as bad , but still cannot sit , drive etc. normally hurts only after BM, hurt all day finally went to sleep after sitz bath and apply cream, within 2 hours woke up in severe pain, found this site.

1. Drink 3 tablespoon of olive oil,

2. (Did not have Manuka honey; used organic honey use enema bottle and mixed 1/2 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (100% pure) with about a 1/2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil and a splash of Aloe Vera juice. Once it was well mixed I took as much of it as I could get into the syringe (which I had first coated the outside end of the syringe with coconut oil). Had a BM immediately, then 3 more, to be honest pain is gone, I thought the mix was suppose to stay, so I mixed a second batch, imnediately 2 BM, little to no pain.

3. Clean area with witch hazel in baby wipe, then applied organic coconut oil to rectum, resting comfortable at this time.

what I learned:

1. I will take1-2 tablespoon organic olive oil at bedtime

2. Clean area with baby wipes soak in witch hazel and then apply organic coconut oil.

3. Will use honey mixture as enema as needed

I update


Clove, Coconut Oil and Eucalyptus
Posted by George (Cape Town, South Africa) on 04/25/2014

I have been suffering for 5 months with anal fissures. Very painful during stool movements, also followed by bright red blood when wiping and itchy burny pain afterwards for hours. I tried rash ointment, cortisone creams and vaseline... Nothing worked. Then it became almost impossible to pass a stool it felt as if I was pooping razor blades everytime.

I started applying some clove oil straight on my anus and it was very burny, but brought immediate relief after a few seconds. I then made an easily concocted ointment with a teaspoon of clove mixed in with a table spoon of coconut oil (melted) and a table spoon of eucalyptus ointment (zambuck or cuticura). Once it set as an ointment, I applied it everytime I used the toilet, and made sure I got some inside where the fissures are with my (clean washed) finger.

It is now a week since I started using it and the fissures are almost completely healed. I had a movement just now and only had mild discomfort, with no pain or bleeding. I alternated the ointment and the raw clove oil on the days I had more than one visit to the loo. The morning I would apply my magic ointment and in the afternoon or evening I would apply the clove oil straight out the little bottle, dabbed on my finger and applied directly on and inside where the fissures are.

This remedy cost me very little and it has made me feel really positive about the future. I thought I would share this with people that might have tried EVERYTHING else. This might also work for you, it is all natural and non toxic remedies, so you have nothing to lose by trying. good luck, I hope it works for you too!! Regards, George

Posted by Jpl (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/17/2014

Re Anal Fissures:

Eat organic yogurt. I only eat wallaby from whole foods or Ralph's or sprouts. No I'm not a seller. Just someone with more than 10 years experience with this problem. And having tried most everything. The wallaby will cure the cut from inside. But you still have to keep stools soft. And sometimes I add coconut oil or neosporin to the outside, especially at night and before going to the bathroom. If wallaby ever goes out of business I'm in trouble. 100 million probiotics in one cup. And no the pills with billions didn't work. For some reason it has to be yogurt.

Witch Hazel
Posted by Cindy (Nh) on 04/04/2014

A few years ago I developed what I first thought was a hemorrhoid. Couldn't really see what was going on, but really, really painful. Tried baths and Preperation-H, lots of fiber. Didn't help that much. I finally went to my doctor who said it was a fistula!! Yikes. Then sent to a surgeon who agreed and wanted to operate. Everyone said it was the only way to "fix" it. (But also said one couldn't be sure it was a fistula until you found the other "internal" end. ). Well, maybe it wasn't a fistula, but I cured whatever it was by cleaning area really well with witch hazel and then applying coconut oil. Took months, but my doctor was impressed on my next yearly physical. Said area was completely healed. I haven't had a problem since. Love both these products and use them for lots of issues.

Posted by Mardi (Australia) on 04/04/2014

Hope my experiences will help someone. I had chronic anal fissures which my doctor suggested to look at surgery and also a extremely bad heamorriod episode . It took awhile to get them healed and had to have antibiotics to help the heamorriods issue. I used Chlorophyll 30mls daily after this episode. Its now been 2 years and I have continued to take Chlorophyll with good success. My Fissues have settled and have had no real problems since. Ive noticed someone said to also use Coconut Oil. That's great too as it is a great product for any viral bacterial or fungus problems and a good healer to use internally and externally. Love the product but make sure it's the organic kind. So good for the skin and this comes from personal experience. Good luck to you. hope you will be ok.

Olive Oil
Posted by Gerald (Los Angeles) on 01/31/2014

@ Andy, from India:

We buy ours directly from of the company's engineers; I pick it up at his systems engineering lab in L.A.

Because of the ozone on their manufacturing premises, insurance considerations don't allow me go to the plant, in Commerce, despite our having known them for years.

Your best bet is to go to their Craigslist, Los Angeles page and order it there:

That will plug you right into their email.

I wish you the best of luck.

For this application, it certainly worked very well for us!

Olive Oil
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/26/2014

Sorry to hear about your wives' painful experience.

Use pure sesame oil or pure olive oil, if you can find it and use it liberally. After each bowel movement take a cold sitz bath. There are more cures on hemorrhoids here on EC. External intervention is often not satisfactory. Please research well before making that decision. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Olive Oil
Posted by Andy (India) on 01/25/2014

@Gerald from Los Angeles: Where do you buy extra virgin olive oil and Fully Ozonated Olive Oil?

My wife is in deep pain because of the Anal Fissures. We wish to try all sorts of natural remedies before opting for a surgery. We are against surgery but the problem is progressing each day. Can you please help me and tell me what should we do? What to buy and where to buy? Would really appreciate your help. I'm worried for my wife's health, she is just 37 years old and having problem with anal fissures and bleeding each time bowel movement occurs in the morning.

Thank you for any help! Regards.

Olive Oil
Posted by Gerald (Los Angeles) on 01/20/2014

My girlfriend felt I should throw in my two cents, relating how we treated my elderly mother for what could be called "anal fissures."

She had been in the hospital for two weeks and after eating their food, came back with all sorts of complications. They had given her a salve for treating sores around her rectal area. It simply didn't work!

Our diet, including hers, normally includes organic, extra virgin olive oil, as part of the dressing used on large salads we consume, daily. Her returning to that diet, I'm going to assume addressed the initial cause of the rectal inflamation.

However, the sores were horrendous in their behavior! Fearing infection, by the end of the second day of using their prescribed "ointment, " we fell back on old remedy we've know of, for decades: Fully Ozonated Olive Oil. We keep some in our First Aid Kit and use it quite regularly for conditions ranging from fungal infections, burns, to acne.

Once we applied it, things were calmed in a day. Healing started taking place on the second day of application and the third saw all of the lesions closed. There was no more bleeding by the end of the second day. It was applied every time she took a bowel movement, once in the morning and before sleep.

An older person's immune system is not what it used to be and one must be careful in addressing wounds quickly.

In this case, I assume it was the organic olive oil in her diet and the application of the organic, ozonated extra virgin olive oil that stopped the cause of the wounds and allowed them to heal, by killing off infection.

In talking to the owner of the bodega from where we buy it, he emphasizes the oil from which it is made should be organic, to be free of insecticides, extra virgin, to assure maximum penetration (fine oils) and the ozone used, free of any Nitrogen Oxides, which make Nitric Acid when coming in contact with any water in the oil being treated.

So care should be taken in your choice of ozonated olive oil. What we have been buying is imported. However, my Sister has lately been buying from a little firm advertizing on Craigslist, in Los Angeles and claims it looks and works identically to the imported stuff.

Be sure it's the fully ozonated (fully saturated with ozone). If you like a milder form, then dilute it in olive oil, to your liking. That's the way we do it.

I hope this helps any who can use it. Its effects on my mother impressed my girlfriend to the point, she's asked me to relate this. From where I stand, that's a decent endorsement!

St John's Wort
Posted by Chris (Cyprus) on 12/05/2013

Anal Fissures: Hi all, I've been through this terrible disease couple of times.

First one was 4 years ago, I visited the doctor, after examination he gave me some medicine to take, cicattritina cream, and also xylocaine cream. I took some sitz baths also, after some time and day by day the pain was eliminating.It took few days though, maybe 2 weeks.

Last month it appeared again the problem, because of constipation.I had the same treatment but did not work this time.I was not so much in pain like the firs time, I could stand it.But it was really annoying, especially after BM.I used few other creams, including natural aloe vera.I read many articles and comments with reagrds to this problem.I started getting really worry, because I could not find a cure to the probleM.Finally my Pharmacist suggest to try an oil that some othe people with same problem used and worked on them.I thought to give a try, I had nothing to loose, I was desperate and the oil was totaly natural.I found my health.I used it few times, and the pain gone.THANK GOD!!! The oil is called ST JOHNS WORT and is made from a plant called Hypericum perforatum.This plant has yellow leaves, although the oil is red.

I hope some people will be helped from this. Good luck.

Essential Oils
Posted by Benqish (Metar, Israel) on 12/01/2013

I have successfully tried this combination for a fissure and hems. In a small jar of about 50 ml mix 2 or 3 of these oils: sesame, olive, avocado, wheat germ oil or almond. Sesame is the best but the others are also great. Then add all or any of these essential oils about 10 drops each: peppermint (or spearmint), cypress and tea tree. Apply 3 to 4 times a day when bad and less later: before and after every BM, after showering and before going to bed. Application is by dipping the middle finger in the jar and sliding about 3 cms (1 inch) up the anus and applying externally around the hole. Do this 2 to 3 times. Never double dip (ie replace your dirty finger into the jar). This is difficult even unpleasant (I do understand), but it does work. It works very, very well. Good for hems and fissures. Basically you are lubricating the area for easier BMs and applying a good dose of vitamins and ant-bacterials where they are needed.

Olive Oil
Posted by Bryan (Arizona) on 11/19/2013

This advice for olive oil as well as the changing leg position during BM saved me from a terrible situation. I had tried many things for anal fissure. The olive oil, amazing healing gift from nature.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, South Africa) on 09/07/2013

Hi Divjam, Cutting out all starches is a starting point, & if that does not help have a look at your thyroid. Starches cause a lot of problems & seeing that you are Indian that is your staple food.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Trudyg (Ala) on 09/05/2013

Don't know if it will help or not, but have you tried 'squat' toileting? It is said that, if you squat while defecating, there is less or no pressure on the anal tissues. That less pressure may allow your fissure to heal.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Divyam (Mumbai) on 09/05/2013

Hi there, I was googling and got earth clinic and read so many tips bout anal fissure.. Im having it since last 2 months, sometime it bleed on tissue paper, people say that it will take a longer time to heal, I never had constipation in my life, im very active, but I remember that while passing tools once I felt like brick inside but than to forcefully defecated.. And got immence pain after.. Since than im suffering.. Went to specialist and he said it will take time, used creams like pilex, Smuth, fisofine, oil, castor oil, ghee but every morning it cuts.. Doctor said I have ano fissure inside its like 12o clock.. Sitz bathr r good.. Im really fed up and sometimes I cry too.. Got so many tips already here... Thank you so much.. But please tell me if something more to get rid of this.. I will be a good girl now.. No force in defecating.. Waiting for a day when ill do smuth potty without feeling fissure horror feel.. oh god save me ....

Manuka Honey, Turmeric, Goldenseal
Posted by Atticus (Los Angeles) on 08/15/2013

Anal Fissures: Man, these are painful! I had no idea. It was extremely uncomfortable to sit or walk for a week or two. I tried lots of things. MSM, B6, horse chestnut and sitz baths are some I would definitely recommend. But what really sped up the healing process for me was making a paste consisting of manuka honey, turmeric and golden seal (I bought these in capsules and emptied them out). There isn't an exact ratio to the mixture, just make it thick enough to stay put. I applied this twice a day or as often as needed (after showers, bathroom etc... ) It really worked. Also, eating mostly raw foods and drinking lots of water are essential to healing. Keep that ph up. Hope this helps.

Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 07/30/2013

The thing about anal fissures are that they were a boil that started around the anus, and then bored a hole into the anal canal. If you take a teaspoon of cayenne, sprinkled on your food, and then wait for a BM. Take note if their is mild burning during and after the BM. If there is then the amount is correct (if not up the dose a bit until it burns), and the active cayenne is cleaning out the infection, on the outside use the Virgin coconut oil, as it seems to be more active in that area, and keep the Staph and fungus in check.

Anal Fissure Remedies
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/30/2013

There is a vitamin ointment (I don't think I can give a name here) that contains lanolin and is sold at drug stores. I purchase the generic brand and it works well for us. I would also recommend using witch hazel to finish cleaning first.

Anal Fissure Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 07/30/2013 2042 posts

Some Vit-A and E internally will help. Cod Liver Oil applied topically on affected area will help.

Toilet Paper Improvement
Posted by Barb (Phoenix, Az ) on 07/29/2013

From my experience, I have to be extremely careful of what kind of toilet paper I use. I use only Northern because it does not irritate my skin. And I now use some kind of moist wipe after a BM and not toilet paper and it has helped so much to reduce the anal fissures for me.

Anal Fissure Remedies
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 07/29/2013

Hello Shristi, Comfrey is good, but it is tough to get in Delhi.

If you could get noni juice it will be very helpful. In fact, noni grows in southern india too but the fruits are smaller size than Hawaiian noni. Take 30ml of noni juice daily. Noni juice is a detoxer and it softens the stools and eases the bowel movement. It will also strengthen the anal blood vessels. This will slowly heal the anal fissure.

I also recommend to use Indian Style Squat Toilet not the american sitting toilet. Indian style squat toilet aligns your body for natural bowel movement thereby reducing the pressure in the anal region. Preventing Piles or anal fissures.

Also for the ulcer, apply wheat grass juice which is a potent healer.

Good Health

Anal Fissure Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 07/29/2013

Dear Shrishti, A couple of things come to mind... If he is having any constipation at all, this is going to increase his pain and cause more trouble. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, prunes, blackstrap molasses (1 T. twice a day) is important. Dairy products can be constipating and ought to be avoided.

A comfrey salve might heal the fissure. It promotes rapid cell growth and healing. If you had access to comfrey leaves, you could crush the fresh leaves and place one over the fissure for 20 minutes a couple of hours a day.

Manuka honey or raw local honey is also something that is used to heal wounds very successfully.

Honey and comfrey could both be used safely together. If you could get comfrey root powder, you could mix it with the honey and use it like a salve. (Would be messy... but worth it.)

Charcoal poultices have also been used very successfully to heal wounds. Mix 1 part activated charcoal powder, 1 part ground flax seed (optional, but very helpful) in a bowl and add water and slowly stir until it is a gel-like consistency. Place a spoonful into a quarter of a paper towel. (You can make up many at once. ) Fold paper towel over the charcoal. Now the charcoal is surrounded by paper towel. Place the poultice over the fissure. (One layer of towel between fissure and charcoal. Store extra poultices in a baggie in the fridge. They stay good for a couple of weeks. ) Use this for 30 minutes 2-3 times a day or more if you like. It can be used overnight. If the poultice dries out, the charcoal isn't active any more. This may also help the pain. This can be used with the above safely, also. I might even try the charcoal first.

Plantain tea sitz baths, 30 minutes twice a day, is another option.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is good for the skin and for constipation. 1 T. twice a day, internally, is a good idea.

You could try any or all of the above. So sorry he is suffering like this. Let us know what helps him.

~Mama to Many~

Anal Fissure Remedies
Posted by Srishti (Delhi, India) on 07/29/2013

Hi, my father who is 52 years old, has been suffering from an Anal Ulcer immediately on being operated for Piles. His surgery for piles was conducted 6 years back and the anal ulcer has been treated by Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicines but to no avail, as he was not interested in getting another surgery for the anal ulcer. After going for a motion in the morning everyday, his anus comes out and doesn't go back in before 4 hours during which he has lot of difficulty in sitting and walking properly. When the anus goes inside, and when he again goes for a motion, the same is repeated and he has been constantly sitting in a tub with warm water and few granules of pottassium permanganate, without any relief. Sometimes in the evening while taking a walk in the park, he suffers lot of itching.

Please provide some remedy that might put a permanent end to his ordeal. Also if anybody could suggest the best hospital and surgeon for the above, in Delhi, India.

Aloe Vera Gel
Posted by Mild (Honolulu, Hi) on 07/11/2013

Why not get an Aloe Vera plant. Cut off a piece and cur one side off. Split it down the middle. pull ithe leaf apart, and pat on area.

Aloe Vera Gel
Posted by Farai (South Africa) on 07/10/2013

Where can I find the aloe vera gel? I'm in pain.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Julia (Victorville, Ca) on 06/03/2013

Thank you for your posts! I had a fissure for almost a month and I was getting very frustrated! I tried all kinds of ointments aloe vera and a good diet but kept hurting and bleeding a lot after a BM. After trying organic coconut oil every morning and night after a shower I started to feel some relief but nothing major, however when I tried an antibiotic ointment and it worked wonders!!! I sooo recomend it! Within a couple of days I wasn't bleeding and the combination of coconut oil and the ointment healed me it's been a few weeks with regular BM and no pain and no bleeding. I also strongly recommend using vaseline or petroleum jelly every time you are about to go because it does ease the pain even after you feel you have healed just in case :)

Extra tip: drink lots of water, don't eat too much meat and no red meat while healing (even after you're healed keep your red meat intake to once a month if possible), also use a stool softner (generic) which I still use but I lower my dosage on the stool softner from 3 to just 1 a day now, but everyone is different so it's up to you.

I hope this helps someone because reading reviews and doing a lot of research I was able to get my life back, this is a horrible thing to go through and I hope you all recover soon!

God Bless!

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