I have been struggling with the rash for the past two months. At first, I wasn't sure what it was. Being as I am 21 weeks pregnant. I thought it was just relentless pimples. However, it hit its worst about two weeks ago and has taken over my whole chin. So I went to a derm. They of course prescribed anti-biopics but I cannot taken those due to pregnancy. After being diagnosed with POD. I started doing my research after zero help from the derm and found this site. I started my combination treatment of POD right away. Of cutting out gluten, added sugar, dairy. Adding 1 tbps of ACV to smoothies daily, using a half water half ACV mix 3-5 times a day with coconut oil once or twice daily. It's been a little over a week, I felt like I initially saw improvement with some of the bumps pushing out the little white spots right away and then flaking off. However, now it feels like the rash has spread up my face and I'm seeing way more of those white bumps and flaking. But doesn't appear to be much better. Does anyone else have experience with POD and being pregnant? Is that a factor in this and why I am not healing? Am I doomed to have this until birth? Or should I keep going with the ACV treatment?