80 User Reviews
1. Should i not use moisturiser as i have heard that it can make the perioral dermatitis worse? - is the ___ calendula Cream OKAY to use?
2. What should i wash my face with - i am avoiding all SLS SLES etc... products and i'm using a natural glycerine soap from the homeopathic shop - any body recommend anything else?
3. From using accutane my lips are dry as hell can anybody recommend a lipsalve without petrolatum/ paraffin or any of the other nasties - i have been using calendula oil at present
4. What brand of ACV is best
5. Can anyone recommend a foundation or cosmetic line to use that wont aggrevate the dermatitis
6. Any other suggestions??
(Los Angeles, Ca)
(Aylesbury, Bucks, Uk)
I also had this bumpy type of eczema when I was younger - after I had been on the contraceptive pill for 10 years and came off it. At the time, I used the homeopathic remedy Rhus tox, but that was for about a year before the eczema went. Now, looking back and having learned much more about nutrition, I realise that the remedy at the time did noting but the eczema can sometimes be caused by an estrogen imbalance. I would suggest some of you explore that idea a little further ... Much later, I discovered that I had low stomach acid which meant that for years (30), I had not been digesting my food properly (specifically fats - hormones are made of fats) and so my body struggled to balance. Many other problems arose too but that's another area. Hope this helps with your research.
(San Diego, Ca)
I am at my wits end.
This started 1 year ago when 2 little red bumps showed up in my face. I went to the dermatologist and I was prescribed Desonide for 3 weeks, and I was told to change my moisturizer. To repeat if it did come back. I did that, it went away but kept coming back. NOT knowing I was putting steroids on my face I kept reapplying the Desonide as instructed.... Maybe for about 3 or 4 times total. Well, I finally googled what I had and realized it is Perioral Dermatitis and the desonide IS THE CULPRIT and not the help. So I stop it 1 week ago, and.... It is been down hill since then.. OMG I am miserable. I was able to hide it with natural makeup or nothing the first few days, now my face is a big giant red mess. One side under my mouth and a bit around my nostrils. The ACV seems like it is irratiting it more. I did buy the one Organic with the Mother. I do put the yogurt mask. I do drink a cup with 1 little lid of vinegar with water. And I have been taking oral antibiotics now for 4 days with no improvement....
This morning I woke up with tons of white little bumps, so the pustules have pus now... Beautiful sight in my face... PLEASE HELP! What am I missing? Why is it soooo red? It looks like a wound not just red little bumps. Did I make it worse by putting the vinegar? Looks like it. Please help!
(San Diego, Ca)
I would like to add that I am also taking:
- Probiotics with an empty stomach and plenty of water
- Biotin and Vit C, Vit D
- No wine, no spicy food, lots of veggies and fruits, I just don't like greassy food.
The white pustules went away with the last wash with 50/50 vinegar but it really looks like one giant wound, all red, terrible... Omg HELP! I pray people don't look at my face and hide as much as I can but I really can't!! Gosh! What to do? I have an appointment with a new dermatologist tomorrow. I can't stomach seeing the one that caused me all this misery ever again :(
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SORRY YOU HAD TO ENDURE THIS AS WELL. But like hubby says, no worries, you will be OK, it might take some time but at least is not dangerous.... Right, I should keep things into perspective, but it is in the middle of my face! People are going to think I have crazy acne and I went on a scratching spree or something, I never touch my face, barely dry it with a clean towel each time. Ack.... Help help help
(San Diego, Ca)
A word of caution.
When you apply the vinegar, you may want to do a test patch, and start only with diluted.
It turns out, because I didn't diluted initially I did have some skin breakage and that triggered an infection. It inflames the skin more. So probably seeing how many people have good results it helps as long as you don't make it bleed or, in sensitive skins, like mine, you have to be very, very careful and dilute it or may not even work. I don't know anymore.
My new dermatologist is a clinical dermatologist (not cosmetic one, gosh how much I hate my old one now.... ) and he says I have Perioral Dermatitis but in one spot it got infected with staph so I really have to be very careful with hygiene and I am on oral and topical antibiotics. If I thought that PoD was bad enough ....
So just as a word of caution, what might work for many might not work for all, be careful, do a patch test, and start maybe diluted.
I will keep you posted. Pretty depressed right now, but have to keep my "chin up" for my family. I wish I could hide for 3 weeks. That's how long this nasty thing can take to clear up.... Omgosh.... I am ready to get a facial mask and go around with it, seriously... Has anybody tried that? it would avoid the stares , maybe not... AAAAAHHH HELP! I need a miracle!
(San Diego, Ca)
Well my MIRACLE arrived! I really don't even want to celebrate too early. But I washed my face following my new DErmatologist instructions with Betadine diluted and Peroxide and then metrogel on top. I slept all night and woke up with my skin ALL DRY and peeling, all the yucky gunk washed of this morning. I have NEW clear skin, very red and tender but looks so much better.
Now in retrospect I think the Vinegar DID WORK. Maybe for my very sensitive skin I went to aggressive and should have started with very diluted but anyway, now that it is all peeled I think it did work. The metrogel will keep it clean I hope but I will keep the washes with ACV too, just diluted. And I am also drinking very diluted ACV twice a day. PRetty much eating only fruits and yogurts and yesterday I had a bite of grilled chicken. Drinking loooots of water too.
Yesterday I was near a nervous breakdown and today I couldn't believe it.
The one thing I also did was listen to my relaxing tapes 2-3 times telling myself that my skin would clear soon, and trying to relax a lot. Maybe all together worked.
So hey if you feel like POD is hell, and you are miserable, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Just be VERY patient for me the ACV process took 2 weeks to the big peel today. I do have lots of redness but looks soooo much better.
THANK YOU ALL!!!! HEALTHY VIBES YOUR WAY EVERYBODY! I think I learned a lot from here, really, thank you!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Thank you everyone for your comments. I have now had to stop using ACV. I am not sure it is related but I broke out in a rash on my neck, chest, eye lids and inside of arms. It is extremly itchy and bright red. I stopped using ACV to see if it will go away. So far it hasn't though and it has been 1 1/2 weeks. Also I have switched to a non-fluoride toothpaste and we have a reverse osmosis water filtration system.
(Nashville, Tn)
(Anchorage, Alaska)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hey my names bella. After reading this site desperately 2 days ago, i decided to try using the apple cider vinegar on my face to reduce a breakout of dermatitis. I have recently been put of doxycycline for my dermatitis but found that i had a massive outbreak as soon as i started using the antibiotics and stopped using the steroid cream. I have also just moved in with my gorgeous boyfriend and was horrified and embarrassed when this happened. So i began desperately searching the net for home remedies and came across the 'apple cider viniger'.
I have been using this for roughly 2 days now and can already see a difference. I have used a face wipe that has been dampened with warm water and a splash of ACV. I have done this a couple of times a day and can already notice the bumps, and blisters/pimples reducing. I highly recommend you just GIVE IT A GO.
(Montreal, Quebec)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Toronto, ON)
Sally, when you took the ACV did you take it straight or with something? I have had POD in the past and it was cleared up, so I thought, and have recently had a bought of it and it's been more concentrated on my forehead, but that is new for me. I have been using the ACV straight on my face with a damp pad, and I have noticed a reduction in the redness....thank heavens. The itching has reduced as well. So happy I found this site. I was ready to make an appt at the Dermatologist, but was dreading having to go on any medication. Thanks everyone!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi Tayrn,
I broke out with Perioral dermatitis after handling contact cement, (apparently adhesive products can trigger it among other things). The rash went from one corner of my mouth straight down then across the chin and straight up to the other corner. I applied ACV to the rash and when the acv dried I then applied Calendula cream over the rash. You can find Calendula cream in health food stores, it's used for skin problems. After a few applications of both I started healing within a couple of days, applying both 3 x's per day. Within a week it was healed and gone. You sound like you have a tougher case of it, so not sure this will help. Good luck I hope it does, I know how badly you must feel.
(Los Angeles Ca)
Did this ever clear up for you? I'm in the same boat as you. ACV did not help me so far. It's making it worse.
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Sante Fe, NM)
I am estatic that I just found this site. I, too, had oral dermatitus recently and my doc prescribed a steroid cream which did not work and then he prescribed minocyclene, an antibiotic pill. Several days later I ended up in the hospital for a week with an allergic reaction to minocyclene only then to develop BOOP disease, an organizing pneumonia requiring 6 weeks of recovery. I was very weak and sick requiring fulltime care. In the healing process with yet other drugs, my dermatitus disappeared. But, alas, this week it is starting again near and under the nose.The breakout is itchy, red and bumpy. I am on my way to get the apple cider and start today. I thank everyone for their blog and will give an update in 7 days. I am so hoping this natural way is the cure for me.
(Santa Fe, NM)
AMAZING CURE! This is a followup to my email on Feb. 22nd, saying I found this site and would try the cider for two weeks for oral dermatitus. The cider actually worked! Here are my recommendations. Dilute the cider and try it twice a day, then cut down to once a day due to the itching and dryness. I used chapstick or a serum every third day for the dry itching under the nose, as well. I am especially careful to keep my hands off my face due to germs. My rash is almost clear and I appreciate knowing that if it comes back, I can get my cider out! Thanks to who ever set up this site. Ger
(Durham, NC)
I read here that a lot of people were prescribed topical steroids for POD. Do not use it! I read and am a living prove that it worsens it. When my POD break out happened last winter I tried everything and failed. I had a steroid cream orescribed to me long time ago for contact dermatitis on my body and decided to try it. The rash was gone withhin a couple days, but now when I don't use it for a day it comes back. I read on a few websites that it is the case. While helping with the rash it causes a sort of addiction. I do not want to rely on the steroid cream for the rest of my life and will try ACV and yogurt. I belive that many skin problems are related to digestive system. Any problem can be fixed from the inside.
(Castro Valley, Ca, Usa)
Hello all. At 28, I have recently been diagnosed with perioral dermititis. I believe I had my original flare up about 1 months ago. Foolishly, I borrowed some steroid cream from my sister and applied it to the area around my mouth/chin. Like many others, the POD went into overdrive as soon as I stopped using the topical steroid. After a little research on the net, I was confident I had POD. I went to see my derm, and sadly he confirmed my suspicion. He prescribed me an oral steroid (doxy) and to my horror gave me some more steroid cream! I have been taking the antibiotic for 4 days now but I will not use the cream. I'm committed to weathering the storm and not falling into the steroid trap! I do not consider myself to be particularly vain, but the POD has really knocked down my confidence and self esteem. What made matters worse was that there is so little definitive information about treating POD. I really started to panic reading that many traditional med. sites offer months of antibiotic courses with no promise of success. I have to admit, I started to feel a little depressed. I feel embarrassed explaining my desire to "lay low" until the rash has improved, because as my boyfriend said "it's not like you lost a limb or something. "
I am seeing a tiny bit of improvement after 4 days, but I'm not sure how to explain this. I have already switched over to a natural tea tree "soap-less" cleanser (no sulfates). My sulfate free natural shampoo/cond. is on its way. I have switched to a natural fluoride free toothpaste. I'm so grateful to have found this thread! I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with taking the supplement MSM? It was recommended to me at my local health food store. After some research on MSM, it seems to be a relevant thing to try as far as helping to create better conditions for healthy skin. Any thoughts or experience with MSM would be greatly appreciated.
Today I started the Apple Cider vinegar regimen. I mixed 2 tablespoons in a glass of water and chugged it down. Then I dabbed a cotton ball with ACV on the effected area. Call me crazy.... But within an hour I have noticed that the tightness and itching have become less intense. I am going to stick to it and continue to take my course of antibiotics. I am keeping my fingers crossed! I will post updates as to my progress. One other question... Can any of the ladies out there make a recommendation to me for makeup (once the flare up dies down a bit). I was already using the very popular brand mineral powder, but I have read that bismuth oxychloride, talc, phthalates, nano-particles, and perfumes can really irritate folks like us. I have found an alternative powder, but any recommendations for a concealer/foundation etc. Many thanks and lots of positive vibes for all the POD sufferers out there.
(Los Angeles, Ca)
Your story is so similar to mine that I had to write to you. In November, I dabbed some tone corrector/dark spot remover while I was at a friends house and went out for the night. Big mistake! The next day I woke up with little red dots on the spots where I applied the cream. I thought I was breaking out b/c my skin is so sensitive and so I made a note to myself never to use that cream again. The dots stay on my face for 2 weeks. I go in to get my eyebrows waxed and my esthetician asks me what's going on with my skin. I told her I'm breaking out and she tells me that it doesn't look like a normal breakout but rather an allergic reaction to something. She tells me to use some cortizone cream and take some benadryl. I do that for 2 nights and by the third day my skin is 100% improved. My skin stays normal/great for one week. Then all of a sudden out of the blue on a Monday my face swells up with red, itchy pimple-like bumps all over. It was 10x worse than it was after the initial application of the tone corrector.
I made an appt with a dermatologist and he said I have Rosacea. He tried to prescribe an antiobiotic and steroid cream but I refused to take it. I went home and cried. I was devastated by the diagnosis. I know that sounds like an exaggeration but I was full fledged depressed by the news. I felt hideous. After feeling sorry for myself for a good 2 days, I turned to earthclinic to see if ACV could help me. For 2 weeks I've been dabbing ACV on my face followed up by coconut oil (I'm also ingesting it 2x a day). Gradually, my face started to look better. The redness lightened and the bumps began to go away. I still have some bumps but it's nothing compared to how bad it was.
I saw a different dermatologist today for a second opinion. She diagnosed me with Perioral Dermatitis, prescribed me one month of antibiotics and a prescription cream. I don't want to get the prescription filled. I'm going to continue with the ACV and get one more opinion before I resort to any kind of rx. Good luck to you and give an update on your status when you get a chance.
(Toronto, On)
Hi Lynn, Try adding lots of Vitamin C to your diet. Vitamin C encourages Collagen production which is great for your skin/face. Also, try taking Lysine as well. There is a theory that the increased redness in your skin is due to a different underlying condition; in this case your vein walls aren't very strong. I've heard of some women who have minimized the redness in their skin, and reduced symptoms of rosacea by adding about 5000-8000 mg of Vitamin C and 1500 or 2000 mg of Lysine (spread out throughout the day). It will take a few weeks to see results, but well worth it. Good luck!
(Louisville, Ky)
My dermatologist had prescribed me topical steroids (vanos) about 4 months ago for small red bumps. It seemed like a miracle drug, my bumps quickly cleared but when I stopped using the cream, they would reappear. Eventually, the steroid cream couldn't stop it... The rash worsened. I went back to the doctor and she diagnosed me with POD. I stopped using the steroids... Which made me look like I had terrible burns around my mouth and nose. It was awful. My skin was bumpy with pustules and very red. Make up couldn't cover it.
(I was also recently diagnosed with celiac disease which means I have a gluten allergy. My digestive tract has been damaged and is in repair. I believe the POD is related.)
So, my dermatologist gave me sumaxin face wash and an anti-bacterial gel to use 2x/day. It itched and burned the first week, but I stuck with it. I cut out cinnamon and floride in my toothpaste. I try to drink bottled water. I don't wash my face with hot water, only lukewarm.
The rash is SLOWLY going away. I've been on treatment for 4 weeks. It is still a little dry and I use Cera ve moisturizer AM and PM to help.
Also-A great MAKE-UP that won't irritate the POD is Jane Iredale. She has a website.
Hope this helps! It is difficult to live with these diseases, but stay hopeful and try not to stress about it. YOU are not alone!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Minneapolis, Mn - Usa)
After reading all of the suggestions for using apple cider vinegar on your dermatitis I decided to give it a try. I did not drink the ACV, but rather just used the solution of half ACV and half water and with a cotton ball swabbed it on the area affected (the skin on either side of my nose) two times a day - morning and night. After letting it air dry, I put a moisturizer protectant over it - Cetaphil - which has no dyes perfumes to irritate further. Within two days I saw a huge improvement and I am sure in a couple more days it wil be completely gone. I am so glad I found this website!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
It came back this year, (3 years later) and I recognized the redness before it got really bad. The ACV remedy I found was a spray mixed with a few drops of lavendar essential oil for additional calming. the vinegar burned my face a lot and even after 10 days of using it the redness hadn't gone away, or changed at all. A pharmacist told me that if prescription ketaconazole worked once, I could try OTC miconazole 2%. You will recognize the brand name Monistat. It didn't have the same effect as the Keta, but it kept the skin moist and not icthy or peeling.
Finally I went to a dermatologist who diagnosed the PD and said to throw out every cosmetic product I had, including my toothpaste, and to wash only with Dove Sensitive Skin (no fragrance or dyes), and find a toothpaste that does not have Tartar Control additives. I am on 3 months of Doxycycline which I am not thrilled about but he basically told me that if I don't get rid of the bacteria that is causing this, for good, the PD will come back again and again in closer and closer cycles until it is permanent.
I'm also moisturizing with Neutrogena Sensitive Skin because besides having no fragrances and dyes, it's the only moisturizer i've found that doesn't have SPF which causes really bad breakouts on my face. I recently tried Dermalogica thinking it would be better but i got a dry patch on my chin almost the next day!
I wish ACV had worked for me...
Apple Cider Vinegar
I bought organic apple cider vinegar the same day, and starting using it immediately. I applied it with a cotton ball to the rash twice a day (morning and before bed). I saw results immediately but it took until now, about 1 month later, for it to be about 95% gone (I think only I notice it now). For a few days in the middle I starting putting it on 4 times a day, but that was too much and irritated my skin. twice a day is good. Be aware that sometimes it does sting (and it does kind of stink), but not so much.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Duluth, MN)
To Princess78 re: perioral dermatitis...dip a cotton ball in ACV and swab it straight on your face twice per day. It will get red for several minutes after and may burn a bit, but that will go away. In addition you should drink two tablespoons of ACV in water or other beverage twice per day. You should see results in 1 to 6 weeks.
(Philadelphia, PA)
I use the cotton ball to apply straight ACV on the affected areas. The first time it did sting for 10-20 seconds. But 50x less painful than having a bikini wax LOL I kept my blow dryer handy on cool to dry off my face after i applied the ACV. It was red for a few minutes then toned down dramatically. That night it did not sting as bad and the next day it did not sting at all. I am still uneasy about drinking it yet. I will have to read more about it.
(San Diego, Ca/USA)
I suffered from POD for about 2 years and this is what I did to get rid of it: Stopped using Cetaphil cleanser and anything with sodium laurel sulfate in it, I used the apple cider vinegar and saw immediate results, did it for a month before I stopped. I also started using ____'s "Nourish All in One Facial Cleanser, and the Oil Free Moisturizer". Works great and keeps my skin clear and soft! The antibiotic treatment never worked for me. Good luck, dont give up!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I'm amazed at how amazing this $6 bottle of organic acv is. I would have never believed it if I hadn't experienced it for myself. I've had rosacea now since May which was a result of a major stress factor in my life. I've been to the dermatalogist and have spent over a hundred dollars in topical creams and pills that just did not work. I then learned that the creams I was given for the rosacea was causing dermatitis so I was again given another cream to try and combat the dermatitis to no avail.
When the dermatologist failed to help me, I went to an esthetician. She put me on supplements stating that it was more likely an internal digestive problem. This actually made it worse. Whereas before the supplements I had the rosacea & dermatitis only on my cheeks, after taking the supplements it immediately spread to my whole face which freaked me out.
I then did a google and somehow found th Earth Clinic website with remedies and saw a few testimonials concerning dermatitis. I thought to myself, I'm desperate and what harm can it do in trying (as I've done about everything else short of doing laser treatments) to try and take care of this. I was even going out without makeup as the dermatitis caused my make up to look cakey and blothcy. On my way home from work on October 17th I stopped at a nutrition store and bought my $6 bottle of ACV. I washed my face and applied the ACV directly to my face with a cotton ball. Saturday it started looking better. I've applied it in the morning and at night after washing my face and follow with my moisturizer and a week later the dermatitis is completely gone and so is most of the rosacea. I also put 2 TBS in a 16 oz bottle of water each day.
I am now a firm believer in ACV!!
I'm a first timer here but this question is to Nan hopefully I'm doing this right....
I have Perioral Dermatitis which first started about 7-years ago. My chin broke out in these huge lumps and they hurt and itched like crazy. They lasted about three months and then just disappeared. Two years later I started my first job in a very dirty factory and the bumps came back smaller and in a very exact rash pattern. After about a month it felt like someone had punched me in the face it hurt so bad. I couldn't sleep at night from the throbbing. So instead of sleeping, I spent hours online trying to figure out what it could be and finally I found pictures of PD and I instantly knew. I immediately switched to all natural products, everything. It went away for about a month. I just recently moved and it is back and worse. This time it's on my chin, up to my nose and spreading to my cheeks. I have been on lockdown since I look like a mutant.
I found this page last night and thought I have to get some ACV, however that requires leaving the house! Well I have it now! I just applied it for the first time a few moments ago, so far no itching which is a relief. I will update in a few weeks as to whether it worked for me.
Hmmmm...ok I see that you can't ask about product recommendations. So I'll ask do you think it's too much to use face wash, toner and moisturizer? I'm concerned about using too many products at once. I was also curious as to whether anyone here uses fluoride? I don't use any SLS, but I have been reading mixed reactions to fluoride. Another thing that I have noticed is that (I have been reading a lot of different boards online) PD sufferers seem to have sinus problems. Which I find coincidental because I have serious sinus problems, which started around the same time as the PD. Does anyone else here have sinus issues? If anyone else wants to answer these questions that would be lovely, I appreciate anyone's input.
(New York, NY)
Hey Nan & Susan, I have had perioral dermatitis for a month now - it started right after I had the first of a 6 series gycolic acid peel at my dermatologist's. The line of the rash is the nasolabial fold from nose to mouth. The doctor said that there is no connection to the peel but I think there is. I have had other peels previously but never had a reaction like this! I bought the ACV yesterday -it burns, but I will keep trying it for at least a week. After the ACV I use either Psoriflora Homeopathic ointment or Aloe Vera gel. Any more suggestions? Should I try plain yogurt on my face too? Regular or Nonfat?
(Atlanta, GA)
Susan- I am not using my normal moisturizer or toner. The esthetician recommended and sold me a cleanser and a moisturizer which seems to be helping as well as the ACV. She did recommend a sunblock moisturizer which actually seemed to make it worse so I'm not using the sunblock. The moisturizer is a Neova product. I am also using a perfect finish toner from Neova that you spray on your face before the moisturizer to give added hydration. I spray this on throughout the day if I feel my face is getting dry.
(From New York, to Virginia)
Marian: Sorry for the delay in response. I just now came back to this site. I honestly believe that PD is a result of using harsh face products over the years. I had always been a product whore, you name it I've tried it. I had spent so much money buying and trying products not because I needed them at the time but because I loved trying new things that were on the market. At one time I actually got paid to try products and give my opinion. Now that's not me, my face can't handle it.
Keep in mind that everyone's skin is different even the one's with PD. My skin can't handle any SLS whether it's a shampoo or hand wash, it doesn't matter I can't use it. I'll tell you what I use but that doesn't mean it will work best for you. It took me 7-years to figure out what works for me. I use Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Liquid Soap to wash my face with. I can't use toners because I have an adverse reaction. I use California Baby Calendula Cream on my face; you can use it all over it will not irritate the skin. On occasion if my PD is a little dry I use Karite Gold Shea Butter for PD, a little goes a long way, one tub will last two years (keep that in mind- good for dry skin). Balmex Diaper Cream is also nice on PD.
Apple Cider Vinegar organic undistilled works best for me because I have a lot of natural oils in my face, and ACV is more drying then the other options. I never put it on in excess or rub the skin vigorously. ACV is natural however it does have side effects. If it burns on your skin you should water it down. Anytime the skin is burning it's telling you it's too much. I only put it on in the morning and at night just a dab with a q-tip. If you plan on ingesting it remember there are side effects. ACV is known to wear enamel off of teeth and if ingested on a regular basis it is known to cause esophagus problems. I only ingest it if I'm having a serious outbreak of PD, one tabl. with apple juice and honey. Don't chug it, drink slowly, and use a straw to keep it off the teeth. Never sacrifice your overall health for your skin, be smart and don't let PD run your life!
If you have any questions let me know I will try and come back here regularly. In regards to yogurt and the other things you mentioned I have never used them so I can't give you an opinion. I can say that I know some people who use grapefruit seed extract (5-drops in water as well as on the face morning and night) and it has worked for them.
I just moved from NY if I was still there we could talk about this over tea :) Anyways Best of luck!
(Stuart, FL)
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
(Melbourne, Australia)
My first post here - hope this goes ok. It would seem that I've had PD for quite some time, like years and no doctor was able to tell me what it was! I've had several severe breakouts of it and went to my doctor each time but he wasn't able to help. I've seen dermatologists and skin specialists too - and finally I started researching and realised it was dermatitis! And yes I've had sinus problems all along too! I even once asked my doctor if I needed to have surgery on my sinuses! I take Iodine but if I run out or forget to take it I seem to get bad flare-ups of dermatitis and my sinuses get worse.
I've used ACV in the past internally and externally and I will just remind people that find that it burns or gives them a rash or the like that you do need to dilute it!
One of the biggest problems I've had for years is washing my face! It would leave my face a red, painful, irritated, peeling and burning mess! The water here in Melbourne is heavily chlorinated and fluoridated (thank-you water company that must be in cahoots with the dermatologists! ) and it drives my skin insane! I've had some success putting a water filter on my bathroom basin and only washing my face with that. But my body is driven crazy with itching from showering in the stuff!
Apple Cider Vinegar
For the past five days I have been taking ACV, coconut oil and balmex topically and internally (ACV and Coconut 1 TBSP daily). I was ready to give up on ACV as my dermatitis got WORSE before it got better (Herx reaction?), but after 3-4 days of taking ACV my face looked much better. My theory is that the antibiotics created an acidic environment thus causing dermatitis/yeast to grow on my face. (Plus, I'm a sugar addict.) Other ailments have cleared up already too, such as a sinus infection and bladder irregularities.
I am so relieved and grateful...thank you to all who have written as your advice and testimonials have ultimately brought my smile back :)
(Clearwater, Florida)
Thank you so much for your post! I am experiencing the same thing - I am on my second day of taking ACV and wasn't sure if I was getting worse or not (my face is kind of red, but at least it's scabbing and not oozing - so I figured that this was an "improvement").
This is reassuring and I'll keep on it! I found that the coconut oil made the symptoms a bit worse (more red and irritated), but I never thought about ingesting it. I can give that a shot too :)
Thanks again!
(Bloomington, Indiana, Usa)
I tried everything, from coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, antibiotics to candex to try and get rid of my perioral dermatitis. I spent hundreds of dollars trying to figure out a natural way to get rid of this awful stuff! I rarely tried one thing at a time because you start getting desperate and begin using several different treatments at once, thereby not really knowing what is working and what isn't. So I stopped doing anything. I bought Nutragena T-Gel with zinc, California Baby calendula body wash/cream and washed my hair with the Nutragena, and used the california baby products on my face. Within two days my perioral dermatitis was lightening and going away. I thought it was crazy that I had spent all this money on stuff only to find out that it's a kind of dandruff on your face. I don't have dandruff in my hair so I never used dandruff shampoo. I did use a little shampoo on my face the first couple days to really wash it good with zinc.
Get some head and shoulders or Nutragena t-gel and use it, I have never had it disappear so quickly! I'm sure it will reappear if I stop using it!! Simple relief!!
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
I have dealt with PD since I was in the 6th grade. I am now 33 years old. It has come and gone numerous times over these years. I can go years without it breaking out eventhough my skin around my nose is always a slight pinky color. In 2011, I had it 2x and I finally had enough. I refused to take the steriods, antibiotics and topicals this time. It got worse than ever. I tried a natural doctor who did a Natural Reflex Test on me which is basically a muscle reflex test. He said I was allergic to soy and oats. Cutting out soy from my diet was nearly impossible but I did see a vast improvement. But I came to a stand still where it wasnt cleared completely, just managable and not as embarrassing.
Finally, I went to an allergist and had a blood test. The natural doctor was right, I was allergic to soy but also many many other foods. The test says I am allergic to 28 of the 96 foods that I was tested for. It makes me wonder how many other things not listed that I am allergic to. I am mostly allergic to dairy, gluten, eggs, safflower and brewers/bakers yeast. Oats came back as negative as an allergin. The allergist said he is 100% sure the food allergy is causing the outbreak of PD. He also said different allergies cause different people to have PD. So each of us probably have PD for different reasons. I researched foods that promote liver function because I would think that my liver needs to be cleaned out after having a backup of these allergins. I have a juicer and I make beet juice mixed with oranges and other fruit. I notice a big difference when I drink it daily and when I slack off. The bright red and flakes disappear within a few days. I havent gotten rid of it completely but I feel like I finally found the root of the problem which is hopefully the end to this battle!
Apple Cider Vinegar
(San Diego, Ca)
My mom had those little red mini blisters in between her fingers. Which now I am wondering if it is related to my POD and we have a genetic predisposition?? Anyway, for her the way it always cleared was putting fresh lemon juice, she would just rub the lemon on it for a few minutes, and in a few days it would disappear. For her the cause it was clearly the contact with water, too much moisture. So try to stay dry, as much as possible, of course you still need to wash hands ;) and squeeze the lemon on it. Which has me thinking maybe the lemon would work for the face too.... Thank you, by trying to answer your question I might have found a milder solution as the Vinegar irritates my skin too much :)
(Near Nottingham, Uk)
Thank you so much for the combined wisdom in all your messages re this nasty and persistant condition.
It's been with me for over a year and I cannot wait to try the ACV today - as soon as my little homeopathic shop in the high street opens this morning.
The rash started appearing over a year ago at a time I was under a lot of stress (and still am) and has not cleared after regular use of prescription cream.
Worringly, also a few month after the rash appeared I developed some pain (discomfort) in my lymph nodes (no swelling)which may not be connected with the skin condition but seems to be more prominent when the area around my mouth is particularly itchy (rash rather than blisters)
I had lots of tests re. Lymph nodes and nothing has been detected and the GP said not to worry about it but of course I do. Thankfully there are lots of people who have the same lymph node condition - and many of them had it linked to food alergies.
A bout of shingles at a point of acute stress (berievement) this summer seems to have helped with the lymph nodes to some extent but it hasn't cleared it. I hoped that the cause of the rash had something to do with the underlying immunity issues to do with the shingles but when the shingles cleared up (with help of antibiotics) the twinges of pain in the lymph nodes returned - thought not in the same intensity - but always manifest themselves when the rash is worse. Is it possible that my body is trying to fight the dermatitis?
As someone who always enjoyed a really clear and blemish free skin (but v. Dry) - I am in my late 50s - I am just so frustrated and do feel for all you ladies who'd been struggling with this condition for years. I've always used face creams for dry skin - was never loyal to a particular brand and never paid more than ?10 - as long as the cream contained sufficient combination of moisture and.... Well grease. Last year when the symptoms started, in desperation I returned to the cream of my Mum's era the good old Nivea which I used as a child - as it's quite mild. With a layer of vaseline around the affected area it seems to soothe the skin for a while but the itchy, red rash always returns after a few days.
Hope the Apple Cider Vinegar does the trick and I also intend to search for an organic cream for dry skin! I will let you know how I get on.