Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Arrhythmias | Support Heart Rhythm Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

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Posted by Elwyn (Mt.shasta, California, Usa) on 04/28/2011

How does one safely withdraw from a time-release calcium channel blocker? I want to take only herbal or other natural remedies for my arrthymia.

Replied by Anne
(Chicago, Il)

Elwyn, I was taking a beta blocker (Toprol) for my arrythmia, and wanted to stop taking it. I just gradually tapered it off myself, using a pill cutter (you can get one at pharmacy). My cardiologist wasn't pleased, but I am off of it and doing ok for over 6 months now. I did ask them afterwards to give me a Halter test, and all was ok. I think they would have kept me on it forever. You might want to figure out what lifestyle changes you should make to avoid the arrythmia; I learned a lot on this site about possible causes. Good luck, Anne

Replied by Elwyn
(Mt.shasta, Ca, Usa)

Thank you for your advice and for this wonderful site. I backed myself off of Cartia a calcium channel blocker in an extended capsule form~not an easy nor comfortable task. Also refused 2 thallium scans back to back~really don't need the large a dose of radiation! I started using the cayenne pepper and am feeling much better. I have refused coumiden, lasix and another beta blocker. I also take Calm (magnesium in a powder form)~CQ10~Iodine drops~and 300 mg. of resveratrol. My heart is much better and thanks to you wonderful and supportive people I am not scared and depressed like before~thank you and God bless you!

Guava Leaves

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Posted by Raul Cordovilla (Legazpi City Philippines) on 10/02/2016 2 posts

Arrhythmia - I used to have lower heart rate but I found natural remedies from the guava leaves which this plants grows abundantly in our place. I picked 8 pieces of young guava leaves and chewed it then juices was taken then a matter of minute my heart beats returns to normal.

Heal Your Gut

Posted by Waleed (New York ) on 05/17/2016

Dear all,

There is an undeniable relation between the gut/digestion issues and Arrhythmia (irregular heart beats, PVCs)

It has taken me two years to identify, research and educate myself on this connection. Look into "Roemheld Syndrome" first discovered by a German scientist while studying caloric intake on the digestive system. RS explains the Gastric Cardiac effect of stomach gas, acid reflux, and dysbiosis in irritating the Vagus nerve and how that triggers our irregular heart beats among causing other life bothersome side effects, like chest pain, dizziness and vertigo. It usually begins with a case of post infection IBS, which I believe is related closely to SIBO/leaky gut syndrome. By the time you are experiencing RS, you must understand that your gut has been compromised and mostly your vagus nerve as well, which in turn leaves your Autonomic nervous system in jeopardy as well.

This is one of the most under diagnosed and controversial syndromes in the world today, doctors do not want to admit the relation of the gut on the heart even though all the science is there to prove it.

This is a serious condition to say the least. I have struggled with this for two years and eventually it lead to severe Dysautonomia (POTS) recently as well as diminished adrenal function, where I have been extremely dizzy when standing up, fast irregular heart beat and overall fatigue.

Every case is different of course, I am still trying to heal myself so I am not able to mention any remedies so far except

HEAL YOUR GUT, find out your food sensitivities and eliminate them, eat small meals, trying a low fodmap diet (creates no gas) starve SIBO, burp when you can, Zinc Carnosine and D-Limonene might help but I am still not fully recovered, will stay in touch with more news.

Note to EC: please do more research on this topic, it may help many people.

For more about RS here is more info:

http://www.dpmartinjunghö Training for Roemheld Syndrome.pdf

Replied by beverly

funny that you mention that..... I started having AFIB first of January 2024............I have gerd last 6 years and diagnosed with methane sibo last year. When I went for a heart monitor today...I told the tech I thought I had Roemheld Syndrome....she said she had never heard of it.

If you are still out there, let me know if you have made any headway in resolving the issue. Just getting rid of Sibo alone is almost impossible.

Heart Rate Mantra

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Posted by Rawhide (Kwajalein) on 10/05/2016

Subconscious healing through suggestion and visualization.

Hi, I am an 82 year old electrical engineer working at a US Radar site on the Kwajalein Atoll. I have experienced heart irregularities for over 10 years. At first I had occasional instances of rapid beating which I was able to stop by coughing. At that time I had a few skipped beats, but not bad. In the last couple of years my rapid beating has subsided but the skipped beats become more prevalent especially when working out in the gym to the point where during August of 2016 my heart at times would beat very strongly every other time getting down into the mid to high 30s per minute.

Also last June I had bouts of heavy bleeding in my urine. I underwent an MRI to diagnose the bleeding problem which revealed a severely enlarged prostate and a 4.3 cm ascending aortic aneurism. The urologist went in and cauterized the bleeders in the OR.

Being rather isolated out here I wanted something that would help me right now rather than waiting three weeks for an order of Taurine to arrive in the mail. So, having read about how the subconscious can heal the body, I started whispering to myself over and over “KEEP MY HEART RATE EVEN” during my 2 mile walk each morning and any time I rode my bicycle or walked shorter distances. At the same time I wanted to do something about the aneurism and prostate, so I began thinking “SHRINK MY ANEURISM AND PROSTATE”. It took several days to perfect whispering and thinking two different phrases but I found I could do it. I also try to visualize all the arteries healed and my prostate shrunk to normal size.

After 2 ½ months my heart rate has stabilized with only a few skips especially during workout. I am continuing with the two phrase healing and decided not to order the Taurine.

I hope this helps others.

Hereditary Arrhythmia

Posted by Jessica (Nyc) on 08/23/2013

Great site, thank you all for sharing this information, your stories, interesting POVs and advice. I'm wondering how many people on here suffer from hereditary arrythmia? Several people in my family have had it and I'm wondering if any of these arrythmia remedies would be beneficial for someone like myself who has it "in the genes". I suppose being prone to certain deficiencies might also be hereditary. But I'm wondering in my case what to start with, as there are so many options and suggestions. I've noticed my arrhythmia since I was 18 and its gotten worse over the years. Now I'm 37 and its still going strong and getting worse. I've had all the tests and Drs say "it's not the bad kind" of arrhythmia that might cause a stroke but it keeps me awake every night and has forced me to confront it. Best in health to you all.

Replied by Mrs. Hill
(Fayetteville, Ar)

Jessica, my husband has a terrible family heart history and also has arrythmia. If he stays off caffeine, it rarely flares up. A tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses daily is highly nutritious and helpful to many. It is good for muscles and the heart is a muscle. Also, cayenne pepper. You can get capsules with ginger in them, which is also good for the heart and makes it easier on the stomach. Mrs. Hill

Replied by Toourlady89
(Ca, Usa)

The deficiency that would be causing arrhytmia would be Magnesium. Search on Magnesium Glycinate, its an inexpensive but one of the best absorbable forms of Magnesium. Its a mineral supplement just like Calcium and Vit. D but we don't hear much about it. Doctors don't prescribe supplements, unfortunately, Nutritional supplementation is something we have to learn and search on our own like what you are doing now. I was in the medical field but It took me many years of search to have found Mg as help for many of my family's health issues. If you go on You Tube, search Magnesium Deficiency, you will learn so much more. Your family could use the info. Hopefully it would help each family member beat the heart irregularities .

Replied by Mt
(Ottawa, On, Canada)

Read about Hawthorn, Mistletoe, Parsley (wine for the heart), Cowslip and Budwig diet

Replied by Happy
(Up The Creek In Wv, Usa)

In response to Jessica, NYC... have you tried TAURINE?

Replied by Toourlady89
(Ca, Usa)

1) Magnesium Taurate supplementation helps irregular heart beats. Mg takes 6 to 12 months to build up in the system, so, patience. It also needs daily replacement as we use Mg in all our daily life activites.

2) use of Transdermal Mg ( Mg Oil Spray ) on top of taking the pills will speed up the build up process.

3) Epsom salt bath or foot soaks (Magnesium Sulfate) is cheaper and would also help. Eat Magnesium rich foods in addition, but know that Mg in food will not be enough. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and greens are rich in Mg.

These forms of Magnesium will have favorable reviews on Amazon by people who have used it. Use of Magnesium supplements promotes sound sleep, relief of nervous tension, anxiety and "hundreds" of health issues. Do Search on Magnesium Deficiency.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Gina (Miami, Fl, Usa) on 01/25/2010

Cardiac arrhythmia

I started with the Hydrogen Peroxide theraphy for another problem (Chron's disease), also I was experiencing arrhythmia, very bad. To my surprise my arrhythmia start to get less and less frequent. I did some research on google and on this site and found that this therapy is for almost everything. you can google Dr. David G Williams for details and also in this site Bill Munro has a very good posting and also a video showing the inhalation method that you can also try on YouTube. I did the drinking the water with the drops of hydrogen peroxide, but I'm going to try the inhalation. I pray God will protect this site, please do the same!!


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Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/18/2020

HI U OLE PATTOTS, ORH here, have learned how to address my vagus nerve when my heart is in trouble. I now know to put an ice pack on my face and right neck. Have no clue why this works, but it does. I am also doing the restricted blood flow program and it is working. I think I am now eligible for the EECP program which will prolong my life for certain. This is a deal where a system pushes your blood through your heart as if you were in a work out. Don't get old.


Replied by Anon

Far infra-red biomats will give your heart a workout just by laying on one. They may be more reasonably priced and less invasive than whatever an EECP program is.


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Marcela (California ) on 01/09/2023

I was having bad palpitations that lasted all day. I took everything from magnesium, taurine, Q10, electrolytes, hawthorn, and the list goes on.. Nothing stopped them except for Iodine.

Replied by Mary

How much iodine did you take a day? Thank you

Replied by Bee

Can you please tell me which kind of iodine, how much and how often you used/or are using it. Is it still working? ….or have you been able to just reach a “maintain” point?
I've tried everything else as well. My thyroid labs are always normal. Were your thyroid labs normal? Thanks

Posted by Carla (Houston, Texas) on 09/25/2022

Try kelp or dulse for iodine. An irregular heartbeat can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Taking kelp straightened out my Irregular heartbeat.

Posted by June (Cincinnati, Oh Usa) on 12/28/2009

I have a cardiac arrithymia since childhood. I am 54 now. I have researched and researched and researched after going to alot of cardiologists and trying mainstream remedies. I have tried magnesium, B vitamins, salt, potassium,etc. They all helped but did not cure my palpitations. My heart used to skip, and beat incredibly fast. I stopped going to the emergency room because they immediately wanted to do surgery, etc. The whole thing was terrifying. I cured this condition with one drop of REAL elemental iodine in my orange juice in the morning. Sea kelp and drugstore iodine did not work. Dr. Brownstein has written a book about it. You can tell if you are deficient by putting any iodine on the inside of your arm and watching to see if it lasts 24 hours. All my thyroid tests were normal. Every person I have told (who has arrithymia) has had a similiar experience!!!! One itsy bitsy drop of elemental iodine changed my life COMPLETELY. (I also paint my arm with it sometimes.)

Replied by June
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

cardiac arrythymia: I wrote previously about the miracle of iodine. I forgot to mention that I take it with selenium for absorption.

Replied by Cazore
(London, England)

I just ordered some iodine hoping to mimic your results but it says only to use a maximum of 3 days running-could I ask do you use this everyday? I'd love to start using asap I just wanted to check...


I use one drop of lugols iodine in water alternating with one drop of potassium iodide from la naturals on other days.

If iodine does not work completely, consider that it could be related to digestion. If you get diarrhea with the rapid heartbeat, it can be your vagus nerve. Gut and digestion supplements by heart and soil is fabulous for this.

Also, consider whether or not you are mildly dehydrated. This sounded silly to me at first but I have heard of so many people who eradicated arrhythmia by putting a pinch of salt in their water or drinking some Pedialyte every day. It can take a LONG time to rehydrate yourself so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away.

(Blue Ridge)

Be careful with Pedialyte
Pedialyte® Classic Ingredients: Water, Dextrose. Less than 0.5% of: Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Salt, Sodium Citrate, Natural Flavor, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Zinc Gluconate, Red 40, and Blue 1.

Replied by Lou
(Venice, Fl)

Having just read the posts on arrythmias, could someone (Perhaps June from Ohio who suggested it) tell me where I could purchase elemental iodine? Thank you. I have had a long standing problem with PAT and PAF and would like to try something different.

EC: Medical Abbreviations:

PAT = Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia
PAT = Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

Replied by Lani
(Fairburn, Georgia)

June, can you be more specific about what kind of iodine you used. I ordered Dr. Brownstein's book this morning, but I need to start something immediately. Please help. Lani email: [email protected]

Replied by Melissa
(Clarksville, Tn)

I also have learned that along with avoiding soy (not sure if it is an allergy or what). . . If I have an arrhythmia flare up, I can paint a bit of iodine on my wrist and it will be better in just 5 minutes! I am not quite sure of the reasoning for this unless it is thyroid related (although all my tests came back "normal"). Whatever the reason, it works for me!

Replied by Alexandros Halaris
(Heraklion Crete Greece, Greece)

I would like to know the dose in Micromiligrams someone can take and how many times a week, I suffer from AF Idiopathic.

Replied by Daveschiman
(Philadelphia, Pa)

I got some Nascent iodine and started using it last week. Within a few days my heart stopped skipping beats. I tried many other things on this page, but the iodine seemed to do the trick. I put 7 drops in a 26 oz bottle of water and drank it all day. I also painted a drop on the inside of my left wrist once a day for a week.

Replied by Mike
(Princeton, New Jersey)

I just read that too much elemental iodine can be fatal. Just want to let people know. June, where did you get your elemental iodine? vibra64(at)

Replied by Kc
(Boston, Ma)

I go to dr brownstein... He is fabulous. Taking iodine for my afib right this second for my afib. Wish me luck!

Replied by Doug
(Costa Rica)

Funny you mention iodine. If you do a little search on amiodarone and it's relationship to iodine levels you'll be quite surprised.

My problem was a corn allergy. I ate grits every day and had 220 bps tachycardia at least monthly and had to go in for conversion. I had to leave the US (permanently) to find a real doctor who cured it with a tropical diet.

Replied by James

I used Eidon brand Iodine 3 drops daily, and it seemed to worked right off. Still early, but so far PVCs have seized and sleep isnt interrupted with Tachycardia.

Replied by Solomon
(Brooklyn Ny)

Can you please tell me the brand/kind of iodine you use, is it what they call nascent iodine? Because I looked and didn't see elemental iodine

Replied by Arturo
(Naugatuck, Ct, Usa)

Where do I get elemental Iodine?

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Arturo,

I use either Lugol's iodine (liquid) or Iodoral (tablet). I get either from amazon or iherb.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Wendy
(Little Rock, Ar)

Where did you purchase this iodine?

Replied by Alisa

Hello Everyone;

I've been reading your posts and finding them very helpful. I have had afib for about 5 years now. I have also been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I had a cryoablation a few months ago but it seems that the episodes are worse. The doc has put me on amiodarone as he feels that it is still too close to the ablation to make any drastic decisions. I currently am in afib every other day. I have no intention of remaining on the amio for more than 3 months. I have decided to try a more natural approach. I've been taking800 mgs magnesium for a few years now but not currently with the amio. After a lot of research and review of your posts I plan to do the following:

Iodine (lugols)

magnesium 800 mg daily works for me

sellenium (never tried but I'm going to start)

Apple cider vinegar daily

Vitamin C

And I'll switch to sea salt

Also have to shape up the diet. I've gotten off track and may be cause of the increased episodes.

Thanks for all of the great info!


Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

Greetings Alisa,

I had to carry the magnesium or at least potassium around with me to stop heart palpitations, because I never stick to a good diet, shame on me.

If I take the Lugol's iodine in the morning it lasts pretty much all day (i started with one drop in water, I am up to seven drops water), I don't have to reach for it a second time.

I do end up taking a break from some of the remedies. However here are three other things, to look into that I do not see on your list that I know really helps me in regards to heart palpitations and chest pains:

Natural E, Zinc, and CQ10.

P.S to fellow Snow Diggers, go easy with the shoveling. The first time I ever remember getting chest pains was while digging snow in my sixties. You have to know when to stop digging. A ticket is cheaper than a funeral.


Replied by Alisa

Thank you for responding. I have seen CQ10 recommended. Also: Vitamin D3, Hawthorn Berry, Taurine, Beetroot extract. It's all a bit overwhelming. I spoke with doctor today and discontinued the amiodarone after just 4 weeks. I am now on nothing for rhythm or rate for the first time in 5 years. Apparently, I need to be off of amiodarone for at least 3 months before I can start iodine protocol. I hope I make it! Doctor is actually talking about a pacemaker due to slow heart beat but I think my heart rate was slow due to the meds I was on. I have never had this issue before. I plan to start wit iodoral. I think I'd rather take a pill than drink it.

I'm going to start some of the supplements in the meantime. Any advice at all is appreciated!


Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi Alissa. I have experienced PVC's for over 30 years. I take Hawthorne, magnesium (800 mg per day) and 6 drops of 5% Lugols iodine per day. That seems to keep things at bay most days. But, when it flares up, as it did this morning, 2 capsules of a product called "Cool Cayenne" will usually knock it out in about an hour. Many at Earth Clinic use cayenne in warm water, sometimes with honey, and get the same result. However, I am a total wimp regarding the heat of cayenne, and the Cool Cayenne doesn't cause me any distress. Hope this helps.

Replied by Pat

Alisa, I too get Afib almost everyday! Episodes are shorter now though.Had it for about 5 years now. Taking Mg, Taurine, Hawthorn, Nattokinase and various other supplements. It really doesn't bother me like it used to so they push ablation but im not going that route now anyway! Keep taking supplements and sometimes they even stop it for me! If necessary I take 12.5 metatoprolol if needed. Don't want to take it all the time as it does not prevent the Afib and why should I then? Lots of Mg as you say because some people believe that that is what Afib is! Mg deficiency!

Replied by Jane
(Hervey Bay Queensland)

Do you take Lugols Iodine or a different brand?

Replied by Gee S.

Hi June,

Please can you let me know what type of iodine as I cannot find any make that says elemental iodine. Thank you


6 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Goldie (Pa) on 10/28/2024

Magnesium is very important for heart rhythm issues. A hospital nurse told me that you should double the daily requirement of Magnesium for heart rhythm problems.

Posted by Kc (Los Gatos, Ca) on 05/21/2018

I have to report my experience here because it's nothing short of miraculous. I have been having a LOT of palpitations. Way more than usual. Being anxious already, it really worries me. I went to buy a whole food magnesium supplement today and I took two (368 mg for 4) and almost immediately, I didn't have any more palpitations. I am also drinking ACV but the palpitations were almost immediately resolved after taking the first two magnesium. Just so grateful to have come here finding a wealth of information! Thank you!!!

Replied by Shelley

Thanks for that information. Can you please clarify the dosage once again?


I did an extensive search for any maker of any form of Magnesium mfg in 368 mg or 92 mg. Most all are in even numbers ie, 400 mg.

RDA is 400mg - 500mg according to where you look. Although dietary sources can be way over that.

Use your own judgement and experience.

Replied by Alex
(Los Angeles)

What brand did you buy?

Posted by Nancy (Missouri) on 08/18/2013

I occasionally have bouts of arrythmia: weak, rapid, irregular heartbeats. I've found that a dose of magnesium taurate will get the heart rate back on track in an amazingly short time.

Posted by Galaxy (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 05/20/2013

A magnesium complex containing magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate and magnesium aspartate cured my heart palpitations and arrythmias. I take one 400 mg capsule every day at bedtime. I am so thankful for this website.

Replied by Key
(Ny, US)

How long were you taking the magnesium before you started to see the results?

Replied by Enteng
(Cavite, Philippines)


I think Cayenne is better. Also, the magnesium Epsom Salt.

Posted by Patty (Newport Beach, Ca) on 02/14/2011

I thought it was the best to use magnesium taurate to cure cardiac arrhythmia? Can anyone verify the best magnesium to take for this problem?

Replied by Nevada Smith
(Smithfield Township, Pa)

According to the book, The Magnesium Miracle, one of the most absorbable forms of magnesium [after an IV of magnesium] is magnesium oil [magnesium chloride] which is absorbed through the skin. Next would be magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate & magnesium orotate. Magnesium citrate is fourth which is most popular due to it's cost. Magnesium oxide is a distant fifth and is poorly absorbed.

Replied by Gemstatemom
(Grangeville, Id)

I have had mild arrhythmia for many years, but it had gotten very bad a couple of months ago, enough to scare me and send me to the doctor. They basically said not much they could do, and that there is medicine but sometimes the side effects are not worth it. I started taking the Super Magnesium (2 tablets daily) from _____ and have not had a single episode since then.

Replied by Geneva
(Paragould, Ar)

When my heart gets out of ryhthm I take cayenne pepper tea and in a few minutes it is back to normal and I feel better.

(Manchester, New Jersey)
2 posts

How much cayenne pepper?

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