Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Asthma | Effective Home Treatments

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Vitamin B12

5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Brian (Newark, OH)

I feel that it's good to give both sides -- I can say that what works for one person is NOT necessarily apropriate for another. One user indicated that taking vitamin B-12 helped his asthma -- it didn't mine. I take 1 Vitamin B-12 lozenge sub-lingually daily. The dosage is 5000mcg (about 83,000% the RDA). I also take a B-12 + B-Complex vitamin daily, along with the mulit-vitamin - it raises my B-12 intake to about 100,000% of the recommended daily allowance. What has this done for my asthma? Squat!!! (Although, I'm more mentally alert, and I have more energy).

Vitamin C

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/09/2020 46 posts

I read a review on Amazon for liposomal (fat soluble) vitamin C and saw a few people who stated that it cured their asthma. Normal vitamin C taken in large doses gets flushed out of the body quickly since it is water soluble. It can also cause diarrhea. This is not the case with liposomal vitamin C.

Liposomal vitamin C is the next best thing to IV vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to cure or ameliorate many disease conditions. I take it daily for its immune boosting function and also in conjunction with niacinamide to keep my arthritis at bay.

I think we should never allow ourselves to think that something isn't curable. As the great physician Paracelsus said, "There are no incurable diseases, only incurable patients".

Vitamin C
Posted by Brian (Newark, OH) on 05/28/2006

I take 500mg vitamin c (plus a multi-vitamin) daily -- it helps with the inflammation in my body. My ankle feels better (I have a fractured talus, with avascular necrosis) but it also helps with my breathing. NOTHING is going to CURE my asthma -- I'm not that naive -- but, some things help make it less an issue for me . . . vitamin C is one of those things.

Vitamin C
Posted by Jazlyn (Raleigh, NC) on 04/24/2006

I've been taking C-1000's in large doses everyday for about 4 months and I used to have to use my inhaler every single day and now I never need to use it. If you take about 5000mg-10,000mg a day for a week or two it should start to help alot, then you can drop down to 3000mg a day.

Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Blanca (San Francisco, California) on 08/15/2007

My friend in El Salvador found out that her kids had asthma. The doctor gave her kids some medication that was literally poison for such small kids....I told her about this page that I had found, and told her about the inhalation procedure, she did not think twice, the next day she bought it and came home with it. She gave it to the kids and waited, within 0 minutes the kids got out of the bed, started walking around the house without getting exhausted, the sound on their chests was gone within the next day! On the second day the kids did not have anything,nothing! She took them to the on the third day and he assumed that the medication had "healed" them.

She told the doctor that she had suspended the medication already for 2 days and that she had given them 3000 milligrams of vitamin c (on the night I spoke to her) and that the next day she had given them the Hydrogen Peroxide....

The doctor scratched his head, his face, and not admitting failure said that the medication must have worked a little. This thing is a miracle, a miracle, my friend says that the kids on the second day looked happy, animated and hungry. No more asthma attacks.

Thank you very much for this page.

Vitamin C, Omega 3

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rusti1 (Usa) on 04/17/2015

Editor's Choice

I've been asthmatic since being pregnant at age 26. On medications including steroids and inhalers. Just to make a long story shorter, I began with Vitamin C with bioflavanoids and rosehips (ascorbic acid alone did not seem to help). Vit C 1000 worked many times if I caught an attack early enough, but, omega 3s helped even better so I added them. Another real difference I found was when I went organic. A lot of things improved for one, but, it seems also my asthma as well.

Haven't had a problem in years, eating all kinds of foods, but, organic, in particular organic dairy and grass fed meats. I do now have raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar most everyday as well. Just to add, since going organic, my son's allergies that he had for years since he was a teenager, now in his 30's, have subsided as well. I use all natural household cleaning products as well such as baking soda and vinegar. Kind of "detoxing" as much as I can. Hope that helps anyone.

Vitamin D3

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Wendy (Raymore, Missouri, United States) on 06/03/2013

I would like to propose a theory regarding asthma that is two-fold and possible remedies.

Both my daughter and I had a very bad chest cold in January 2007. At that time she was 5 years old. Then in March that year, she suddenly developed asthma and had to be on inhalers and nebulizer. Over the next two years I noticed that in the Summer, she did not need any of her meds but within a month of starting school, her symptoms came back. I started researching VitaminD3 and had both our levels checked when we went to the doctor in the Spring of 2009. Normal readings should be 40-70ng/ml and she was at 38 and I was at 37. So I purchased VitaminD3 liquid drops @ 400iu per drop and we started taking 2 drops per day (800iu) only during the Fall/Winter months of 2009 and had our levels check in the Spring of 2010. Her level was at 39 and mine was at 40-better but still low. We increased to 4000iu drops in the Fall/Winter only and get adequate sunshine during the Spring/Summer.

What I have found is that by taking the D3, her asthma has been kept under control and she rarely needs her inhaler and both of us have not had a bad cold/flu for the past 3 years.

The other theory I have come across in my research is clinical trials regarding people who have had bronchitis/chest cold that became asthmatic following the illness. Two different bacteria have been shown to be the culprits: mycoplasma pnuemonia and clamydia pnuemonia, causing approx. 50% of childhood asthma and 70% of adult-onset asthma. Researchers have done clinical trials using azithromycin for extended periods to kill the bacteria and have found that the asthma symptoms of the test subjects improve or are completely cured. I am not a big fan of antibiotics though and am not promoting it, however, if the research suggests bacterial infections are a cause of asthma perhaps using an antibacterial natural remedy would be helpful, i.e., collodial silver in a nebulizer. I have not tried this, just a thought.

I have also dabbled in Homeopathy but for now the VitaminD3 seems to be working well.

I hope this information is informative.

Thanks to EarthClinic for a wonderful source of alternative cures.

Best of Health! Wendy

Vitamin E, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rose (FL) on 12/25/2020

Editor's Choice

I had bad asthma that could last up to 17 days using prescribed meds. And one day I was given a remedy, & within a year, my asthma went away. The remedy is ...


  • 2 vitamin E 400 IU,
  • 2 cod liver oil capsules, and
  • 2 vitamin C (500 MG) tablets.

I took them with food, 3 times a day, when I was very sick with asthma, for a year. I stopped taking them when my asthma went away, & started taking them, again, whenever I have problems with it.

My brother, had very bad sinus problems, & this same remedy, above, helped him get better.


Yamoa Powder

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tenderfoot (Las Cruces, Nm Usa) on 08/29/2010

Hello Tom - This is to let you know how much I appreciate your post about Yamoa Powder below. When I read about it ,I right away went to the web site and read the testimonials and bought myself a bottle as a last resort.

I'm happy to say I'm at least 70% better now after less than 4 weeks! At the time I read your post I was considering admitting myself to some kind of care facility. I felt so bad, taking baby steps to reach my inhaler and using furniture to support myself. It's such a good feelinig to be able to take a good breath now and move around freely. I'm glad you took the time to let us know about this wonderful supplement, it's so important to share information where we can all benefit. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Yamoa Powder
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 07/26/2010

Yamoa Powder For Asthma

I notice this remedy is not anywhere on this site, and certainly not under Asthma or Hay Fever/allergies.

It was introduced into Britain in the mid-1990's by a Ghanaian immigrant, a Mr. Yamoa, and supposedly is used there quite widely. Britain, likely due to its huge congestion (61 million in a tiny island) has a large percentage of people with asthma or allergies/respiratory ailments. The actual plant extract powder comes from the bark of a species of tree in Ghana. It is sold in capsule form in health stores. Also, there is no need to take it for life prophylacticly. It balances the immune system so that the asthma attacks stop (or the allergies/hay fevers). One will know within the first 2 months of taking the therapeutic dosage if it has worked. There's retail sellers on the Internet, but I can't vouch for any. Just use a search engine.
