K2, D3, Zinc
My son had 3 severe asthma crisis that led us to emergency, and many others that were administered at home through glucocorticoids, butheyko method and other things.
K2 MK7 suplementation started my son was in the middle of an crisis. The crisis was quickly reverted.
Now after 3 months of taking at least 400mcg K2 + 2000ui D3 + 50mg zinc 4 to 7 days a week, his is far away from an asthma crisis and his skin is slowly recovering to a completely healthy state.
It takes time until the calcium spread through the body to be catch by Vitamin k2. High doses of K2 have no toxicity recorded on rats, but it *must* come with higher doses of D3 and other related nutrients.Si
Researchers have found the cure for asthma and it is an ostheoporosis medicine! https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/96649-researchers-hugely-exciting-asthma-discovery
Basically what they discovered is that asthma is linked to the Calcium metabolism.
99% of the calcium is present in bones and teeths. Anywhere else Calcium is present it causes problems: vascular deterioration that causes heart and brain problems, artritis when it goes to articulations, wrinkles when it goes to the skin, etc.
But nature have its natural Calcium GPS called Vitamin K2 MK7! Vitamin D3 absorbs calcium in the intestin to the blood, but it is K2 that takes it from the blood to the right place: bones and teeths.
The first asthma symptom is a result of the accumulation of calcium in the periphery of the body: the skin. Years before the first asthma crisis almost always there is a strong dermatitis resulting from calcium accumulation.
Then years later that calcium will end in vital organs like lungs causing bronchospasm and alkalosis in the blood.
And that is why the Buteyko method is so effective against asthma: it work with the alkalized blood by excess calcium blood calcium.
K2 MK7 is a very rare nutrient nowadays, even harder to find in a vegetatian diet (although this diet can also be lower on calcium). K2 MK7 metabolism is related to many other nutrients but mostly D3 and Zinc. If those any are also deficient, K2 MK7 won't be able to do its job.
Kelp, Brazil Nuts
Keto Diet
Using 8-10 drops of Lobelia tincture, found in health food stores, mixed into a small glass of filtered water and taken when any tightness or wheezing begins will stop symptoms immediately. Follow the manufacture's directions. I use 5 drops in water every morning as a precaution when the pollen count is high. I don't need inhalation therapy anymore! I have used this remedy for about a year, so I've been through each season. It's been a relief not to use streoids!
FYI I still carry my rescue inhaler in my purse as a backup just in case and haven't needed it!
Removing dairy products will help to reduce mucous,also helping asthma symptoms. ACV will balance the body PH which is beneficial to the entire body. The problems most asthmatics have when breathing is not usung the full lung capacity. Depressed lung capacity will create an acidic environment.
I remembered a book my Great Grandmother had given me when I was 12 years old: Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss. It's still in print, updated & is my 'bible'. I poured through this book looking for something to counteract this asthma. I came across an anecdote using indian tobacco or lobelia. After reading this I called health food stores in my area until I found one that had some in stock. The man there was kind enough to have it waiting for me when I arrived. He explained how to use this tincture & prepared my first dose for me. I thanked him profusely, made my purchase and exhausted, headed home. I noticed a remarkable difference even as I drove the 5 miles home.
I also went on a mission to cleanse my body, mind & soul; high colonics, complete change of diet, meditation... getting back to my 'roots', as it were.
My son Spike was 11 when he contracted asthma. I put him on lobelia, taught him to take responsibility for his own health by eating thoughtfully, healthily and with INTENTION. What I mean by this is to eat with the intention of nourishing his body with good food, not just to feed a craving. Something society forgot along the way with advertisements bombarding us from all sides.
As to dosages; read the label. I was taking 15-20 drops of one brand but yesterday I handed a bottle to someone & her bottle said 5 or 6 drops.
Use caution not to overdo, or to take too much of any mucous clearing treatments toward the end of the day or you may end up like I was in the beginning; I was working so hard to get over the asthma that I went overboard for a while & ended up hacking & coughing crap up all night long- because of this I was unable to get rest & in effect I could have made myself more sick. After 2 days I spoke to a nutritionist who gently reminded me I was rushing the process.
Common sense definitely helps here as well; Steer clear of milk & milk products as these create mucous in our bodies. As do sugars & refined flours. When I'm 'off' it's usually when my natural diet is off balance.
Peace, Shelagh
(South Ozone Park, Ny)
I like to know if i should use lobelia drops in water or under the tongue?
EC: You might throw up if you try taking lobelia under the tongue -- it's very strong! People typically take it as directed on the bottle (water or juice).
Lugol's Iodine
OMG!!! 13 days now and I haven't used the asthma ventolin. After 62 years of trying to breath and all the usual nasty drugs, I have to remember to not try, just wait and it comes, just like you folk, without asthma, have been doing it forever, all the way down to my feet. Thanks to the lovely Lugol who made the iodine, which I began using about 6 months ago, starting at 3 – 4 drops in my morning juice or herb tea and after a few weeks raising it to 6 – 7 drops [approx.37mg] at the same time slowly withdrawing from the reliever. I have remained on the steroid evohaler puffer of just one puff only before bed and will start to withdraw from that, hmmm, maybe on new years day. Ha! For a start, will use it every second night and see how it goes. The other things that helped were, from 33 yrs. just after the first lung collapse, I began staying away from supermarkets and eating vegetables plus herb teas and occasional sushi and the last 20 years exercising am and pm. Tai Chi and walking.
Now I am just waiting for the sky to fall. What the nasty PTB's and their big Pharma, Codex Alimentarius, FDA and TGA will introduce next. Never mind, I am 82 and off the planet soon.
Lung Herbal Tonics, Salt Therapy
The most recent situation was very life threatening as I moved into a new home with new construction dust. I almost died. And had to stay at a hotel where someone setoff a smoke bomb outside my hotel room. And I was in massive distress. The taking the tonics I got at Whole foods, and their inhalation stick, together with nebulizing some salt water and essential oils eventually cleared my lungs. I also took some stabilized oxygen pills (non chlorinated - very important) but that doesn't help by itself.
I would also treat for candida and mold knowing that my environmenal scientist friend says that our air is filled with it.
Get the good magnesium----Chelated Magnesium.
2 a day after a meal. Almost all diseases are better with a person taking Magnesium. I was an asthamatic, I was lucky. It was the kind that goes away when a person gets to be 14 years old. You might want to take a calcium Magnesium combo.
Good luck...it is horrible to suck air when flaring...especially here at almost 8000 feet!
Milk Kefir
This evening, I was coughing relentlessly and then realised I had forgotten to take my kefir today. Accordingly, I immediately took my kefir, and my coughing eased considerably.
Within 5 minutes, my cough was gone. What a miracle!
I drink 1 cup unsweetened milk kefir per day.
Milk Kefir
I realized yesterday that my daughter, who has had trouble with asthma for the last few years, and was hospitalized for it in December, is doing great! I can't remember when I last heard her wheeze. We have used many different remedies over the last few years. Until December, we could get her symptoms under control with natural remedies.
Anyway, it took two days of breathing treatments at the hospital to get her oxygen levels normal. I wanted to avoid a repeat of that. I added milk kefir from raw local milk that I am blessed to be able to get to her diet, having read about its benefits her at EC and elsewhere. I make her a smoothie with it most days. She drinks maybe 1 cup to 1.5 cups per day. (She is 11 years old.) It also has organic banana, sucanat and raw cacao powder in it. I had her on several herbs as well. However, a couple of months ago I stopped all other supplements except 1 feverfew a day, which she takes to prevent migraines. (Works great, even though she forgets to take it sometimes.) I took her off of the supplements because she said they made her feel worse. I don't know if that is the case, but I know that what you think about your health affects you. She tends to be a little dramatic, so it isn't always easy to figure out what is really going on with her. I did have a very reasonable doctor for her follow up from the hospitalization. He took her off all meds (that the hospital doctor wanted her on for a year! ) He told me she is fine now and to treat her as such. He was also happy about the raw milk, so he is rather an unusual MD.
Anyway, she has not had any wheezing for months. And she has been quite healthy. She is one of the few that escaped a stomach bug that made the rounds at our house last month. In fact, this is the best her health has been in years, praise the Lord.
This is the same child whose pediatrician thought she had juvenile rhuematoid arthritis a few years ago. She has been symptom free of that for a long time, too. JRA is autoimmune and many consider asthma to be also. Milk Kefir appears to help some with autoimmune diseases, so that is why I tried it. What a blessing it appears to be for her. I know everyone is different, but perhaps this is something that would help someone else. It is a simple and safe thing to try at least.
Have a super day!
~Mama to Many~