I got another one above my lip and along my hairline. I treated them the same and again my husband made me biopsy. All clear! I told him I healed 3 so I will not biopsy any more because it is 2 cuts, 1 to diagnose and 1 to prove to him it is clear. He is very cautious because he had one on his back that required mohrs surgery so he couldn't believe I was able to cure my own. He then got another one on his back and gave me the opportunity to "Witch doctor" on him. It took about 2 months to cure his simply because he would vascilate between whether he believed it would work or not but I convinced him to at least let me try before his appointment and now it is all clear. 😊
IF you use the treatment faithful 2 times a day, it should honestly not take more than 2-3 weeks to clear up but I know depending on location, you can't walk around with a white paste.