Hydrogen peroxide, slather it on until the cancer rises to the surface and looks irritated. Then use a mixture of eggplant/vinegar on the area. There are recipes for this mixture on here, basically, chop up the eggplant, put in a large jar and fill with acv. The mixture can be used after 3 days. Strain off the liquid to use and discard the eggplant. This will also be irritating and more cancer may surface in the area. I don't believe the cancer is spreading, rather it is bringing to the surface what was already there. The skin may turn red, scab over, and cause inflammation which is temporary. After this I use bitter almond oil in very small amounts, (and never to be used internally) on the cancer spots. This soothes the skin and keeps the cancer from further spreading. Do this once a day. It will also help prevent any scarring.