Alka Seltzer
Alka-seltzer was the first remedy that helped me. My bladder infections cause me to bloat so parents and doctors thought it was gas. Alkaseltzer every day and the pain was gone. It turns out that this is because it changes the acidity of the urine. It alkalinizes it, as does bicarbonate (baking soda), for a period of time after taking it. This helps with pain but it will not cure the underlying infection unless the pain is due to overly acidic urine, and not a true infection. Alkaline urine can actually assist an infection in spreading.
Cranberry juice does the exact opposite. It renders the urine more acidic. This does not help with pain for me at all, but it ensures that bacteria can't grow and hence it's more of a long term approch. But it must be pure, unsweetened cranberry juice or pills, and no apple or other sugary juice in it. Sugar feeds any infection in the body. I prefer the pills if I take it, but I prefer other methods that I feel work better.
Probiotics ensure the body has the proper intestinal and urinary and reproductive bacteria and is a great preventative. The best is bio K, after that I like the pearl brand - extra strength.
Instead of salt, I use miso. It's naturally salty and also loaded with probiotics and minerals because it's fermented. You add it to hot, not boiling water and drink as a broth. It's tasty and better for you than commercial yogurt, some of which is pasturized after they add the probiotics, and most of which has sugar added.
Regarding recurring infections, there are triggers I have found in myself and don't know if they apply to others. Sexual activity, sugar, orange or citrus juice - even fresh pressed, dehydration, and coffee or tea or any caffeinated drink. The reason caffeine brings it on is that it dehydrates the body and you have to drink so much more water to compensate.
Lastly, antibiotics NEVER work for me to clear it completely. They are garbage, in my opinion. I use colloidal silver as an antibiotic, and it works better. But I use it for at least three weeks when I get it. The reason people get them in repeatedly in a short time frame, as in my case, is sometimes because the infection is not actually gone. It can be low grade and they don't pick it up on their tests at the doctor's office but in a week you have a bonafide infection again. I am sure I had low grade infections for years. Here's what helped:
Tincture of marshmallow root, uva-ursi, and goldenseal or drink marshmallow root or slippery elm powder and take goldenseal tincture. I do this as needed throughout the day when I have any signs of infection, even just the urgency. An epsom salt hot hot bath with a drink of bicarbonate in water for pain management. Colloidal silver for a full blown infection, with the above. I can't touch citrus juice or caffinated dinks if I have any sign of infection, and I have to drink 12 glasses of water a day. I always use probiotics and take miso regularly. I take zinc supplements (picolinate works best for me) daily, and I do not use any soap but Dr. Bonner's liquid soap diluted. Oil of oregano did not work for me, but olive leaf at the same time as colloidal silver helps. I also drink pau d'arco tea at night on a regular basis, which is an antifungal and will really help if yeast is involved.
Vitamin C did nothing noticable either way, but I take 3000mg night and day for other purposes. I do not know if it helps.
The herbs and natural remedies can be gotten at health food stores. There are no exact amounts to use... I just take what I think and if that doesn't work, try a bit more. As with any med, the dose has to be in the therapeutic range to work. This is my cumulated knowledge after 20 years suffering and then studying holistic nutrition. Hope it helps someone!
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
By the time he got back, I was nearly on the floor with the pain - and I have a very high pain tolerance. Took 2 tablets in water and then took a hot - steaming hot - shower. By the time I got out of the shower the pain had subsided and I was able to urinate a more normal amount. Took another dose about 2 hours after the first and am also drinking cranberry juice and my normal mix of ACV and honey.
I am absolutely AMAZED at how quickly the Alka Seltzer worked. I'm sending this site link and the info to everyone I know. Thank you so much!!!
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
EC: Urine in the blood can indicate one of many conditions. Read more here: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/blood_in_the_urine/page2_em.htm#Causes of Blood in Urine
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer
Alka Seltzer