Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

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Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

24 User Reviews
5 star (22) 
4 star (1) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Sandy (Orlando, FL) on 02/19/2007

Hi, I have had a recurring Urinary Tract infection so far 3 times in the past 6 months, to which my Dr has prescribed antibiotics. I felt it coming on and as my Dr was out of town was unable to get my prescription refilled for antibiotics. As I was in a great deal of pain (for 3 days and popping AZO tabs like mints) I was searching the internet for a natural remedy and came across this website. I did the vinegar and baking soda remedy and within a few hours the pain was completely gone and has not returned. I didn't have ACV on hand so I did it with just plain white vinegar (2T), baking soda (1t) and water and added a few drops of cayenne pepper. I am so happy!!! Yesterday I was coming home from a trip a feeling myself coming down with Flu Sx (achy, sore throat, and weak). I took some Advil to get thru the long car trip home. When I got home I was exhausted and went right to bed. When I woke up I felt horrible as I could barely swallow, my ears, and face (sinuses) hurt, as well as achy joints all over. I was eager to try the ACV and baking soda (added cayenne and echinacea drops too) cure and took the first drink at about 3 am. It is now 2pm the next day I have taken about 5 glassfuls and I feel 100% better. I still have very mild tired feeling but all other sx are completely gone. Its amazing

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Pat (Lamper, MO) on 01/28/2007

Recently had bladder infection, solved with baking soda and ACV. Nobody ever discusses Vit C problem. If I take Vit C or even a health bar with citric acid, I develop kidney or bladder problem. Would love to cleanse with your 1/4 tsp lemon, soda and pinch of Magnesium and potassium.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Dear Pat: If I have a bladder infection or even a kidney problems, yes, vitamin C and citric acid is not helpful. But it is NOT the vitamin C or the citric acid being the problem. It is the pH of the things you are consuming. In event of this problem (uti), the pH should be over 8.

Vitamin C are of two types and people tend to lump them all together. One is the ascorbic acid which is acid and tends to promote bacteria growth by acidity. A sodium ascorbate vitamin C has a pH of about 8 and it prevents bacterial growth. A vitamin C can be both a pro-oxidant and an anti-oxidant depending on the pH. Vitamin C is a two edge sword. If the vitamin C is acid, it is a pro-oxidant. If the vitamin C is alkalline it is an anti-oxidant.

Citric acid and sodium citrate are very different, but chemically they are the similar in most ways, but at different pH.

When a baking soda is reacted with citric acid, it becomes sodium citrate and its pH is over 8. So in event of a kidney and bladder infection whatever you eat, its pH should be 8, or at least 7.

How do I know this is the issue. You mentioned you were helped with baking soda and ACV. The pH is about 7, but if reacted long enough it is between 7.5 to 8.0

It is the same with the other ones. It helps therefore to get a good pH paper and measure it and make sure it is alkaline and pH is about 8 in event of an infection.

Sea salt -- 1 teaspoon one dose only in one glass of water usually will kill the bladder infection. But for tough cases take this along with cranberry juice and some baking soda to increase the alkalinity of cranberry juice to about pH of 8. Sea salt pH is quite often pH is between 7.5 to 8.5. A good quality sea salt will have a pH of 8, a very bad one I have seen (overprocessed overpurified) can be as low as 6. A good sea salt is light brown and never bleached white.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sea Salt

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Annie-Lou (British Columbia, Canada) on 03/24/2008

Like so many of you said " I'm sooo grateful to have come across this site". I drank down 1 1/2 Tbsp. of ACV in 6 oz of luke warm water followed by 1 tsp.of sea salt in 6 oz. of lukewarm water for my bladder infection. That was roughly 1 hr. ago. I not only feel "MUCH" beter, I feel happy. Love natural remedies especially when they work this fast!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sea Salt
Posted by Gloria (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/11/2008

Ive had chronic UTI's for a long time especially due to having insulin resistance. When I eat sugar it seems to feed the bacteria and yeast. I have taken the ACV and sea salt for the first time tonite. 1 hour later the burning has calmed down, I have tried Dmanoose it helps but does not give me entire relief. Im antibiotic resistant so hopefully this will knock the bacteria out

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by JuliaGulia (Vineland, New Jersey) on 12/22/2021

Having had UTI's periodically, all of my adult life since having children, I was quick to dose myself some ACV and cranberry juice as soon as I felt the symptoms last week. This method usually clears my symptoms up within 24 hours but this last bout was more tenacious, so I came online to look for a more invasive natural approach. My main symptom was continued pain on urination so I scooped up a portion of organic coconut oil, knowing it's antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial properties. Utilizing it as a suppository, the symptoms were immediately alleviated and together with my ACV, cranberry with a pinch of baking soda cocktail regimen, I was right as rain within 24 hours. The real task is trying to remember to include ACV in my diet several times a week to prevent the onset of another infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Jody (Houston, Tx) on 03/20/2012

I just wanted to say thank you. I am not sure if I still have an infection, but I am going to continue this regimen for awhile.

I have been having bladder infections back to back. I've taking anitibiotics for them all and I am just tired of taking drugs and wanted to do something natural.

This REMEDY REALLY WORKED FOR ME. I was so bad that blood and small clots of it was coming though my urine. Yes it was very painful but I just did not want to take any more anitbiotics. It took a couple of hours but following up with the craneberry juice and lots and lots and lots of water, the blood went away, the pain, and finally by late evening even the dicomfort. As I said I am continuing the ACV and Craneberry Juice and Tons of water for a while. Thank you again.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry
Posted by Kali (Kailua Kona, HI) on 03/24/2009

after using a notoriously harmful birth control for the first time in 4 years (my husband warned me, i didnt listen) i developed my first uti in 5 years! i was so upset and remorseful that i didnt listen to him. after 4 days of using this birth control i had a full blown uti. i was urinating blood clots and all. obviously i stopped using the birth control immediately. refusing to go back to the doctors (SINCE THEYRE THE ONES WHO CAUSED THIS!!!) i started drinking 3 cups of an acv water mixture and 3 cups of a cranberry water mixture a day. after 2 days i am happy to say my urine is clear and i am urinating without being in pain! yayyy! acv is the besttt!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry
Posted by Alethea (Roswell, New Mexico) on 08/28/2008

For years whenever I feel like I"m getting a urinary tract infection I take 2 T spoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day. I also drink nothing but water and cranberry juice. I have not been to the doctor or wasted money on prescriptions since I was in high school (I am now 29). It really works!

Replied by Trace
(Upstate, Ny)

Over the weekend I felt UTI coming on. Pain in the right side and frequent urges to use the bathroom. I couldn't get to the doctor for a couple days, so I tried a tbls of apple cider vinegar mixed in a little bit of cranberry juice. Hour later I felt better. The pain in side became less. Took it three times that day. Next day I felt all back to normal. Urine was clear. It's now day five and I'm still taking it like an antibiotic to make sure it stays away.

On an added note. I also had laryngitis for a few days. When I took the ACV and cranberry juice my voice returned the same day. My mother-in-law had laryngitis for nearly three weeks. She's now trying this.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shannon (Toronto, On) on 12/14/2013

I've been plagued with the discomfort of recurrent bladder infections since I was a pre-teen. I usually get one about every 3 months and they sometimes last for weeks, it's so painful! I've taken cranberry extract before as a preventative, but it doesn't always do the trick at the onset of a bladder infection.

I had a nasty infection sometime last week (most likely caused by a pair of too-tight short shorts that I sometimes sleep in) and decided to try a combination of things to get rid of it faster. I took two cranberry pills (which was about 226mg), 2 vitamin C tablets (1000mg) and washed it all down with 2 tbs. of apple cider vinegar diluted in 2 cups of water. To my amazement, 20 minutes later the discomfort had vanished completely. No more bladder infection! I'm not sure if it was a specific remedy or the combination of all 3 that cured it so fast, but I've decided that I will be taking a tbs. of ACV in my water on a daily basis, continuing to take cranberry extract pills (at 452mg) and increasing my daily vitamin C intake. As long as I stay away clothes that are too tight, I'm hoping it will prevent me from ever getting another one!

Apple Cider Vinegar, D-Mannose

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Stefani (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) on 08/26/2009

I'm new to this site but SO glad I found it! I have been suffering from a recurring UTI for the past 3 months and I was getting fed up with all of the harsh antibiotics I'd been prescribed (Cipro, Bactrim). I am also without health insurance at this time, so I began to search on the internet for effective NATURAL remedies to get rid of this awful infection once and for all and that's when I read about apple cidar vinegar and D-Mannose. I bought a small jar of ____ Apple Cidar Vinegar (with the mother) from my local whole foods and not being totally convinced it would work, sprung for the D-Mannose tablets too. I've found that the apple cidar vinegar was pretty strong, but I still put two tsp in a glass of water (or tea or cranberry juice) three times a day for three days. The frequency of urination was beginning to subside, but because I was taking both ACV and D-Mannose, I couldn't determine which one was working. Since the ACV was giving my stomach a hard time, I decided to stop taking it for a day or two, but kept up the D-Mannose. To my astonishment (and relief), the D-Mannose seems to have done the trick! No more frequent, painful urination! Today is Day 6 of treating my UTI on my own (Day 3 of taking ONLY D-Mannose) and so far, so good! I feel like a normal human being again! I've read that D-Mannose is only effective in powder form, but I have to disagree, at least in my case. I take two capsules first thing in the morning with a full glass of water and one capsule at night before bed and presto! No moe UTI! (Although I do want to point out that since drinking the ACV, my skin has never looked better!) I just wanted to share my experience, as so many of you have shared yours, and hope that sharing my experience might help someone, as I have been helped by this site! Good luck in searching for natural remedies and remember - don't give up! There ARE other ways to treat infection and disease besides what your doctor pushes on you. Find answers and find good health!

Replied by Bee
(Detroit, Mi)

I have been drinking 1/8-1/4 C of Apple Cider Vinegar for about 2 1/2 mos....i do believe it has helped me lose fat as all my clothes are fitting loosely; but it did not work to prevent a UTI...bad one this time...belly pain, side pain then in the kidney. The D-mannose, that is a wonder herb. I have not been on that for about a month & I started noticing changes for the worse. I'd have to say that is what keeps them at bay. While my dr wants to do a scope on me because I've had too many too frequently, especially after not having one for 6 years, I am fighting not to do that but am a little concerned as to WHY I am having them so frequently without the D-mannose.

Apple Cider Vinegar, D-Mannose
Posted by Lynn (Laguna Woods, California) on 05/31/2009

I read on your site to try apple cider vinegar and also another cure called D-Mannose. Wanting to nip this in the bud I tried them both simultaneously. Worked wonders. You can get D-Mannose from any health food store as well as unfiltered apple cider vinegar. I put 3 Tbl. of the vinegar in 24 oz of water, added 1 tsp. of D-Mannose and so I wouldn't gag I used some liquid stevia to soften the vinegar blow. It actually tasted good and did the trick. I drank about 3 glasses of that throughout the day and that was all it took.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger Root Tablets

Posted by Crystal (Charlotte, Nc) on 10/27/2011

Earlier this week I felt the symptons of a bladder infection coming on. Since I have no insurance, I wanted to try the natural route. I bought some cranberry tablets that did absolutely nothing, in fact it seemed to make the burning/tingling sensation more intense. After doing some reading on this website and nother website, I decided to go to GNC to get some organic apple cider vinegar. While there, I purchased the regular _____'s ACV in addition to a ACV beverage by _____'s containing cinnamon (I heard both ACV and cinnamon were good for bladder infections and for lowering the ph of urine, which helps to kill of bacteria associated with this infection).

I immediately drank the beverage, then went to Walmart to get some ginger root tablets for $4 (ginger is also good for keeping urine alkaline and fighting off certain bacteria like e. Coli that is often responsible for uti's). I took three that day, and felt immediate relief the next time I used the restroom. When I went to use the restroom at the very end of the day before bed, there was no longer a burning/tingling sensation and my urine was no longer foul smelling or cloudy.

The next day I took a tablespoon of undiluted ACV with lots of water to wash it down. I also took 3 more ginger root tablets throughout the course of the day and again no symptons. When I woke up today, the symptons still appear to be gone. Over the next couple of days, I think I will continue to take 1 tablespoon of ACV and maybe try oregano oil or garlic tablets, just to make sure the infection stays gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Uva Ursi

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Christinesr (Vaughn, Wa) on 10/20/2009

I battled UTI's for years on a monthly basis and had doctors give me 3-5 day doses of antibiotics which only made me resistant. I could not get the doctors to understand what they were doing! So, I searched out natural remedy's that I now swear by. This is my daily routine & when I have an infection (which has been 2x' in the last 3 years!)

ACV pill 2x's a day
UVA URSA pills 2x's a day (there are some pills that are for balancing the urinary tract system that have this herb in it)
Vitamin C 1x's a day
Water, water, water
Keep it clean down there, especially after sex

During a UTI:
Double or triple dosage of ACV
Double UVA URSA dosage
Sit in a shallow tub with warm water and 1-2 cups of ACV. Soak for about 5 minutes.
Cut out all sugar

I have shared this with friends who now swear off doctors for UTIs.

Art Solbrig Protocol

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 05/02/2024 2412 posts

I Have Used The Following Remedy Effectively To Treat UTIs In Family And Friends

This is what I make :

  • A 500 ml bottle of filtered water.
  • Add a half teaspoon of sea salt
  • Add 6 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Add one and a half teaspoons of D Mannose powder

After adding all ingredients to the bottle, shake very well and drink.

I repeat this process 3 times per day until symptoms start to noticeably improve and then I reduce to two bottles per day and continue for two days after all symptoms are gone. My family and friends have reported this to be a very good alternative to the potent antibiotics they have used in the past. Symptoms generally start to reduce around 3.5 days.



2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sarah (Watertown, NY) on 05/05/2007

I used to suffer from horrible uti, and at the time my husband and I didn't have health insurance, (newlyweds). I would go out and buy a can of asparagus, and eat/drink everything in the can. By the time my pee started smelling like asparagus the pain was gone! But I don't know if i accually cured it or if the infection was a recuring one, since I never went to the doctors to get tested. But to aliviate the pain (at least) it worked great!

Replied by CKirtz
(Laguna Hills, Ca)

I get chronic bladder infections as well. I dont think many people know about this. I dont believe in natural remedies only preventatives but when I eat asparagus and have a bladder infection it helps so much. I greatly advise trying this remedy.

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