Bladder Issues
Natural Remedies

Bladder Issues - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Bladder Issues. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Diatomaceous Earth

Posted by Cathy (Tennessee) on 09/10/2018

Editor's Choice

Jade.. I have experienced similar symptoms to what you described with bladder. When I would go it was small amounts but ALL the time. Which made me think it could be a blockage in the urinary tract from toxins medications Etc. I started taking Diatomaceous earth powder one teaspoon a day in water--- there is no flavor whatsoever... it's just a little gritty in the water. Just mix it in a quarter of a cup to half a cup of water and drink it on empty stomach. I eventually increased up to 3 teaspoons a day. My bladder symptoms decreased and I started going normal amounts and far less frequently. And bladder irritation symptoms resolved. It's an amazing dietary supplement and has so many benefits for so many things. Do some research and see what you think. I found no side effects except the first day it tends to also clean out your colon (one run to the bathroom one time..but after that first those it never had that effect again). I realize this post is old and you may not see my response but maybe this can help others.


Posted by Lori (Farmersville, Tx) on 10/20/2016

Editor's Choice

Nutmeg for Overactive Bladder and Stress Incontinence:

I am shocked to say it absolutely worked. I went to the store and bought some nutmeg. Ate a little on the way home and nearly immediately it stopped my nearly constant urge to use the restroom. Amazing.

Stachys Lavandulifolia

Posted by Kasra (Tehran) on 02/11/2015

Editor's Choice

Stachys ' lavandulifolia':.

I've been suffering from bladder pain almost my whole life. All of a sudden a friend of mine gave me some herbal tea and insist me to use it, I refused to take it because I don't drink anything even water unless I have to.

I don't know exactly what made me add it to tea and drink it, and after using it I yet didn't realize that it made me don't feel my bladder anymore that bothered me a lot during the day, right after drinking anything, while peeing and when I was sleeping at nights ( I woke up 3/4 times per night to go to bathroom even when my bladder was not full it forced me to go bathroom and have a painful urination ).

Anyway, I'm using it almost everyday, and here are the results that I never experienced in my life with anything else before:

  • I don't feel my bladder anymore even if it is full.
  • I can have a easy urination, with comfort and without feeling that it is getting blocked in my urethra.
  • I can sleep much better at nights without having urge to go to bathroom ( I only wake up once ).
  • I can hold myself without feeling pain for a very longer durations.

I like the scent it gives to tea, you can have it without tea, I guess it can make even better results if you take it solo.

I hope it helps you all with bladder issues, it is a relief in my life and I seriously like it and recommend it to everybody, not only people with bladder issues, but anyone who wants to enjoy an amazing herbal tea. you should prepare it exactly how you prepare tea.

I take two glass mixed with tea everyday.

Make sure to not add sugar or other sweetener to make best results , but I take dates with it myself :-) ( with cookies it was still effective but not as much as I took it with dates ). I don't think many people are aware of it yet, but I hope everyone will.

EC: More info on the herb Stachys here:


Posted by Jimmy (Citrus Springs, Fl, United States) on 07/19/2010

Editor's Choice


My elderly great aunt would go to the spice cabinet before going for a ride or shopping where she would be gone for several hours. One time while waiting for her at age 92, I asked her why she went to the spice cabinet all the time when we had to take her someplace she said "I will not have to go to anyone's bathroom anywhere to urinate." She took a half a teaspoon of nutmeg and put in her left hand PALM and lick all of it then drink a small amount of water and that would take care of any urge.

I asked her where she learned that and she said from my grandmother as when she was young they would sell eggs from the horse cart and didn't want to stop for that anywhere. I witnessed that when taking her ANY PLACE THAT SHE NEVER HAD TO GO USE A BATHROOM ANYWHERE. I would say it worked very well for her as she was a very modest lady and never wanted to bother anyone.


Posted by Sandy (Cape May, New Jersey) on 08/19/2008

Editor's Choice

In January I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, in May with chronic polypoid cystitis of the bladder. I had general discomfort throughout my abdomen, flank and pelvic area- not sure what condition was causing what pain. Also had what I believe was arthritic pain in my hip. Only remedy for polypoid cystitis that doctor recommended was painkillers- I declined- or ibuprofen, which I did not want to take on a regular basis. Did some reserch on natural anti-inflammatories, and found lots of info on turmeric. I just went to my local drug store, and bought turmeric capsules, I think they are 500 mg. I started taking 2 pills 2x a day, for a couple of days, then decreased to 2 pills 1x a day, and after just a week or so I stopped taking them altogether. Amazing, but all of my aches and pains disappearred! No bladder pain- no flank pain- no hip pain! If I feel a twinge of anything, I take 2 turmeric, and that does the trick. I am hooked!
