Body Odor
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Body Odor

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Charcoal or Liquid Chlorophyll

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Posted by Jeanne (Atl, Georgia) on 06/10/2008

I had a large container of activated charcoal sitting in my cupboard the last 2 years that I rarely touch. I decided to give it a shot for body odor after reading about it on Earth Clinic. Yes, it works! You need to give it 2 days to get into your system before you notice the difference, then you need to maintain a dosage every day.

I do have a few side effects to note: Activated charcoal is best taken on an empty stomach, but I do not suggest taking it first thing in the morning. I drank my heaping tablespoon in 8 oz of water 2 days ago, then oil pulled. I ended up gagging up acid after 2 minutes of oil pulling. Yuck. This was interesting because I read that charcoal is actually a remedy for Acid Reflux! Well, then I changed to taking my charcoal in the middle of the day, before lunch. That seems to work. However, it does give me a slight stomach ache. You might also try taking it at night, several hours after dinner.

One benefit to the charcoal besides not having to use deodorant or baking soda (that irritates my skin, I must admit) is that I seem to sweat less when I have this in my system. It may be a remedy for excessive sweaters, I don't know... worth a shot. And it is a general detoxer, so that's a good thing in this hot and humid weather. Question for regular users of charcoal. Do you take it every day or is it something you need to stop every so often? Thanks!

Replied by Jeanne
(Atl, Georgia)


A follow up to my post. Please be careful if you try activated charcoal! I was getting stomach pain 20 minutes after every meal. I finally figured out that my stomach pain started after I took activated charcoal (heaping tablespoon for 2 days in a row - not a lot!). I located the pain in my stomach, found a little lump in the colon, and then used my fist to move the lump to the left. A day later my husband took over, found the lump,(which had moved slightly) and did acupressure for about 2 minutes on the spot-- ohhh yes, it hurt. But within minutes I had to run to the bathroom and the rest is history. No more stomach pain. So please be careful with the charcoal, especially if you have a sensitive stomach! I think that people's stomach aches can be often be an impacted colon. The same thing has happened to me before after eating bread and another time, after drinking psyllium without enough water!

If you press on your stomach and have a painful spot that moves slowly from one day to the next, you may have clogged your colon/intestines. Tons of water helps, but acupressure massage is best to move the obstruction to your bowels and out. One last note is that I was having normal bowel movements even while my colon was impacted, so don't rely on that (constipation or elimination) to judge, but more on the location of pain and whether or not a little lump exists.

Replied by Yasmeen
(Atlanta, GA)

This was happening to me before the charcoal. I had severe pain on my lower left. Sometimes the pain would come before my cycle, so I assumed it was that. However, lately, the pain would be random times during the month. This last time was so severe that I decided to use my fist to massage the area, and I could feel the knot. I was/am terrified. 20 minutes later, I was going to the bathroom. After that I began looking for causes and remedies... I am cleansing now with charcoal, and I am on a high fiber diet. I can honestly say I feel and smell much better.

Charcoal or Liquid Chlorophyll
Posted by Christine (Virginia Beach, VA) on 04/16/2008

Liquid Chlorophyll and activated charcoal will go a long way to getting rid of body odor when used internally. Unfortunately, both of them can cause stains. So be sure to use them in an empty sink to avoid staining your counter or clothing.

Although you have to be careful with it to avoid making a mess, activated charcoal is best used in bulk. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons to a pint of water, and sip through a straw. Be sure to rinse out your mouth with peroxide afterward and rinse your teeth to get the charcoal off.

Activated charcoal in bulk is made from coal or coconut shells. Obviously, you want the coconut shell-made activated charcoal. You can buy it in bulk online in 40-50 pound lots, and split the cost with your friends.

Activated charcoal is a universal detoxifier and is used in emergency rooms for that purpose. Given that there are thousands and thousands of chemicals in our food, water, and air, and we have no idea how they interact with each other, it behooves all of us to take universal detoxifiers like large doses of Vitamin C or activated charcoal. Liquid Chlorophyll is also a detoxifier.


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Posted by Kally (Oxenford, Queensland Australia) on 06/02/2012

Hi have you tried drinking chlorella - my husband, daughter and I use this and none of us ever need deodorant also bi-carb as deodorant another good one is using silver water all three work a treat for us.


7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Art (California) on 05/18/2020 2412 posts


Recently a person was telling me about his wife who has significant underarm odor and he mentioned she had tried several things, but they did not work at all. I suggested that he might consider giving her chlorophyll in liquid or pill form because it can work very well for this purpose and probably will work for smelly feet because it has a detoxing effect and is thought to absorb some of these odor causing bacteria and toxins. That was about two months ago.

He just let me know that he tried chlorophyll soft gels at three 50 mg softgels per day and while it helped a little with the odor, it wasn't enough.

He decided to increase her dose to three, 100 mg doses per day or 300 mg total per day and he said that has worked perfectly for his wife and no more underarm odor!


Posted by All4nature (Usa) on 02/10/2015

Editor's Choice

TMAU or trimethylaminuria is a genetic disorder in which the enzyme responsible for breaking down proteins in the body is unable to do so, resulting in a build up of volatile organic chemical waste, which is then excreted through sweat, saliva, urine, etc. and produces an unbearable stench. The odor is similar to rotting fish, rotten garbage, ammonia/urine, dirty feet, or feces. There is no amount of soap or perfume that can eliminate the smell. This condition comes from within the body, on a cellular level.

I have dealt with this unfortunate situation for years, and it is the absolute most humiliating experience when you don't know what the problem is, why it is happening, or how to solve the problem. Meanwhile, the general public and everyone within your radius is judging your hygiene practices and coughing around you.

I was at my wit's end, having tried EVERY deodorizing product on the market and several home remedies for foot odor. I had switched to antibacterial soaps, organic soaps, a healthier organic diet, daily foot baths, powdering my shoes, spraying my entire body with perfume, using essential oils.....and the list goes on for miles, with no success.

That is, until I read about CHLOROPHYLL as a remedy for extreme body odor and halitosis. I said to myself, "Okay this is my last resort. If this doesn't work, I may as well just give up on life and scrub toilets forever, because no one wants to be around me like this."

I have found that liquid forms of supplements tend to work faster and more effectively for me, so I purchased 2 bottles of organic LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL at the health food store. It is made from alfalfa leaves, and cost $16 for 16 ounces. I mixed 1 Tablespoon of the green liquid with a glass of water, and drank it all at once. Then I ate a sandwich. It seems to be okay to take with or without food; no side effects for me. I waited a few hours to drink another dose. I noticed the next morning that my usual stinky smell had subsided. The freshness actually lasted! I take 2 to 3 doses daily, morning, noon, and night. (That is 1 Tbsp. of chlorophyll mixed in 8 ounces of water.)

Well anyway, I am absolutely elated to tell you that this product has finally given me my confidence back; my nasty odor is gone and I can get on with my life now. If you know anyone suffering from extreme body odor, and hygiene is not the issue, I encourage you to gently mention the information in this post. They may seem offended at first, but I guarantee they will leap with joy when they've found the solution.

Thank you for reading, and good luck to your health and happiness!

Posted by Suz (Mendocino) on 09/14/2013

A chlorophyll gel cap every morning and evening has eliminated body odor for me since 1997.

Posted by Te (Charlotte, Nc) on 06/20/2013

Eating leafy greens or taking chlorophyll will help with body and breath odor. Also get rid of smelly tops or clothing because the odor is trapped in the fabric.

Posted by Maxine (Phoenix, Az) on 10/08/2011

I spent nearly four hours reading everything I could on this site. It was unbelievably helpful, but most of all it made me check out what was going on in my body, supplements I'm taking and their effect, and noting changes in my body. I had an additional problem of urinary incontinence where I would have small leakage during the day. I wore panty liners every day and washed, washed, washed.

After reading on this site, I realized I wasn't drinking enough water and my urine was too strong, so I increased the water, took liquid chlorophyll for the urine odor and vaginal odor and it was 80% better. I haven't used the hydrogen peroxide yet, but bought some to douche with. In the meantime I douched with a little tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract. That helped a lot. Going to do all three (tea tree, grapeseed, and a few drops of chorophyll) and alternate days with hydrogen peroxide. I'll either come out smelling like roses or blow my va jay jay up! I also found out taking B12 causes excessive sweating and stopped taking it. I take a B complex 100 instead. Actually, as you can see, I'm trying to find what will work for me.

I found the chlorophyl really got things cleaned out and started. It's an all around good guy and cleans out unwanted bacteria, gives you more energy as it increases oxygen output, creates healthy blood cells - enriching blood, etc. Etc. Read online its benefits. There are so many. Right now I have no vaginal odor and am doing kegel exercises that's helping the incontinence. Am really grateful to you ladies (and gents?) who cared enough to share. It helps so much to know there are alternatives. God bless you all!

Posted by Shelli (Charlotte, NC) on 05/04/2009

Liquid Chlorophyll for Controlling Body Odor: When I overload on foods that are not good for my body, I can always tell by the smell of my underarms. No amount of washing, soap, or various deodorants would help either. Very embarrassing! A friend recommended chlorophyll because it worked for her. Initially I tried the gel caps and tablets but neither of those seemed to make a difference.

I tried the mint flavored liquid and it seemed to work within hours. So I kept using it. That was about 7 or 8 years ago. I don't take an exact dosage as it's kind of messy to pour out. I just take a swig after I brush my teeth first thing in the morning and again before I head out for the day. I don't even need deodorant any more!

Replied by Shelli

Hi Crzybeau from Las Vegas. Yes, the mint flavored liquid chlorophyll. I get the Nature's Way brand. Usually from GNC but other stores have it as well. Have NOT tried activated charcoal. (And won't. Just my personal preference.)

Posted by Sandhya (Makawao, HI) on 02/09/2007

LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL has helped me drink more water, stop body odor and stop a rash on my bottom. One or two teaspoons a day in drinking water sipping on it or drinking it all at once does wonders. If I stop I notice the difference in a couple of days. NOW brand with mint is good. Once I asked a doctor what to do about the rash as I had never had one. She said she had a rash too and did not came with living in the tropics. I understood Ted from Bangkok saying that the body's ability to oxygenate itself was suppressed and this was a cause. Living in Hawaii I sweat more than other colder places I have lived and bacteria grows easily here on the skin. Also I do not have a spleen which makes my blood not as clean if I do not take something to clean it or oxygenate it. I tend to be acidic by nature and the foods I eat lean in that direction even though most would say I am health food person. I am going to try molybdenum that Ted speaks of so highly.


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Carol (Montvale, Nj) on 12/09/2011

I wanted to say if you want to conquer body odor try living clay. You will not have any odor with just a heaping teaspoon a day in a tall glass of water. I only use natural deodorants and it is not enough. I also use green tablets (rawfoods. Com) and vitamic c (emergency packs) 2 a day. The best is the clay, you don't need to take anything else, it is great for body odor, you will be amazed. The website is living clay. com it is like drinking dirt, but it goes down fast.

Vitamin c is great at higher doses, and the greens are great for the breath and odor. but the very best for under the arm stink is CLAY.

Hope this helps, I feel that I have exhausted everything there is and this is my best advice.

if you want the best protection on certain days take the clay once in awhile, may be hard to swallow everyday. They do make tablets, but not the living clay website, have to purchase a different brand, have not tried the tablets, so don't know how effective.

Posted by Caseyu (Minneapolis, Mn, Usa) on 07/02/2011

I had ingested the bentonite clay (1 Tablespoon diluted with water; 15 ml) to reslove some toxicity issues and noticed that my body odor was completely solved as well. it has absolutely no taste and no side effects. it didn't make me nauseated like ACV makes me feel. also make your salivatory glands pure so your mouth is "fresh". I love this stuff.

Clove Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Brittney (Acworth, GA) on 06/10/2008

hey i thought id share something that has been working pretty well for me lately to combat under arm odor. i read alot of the articles that others have written about how to stop the stink so i went with the no soap theory and. . . well at first, it wasn't what i would have called a good idea but i kept it up, then i moved on to the cold shower theory which is, well cold! but i've continued with both no soap and cold water for about a month now (maybe less) and that stinkyness had become just faint. whereas before I smelled pretty rancid! However that faint stink has still been a bother to me (thankfully no one else can smell me- unless people are just tying to be polite) but anyway, i've created my own new theory and its been working very well. what i do is i have continued with no soap and cool/lukewarm showers (cold is too cold for me) then when i get out i use a cotton ball to apply a mixture of witch hazel and 1 drop of clove oil to my armpits and after they dry out i powder them with corn starch. Now im happy to say that i am quite a bit closer to being stink free! my faint stink isn't stinky anymore. this process had helped me out alot. maybe it will work for some of you stinkers out there. (oh, i forgot to mention that i don't ever use deoderant anymore either) and please only use 1-2drops of clove oil under the arm at first becaude it will stink like crazy at first. over time it will no longer sting or burn with the application though. just soak a cotten ball with witch hazel and add 1 drop of clove oil and when you're all dry powder on some corn starch (the stuff at the grocery store) and you should be good to go! thanks for your time EC! God bless.

Coconut Oil, Baking Soda

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Posted by Robyn (Perth, Australia) on 01/01/2011

pure coconut oil and bicarb for body odour

While I have not tried this personally, I was told by a friend that she very successfully makes the above ingredients into a paste and applies to her armpits, then wipes away residue when dry.

Replied by Dave
(Tokyo, Japan)

I'm convinced that a lot of the body odor we experience comes from the residue of shampoo, conditioner, soap, and other chemicals left on our skin. (70% of the oxygen we comes in comes through the skin and not the lungs. ) By switching to natural alternatives (borax and baking soda), after a year, I could wear the same socks for four or five days and no one would know it. If I'm right, I've uncovered a pretty sly business model--more soap, more body odor, more deodorants, more soap and even more body odor. In the past, it was common to wash your hair once a month. I'm convinced people didn't walk around smelling like they were living on the street.

Replied by Rf
(Jc, Nj)

I just started using nothing but coconut oil as a deodorant. I'm loving it. I've used many kinds of deodorants including the sodium stone, and so far this is the best for keeping odor under control

Coconut Water Vinegar

1 User Review
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Posted by Loyd (Manila, Philippines) on 12/06/2010

I will sugest coconut water vinegar, apply to affected areas before shower for at least 5 minutes. This work for me so far, do not use antiperspirant or deodorant,
