Heal Brachial Plexus Injury Naturally: Effective Remedies Explored

on Mar 16, 2023| Modified on May 24, 2024
Homeopathic Ranunculus Bulbosus 30c
Posted by Natasha (Naples) on 05/24/2024

Acute brachia neuritis - I tried it and it works

Other names for the condition:

  • Acute brachia neuritis
  • Neuralgic amyotrophy
  • Parsonage-turner sundrome

Try *Ranunculus Bulbosus* 30c, but you MUST know *how* to self-treat with homeopathic remedies. Don't start until you w•atc•h ATH #4: Getting Started at Home with Homeopathy Pt1 *AND* ATH #5: Getting Started at Home with Homeopathy Pt2 ~All things homeopathy~ Ch•nl The most important action of this medicine is seen on the back. Its use is mostly recommended to manage pain in the upper back. The characteristic feature for its use is muscle pain felt along the lower margins of the shoulder blade /scapula (which means triangular bone that lies in the upper back one on either side). The pain gets worse due to overuse of arms while writing, typing, playing piano, etc. The burning sensation is usually felt. It is also of great clinical significance to treat stitching pain in scapula or in between the scapulae. Its use is also considered when the neck muscles are contracted. If this is the right remedy it will work after just ONE dose. I was about to go to ER, then remembered about *Ranunculus Bulbosus* Other remedies to try: Rhus Tox and Hypericum perforatum ❗BUT DON'T start until after you watch the mentioned above videos, Also try Phiten titanium discs and strips.
