Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Burns

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15 User Reviews
5 star (14) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Jessica (Maryville, Tn.) on 06/07/2008

I just burnt my hand while taking a pan out of the oven. I put toothpaste on it. After about 10 mins the pain is almost gone! It really works! I just smeared a good coating on.

Posted by Anj (London, UK) on 11/28/2006

Whatever small or severe burns, spread toothpaste on it and it will stop the burning sensation in ten to thirty minutes depending on the severity of the burn. After the toothpaste has dried, leave overnight and next morning the burning sensation would be gone. Mostly people use colgate toothpaste. All our families have always used this remedy since more than fifty years.

Posted by Mara (Toronto, Canada) on 09/25/2006

The cooling effect of toothpaste always calms down a fresh burn... Always works for me... and my mom who seems to burn her self alot working around the oven


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 03/19/2024 529 posts

Burnt my finger last night in just below boiling point water. Raised a blister across the tip of my finger and across the entire width and about 1/4 inch up under my fingernail. And I couldn't tend to it right away so...anyway, I used various things, for very short of periods but not to actually remedy the situation - just to to see what would work best and THE best solution was urine. I suspected it would work so I used it last and, poof, no more pain. Not even while typing. I applied DMSO first, as I'd been wondering if it would increase effectiveness but I can't be sure if it did or not and now it's too late.

Strangely, the second best was LABS (lactic acid bacteria serum), as I had just made a batch and thought I'd give it a try. Obviously, it's not ONLY probiotics so...not sure what that's about.

Did not get to try mustard as I didn't have any and mustard seed is a remarkable herb so I'm sorry to have missed that.

I tried cold water, which felt good but only as long as I had my finger(s) in it (this is when I got enough relief to realize I'd also burnt both adjacent fingers).

Alcohol - not good but if that was all I had, I would not hesitate to use it.

Castor oil - no - not for the kind of speed one needs if one is working. No doubt, a castor oil wrap left on overnight would have done the trick but that wasn't the purpose of my experiment.

Aloe vera - no - not for speed.

iodine - that did pretty good, pretty fast - good enough for 3rd place and may have been even better if I'd actually immersed it in some Lugol's but I merely applied it.

ozonated olive oil - actually, that would be tied for 3rd place. A little quicker than the iodine but I was actually judging speed so we're talking seconds here.

I have some comfrey salve but it's not very "strong" and it's old, so I didn't try it.

Also didn't try oregano oil - wish I had because I just got some oregano seeds in the mail...oh well...

The blister is down and appears to be disappearing from the bottom up, getting narrower and narrower. Initially, It was my entire finger tip but now it's less than half that broad, with normal skin appearing to spread upward, reintegrating it...very interesting....might try the dmso/urine thing again and see what happens. In fact, I'm going to do that right now...I've been wondering if DMSO would actually extend the life of the stem cells...that's why I've been using them together, due to the stem cells in urine and the use of DMSO in tissue preservation.

Replied by jholl
(Louisville, KY)

Silver is what they use for burns in the hospital. Colloidal silver would work. Silver gel would be even better.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

Dang! I never even thought of colloidal silver! I have some, but am mostly exploring it with regard to fabric.

Anyway, I didn't do anything with regard to my fingers today but the blister is gone. I thought there might be a spot that would peel off but it seems to have all reintegrated The only place I can still feel it is under my fingernail but I didn't do that second round of DMSO and urine so I'll see what it's like tomorrow and, if I can still feel it, I'll do that second round and see what happens. I can't see anything amiss on my fingernail - it was a white stripe, yesterday - and it doesn't hurt but I can feel it up under the nail. Maybe I'll wrap a little baby castor oil pack around it before I go to bed...see if that might penetrate up under the nail and do its magic.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

Everything was back to normal this morning. Didn't even notice until now, so there's nothing left to work on...but that's a good thing..if a little disappointing, LOL!

Posted by L J (Los Angeles, California ) on 06/30/2016

If yu ever get a burn on any part of yr body use urine...It's known to heal the skin leaving no scar at all.. I've used it for years if I ever burn or cut myself. Once had a bad coffee burn on my hand ..I went into the bathroom, peed into a cup then poured that all over my burn.. I let it air dry and wow the pain was instantly gone. I even healed a burn I had in my forehead from my curling iron. The urine instantly helped heal the burn..xoxo

Posted by Sandy (San Francisco, California, Usa) on 01/22/2012

Editor's Choice

It took my husband literally YEARS to convince me of this, but it really works like magic for burns: As soon as possible after you burn yourself, pee on it. As in, go to the toilet and hold your burnt hand in your urine stream. The sooner you do this, the less tissue damage.

My husband is an avid fisherman and he'd been telling me that all fishermen know this trick, but I confess I thought it was just a fish story. Then one day, after years of rejecting this suggestion, I was cooking for a dinner party; we were expecting several guests within an hour. In a distracted hurry, I opened the oven and reached in and took hold of both sides of the pan with my bare hands (ouch!! ). I watched as my hands began to blister, and realized I'd soon have third-degree burns on most of the surfaces of both palms, and further food preparation seemed out of the question. This was an emergency, and my usual slow-healing approaches with aloe, honey, etc. Would be inadequate to save my dinner party. SO, long story short (too late! ) I ran to the bathroom and peed on my hands. When the warm liquid hit the burns, it HURT even more, but only for maybe three seconds. Then, the pain began rapidly subsiding. I held my hands up and watched in amazement as the blisters went down. Within five minutes, all the pain was gone and all that was left of the burns was a little pinkness. I washed my hands and went back to my cooking as if nothing had happened!

I understand why no one talks about this even on the Internet, because it's a gross-out to think a person (especially a COOK) would urinate on their hands. BUT, soap and water cleans up the residue after the medicine has done its magic. If you're like me, you'll be revolted at this suggestion, and ignore it... Until maybe someday when you're faced with a serious burn and a situation in which you NEED to heal immediately. The best thing about this absolutely effective burn cure is that you'll always have the remedy with you.

Vanilla Extract

4 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Gael Tryles (Holly, Michigan) on 09/20/2015

I burned my fingertip on a ceramic heater in my tortoise habitat. I read online about using vanilla extract so I tried it and it worked immediately!!! There is a flat bister today but no pain. Vanilla worked great. I used pure vanilla extract not the vanilla flavored extract ~ I don't know if both work.

Vanilla Extract
Posted by Ginger (Seattle, WA) on 04/04/2007

Pure Vanilla Extract (remedy) on Small Burn (ailment): I acquired a small burn to a finger through a cooking mishap. I specifically googled for ways to stop the pain of a (not-third degree) burn, and found this website. I poured a small amount of pure vanilla extract directly on the burn and waited a few minutes. It appeared to have no effect, the pain quite pronounced and unchanged.

Vanilla Extract
Posted by Angela (Lexington, KY) on 12/31/2006

Putting a few drops of pure vanilla extract on a minor burn quickly will make the pain stop. You may need to reapply occasionally.

Vanilla Extract
Posted by Donna (AZ) on 05/31/2006

i used it on a burn it did not work at all.


11 User Reviews
5 star (11) 

Posted by Lindsy (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 01/13/2009

I burn frequently because I am very fair skinned...redness, itching, blisters, peeling, the whole thing. Often. The best cure is the one my grandma made me do when I was young.

As soon as you notice the burn, get out of the sun and soak up some white vinegar with a cotton ball. Dab it on your burn. No measuring. Put it on straight out of the bottle. Don't wipe. Just dab.

Do this regularly and the burn will go away a lot sooner with little to no peeling. The sooner the better with this cure! Don't wait. Also, the smell subsides after a little while. Don't worry about smelling like a big pickle!

Posted by Cyndi (Roethis, Austria) on 06/07/2008

I have always known ACV is good for sunburn, one cup in a tub of water and the sunburn is gone! So, when I was at work alone and severly burned my hand, I put ACV in a sink of water with ice cubes. I had to wait until someone else came into work before I could go to the hospital. On and off for about an hour I kept soaking my burnt hand in the ACV solution. When I arrived at the hospital my hand was bandaged and treated and I was told to return the next day to have this treament repeated. The next day I went back to the hospital and as the bandages were removed, the doctor was shocked! The deep red welt, the blister and all signs of a burn were gone.I had only a pink line. When I explained I had used ACV and ice, the staff were amazed! It truly worked a miracle, where I would have had a scar and therapy, I had onle one day of discomfort. I thank my mother for this.

Posted by Jessica (Raleigh, nc) on 01/05/2007

I burned my hand from the steam on my tea pot (I never knew how hot that can be!). I sat there with ice, and it still hurt. So I went on here and saw the ACV remedy for burns. I first tried it with gauze soaked in the ACV which was fine, but I wanted to type, so I put on some a white cotton glove (the kind you sleep in with moisturizer) and soaked it with the ACV. It took about an hour for the burning to go away. I took a nap and when I woke up not only had the pain dissapeared but there is nary a red spot on my hand! PS. That tea I was making was for a cold, so while I had the ACV out, I poured some into my water bottle & drank that, and have been sipping it all night. It is about six hours later and I am finally feeling a bit better.

Posted by Larry (Saunderstown, RI) on 10/28/2006

Regular vinegar on a sunburn takes the pain out of a sunburn. Growing up in southern Rhode Island sunburns could be pretty severe. I was in a bar one day with a sunburned friend (He said you can't get burned because it was windy out) when the lady bartender suggested putting vinegar on it. Other than smelling like a french fry ( Rhode Islanders put vinegar on their fries) he felt a lot better some quick!

Posted by Chet (Mishawaka IN) on 06/27/2006

I was cutting some metal with a torch and forgot i had just cut it and laid it to the side and was cutting another piece when i put my hand down on the one i just got done, cutting the skin instantly... discolored to a sickly grey color from the burn - had a bottle of apple cider vinegar and water i had been drinking. i grabbed it and poured it on the burn. shortly after, most of the pain went away but amazingly it never blistered. worked for me.

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