Egg whites are an effective natural treatment for burns. Not only do egg white help with common kitchen burns, they also bring relief to other types of burns including sun burns and rope burns.
How Can I Use Egg Whites for Burns?
The first thing to do for any burn is to cool it down quickly. Hold the burn under running cool water (not ice cold water) for 10 - 15 minutes. This will help to "take the heat" out of the body so that the skin will not continue to burn from the residual heat held in the body.
Crack an egg (or more if needed) into a bowl and remove the yolk with a spoon or even carefully with you hand. You can then immerse the burned area into the egg white. Keep it in the egg white for at least 20 minutes. One of our readers kept a burned area in egg whites for several hours!
Another option is to use a pastry brush to coat the burn with egg white. Let the egg white dry and repeat several times so that you have several "layers" of egg white on the skin. The "egg white skin" can be rinsed off hours later, or the next day.
Some of our readers have used a paper towel and soaked it with egg white and applied this to the burn. This method would only be suggested for minor burns. If the skin is broken and you apply a paper towel to the burn, you may have trouble removing it.
How Do Egg Whites Help Burns?
First of all, the egg whites are cold, which helps to pull the heat out of the burn.
Secondly, egg whites contain lots of nutrients - vitamins, mineral, and protein.
Egg white are also a popular fever reducing remedy. Something about egg whites is particularly cooling.
Cautions for Egg White for Burns
Because of the risk of salmonella, do not use egg whites for burns if the skin is broken. Try a different remedy, like honey.
Have you tried egg whites for a burn? Please share your story with us!