Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Burns

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Molly (Bradenton, FL, USA ) on 11/26/2008

Toothpaste really does work for burns. When I burn myself cooking, I put a thick layer on the burn and the next day when I take it off (if it hasn't already rubbed off), there is no burn mark left behind.

Aloe Vera and Egg Whites
Posted by Montene (Wichita Falls, Texas) on 11/20/2008

YEA, YEA!!!! Egg Whites & Aloe Vera

Today while trying to soften some glue I heated it in the microwave. When I picked it up it had melted a hole in the side of bottle. Hot, hot glue went all in the palm of my right hand. Tried the cold water thing but it didn't help. Got computer going and found out about egg whites and aloe vera. Layed a piece of gauze over burned area and with a large eye dropper alternated egg white and aloe vera. Kept the gauze wet all the time but still must have taken over an hour for all the pain to stop. That has been 4 hours ago ....... the palm is red but there are no blisters and is only sensitive in the worst part of burn. This is first time I have heard of this remedy and thankfully it has worked.

Aloe Vera and Egg Whites
Posted by J (Toronto, On) on 02/23/2012

I saw you comment, the egg white provides a barrier when dry, the gauze on top of the wound scared me a bit ( will stick to the wound ) and real aloe is a great repairer, running under cold water is to relieve pain but mostly to negate or stop the continuance of the actual burn , like putting a fire out, egg whites are only good for 1st and very small area 2nd degree burns... And wash the outside of the egg first as well as make sure they are within the fresh date code... salmonella is what we want to stay away from when applying to a wound.

Posted by Steve (Toronto, Canada) on 08/27/2008

I laughed when I seen yellow mustard as a remedy to a burn, but so far I've had it on my finger for almost 40 minutes and I feel no pain at all. The remedy says to wait for it to be fully dried so I'll wait abit longer before I took it off but wow it works. I burned my hand when trying to take out chicken from the oven. Turned out there was a hole in the glove, bummer.

Posted by Suzy (Novi, Mich) on 07/22/2008

When I was in grade school a lunch lady told me about putting mustard on a burn after a girl in the kitchen burned herself badly.
I have used mustard ever since and it works miracles.You have to IMMEDIATELY apply the mustard in a thick layer. It will still burn for a few momments but as the mustard dries it takes the heat with it. especially helpful on burned fingers since the burns do not blister!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 06/27/2008

If you are burned by fire immediately pour ACV over the wound, there will be no pain or scar. Try it and be amazed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cured (Niceville, Fl) on 11/24/2009


Warning - I have recently began using ACV for just about everything from cleaning the house to hygene/health. A few weeks ago I got a blister from trying to pull start a leaf blower. The skin was already gone from the blister/burn. I think I waited a day or two and it started healing somewhat on its own. I then applied ACV full strength (grocery store brand) to the burn a few times. I quit cause it seemed to make it worse. Maybe my result would have been better had I don't it immediatly or there was a no no with the exposed skin. Who knows so I probably won't try it for that again but just about anything else it has worked amazingly.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tried It (Plano, Tx) on 07/23/2011

it's possible the ACVdoesn't work well for those with sensitive skin. I personally have had great success with ACV on burns and so has my eldest daughter. My youngest has many allergies and sensitive skin (eczema, etc. ) and she does not experience the same results. It seems to make her worse. So, I stick to good old aloe for her. Not quite as great as the ACV for me, but pretty good nonetheless.

Posted by Tim (Columbus, Ohio) on 06/17/2008

re: small burns and toothpaste -- YES!!!!!! Spread a little bit of toothpaste on a burn i got from bein a stupid kid and the burns stopped hurting after about 20 minutes. go get some toothpaste, rub some onto the burn, and it will sting, be better, sting, be better, but after a while the pain just stops.

Posted by Sandra (Birmingham, USA) on 06/11/2008

A coworker told us that she had put yellow mustard on a burn and the pain stopped right away. Others in the room stated that they too had the same experience. I've not heard of using yellow mustard for burns but, as one who is always getting burned on the stove, I will be giving it a go.

Posted by Jessica (Maryville, Tn.) on 06/07/2008

I just burnt my hand while taking a pan out of the oven. I put toothpaste on it. After about 10 mins the pain is almost gone! It really works! I just smeared a good coating on.

Baking Soda, Black Tea Bag
Posted by Jasmine (Chicago, IL) on 05/25/2008

I saw that many had mentioned that baking soda when mixed into a paste (using water) relieves and sometimes eliminates burns. This is true, however, in my own experimentation, I no longer retain burns if I have baking soda on hand.

Apply the paste thickly over the burned area. The thicker the better. I leave it on until it dries, then rinse it off with water and reapply. Continue doing this until you have no pain. This completely takes the pain and redness out of 1st and 2nd degree burns. You won't even know you were burned! The first time you apply it, it will relieve the pain, but it may return. I've never had to apply it more than 4 times but trust me, taking the time to do this remedy will save you blistering, pain, and irritation later on!

There is one other remedy for burns. I once burned my hand on a very hot light bulb. My skin turned white on one site of the burn, indicating a 3rd degree condition. I didn't have any feeling in the area, the skin was completely dead. The other parts were red and sore, indicating a 2nd degree burn. A day past and I had no relief. The burn started looking worse. I tried honey, it only made me sticky but the heat was still there.

I knew that tea was an astingent, so I took a normal lipton black tea bag and dunked it in hot water twice, then I allowed the bag to cool. I placed the wet bag over the burn and wrapped my hand to keep it in place. I fell asleep for 2 hours and when I woke up the burn no longer hurt and was beginning to heal! I changed bags and rewrapped it for a few hours. My skin turned temporarily a little orange/brown but the burn gave me no problems afterward, healed perfectly and didn't scar at all.

Baking Soda, Black Tea Bag
Posted by London (Sandusky , Ohio) on 08/08/2010

My mother burned her fingers and part of her hand really severely on the stove. I would say it was 3rd degree, it looked pretty bad. We did the egg white remedy, but mainly, what helped keep the pain levels tolerable was keeping a tea bag in there for a good 3 hours, (she took a nap) and we also alternated between the tea bags and baking soda paste mixed with egg whites. By the end of the day, the burn was almost gone. It was incredible, you could barely see it, and the pain was 100% gone! My mom is skeptical of these cures, but she was impressed!!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Stella (Cleveland, Ohio) on 04/20/2008

Dear All -- If you don't already own an Aloe Vera plant then please go buy one! My husband had a bad accident over the weekend, he was lighting a gas smoker grill and it blew up, burnt his whole arm and hand it was pretty severe, he was in a lot of pain. We looked on earth clinic and tried the ACV & ice water, unfortunately it didn't relieve the pain enough, he tried the store bought stuff and nothing worked at all. Mind you he was hoping to not have to go the emergency room since we don't have medical insurance. Finally a friend brought over an Aloe Vera plant and squeezed the juice of a leaf on to his arm, it Immediately soothed the pain. He has been applying it 3X a day the pain has stayed away, the redness is almost gone and there is minimal blistering that is healing Fast. We already went to the health food store to buy our plant I myself have also been using it on my face and hands and it is wonderful!! Thank God for the Awesome Gifts of Nature that he has given us.

Posted by Jeannie (COSP, CO) on 09/16/2007

I was told about the Mustard remedy for burns over 10 years ago. At first I thought it sounded crazy. However, I had hot grease splash on my right hand, covering most of it. I immediately got the "plain yellow mustard" and smeared in over the entire burn. Today, there is no sign of any scaring at all. You need to put it on failry thick, and the key is to leave it on until it is ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY DRY. If you remove it too soon it will not work! Believe me, I've done that.

Posted by Bill (Santa Ana, ca) on 09/03/2007

I burned my finger one day at home. I quickly grabbed the DMSO washed my finger, poured it over the finger. The pain and swelling stopped immediately. No subsequent problems. While winter hiking in the Sierras a girl in our group burned her hand on a hoy stove. I applied the DMSO from my back pack. She came to me the next morning to say she had no distress at all from the burn. I also used it on my mother's face when she fell on the cement, smashing her glasses and nose. It moved the blood right out. The next day she had on a yellowing of the skin. Great stuff. I carry it everywhere.

Posted by Josh (New York, NY) on 12/17/2008

DMSO or Dimethylsulfoxide is used to carry things threw your skin, it penetrates nearly anything, its used for cancer treatment, brain swelling and lots of things but topical use on yourself? I dont think so. the reason it cleared up your mothers blood is because it sucked up the blood in solution and carried it trough the skin, and while it doesnt hurt to have dead blood cells floating around, you could just whip it off. Large amounts of dmso causes a garlic odor on the breath and sometimes the skin for days. Because it so readily penetrates the skin, it can carry things with it that are otherwise impossble to contract such as bacteria and toxins. So if you insist on using it THOUROGHLY wash the area befer hand and only wash with things you wouldnt mind floating around in your blood.

Vanilla Extract
Posted by Ginger (Seattle, WA) on 04/04/2007

Pure Vanilla Extract (remedy) on Small Burn (ailment): I acquired a small burn to a finger through a cooking mishap. I specifically googled for ways to stop the pain of a (not-third degree) burn, and found this website. I poured a small amount of pure vanilla extract directly on the burn and waited a few minutes. It appeared to have no effect, the pain quite pronounced and unchanged.

Posted by Denise (Bridgewater, Canada) on 08/27/2008

I burned myself on tim hortans green tea, i went to the hospial and got bandages on it than a teaspoon of alcohol on my burns, it works! baking soda didnt work for me though. but my burn was big all around my leg, wait for your tea to cool off completely, dont even take the bag out, i was wearing shorts!!! be careful after all the cup does say hot!!!

Posted by Jessica (Raleigh, nc) on 01/05/2007

I burned my hand from the steam on my tea pot (I never knew how hot that can be!). I sat there with ice, and it still hurt. So I went on here and saw the ACV remedy for burns. I first tried it with gauze soaked in the ACV which was fine, but I wanted to type, so I put on some a white cotton glove (the kind you sleep in with moisturizer) and soaked it with the ACV. It took about an hour for the burning to go away. I took a nap and when I woke up not only had the pain dissapeared but there is nary a red spot on my hand! PS. That tea I was making was for a cold, so while I had the ACV out, I poured some into my water bottle & drank that, and have been sipping it all night. It is about six hours later and I am finally feeling a bit better.

Vanilla Extract
Posted by Angela (Lexington, KY) on 12/31/2006

Putting a few drops of pure vanilla extract on a minor burn quickly will make the pain stop. You may need to reapply occasionally.

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