i have used this for people suffering from rashes, etc. from any yeast related problem. cream of tarter, comes from the making of wine, so it is mostly made from grape skins pulp and seeds. it also does not have the salt of baking soda so is a better choice for high blood pressure. for thrush just swish around in the mouth and swallow. also great for acid reflux.
Apple Cider Vinegar
A few suggestions to add to your list.
1. Milled Flax Seed (one spoon w/ two meals per day) is very important in keeping the colon clean. Aloe Vera inner gel compliments the Flax by retarding pathogens adhering to the intestinal lining.
2. Either Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay taken prior to meals will drastically reduce herx or die-off reactions including headaches.
3. If you take a hot bath, add 1/2 cup Borax and the next bath rotate to a few squirts of Povidone Iodine to the water for penetrating the systemic pathogens.
4. Garlic may bode better if taken before retiring (or maybe after intimacy w/ partner). Oil of Oregano softgels are probably the most powerful plant based anti-pathogen.
5. Add some Wormwood to the Black Walnut and Clove to increase the anti-parasite potential.
6. White Willow Bark taken with the Brussel Sprouts or Broccoli increases the antibiotic potential by making a compound similar to Metronidazole.
7. The trace mineral Chromium taken w/ Niacinamide and Cinnamon promotes the metabolism of sugars instead of them fermenting into candida. Cinnamon is itself antifungal.
8. Not to forget Turpentine in the plant-based antifungal dept. even more powerful than Oregano and also an effective remedy for blasting biofilms throughout the body.
I finally got rid of it when I discovered an article on another site about some promising research conducted using Biotin as a mitigating agent for rhizoid formation. Since I've had great success, I would like to share my findings.
I've been using about 3000 micrograms of Biotin daily for a few weeks now, with a spoonful of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, as well as a strong lactobacillus acidophilus yogurt (50 million bacteria per serving) and a diet high in vegetables and low in sugar.
Within 3 days of starting the treatment, my facial eruptions disappeared, the spots on my arms started to turn back to normal color, and my itching stopped. My dandruff is nearly gone, my eyelashes are no longer shedding little flakes, and some kind of fungal growth on my big toe rubbed right off in the shower - as if my body rejected it.
I hope it continues to work as well as it has. I'll update in a few weeks if the situation changes.
I recently started researching, and taking, colloidal silver for my cold sores (really helped) and read that several people with systemic yeast infections had amazing results with it. I thought it might do him so good, so my Mom bought some online from a reputable laboratory and he started taking a few tablespoons each morning after he brushed his teeth.
I warned him that since he has had this rash for 50 years it might take 3-6 months before he noticed any improvement. But within a short few weeks he started having more energy and noticed that his constant heartburn was gone and he wasn't as itchy. Within a month his back seemed completely cleared, he didn't itch at all, and his issues with horrible indigestion (much gas and bloating) had drastically improved. For the first time in over 50 years, he hasn't had any symptoms of athlete's foot or his back rash despite a very hot summer. Also, he usually catches every cold, cough, or virus that goes around... Yet last winter he only had a mild cold once or twice.
We started to realize that he has probably had a systemic yeast infection for many years that caused leaky gut and compromised his overall immune system. Out of desperation, he tried colloidal silver for his back rash, but ended up with AMAZING results of more energy, less illness, normal digestion and gas issues, and no rashes. (He will continue to take it daily until he hits the 12 month mark since he's had it for 50 years and he wants to be completely sure that he kills off all of the yeast and not just the symptoms. ) Good luck to all!!
I am on day 5. I started feeling better after day 3. Now on day 5, I woke up with severe flu like symptoms, feverish, headache, extreme weakness, fever blisters, sinus congestion, and a crawling sensation under my skin. I am thinking that either I caught a bug or these are "candida die off" symptoms, which I never experienced with fluconozole. I will stop the borax cure for 2 days as prescribed by Ted and then resume for 5 days. I will post again to share the results.
I rescued an Akita, very ill and stressed. I added turmeric powder to his sardines and rice daily. He started to smell like cat pee. Didn't put it together until I read on an animal natural health blog that that odor is from ingesting turmeric, and the solution is to add cinnamon. It worked for Rocky. He is so healthy now and smells great. Vet is amazed at the transformation.
Adequate Chewing of Food
During a battle with candidiasis, I learned just how important it is to REALLY chew up your food.
"Human saliva is composed of 98% water, while the other 2% consists of other compounds such as electrolytes, mucus, antibacterial compounds, and various enzymes." - Wikipedia
Digestion begins in the mouth. This is very important. Since I put proper chewing into practice, I found that I eat much less, and that I've become more lean and have more energy! Also my stomach is flatter, either from eating less, or from not being blocked up anymore. It's a very simple practice that everyone can improve upon. If you think you already chew enough, chew more! Perhaps this could have it's own remedy page...?
I had similar lung problems, breathing issues, but also pain. Mine started long before I had any idea I had candida, so I used an inhaler or some sort of systemic med for asthma, though it was not a classic case according to my doctors. It kept it under control, but I could never understand why I developed asthma in my 30s. Twenty years later I had a huge health crisis, part of which was candida. I got off all sugar and yeast, which included most of my bread, ie gluten, and 10 months later my lungs seemed to be better, so got off all of my asthma meds too. I had been taking them 20 years faithfully. That was 7 years ago and still no issued. I believe it was candida in the lungs, as many other symptoms disappeared also, sinus problems, skin issues, etc. Start with your diet first and look on this site for natural antifungals you can add to your diet; especially ACV.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Reader Theories
Brewer's Yeast
See explanation on Dr Berg's video here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBnDy6JDmwM
Some doctors in Montreal found Niacinamide to be a potent fungal and aspergilla's killer. It basically kills Candida infections/pathogenic fungi. This of course is something genuis Ted already knew. Niacinamide is especially effective against candida. The human equivalent dose was 35 mg and it was only administered only once. A second dose of Niacinamide was given 8 hour later. However, even a single dose was effective. While this dose is on the high end for niacinamide, for most people it would still fall under 3g, which is what mainstream medicine officially considers the upper safety limit for niacinamide. Niacinamide can cure Candida infection with a single dose. I think taking caprylic acid a before to first dissolve biofilm and then take Niacinamide and I also took two a dissolved aspirin in a glass of water and took it with the niacinamide this was a strongly effective way to go after it. Of course the obvious stuff which is be on the anti-fungal diet, helps and expect a die off so do gentle detoxification to assist the body in the process of clearing and healing.
BTW, as many have noticed there seems to be a link between candida and autoimmunity (including allergies). Taking MSM in large doses (1-3 tbsp/day) completely cleared sinuses and other allergy symptoms. Some say MSM is effective against Candida so this might be one remedy to research if one wants to stay natural and avoid lufenuron. I have a "whatever works" philosophy and keep trying new things until one works well and is affordable and without ill effects. The MSM in such high doses caused me headaches so I had to stop it. Today I started molybdenum. Apparently a high sulfur intake resulting in headaches can indicate a molybdenum "deficiency".
None of my natural remedies worked, and though I'm all for natural I cannot tell you the relief I have now. It was well worth the die-off (yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging migraine and puked my guts out) and feeling very ill for a few days. But it's been 3 weeks now and no sign of the yeast infection. I am not at all associated with this company or anything like that - but I am dedicated to sharing this info with as many people as possible so I?m trying to retrace my digital steps and visit all the forums I looked at while I was trying to find help so I could help you all.
Update: I was really going overboard on the desserts & started having symptoms coming back, so I have to be reasonable with the sugar intake & I'm also taking a very good probiotic (70,000 billion) (I take 2) which works by far the best of the MANY that I tried) (140 billion) per day which definately helps, as I now eat almost everything!
Colloidal Silver
Chamomile Tea
I had 3 cups of hot and v strong chamomile tea within a couple of hours (I used tea bags, although I imagine loose leaf would have been better). It gave me a big headache but I kept it up with at least 2 cups per day, for the next week.
I have been free of candidiasis for 2 years now and feel that the combination of exercise, healthy eating (alkalising foods), rotating anti-fungals and especially chamomile tea helped me enormously.
ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
The anti-candida protocol that I advise people to take now is shown here.
The reason that people with candida problems seem to fail so often is perhaps because either they don't take the protocol properly or they cheat and eat sugar and carbohydrates when they shouldn't or they come off the protocol too soon because they think they are cured when candida is a still hiding safely somewhere in their body just waiting to pounce. They might also suddenly agree to be put on anti-biotics for other issues for a while by their doctor -- doing this is one of the major causes of serious candida issues. Taking anti-biotics is probably the worst thing you can do because it basically destroys all the good protective bacteria in your gut which now has no local immune defence, so the candida has free reign to suddenly rise up and dominate and will spread throughout your body very rapidly.
Lastly I would be the first to admit that it's very difficult for people to cure themselves with any anti-candida protocol because they really must take their protocol properly -- as stated -- or it won't work that well. This means that if you want to rid yourself of systemic candida issues then you really must be highly focused and have the willpower to do it.
Your dizziness and fogginess could be due to candida poisons or it could be due to an existing hypothyroid condition or it could be both. Best to get your thyroid checked and, when you do, you should insist that your doctor also check the levels of your Free T3 (triiodothyronine) levels which gives the most accurate result for the thyroid. If you just check Free T4(thyroxine), as doctors normally do, you stand a good chance of getting an inaccurate thyroid assessment. See this link for more information on the thyroid.
Lastly, it took me a whole year to cure my own systemic candida issues all those years ago. I actually thought I was cured after six months but I still stayed on the protocol for an extra six months to make absolutely sure because I knew that candida could hide. And when I say that I'm cured I mean that my systemic candida is gone. I can eat whatever I like -- including wheat, oats and milk as well as fruit and sugary foods now and then, without any issues. I also have no asthma or digestive problems or allergies(which can all be strong indicators for existing or latent candida issues).
Urine Therapy
Urine Therapy
I began to avoid the food that was suggested, but I also began to take supplements, we increased some and decreased others. I will tell you I was tired and defeated and just wanted a normal life back, so this is my story of what worked for me.
I have a lot of metal fillings in my teeth, so there was a thought of possible mercury sensitivity, and yes they wanted me to get the filling replaced, but I couldn't afford it. There was also the mention that the yeast encircles heavy metals safely eliminating them from your body. I started my morning with a glass of water and a drop (starting at one and increasing to five) of liquid Selenium. I found this made a large difference in either the "fog" from the dye-off or the general Candida feeling. I was more alert and awake, my energy level increased from taking this.
I was tested with a lower thyroid by taking my temperature every morning. My doctor suggested taking edible Iodine. I also took this in water after my Selenium, 2 drops twice a day, or I just did four in the morning.
I was to avoid the food I was tested to not respond well too, and that included for me, wheat, gluten, dairy, chocolate, coffee, beef and pork. I didn't even look at sugar items at this point, and had been doing low-carb diets for sometime now. So I was allowed to included red potatoes and brown rice, lots of leafy greens(twice a day if possible), non-starchy veggies, and the rest I filled in with protein, nuts, and on special occasions berries (raspberries or blueberries)
If I was to advise someone on a product it would be the Tanalbit I took. I took it twice a day before lunch and dinner, two tablets each time. There is another version of it I took that had no dairy, starts with a C. It's a type of Zinc. I also tried taking Zinc supplements but everything I took made me nauseous. The only one I found that could stay down was Optizinc, probably the type or compound. I took pro-biotics an hour after each meal.
Those items helped me most of all. Also taking a very good food based vitamin to make sure I was covered. I was successful for a few years and then decided I wanted to taste some of the sweet life again. I still keep up with the Zinc and Pro-biotics, but I'm now back on the diet working to get rid of some nail fungus. I'm taking Oregano oil for 6 weeks to see how it goes, on top of using the topical remedies I've read from your site here.
Just wanted to share what has helped and worked for me. Thank you, and just to let you know, there is life after Candida... just keep at it, the fog will lift and your head will seem clearer again!