Natural Remedies

Natural Treatments for Cellulitis

| Modified on Jan 15, 2025
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Cellulitis is a dangerous, bacterial skin infection that can be treated with home remedies, but must be treated as quickly as possible.  Some of the best home cures for cellulitis are natural antibacterials, such as garlic, colloidal silver and tea tree oil. Look in the Table of Contents on the right hand side of this page to discover many other natural remedies for cellulitis that have been recommended by Earth Clinic readers. One mother describes how she successfully treated her son with a home remedy treatment regimen, including turmeric, black salve and tea tree oil, avoiding antibiotics and hospitalization.

Natural Treatments for Cellulitis

Cellulitis is an aggressive condition that can cause additional complications if left untreated. If the infection appears to be spreading, consult a medical practitioner before it gets into the lymph nodes or bloodstream.  Although this rarely happens, this could result in blood or bone infections or even gangrene.  Fortunately, natural treatments are often effective, especially if the treatment regimen combines both internal and external treatment.


Garlic is the favorite home remedy of many because it attacks bacteria, fungi and viruses without killing beneficial gut flora.  Raw garlic is most effective.

  • 3-4 cloves a day for several weeks was the amount that helped some people.  Drinking milk afterward may help to kill the taste and smell if it bothers you.
  • Garlic capsules are widely available but we do not have any information as to how effective they are for cellulitis.

Colloidal Silver and Serrapeptase

Colloidal silver is relied upon by Earth Clinic readers to treat a wide variety of ailments. Colloidal silver can be inhaled, taken internally or used topically. For topical use, mix with 20% DMSO as a solvent and carrier. An interesting article on colloidal silver by Dave Thomas is found here.

One reader reported that she completely healed her leg ulcer, for the first time ever, with colloidal silver and serrapeptase. Here is what she said:

"Have discovered and used both colloidal silver, internally, 2 teaspoons, plus cleaned wounds externally for leg ulcers with colloidal silver spray for no infection successfully. Plus, then I take Serrapeptase around minimum of 80,000 per day. After one month the ulcers were closed, clean, and gone."

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a powerful antimicrobial that has been used by native Australians for a very long time.  (It has no relationship to the tea we drink.)  Use sparingly as it is potent.

A mother whose 9 year old son developed cellulitis for the second time in a year could not fill an antibiotic prescription until morning, so treated him with tea tree oil instead. She described her treatment regimen as follows:

"My 9 year old son experienced cellulitis for the second time in less than a year as the result of a bug bite (spiders we think). At any rate, unable to get the prescription for an antibiotic filled until the morning, I went to this website. I placed a few drops of tea tree oil onto a cotton swab. I applied it to his very swollen and inflamed leg, along with a water soaked cotton ball (so the tea tree would not burn). I then applied an ice pack and gave him an over the counter anti-inflammatory. By morning, the inflammation was gone, he was able to move his leg with less diffulty and the redness also subsided.  The Tea Tree worked awesome. Because of the severity of his cellulitis I still gave him the antibiotic, but cut the treatment time in half. Going forward, on any bites I will immediately treat with tea tree oil."

What Is Cellulitis?

Cellulitis usually appears on the legs as a painful, red, swollen area that may feel hot to the touch, but can appear elsewhere on the body.  The infection can spread to the lymph nodes and into the blood, becoming life-threatening if left untreated.  In this case, pain can be considered a good warning signal of danger as it forces most people to seek treatment options.

The bacteria that usually cause cellulitis are Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphyloccus aureus.  Typically, surgical sites, cuts, puncture wounds, ulcers, athlete’s foot and dermatitis are the prime locations of bacterial entrance; however, certain types of spider and insect bites can also transfer the bacteria that triggers an infection.

Normally, the skin acts as a barrier, preventing infectious agents from entering our bodies.  When the skin is broken, bacteria are able to enter into the body.  This is one reason why it is always a good idea to keep any wound clean and covered if it breaks the skin.  People with diabetes, a suppressed immune system or at risk of forming blood clots are more prone to cellulitis.

Treating cellulitis as soon as possible is critical to success. Cellulitis can be very stubborn and it seems that the longer the infection has been in the body, the more difficult it is to heal.

Please visit our Q & A section on cellulitis where you may find the answer to a question about cellulitis treatment.  If not, please feel free to ask a question of your own!

Continue reading below for more natural remedies from Earth Clinic readers!  Please let us know what remedies you have used to treat cellulitis and the dosage and any other details that might prove helpful to someone else. Thank you!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Activated Charcoal and Flaxseed Poultice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by ROSINA (LONDON UNITED KINGDOM) on 05/28/2023

Hi KG, I read your email and the only reason I am replying to it, is because it is more up to date and this might also help others with Cellulitis.

On 4/23/22 KG from Charlotte, NC wrote: "Just diagnosed with cellulitis yesterday. It's spreading. Washing clothes in hot water, no detergent. Prescribed antibiotic. 500 mg 4/d, 10 days. Is it safe to take colloidal silver orally as well? Spraying CS all over the areas...worried that it is spreading and don't want to go to er."

Although you are probably cured by now? But this might help in the future. I rarely find any alternative stuff never does anything for me, Manuka Honey doesn't do a thing, etc.etc. But 3 weeks ago I woke up to the most painful very inflamed burning and swollen left foot.

I went online and I believed it was Cellulitis. Although these symptoms can fit many foot problems? My son took one look when he came down and said "For God's sake mum, call 111", which is our London Hospitals for emergencies. I was given a very dangerous antibiotic which I then found out other countries are refusing to give it to anyone FLUCLOXACILLIN which I couldnt or wouldnt use anyway, and a penicillin cream which I am seriously allergic to. My son rushed all the way over to an all night chemist and brought it down for me. He knew in his heart I wouldn't touch it and he was right!

I decided to try activated charcoal to which I had in powdered form. It was the best thing I could ever have bought!

I mixed the powdered charcoal just a teaspoon with a teaspoon of organic golden flaxseed powder granules. I added a little water, and i applied it to my very hot swollen and painful foot. I soaked a little cloth (the pack of ten cleaning cloths you can buy for the kitchen) and after soaking the cloth, I wrang it out and laid it over the very thick charcoal and flaxseed. I placed a little white wound pad over it and used a plastic bag with little handles that you can buy from lidls store in a blue box. They fitted my foot perfectly. I added an extra one and I just about did them up which was perfect. I went to bed, woke up the next morning. My foot was absolutely normal!!! I phoned my son and he couldn't believe it! I have had no trouble since, but do seem to have a bit of a limp and when going out have worn slippers, but my foot is completely normal.

So please anyone, do try this!! it simply cured my foot overnight!! Of course, doctors won't tell you that, they don't want to know about alternative medicine. So I wrote this for anyone who is using alternative medicines and taking maybe four days to a week to work.

I slept with the above remedy in bed. During the day I used a little ice cold pack for 30 minutes a few times a day, and rubbed coconut oil or olive oil or aloe vera gel to keep foot nice. It would be my number one recipe for cellulitis, something the medical profession cannot do! heal a very serious infection that could take your life, cured it in a matter of 12 hours!! Simply unbelievable.

Rosina from London UK

Activated Charcoal, Manuka Honey

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Debbie (IL) on 06/04/2022


Hospitalized for 7 days. Put on an antibiotic (Levaquin) that was very detrimental to my overall health. Came home...Manuka Honey and activated charcoal, mixed together. Spread on area and cover. IT IS MESSY, but within 24 hours the redness had subsided and I was on my way to recovery.

Avocado and Garlic

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Posted by Sammie (London, UK) on 08/25/2019

Avocado & Garlic

Something bit me on my forearm, and 2 days later some 30% of my entire forearm was red and swollen. This is something you'd normally go to A&E for to get IV antibiotics. But I wanted antibiotics to be a last resort, something I would use if I had fever indicating sepsis and/or compartment syndrome. I read somewhere that someone tried avocado for something similar and it worked almost miraculously overnight, and they tried it on a relative and it worked again. I had an avocado in my fridge so I thought I'd give it ago. Like the guy recommended, I simply squashed up some avocado flesh and applied it, not just on the bite mark, but all over the forearm where it was red and swollen. At first there was a stinging sensation, as though the avocado was reacting with the venom or bacteria in and around the bite mark. Then my arm felt calm, the pain and throbbing had stopped.

I applied the avocado before bed, and when I woke up, the arm felt and looked a LOT better. But as soon as I washed the avocado off, it felt like the redness and swelling was quickly coming back. So I quickly put more avocado on and the arm calmed down again.

Then on that day I learned about another person's experience with GARLIC for a similar problem. So that night I decided to apply grated garlic over the avocado. Garlic being alkaline, made my arm sting all over at first.

When I woke up the next morning, almost ALL the swelling and redness was gone! In fact, the only redness that remained was the occasional small blister caused by alkaline burns from the garlic, so you need to be careful with this one. I don't know which was the greater help, but I know both avocado and garlic helped me to cure some seriously severe cellulitis on my arm, and did so within just 2 days, something even IV antibiotics would have taken at LEAST 3-4 days to get rid of.

And all without any systemic side-effects. No gut trouble, no building up antibiotic resistance. I think it's important to also combine this topical approach with a systemic approach.

I was sure to avoid all grain-based carbs and sugars, I drank ACV diluted with water (I really think this helped), and I took a high dose of turmeric capsules.

Replied by Rhonda

Hi Sammie,

THANK YOU for sharing this! I will be giving this a try today! I was in the ER 3 days ago for severe breast cellulitis (reconstruction implant / breast cancer). I had IV antibiotics on Sunday and am taking high dose meds along with applying coconut oil, eating tons of garlic and fresh turmeric... I am also doing HBOT therapy for 90 minutes daily.

I hope this is what will kick it over the edge on healing!

Thanks again,


Bee Propolis

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Posted by Mgoldstrohm (Pa, US) on 11/17/2014

Hello. Two of my daughters used to get cellulitis frequently after a bee sting or even a mosquito bite. I was always running to the doctors for antibiotics to get rid of it. Now, the anitbiotics DID work, however after one summer with seven (yes, 7! ) anitbiotics, I decided there had to be something better out there! My husband happens to be a bee keeper, and he had heard of propolis (the "glue" the bees make from pollen and tree sap to fix and repair) and what a great natural antibiotic it is. It is an antifungal, antimicrobial, antibiotic, and about 5 other antis. (Forgive me for not overtyping, I haven't even finished my whole cup of morning coffee yet.) Long story short: We've started using propolis (be sure to get capsules or powder with no added stuff like zinc. Just propolis and the stearate used for preserving it's integrity. ) and have not been back for antibiotics once since! We use it to treat as soon as a sign of a cold, illness, or infection is coming on, and it gets it everytime! We've used propolis traps in our hives to naturally gather it, but it is incredibly hard to chew and swallow, because of it's stickiness. Amazing stuff. Simply amazing stuff!

Replied by Gillian

I have suffered cellulitis for over 3 years now, consultant has stated that there is no permanant cure, and has put me on antibiotics, Penicillin VK, for the forseeable. I am interested in trying other treatments, and wondered, how much or what dosage of Propolis have you taken, and how long was it before you noticed a significant change.

Replied by Shellyscorner
(Greensboro, Nc)

Reply to Gillian
Hi Gillian, unfortunately people rarely remember to list the "doses" that they use and often forget to even mention whether something is used externally or internally (when it might not always be obvious and could be used either way). And it's very rare that people follow their own comments or check back to see if anyone has asked questions about their suggestion. And by the way, I don't mean to sound critical of others. When you're the poster, things often sound obvious to you because it was your experience, but it's just not obvious to others reading your post ...

So ... that being said, I would assume that you can purchase the bee propolis she refers to in your local health food store/vitamin store and I would start by taking the recommended dosage on the bottle. Also, when you purchase the product, be sure to talk to the store clerk! They are often a HUGE wealth of knowledge! They may well be able to tell you how much you can safely take above the bottles "recommended dosage". I can almost guarantee that you won't be the first person to come in for the propolis for the purpose of treating cellulitis! If you are, I would be very surprised! Also, I would try going to a Whole Foods Market before I went to a "regular" vitamin store (assuming you have one in your area).

My daughter is currently dealing with her second bout with cellulitis. The first one was several months ago. That's why I came here to the Earth Clinic site. I wanted to see what was suggested here for a natural remedy. She has her FOURTH back surgery coming up the end of April for severe scoliosis. But if she has even a HINT of cellulitis, the surgeon would of course post-pone her surgery. which would create a problem for my daughter.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful to you and I wish you the best of luck!

Replied by Martine
(Phoenix, Az)

For cellulitis, it didn't mention how many mg's to take per day for treatment.

Replied by Christiane
(North Dakota)

Hi, I wanted to share that you can easily make propolis tincture. Just let the propolis sit in alcohol for a couple of weeks. It will dissolve and keep fresh. It is an amazing medicine. Use it straight, by the dropperful, or add to water or juice.

Replied by Marly Duran
(Las Vegas, Nv.)

Thank you for posting the bee treatment, I'm going to check into it, it sounds amazing. I just want to point out in the story above, the woman says, "Because of the severity of his cellulitis I still gave him the antibiotic, BUT CUT THE TREATMENT TIME IN HALF...." It is extremely dangerous to start antibiotics and not finish all of them. This is because the antibiotics in less than the full course won't kill all the bacteria. The surviving bacteria are then immune to that antibiotic and all their descendants are immune as well. This plays a big part in creating the "superbugs" we see now that are very resistant to treatment. This puts all of us at risk. IF YOU START ANTIBIOTICS, FINISH ALL OF THEM!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jenn (Cobbora, Australia) on 12/16/2014

Cellulitis..who has heard of it? Have done lots of research on the internet and have tried some seemingly 'great ' cures, but to no avail.......

Things like packing Chamomile flowers into leg ulcers and covering overnight may look good on posts but really is so impractical, because it hurts so badly that I had to wash it off immediately.. Honey is also very good..Manuka is said to be the best but I use raw honey anyway so I used this...it apparently works from beneath the ulcer and contains an enzyme similar in structure to hydrogen peroxide...and it also burns ..Not literally of course but is very painful for the first few days but it does work. I used it when my ulcers were very small and I didn't realise that the bandage/covering has to be left on for at least a week. After 3 days when it no longer was painful I took the bandage off and it was good for quite some time. It isn't practical to use on bigger ulcerated areas which is why I haven't done it again. Since that time I have been on 3 different lots of antibiotics to kill the culture. I'm allergic to Penicillan so there are limited choices on what to take. Leg ulcers are a secondary consequence of having Cellulitis, and this was told to me by a Professor who specialises in this field.When I was first diagnosed with this I had no idea what it was and I think a lot of doctors don't know either!

Before 2010 I was fairly healthy, slightly overweight, working 2 jobs, up to 12 hours a day and doing lots of volunteer work. These days I am a social hermit.

I had a workplace injury where I'd a sprain on my ankle but apart from Panadol Osteo very occasionally, the pain was quite manageable. Because of my injury I was pushed for months to have an operation to fix my ankle but I resisted for a long time because I heal very slowly, and the only dissenting voice advising me to not have this op was my podiatrist..In retrospect I should have listened to her.

Since my op, I have had months of antibiotics and some real horrible treatments by so called professionals, but also some excellent advice from health professionals in areas other than where I live. The pharmaceutical companies desire to keep you in the medical system for a long time. I had been told that people like me can be taking antibiotics for up to 20 yrs. I said no way and have been searching for solutions ever since.

I started taking Quercetin with Bromelain, 2 x 1000mg of Vit C, 1 x 5,000mcg Biotin, Kyolic Garlic, Calcium; Magnesium and Zinc ; in a supplement, and lately, Inner Health Plus, a Probiotic : 1 capsule daily 2-3 hours after my last antibiotic of an evening. Plus I drink on average about 2 litres of cold water a day and have just started taking Selenium 200 mg with Vit A, E and C.

I also change my own dressings because I need to shower more often than what is recommended. 6 months ago I started soaking my leg in warm water and about half a teaspoon of Dettol and I do this twice a day and this has helped quite well. I was told to use Bactigras medicated gauze dressings (10x10 cms) ( Jelonet is a cheaper alternative to this and all these, plus my own bandages, much much cheaper than buying retail are available through Medshop..Smith and Nephew in Victoria) Put a smear of Flamizene ( a silver ointment used for burns) on top of the gauze and cover with a dressing and bandage. For quite awhile this was very effective but now the Flamizene burns my skin too as it has become very sensitized to all the creams etc..so for the past 3 weeks I have been dressing it with Lucas Paw Paw ointment.and a new antibiotic. Outwardly my leg is healing wonderfully but underneath is the same old story.

After reading about Borax I have been looking at it as a possible (?) cure because what I have is a viral infection in my blood, and NOTHING I have tried so far has even looked like fixing it. With my supplements, I bought the highest quality ones that were available, some from Australia, the UK and the USA, so that what I was taking were the best and I suppose I'll have to take them for a long time to see some results. In the meantime though I need to tackle the issue of the hard multiple blisters under my skin, that continually create new ulcers on my leg, so I need to ask, has anyone here used Borax for stubborn infections .and/or leg ulcers ?? Hovex is now called Bare Essentials so I would like to attempt this to see if it will dry these little nodules up and delete them forever..

Having been taking these now for quite a few months I stopped taking the Quertetin and cut back my Vit C to 1 a day because my skin on my leg was healing so well that the itch was almost manic! But whilst it was healing on top, the Cellulitis " blisters" under my skin were still there and would re-erupt within a few days and we'd do the whole process again. So far I have had my hopes dashed easily 6 times.

Twice in the last 15 months my body has shut down because of the antibiotics, the latest one was whilst taking Cleocin : 150mg 6 times daily. This capsule was great in that it didn't make me sick, or bleed but my body couldn't cope with the overload. 28,800mg per month! No wonder there are so many "sick" people out there.

So I was doing some more research last week on trace elements etc and came across some articles on Borax..so I need to know who can help me ?

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Jenn, Celluitis is caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus and mrsa is methicillin resistant staphyloccus aureus. Colloidal silver works for both of these so it would be worth looking into it. Internally and externally.

I have no experience in using borax for infections because colloidal silver has always worked for us. Ours is homemade and when its to be used externally we make it stronger. Borax should still be helpful so l hope someone has an answer for you. Cellulitis is happening too often after knee operations so it does not surprise me that you got yours after an ankle opperation. I remember the days when staph was only in some city hospitals and patients transfered to a hospital without staph were barrier nursed till tests showed they were negative. Now its everywhere. All the best in your journey to health, God bless

Replied by William

I knew a friend on a forum who had Elysian 2in long on her arm and another one on her forehead. They had lasted two to three years. She was a nurse. She used Ted's mange cure which is one 16 oz bottle of peroxide two 16 oz bottles of water and a tablespoon of borax the peroxide is neutralized by The Borax and the and the peroxide causes the borax to penetrate into the skin and kill the infection within one month for her.

Many other people on The Forum used it also to stop the itching that was caused from something from dogs and cats and squirrels some sort of bug.

(Sunshine Coast, Australia)

Hi William,

I would like to know a little more, what was the strength of the peroxide? We use 3% on a regular basis, it starts out as 35% food grade peroxide. It is however broken down with distilled water on a 11 to 1 ratio from 35% food grade which will give a severe burn if used anywhere near that strength. Or maybe a link to the article.


Hello William,

What is elysian please? I have cellulitis on my face and to make it worse I am allergic to the endotoxin. My eyes and cheeks are swollen & it takes a while to unglue my eyelids on waking. Eyes themselves, are

OK - no conjunctivitis.

I am allergic to so many things, but have been spraying with C/silver, applying 3% H2O2 on cheeks, taking allicin, vit c (haven't reached bowel tolerance yet at 30g per day) echinacea & golden seal root & quercetin. I have propolis coming by post this week.

This is the 3rd time - first time I was hospitalised and their treatments nearly killed me, 2nd time was 5 years later & I did all of the above & healed without medical ministrations. This is the 3rd time, day 2 and I'm either slower healing or impatient! :-)

2370 posts


If you are using a true colloidal silver, the 3% hydrogen peroxide will cause the silver to fall out of suspension and become ineffective. Colloidal silver (AgNPs) works best if it can stay wet such as applying a washcloth that is wet with AgNPs while lying down.

AgNPs will agglomerate in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. If you want to use both, it might be more useful to alternate days of use with HP one day and AgNPs the next day.


2370 posts


I forgot to mention that it is possible for hydrogen peroxide and AgNPs to breakdown biofilms, so they are both important and alternating days maybe a way to be able to use both effectively. If you want to increase the effectiveness of the AgNPs, you can dissolve xylitol in it to increase its biofilm busting ability, moisturize the skin and give it an anti irritant effect to the skin.

Along this same line of thinking, if you can tolerate N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) it is also useful as a biofilm buster. Biofilms may be the reason that you say it is harder to eradicate the cellulitis this time.

Good luck!


(faithville, Us)

Our skin is our largest organ and reflects the levels of drama everything inside is going through. I was allergic to everything and then my skin took a hit with aging type issues almost overnight. I had many health problems. Some have resolved and some I am tackling with violence, because the violent take back their stuff by force. Walter Last wrote this huge article that really woke me up to what kind of battle I was up against. Wisdom is power. Hope you like to read. here it is

Health-Science-Spirit - Instant Cure of the Common Cold


Thanks so much, Art. I was using peroxide & silver at different times, not together. I have NAC in powder form rather than capsules so I will give that a try. I have been sprinkling the open bits with dried allicin powder as we can only get US organic garlic here at the moment - however, it is sprayed at the border, so unusable for me.

Bread and Milk Poultice

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by baddiver (Wisconsin) on 05/16/2023

Editor's Choice

Bread and Milk Poultice for Cellulitis

I got an infection in my left foot. Didn't realize it was cellulitis at first. Treated with hot compresses, betadine, garlic and honey. It continued to get worse. I then got it in my right foot and found out it was cellulitis. I can't take antibiotics so started searching for ideas. I remembered a poultice that helped with a spider bite that was potato based and searched for poultices. I ran across the bread and milk poultice and it just seemed worth a try. I packed both feet overnight with the bread and milk poultice and saw 80% improvement overnight. The right foot which had just became infected resolved in 2 days. The left foot took about 4 days of the poultice every night but has resolved completely. My wife who is an RN who has treated many patients with cellulitis was amazed at the results. You warm milk up to below scalding then add white bread to make the poultice.

Replied by Debra
(Sydney, Australia)
63 posts

That is awesome that such a simple remedy worked to clear the cellulitis up. I learnt recently that cellulitis is a staph infection and that they had found something natural that killed it 100%. They found that if it wasn't killed 100%, it would regenerate its numbers in 3 weeks. What killed it was hydrogen peroxide 3% and blue light therapy. I am using these to fight a staph infection in the lung and kidney but I need to be more consistent. When I do them, I get great relief but I have to make a point of doing it every day to clear it I think.

Replied by TINA
(Carnegie PA)

How do you apply the paste and keep it there all night without a huge mess? Thank you.

Replied by Jazz A
(Chicago, IL)

@TINA, I've used a number of poultices in my life (so useful! ) and can tell you that one of the easiest ways to keep them on a large body part like a foot or hand is plastic wrap. I like to add the poultice to the area, wrap it gently in plastic wrap like a plaster cast for broken bones. Then I'll put my whole foot/hand in a bag (bread bags work fantastically! ) and secure the whole thing by wearing an extra large tube sock pulled all the way up. If you fear that the liquid will come out of the top, you can secure the top even more with an ace bandage. (If you can't buy/find/afford ace bandages, cut up an old clean t-shirt or a pair of leggings into 3 inch wide strips of fabric for a thrifty alternative to a medical wrap. I secure mine with safety pins.). Just be sure not to cut off your circulation! Everything should be slightly loose to allow blood flow.

Castor Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Almccardle (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 03/07/2017

Castor oil for swelling of cellulitis: castor oil will reduce the swelling apply three times a day, rub it in, it also helps the lymph system.

Clay, Supplements

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Sherri (Long Island, New York) on 03/13/2015

My experience with cellulitis:

I ate some bad chicken breast and got very sick. A few weeks after this my cat scratched me on the leg while I was trying to get him out of the house because of a fire. A month later I began getting strong flu like systems and I noticed on my leg that the area where the cat scratched me had become a big red infected gash. I went to an emergency clinic and was told it was cellulitis. I went on 24 days of antibiotics but stopped after I started losing my hearing. By this time the gash was pretty much healed over but was red and inflammed underneath. The flu symptoms are gone and I am pretty normal except for the red gash on my upper leg. I have tried numerous natural solutions but am currently using a daily pascalite (calcium bentonite) clay internally 3x a day and a cilantro drink 2x a day to cleanse my system.

I found that Epsom salt solution also helps retard the infection topically. I've only used the clay for a week and the infection has definitely decreased. I'm just going to stick with this because I am noticing other minor healing signs as well. It is my conviction that the cellulitis is an internal problem and has to be treated both internally and externally. I think restoring health to the gut is always an essential and I am working on that as well. The clay has enabled me to sleep through most of the night. I normally take Coral Calcium and a methylated B complex to boost my system and immediate feel the lack if I miss a dosage. But with the clay I forget sometimes to take these pills because it seems to be keeping my body stronger. Hope this helps somebody. Thanks for all the good information everyone has contributed.

Replied by Mica
(Wisconsin, US)

Hi Sherri, I know this isn't really regarding your post but as a cat owner of three cats I thought I would put my three cents in. I'm always getting bitten or scratched by one of my cats and have never in ten years gotten an infection. Even when my daughter was little and was bitten, and scratched a lot neither of ever had to go to the doctor. What I do is as soon as it happens (now only a few times a year) I put undiluted peroxide on a cotton ball and apply it to the injury, and no swelling or infection has ever occurred. I know we are always told to dilute h2o2 but it has worked for me for ten years and counting with no problems. :)

(Chicago, IL)

I do this too! I have peroxide in the spray bottle and give it a squirt anytime I'm scratched, then carry on. My kids do the same thing.

Replied by Sherri
(Long Island, New York)

This is an update on what I am doing to beat the cellulitis. I have tried many of the recommendations on this site and am continuing to experiment with them. But so far I have found raw garlic cloves head and tails above anything I have tried. I left chopped garlic paste over the open wound and bandaged it up. I left it on several hours. (I do not recommend using garlic on the wound directly if the wound is sore and tender to touch. I my case there was no pain just a chronic low-level inflammation.) The wound started oozing and became inflamed and a scab formed. It has definitely also decreased my over-all body symptoms dramatically. I stopped putting the cloves directly on it because of the irritation and am now using olive oil with a little garlic infused in it. Instead I am taking the chopped garlic cloves soaked in Braggs apple cider vinegar internally after each meal. But my experience with using it topically has convinced me that the garlic kills the infection better than anything else I have tried. I continue to detox using clay, cilantro, etc. and now have added curcumin extract. Will let you know how I make out.

Replied by Sherri
(Long Island, Ny)

The cellulitis on my leg is almost gone! I am in shock over how fast it is recovering. I am still doing general detox remedies as well as the garlic as posted earlier but am taking 2 tsp. of amla with water after my meals. I did this initially simply to boost my vitamin C levels naturally so I could stop taking so much Ester-C. Well from the very first dose it started healing my leg. I could also feel activity going on in my lower intestines. It has only been 3 days on the amla and the cellulitis is almost healed! I would give it another 3 days and I expect it will be completely gone. If not, I will let you know. I don't know how it works, but I believe God's grace led me to it. It is Indian gooseberry -Amla organic powder about $20 a lb. Just warning you it tastes terrible - like sour dirt!

I plan on continuing it for a long time and to reduce the levels I am now taking. Right now I am taking 6-8 tsp. daily with meals. Right before I notice the most improvement I get very sleepy and a little dehydrated. I think this is because my body is detoxing. I have learned the hard way that when you body shows signs of dehydration (dry mouth) you must supplement with a natural salt as well as water. It is counterintuitive to think that you need salt when you are dehydrated but in Oct 2013 my salt levels plummeted and I had to be hospitalized. So now I have learned to take salt if I show signs of dehydration - but not iodized salt - it is toxic. (I also learned this the hard way.)

Of course if you are detoxing too fast you can lessen the amount of the supplement to slow things down. I may be taking a lot of Amla but I feel normal except for a little dehydration and sleepiness at night. All I know is that it is working. I will probably reduce the amount of Amla soon and I will eventually go down to 1-3 tsp a day for maintenance. I have a feeling the Amla is healing much more than only the cellulitis. I want to keep taking it for a long time to see if it addresses other health problems. If you are very sick don't give up, it may take months for your body to heal, even with the Amla. The cellulitis on my leg was about the size of a Tablespoon and has been there only about 6 months. Once you start taking the Amla it should be obvious that it is working though. This is what I have learned from my experience.

Replied by Diane
(Sherborn, Ma)

Hi Sherry, Could you please let me know how much Amla you took per day.? From what I read about this product it does amazing things for many issues...Thank you and continued healing...

Replied by Sherri
(Long Island, Ny)

Diane- I am taking 8-10 teaspoons of amla a day now. I found that after 6 days almost all of the cellulitis blemishes were gone - except one. One blemish about the size of a fingertip is still there. I decided to take 8-10 tsp. because after observation I felt that my body needed that much. (Amla is a food powder so if your body is sick of it don't force it.) I found that I needed 2 tsp. after each meal during the day; and at night when I wake up in pain or discomfort I take 2 more tsp. and go back to bed. (Most nights I wake up two times.) I take the amla right before my meals. (I believe it is also high in enzymes.)

I think that the resistant blemish is correlated to a possible basal cancer growth on my face. (When I use silver to clean the leg blemish, the growth on my face also responds) I obviously have much more than cellulitis wrong with my body so I probably will be on a higher dose of the amla longer than expected. I am now putting the amla on the facial growth as a paste to see if that speeds up healing both my leg and my face. I believe that both infections are actually stemming from an infection in my intestines and this is why they are connected.

Many times during these 12 days that I have been on the amla drink I have experienced the Herxheimer Reaction and questioned whether I was hurting my body by taking so much. But because the blemishes continued to heal and my body got stronger and stronger I continued. In my case, this was the correct call because often I would get tired and have symptoms right before significant progress was acquired. So I think the symptoms were only because my body was detoxing. Listen to your body; it really will help you know if you are going in the right direction. Don't force anything and use common sense.

Replied by Sherri
(Long Island, Ny)

When I used the amla on the last blemish that would not disappear it made it worse so I discontinued the paste after a couple of days. And I am not taking the amla internally anymore either because the cellulitis is gone and what is left does not seem to be helped by the amla anymore. What is left on my leg is something else (which I believe had originated from the tenus vaccine interacting with the cellulitis). I am going to go to the doctors to have them remove it.

Replied by Pbird
(Western Wa)

Sherri, I have to thank you personally for mentioning this supplement, which I have never heard of before today. I just went over to Amazon and bought some and am eager to try it, as I have a gross huge ugly cellulitus lesion on my calf.

I finally went to the doctor and got an antibiotic because nothing I was doing seemed to be working well enough and I am exhausted from not being able to sleep etc etc. You know the story.

Thank you for your detailed reports.

Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Christy (Austin, Indiana) on 09/11/2013

First just want to say I am 22 years old when I was 6 months pregnant I got bit by a bug then a blister formed. And while I was working at my nursing home because I am a certified nursing assistant (cna) the blister popped. And the cellulitis started and I've had this infection ever since and every time I'm working I'm always on my feet so I get blisters on the same toe and my cellulitis starts and it's very painful. The worse my cellulitis has gotten my leg was inflamed up to my knee, and my limp nodes were swollen. I had to stay at Nortons hospital for a week dealing with this painful infection. Every time the doctors wanted me to stand up I would cry so hard and had to have help from the nurses, to lean on them because I couldn't move. I have cried myself to sleep praying this infection would go away but I learned I'm stuck with it the rest of my life. I have went to the doctors 7 times since I got pregnant within this year and my son is 1 year old now. I have tried every antibiotic the doctor has given me and nothing has helped but I recently heard of coconut oil helping. I just started using it last month. I love it so much but since I'm a cna I can't escape being on my feet and dealing with the blisters. I'm so glad I found this site and seeing everyone find these remedies helping I heard tea tree helps with the coconut oil. I will say I don't want any more antibiotics from the doctors they say it helps and then I get discouraged because it doesn't.

Replied by Earth Clinic Fan
(Love And Light To All!)

Have you tried Iodex or Iodine, or Colostrum Serum in combination with the Coconut Oil? Hope this may be of help to you! Wishing YOU well!

Replied by Patricia
(Valparaiso, Indiana)

I've only experienced cellulitis when it goes directly in my bloodstream. Each time I've gone to bed feeling absolutely fine, and wake up with shivers and a fever. I end up in ICU for the first part of my stay...have gone home with a pic line, to continue out patient antibiotic treatments. I don't get any warning signs at all. I have pigmentation on my lower leg, the one place it has shown up on my body. I had surgery on my the same ankle about 8 years ago. I also have a problem with the same foot, with dry cracked skin. I'm at a loss, this is so scary and extremely painful, as of course anyone who's had it knows. If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate hearing them. This site is great, very helpful. I'm taking Tumeric, Coconut oil, using fresh lemons in my water. And only drinking water and no sugar added juices.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Patricia,

Re the Cellulitis;

Please take a look at the "Recent Post" I put up to "Johanneinsc" just below this one. In a case of a skin issue, I'm all for using Echinacea first topically if this were me. Then I'd go to combo Colloidal Silver and DMSO, fifty-fifty topical applications. Both I'd do five days with aps three times or so daily ... for five days each. And...I'd drink both the Echinacea in glass of water (five drops) three times daily for a month and at different times of day drink CS (a tablespoon or more) three times daily. Separate the CS and Echinacea by an hour. The CS I'd take for six months at least. Probably a year.

Replied by J.
(Annapolis, MD)

Everyone please do some research on manuka honey for cellulitis or ANY type of wound care needed. you MUST buy a 16+ factor or higher to do the work you want it to do. it has helped so many and kept a friends mother from having a limb from being amputated. They are using it now it our hospital for wound care thanks to this same lady who was saved from loosing a limb. Manuka honey is also used for many other problems as well. it is sooo useful for so many different aliments. you can purchase this product at most vitamin shops and also Wegmans grocery store where you find the natural cure remedies. I think you will be very happy with this product!


Hello J.

Could you please explain how you're using the Manuka honey for cellulitis, (i.e. topically, orally) and if taken orally how much and any other details like quantity and how often.

Thank you!


Replied by Carla
(Washington, DC)

Can you help me? My mom has cellulitis. Should she apply the coconut oil or take it orally. What about vitamin e oil?

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Carly,

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be used orally and topically. When I have used it for infection, we use 1 Tablespoon three times a day.

You might also consider turmeric - 1 teaspoon three times a day as well. Taking it at the same time as the coconut oil would be best, and adding a litle black pepper if possible. It increases its effectiveness.

Both coconut oil and turmeric together are excellent. Extra vitamin C may also be helpful.

Let us know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Joanne

Have discovered and used both colloidal silver, internally, 2tspns, plus cleaned wounds externally for leg ulcers with colloidal silver spray for no infection successfully. Plus, then take Serrapeptase around minimum of 80,000 per day. After one month the ulcers were closed, clean, and gone.

Thanks for everyone giving the health items that they use. Invaluable help.

The above colloidal silver and serrapeptase is the first time I completely cleaned up the ulcer on leg!!

I am at this time still continuing with colloidal silver and the serrapeptase.

Replied by Agnes

Hello, Dear Mama to Many,

I must say that I really admire you and envy you your knowledge. Your children have wonderful mother and I'm sure that with such care they will live very long in excellent health. I'm wondering if you consult your prescriptions with some naturopath or you have such an amazing intuition what to apply and take in some particular medical problem/case/ailment...

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Agnes,

You are very encouraging and kind. I am really blessed with great kids and also lots of natural health resources, especially Earth Clinic! :)

When I was a girl, I used to hang out in the kitchen and watch my mother cook. She would let me stir or get out ingredients, etc. I remember marveling that she never needed recipes and yet she was such a great cook! When I first got married I had to use a recipe for everything. Now, 25 plus years later, I do a ton of cooking without recipes. Because you really do get a "feel" for things.

It didn't occur to me that herbs would be the same way. I remember buying some herbs in bulk because I wanted to try them out. It was so dreadfully intimidating and I had no idea what to use for what or how much or how often.....

But it ended up working out a lot like cooking. I got more and more comfortable with different herbs. Just like I now know that I want to include basil when I make Italian food, I know know that I want to include turmeric when I am dealing with inflammation.

I do have a number of books I consult for dosing information. Practical Herbalism is a favorite of mine for that. And I do seek the "wisdom that is from above." (Js 3:17) Because natural medicine is so fascinating to me I have read and read and read, too. For me, reading about how a natural remedy helped relieve someone's suffering is like hearing a bedtime story with a happy ending!

I have learned so many things reading posts on Earth Clinic. It is a fascinating collection of information from lay people. It is neat to see people post questions and over time they end up posting answers to other peoples' questions based on what they have learned. It is empowering to be able to take responsibility for your health, even if in small ways at first.

Have a super day!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Agnes

Dear Mama,

I just had such intuition that you live in a close contact with nature wandering through forests and fields and picking up plants in order to make some preparations from them. My intuition turned to be correct. Some time ago I had a possibility of buying very interesting book about herbs but unfortunately I thought that those prescriptions can be found by me in other books which turned to be untrue and now I have difficulties in finding this book again. I think that your knowledge about herbalism is built in in your genes I would say because your upbringing was rural as I guess? We, people from big cities are toomuch restrained by fear that herbs will tend to be inefffective or too weak so we are more prone to intoxicate ourselves with bigpharma products. Have you ever used antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals or just some natural products? What is your opinion about vaccinations especially for children? I'm also wondering whether you produce your own cosmetics? Your complexion and hair are very healthy. Do you have your own canal on YT? And last question: are you an Amish? (I hope this question is not too personal). Best regards, Agnes.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Agnes,

Well, I absolutely love to walk in the woods (or anywhere in nature) and do this as able. Fall is around the corner-I try to walk most days when the weather is not extreme. But mostly I just enjoy the flowers, trees, clouds, sky, birds, and ocassionally a wild turkey or deer. Most of the herbs that I use are ones that I buy in bulk. I do finally have a couple of wonderful comfrey plants growing near my house and I have wildharvested burdock, plantain, and jewelweed. But it has all been one step at a time. I would never want someone to be discouraged that they "can't do herbal medicine" because they cannot collect or grow it themselves.

I really admire Mmsg on this forum, growing things on the balcony of her apartment. I would like to see natural remedies available to anyone who wants them. Most people can grow an aloe plant on a window sill and it has many applications. Many people can buy a bag of turmeric or cayenne pepper at a local market of some sort. There much healing benefit to be had from such! (But you are correct that it is common to doubt that a plant would be very helpful. I definitely had no idea how healing plant medicine could be! )

My hobby of nautural medicine is one that has turned out to be useful for my family. I could probably enjoy searching the globe for useful medicinal plants, but alas, I have many more interests than time to pursue them, as most people do. :)

I actually grew up in the suburbs and rarely used anything "natural." Even now, I do use over the counter or prescriptions for my family, once in a while, if it seems to be the best thing. I have been grateful for some good doctors for emergency situations over the years. But year by year we have learned and applied more natural things to our lives, and it so so satisfying to have safe, simple, inexpensive options.

While we do live on a small farm, we are not living "off the grid" or anything. If my family had to live off what we grow, we would be long dead. :) I hope to empower my children to take responsibility for their health and nutrition and at the same time be grateful for what they have whether it is home grown or from the store, an herb from the woods or a medicine from the doctor. I am not Amish, though have some Amish families that live not to far from us and we admire their resourcefulness and productivity!

I haven't worn make up regularly in decades (its just not my style)...but I am quite intrigued by the creating of make up. I have a friend that has done so and it is probably something I would have fun researching and doing if I had the time.

So here a little, there a little and we each learn a little more each day!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by William

What did you do with the coconut oil, did you apply topically? I saw the coconut oil recommended for mono which is a virus it said to take two tablespoons every 8 hours for 4 days. 35 people were cured on the Earth Clinic. I was the 36th. I was absolutely fine after 4 days of two tablespoons of coconut oil every 8 hours I ate it you can put it inside of a smoothie coffee ice cream put it on your salad whatever you want to do I just ate it straight and I was absolutely fine after ingesting two tablespoons. I read about Dr. E G N I N for Malaysia who studies coconut oil and she says the coconut oil gets in the body and the virus uses the body parts to build a lipid wall sack. The coconut oil when it's ingested, is in the body makeup, and therefore the coconut oil is in the Matrix of the lipid wall sack, but it rinses out easily and forms a hole in the lipid ball sack, and therefore the virus dies praise the Lord he anoints my head with oil my cup runs over.

We took it straight to the first person we knew that had Corona and in a day and a half, he was fine. Called back and said thank you very much I feel great. They have taken this off the internet everywhere maybe they won't take it off here at Earth Clinic.

Replied by Angael Gal
(Modesto, CA)

Deep puncture cat bite (bad kitty! ) immediately became cellulosis. Had sepsis, went to hospital. Got antibiotic for 15 days. Did help for first five days, then stayed the same, half-healed. Been considering & trying different things. Amla (gooseberry) sounds promising. Using blue light with colored cellophanes & sunlight. Sunlight itself seems to entirely calm the inflammation, at least as long as I am in the light, & is promising as a disinfectant / anti-septic. Alternating with Food Grade 3% H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) & Colloidal Silver compresses & sprays, also with DMSO to carry it deeper. Use Coconut Oil capsules, & externally. Poured five bottles of H2O2 into my small spa, along with some Borax. Going to increase the Borax incrementally. The two seem to work together in some synergistic manner. This also allows my entire body to absorb some of both, & get into my bloodstream. Food Grade H2O2 can be taken orally, one drop per tall glass of water, & very slowly increasing up to a few drops. This is a powerful healer, & you will feel a bit run down using it. About a drop must go into my system using it to brush my teeth, followed by rinse & glass of water. I am awaiting the release of Tesla military Med Beds, the real thing, by Christmas 2024. This will permanently heal this condition. There is hope! I am considering a raw whole milk fast along with nude sunbathing several hours a day, as described in a doctor's article at Dr. Price's Foundation. Also ready to try hot milk & bread poultice. PectaSol modified fruit pectin may prove useful at cleansing the internal body of toxins. Has saved my life a few times with allergic reactions. SerraPeptase may deserve some research. Fermented foods, even pickled garlic, are good for the bio-system. Yet to try fresh garlic, though ready to try anything. Even trying a bit of diffuse magnifying glass sunlight. Prayers!


I did recent research for a neighbor with cellulitis. The recommends by people who did well out there are 1) heal the gut with probiotics, and 2) take raw garlic clove three times a day with meals, also do the same with vitamin C.

Once the skin is no longer broken, it needs to be tackled from the inside.

Best of luck!

Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jenn (Cobbora, Australia) on 01/22/2015

For all those people who have used Colloidal Silver for Cellulitis, I need some advice please!

For the first 6 days on CS my leg improved far beyond anything I could ever imagine, but now although it has shrunk to roughly palm-sized, I seem to have a little hotbed of infection that keeps repopulating with that biofilm gunk and my ulcers just will not shrink any further. I have no doubt that the CS will kill everything eventually..question is though, how much longer can I let the generator go on for to make a stronger mix ? I'm using one of those sort of square-shaped Maxwell House Coffee jars, because it is the biggest jar I have. (500 gr net) so it makes nearly 2 litres of CS..

I'm drinking 750mls over a 24 hour period with water that is slightly yellow.. but today I bought a nappy bucket ( with a lid) and want to know if I made enough CS to cover my ulcers, does it have to be changed daily, or can I leave my lower leg to soak in it for an hour or so at a time ?, then when should I change the water ? Every 2 days or what ?

I have ordered a water meter but won't get it for another week or so, so at the moment I am guessing that it is definitely stronger than the 30ppm, which was clear, bought from the health food shop, just because it is slightly cloudy, depending on whether I use distilled water or Nobles water. So I remember someone on here telling me I could go up to 500ppm to soak my leg in but then how long would you leave the generator on for to get that strength ? Should I buy another generator and have the 2 of them going simultaneously ? Sorry for so many questions but I would love to see this thing gone forever and know that it may take awhile to shift it from my body and I see tonight that I have a tiny blister at the back of my ankle which tells me I could have a new ulcer forming..God forbid I have enough CS in my body to kill any bacteria, and I know from past experience in the past 4 years that Cellulitis and it's partners are very aggressive..CS is my last hope. I mean it's not as if you can pick up the phone and ring someone about it but I need the wisdom of people on Earth Clinic who have beaten this thing..If there is something I can do differently or better please tell me about it. I'm open to any suggestions no matter how silly they may sound but if it worked for you perhaps it will work for me, too.

Thank you in advance for any assistance!!

To Dave, who mentioned about Echinachae drops..have had a lot of trouble trying to get them, but managed to buy powdered capsules...so when I have my protein smoothie of a morning I open 2 of them, and 1 x 1000mg Vit C capsule and add to my breakfast with 2 tablespoons of protein powder, a tray of ice cubes , some ginger and some milk of choice, mix in my blender for 2 mins and drink..

Replied by Kathleen
(San Antonio, Texas)


Have you looked at clay or ozonated oil (usually olive)? I'm not an expert on either one though I have used clay on my foot when I stepped on a nail. It's probably one of the first things I would use for an ulcer or infected wound. Clay is great for drawing things out of the body that don't belong. Since you're already making colloidal silver, you can hydrate clay with it to make it even more effective. I looked at the remedies page but didn't see anything on either of these so I'm going to give the links for two sites run by a gentleman whose email list I subscribe to. The first is about clay. While the second is largely about silver, it also has information on ozone. Just from a practical standpoint, the easiest way to use ozone would probably be to buy ozonated oil. I know I've seen more extensive information on ozonated oils but I can't find it right off hand. I did a quick search and included a link to a brief blog entry I found. Hope you find this useful.




Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Jenn:

Re Silver and all to help with infection...

I'm glad to hear of your immediate success. I'd said that if me I'd assume the infection was systemic and would be taking colloidal silver two or three times daily for about 6 months. The CS can also be applied topically as I previously discussed. I'd change the water daily. If me, I'd merely apply the CS mixed with 20 percent DMSO as a solvent and carrier...that applied with a white cloth to the infected area topically. I had recommended the Echinacea also as a topical bacterial killer.

Other things can be used to kill an infection topically. Tea Tree oil. Borax mixed in water and applied to the site might also act as an antibacterial. Maybe more effective than Colloidal Silver topically, would be a "Silver Nitrate" application....google "silver nitrate topical cream"...and you will find articles on how to use it topically. Encyclopedia Britanicca has a good Silver Nitrate article.

If you want a higher concentrate of CS just use less water in making the silver solution.

I would not drink that much concentrate...that high concentrate would be for topical use.

Replied by Pbird
(Western Wa)

Jenn, if there is biofilm on the wound it will keep it from healing according to the literature. This means that to finish healing it has to be debrided, or have the biofilm removed.

Manuka honey, if it is the good strong stuff, will remove biofilm. There is lots of information on the web about this. I am studying it myself as I have a large wound in the same condition,

Replied by Jenn
(Cobbora, Australia)

Hi and hello!

It has been awhile since I have posted but have tried wherever possible to put into practice what other posters have given me in the past... So here I am again seeking some help..

4 months ago my bite ( wolf spider) broke out in a painful ulcer, due in part to my immune system which doesn't work too good since I have been sick ( to counteract this I have taken large doses of Vit C, Oregano Oil, filtered water with a tad of ACV to alkaline my body, Kyolic garlic and Pau D'Arco., .. All over a period of 16 months) Then a month ago it got very very sore and horrible looking with lots of biofilm over it so I went to the doctor and she told me I had 2 very bad infections from swabs done way back in August ( so no one notified me?) MRSA and pseudomonas A and that I had to go straight to the hospital where they would put me into ICU for a few weeks..

So I went home and went up the next day, saw a doctor who advised me to go home and take Bactrim DS and use Fucidin Cream ( Fucidic acid ). This cream ranges in price up to $20 for 15 gr depending on where you get it., so I used it once a day instead of the recommended 3x.

Yesterday I had my long awaited appointment to see the specialist and he told me that the Bactrim is only for the MRSA and the recommended treatment for the rest is to be debrided under general anesthetic and have a vacuum put on my leg for a few months to assist the fluid. So has anyone had this done? It sounds painful.. He asked what I use on my legs and I told him I spray my legs with CS after I wash them because it takes the sting out. I wash my legs in separate buckets using either a small amount of Dettol disinfectant ( which kills the germs in the wash so I also use it as a final rinse when washing dressings etc) or I use a very weak solution, the horizontal length of Condy's Crystals on the edge of a matchstick. Any bigger amount and it really burns. Missionaries in tropical areas used to use Condy's Crystals for purifying water and to treat ALL infections.. However they didn't have superbugs in those days!

Anyway, sorry I have wandered... The Doc has been a specialist for 35 yrs and so he has kept an open mind on ulcers and CS. He advised me to use a stronger solution of CS between 16-30 ppm.. So I am onto my second lot of Bactrim 10 day treatment and my cellulitis ulcer on the other leg is nearly cleared up after 4 yrs.!! I'm also drinking a litre a day of filtered water with a teaspoon of ACV in it to make my body more alkaline.

So my question is this .... How long do you leave the generator on for to make a solution of say 20 ppm initially? I have a large Maxwell House coffee jar that holds just over a litre in solution when made. I also have a Silverwell machine so rather that guessing I'm asking for help based on those items used with Noble's water. A water meter that I bought from the U.S. and used very few times completely went haywire and never worked again... Sorry it's a bit all over the place but read it through and tell me what you reckon...

Thanks in advance... Jenn xxx

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Jenn, this is something I would use Medicinal Clay and/or Activated Charcoal poultices on.

Replied by KG
(Charlotte NC)

Just diagnosed with cellulitis yesterday. It's spreading. Washing clothes in hot water, no detergent. Prescribed antibiotic. 500 mg 4/d, 10 days. Is it safe to take colloidal silver orally as well? Spraying CS all over the areas...worried that it is spreading and don't want to go to er.

2370 posts


I have had the best luck with topical colloidal silver when I have kept it wet as opposed to spraying and letting dry. I have managed to keep it wet by taking a cotton cloth such as an old t-shirt that I have folded it into layers, saturated with colloidal silver and placed over the area I want to treat so that it covers beyond the area I wish to treat and then wrapped an ACE elastic wrap around it to keep it in place and then I check hourly to make sure it is still wet. I have never used it for cellulitis, so I don't know if it works for that, but cellulitis is a bacterial infection and colloidal silver seems to be a potent antibacterial.


Replied by Crew

For Cellulitis, Which Type Of Silver Works Best?

In the article "Natural Treatments For Cellulitis, " colloidal silver was mentioned as one of the treatments that's helpful for it.

While the article appears to refer to the liquid form of colloidal silver, there are "homeopathic silver gels" available on the market. So which might be more effective for conditions like cellulitis, "liquid colloidal silver" or "homeopathic silver gel?"

2370 posts


The colloidal silver (CS) is effective at shortening wound healing time while being able to fight a multitude of pathogens that might be present in the wound.

For me, I have found it important to keep the CS dressing wet with CS to get the best effect. I usually take a clean piece of cotton cloth and fold it so it is at least 4 layers thick and slightly larger than the area to be treated.

I fully wet the folded cloth with the CS that is at least 20 ppm and apply it to the affected area and then wrap an ACE elastic bandage around it several times to hold the moisture in and then leave on for two hours at a time followed by a drying out period. Once the skin is very dry again, I apply a new clean piece of cloth and wrap again for another two hours and so on.

I'm not recommending this, just saying what has worked for me in the past.

I know EC was selling the 20 ppm yellow CS, but I don't see it on their homepage anymore so I am not sure if they are still selling it. You can ask Deirdre to find out.

Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to do and how it works out for you!



Hi Art,

Thanks so much for mentioning EC's colloidal silver. We've paused our colloidal gold and silver production for a move to VA this month. However, we still have CS available at our Amazon shop until it sells out. Two sizes are still in stock.

Colloidal Silver, Serrapeptase

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joanne (Mississippi) on 04/29/2015

Have discovered and used both colloidal silver, internally, 2 tspns, plus cleaned wounds externally for leg ulcers with colloidal silver spray for no infection successfully. Plus, then I take Serrapeptase around minimum of 80,000 per day. After one month the ulcers were closed, clean, and gone.

Thanks for everyone giving the health items that they use. Invaluable help.

The above colloidal silver and serrapeptase is the first time I completely cleaned up the ulcer on leg!!

I am at this time still continuing with colloidal silver and the serrapeptase.

Dietary Changes, Natural Remedies

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Kathyp (Cedarburg, WI) on 03/15/2014

I agree with so many of the people that have posted their stories about Cellulitis on this site. Earth Clinic is a wonderful site to help people get rid of Cellulitis without antibiotics, which are becoming a real problem with the overuse of them. The first time I had Cellulitis I had to go to the doctor because I did not have a clue what was wrong with my lower leg. It was very warm to the touch, painful, swollen, and red. Doc put me on antibiotics and it was gone. It is very important if you have it on the leg or arms to elevate your leg or arm higher than your heart.

Well little did I know that after I had it the first time I got it a second time very soon. The cause of it was that I have athletes foot/eczema on both feet. They are red on the soles and I am so sure it is the moccasin type because skin is thick, dry, and cracks so bacteria can get in. Prescription drugs, creams, etc. did not take care of my athlete's foot. I was at a dermatologist and my regular doctor. Dermatologist told me to buy over the counter athlete's foot cream and creams for the eczema after I was done with her prescription drugs. I did just that and nothing helped my feet. I have spent hundreds of dollars just trying to find something that works. Athletes foot is a known cause of Cellulitis.

In Dec 2013 by chance I stopped in at a holistic health center and with luck was able to talk to the main person there for 10 minutes and I told her my problem. She looked at my hands that have some eczema on, and in one second she said I can tell you right now that no creams will cure your foot problem because you have "CANDIDA" and that is causing your athletes foot and eczema.

She said no dairy, no sugars, and I must go gluten free. Well I started the diet half way till after Christmas was over. I went on the diet as strict as I could and my feet got better. She wants me to drink 3 quarts of water a day (room temp and put lemon slices in it) The day I went to see her in Dec I had cellulitis than, as I have it right now, but it is getting better. I am taking turmeric, Vitamin C, Echinacea, and garlic pills. I also put very warm water on my leg when taking a shower or I use washcloth that I run hot water on. I also have a stocking on now that is half way a compression stocking. I put tea tree oil on my leg with a cotton swab. Now I have had cellulitis several times and got rid of it using these methods. I only had to use antibiotics the first time. I check my leg everyday and the minute I find a reddened sore spot I hit the Cellulitis treatment and I am able to get rid of it. If you have a bad case I would see your doctor because I have seen some pictures of really some bad looking open wounds on legs that have Cellulitis. You would need medical treatment then.

My feet are getting better and better, but I am not home free yet so I got a small crack in my foot and that is why the Cellulitis comes back. If I was totally and 100% strict on the diet maybe my athletes foot would be totally gone. I have had the problem for 3 years now so I can't expect it to be gone quickly. I understand it takes some people 6 months or more to get rid of the athletes foot. The last few days I have really been strict on the diet, and as a bonus I am losing weight. I am going to get rid of this pesty athletes foot/eczema one way or the other.

Two days ago my husband asked me if I ever tried glycerin to make my dry cracked feet softer and I said no. I read up on glycerin on the internet and went right out to buy some. I am soaking my feet now every day in ACV and then putting athletes foot cream and glycerin on. I only have been doing it for two days now so it is to soon to tell if it will help. Glycerin is good for many rashes.

For my Candida the gal has me taking Candex, 2 pills twice a day and a proboidic pill in the evening. My question is , will I ever get rid of the Candida? It all ties together with my athletes foot and Cellulitis. I bet your site has some goods posts on it, (Candida) which I will read tomorrow. I only found this wonderful site today.

Hope my post will help somebody suffering right now like I have been the last three years. And by the way, since I have Cellulitis right now I take the chair cushion from the living room and two other sturdy pillows under it to prop my leg every night when I sleep and it is amazing how use to it I am and can sleep very well. Good Luck

Replied by Mary
(New York, Ny)

According to the folks at www.knowthecause.com oil of oregano is an excellent anti-fungal remedy. Pau D'Arco tea and carrots are also excellent anti-fungals. They also have a Phase 1 diet on the website that excludes fungal causing ingredients like yeast products, gluten products, sugar products, corn and mushrooms. The diet focuses on protein products, vegetables, nuts, sunflower seeds and grain products like millet and quinoa. Best wishes for a full recovery!

Replied by Kristen
(Harrisburg, Pa)

Thanks for the post - I appreciate you sharing your experience.

For your dry, cracked feet (NOT CELLULITIS)...if you soak them in warm water (to loosen the dry skin) and then 'scrub' them with a salt scrub or sugar scrub ('recipe' below), it helps to remove the layers of dead skin and expose the new cells below. Getting the 'dead skin' out of the way may help reduce the source of the fungus. If you soak and scrub your feet 2 - 3x a week...you'll be surprised at how easy this works. I'm a nurse and have used this on my clients with great success. (Get an ok from your doctor if you have any concerns)

Skin scrub recipe - take a cup of sugar or salt (see properties below) and mix with 1/4 - 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil to 'moisten'. Add 6- 12 drops of essential oils as needed (ex: tea tree and oregano for bacteria and fungus, geranium or lavender for other skin conditions) - store in a covered container or ziploc plastic bag. To use: soak feet, scoop a palmful of scrub in hands and scrub feet for a minute or two, focusing on calloused areas. Rinse well. Pat dry.

Salt is antibacterial and can be used for scrubs that are used to prevent or treat infected areas - just be mindful that the salt can burn cracked skin (simply rinse off any areas that begin to 'sting').

Olive oil is moisturizing and also antibacterial, and will help to hold the moisture in the skin following the 'scrub' - just be mindful of 'slippy feet' and put on socks.

You can add a few drops of tea tree or oregano oil to the scrub to help boost it's antifungal/antibacterial effect. There are other oils that would be beneficial, but start with one at a time, so you can learn what works best for YOUR condition. (This is a good way to learn how to eliminate it completely).

A sugar scrub does not burn, but can have the potential to exacerbate fungal infections. Just monitor how your body responds. Simply stop using it, if it makes it worse.

If you have issues with insomnia, you could try using sesame oil in the foot scrub and applying it before bed - using sesame oil in place of the olive oil would be a way to combine the scrub with an Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia (which consists of applying sesame oil to the soles of the feet). It won't have the same antibacterial properties as the olive oil, but has it's own qualities that can be utilized for healing.

Best of luck to you - I think you'll get the answer you seek - most of all, thank you for helping the rest of us in your search for that answer!

Replied by Tinkerbell
(Michigan, USA)

I applaud you all for trying to use natural remedies but please be careful. I did the same as you all and thought I had gotten rid of my cellulitus but had not. I am extremely overweight due to the steroids I take daily for my lung disease. My mobility is null so I sit a lot at my desk. I can not lay on my back to elevate my legs because I can not breathe so I can only prop my legs in a recliner with pillows off and on all day. I tried the natural way after the third time of breaking out with cellulitus and I made the problem worse. I also have edema in my lower body which after the blisters of the cellulitus break they turn into ulcers (which they did because I did not get the infection under control with antibiotics). I have severe pain, my legs are now discolored in a black hue from the damage to the skin. What you are all missing is if you have cellulitus more then once you can have a medical underlying problem. I get the cellulitus from the edema getting out of hand. It is not just from getting bitten from a bug. Please research some more and talk to a skin doctor before you do what I did and make it far worse then it could of been.

Replied by Alyssa

Kathy try using Alliderm gel. (I buy from Amazon.) I have dealt with eczema for at least 20 years. Sadly I am researching Cellulitis because of a comment from my masseuse, not one of the countless doctors or dermatologists I have seen. I have also had results from the Candida treatments. Hats off to you for being able to follow the diet!

Replied by Jay

Tinkerbell. It sounds like you need to get on oxygen and investigate the possibility of sleep apnea. Both factors are linked to assisting edema. I have seen the difference oxygen makes to quality of life and lower circulation. Niagara Therapy (Cycloid Vibration Therapy- CVT) massage mats make a good daily difference too. The other thing is lemon water. It's like a broom for your body. Best wishes. Jay in Oz

Replied by Pbird
(Wa., US)

Just as an additional note, if you do have athlete's foot. My husband had it badly until we ran into work socks that have a silver fiber in them and they cleared his athlete's foot up. We were not expecting that, but that's what happened.

Replied by Patrick
(Fairbanks, Alaska)

For the hydro therapy, try using as hot as you can safely stand, then go with freezing cold. Do this several times and finish on cold.

Replied by Jean
(Rio Rancho, Nm)

You can get rod of candida if you get serious about eating right. You will have a good clue that it is gone when your tongue no longer has a white coating, along with your other symptoms. Your gut contols about 80% of your health. You eat garbage and you won't be well.

Replied by Phil McQ

Try drinking strongly brewed nettle leaf tea every day to control your edema.

Dietary Changes, Soap

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Angie (Los Angeles) on 10/08/2016

For cellulitis, I began showering my body with Zest bar soap. I would leave the foam on the infected cellulitis areas for a few minutes, rinse and repeat five more times. This helped dry out the skin from the outside. I cut out all sugar from my diet. It FEEDS of sugar. You need to cut it out!! I mean everything including fruits, bread, pasta, starch vegetables everything!! Every morning I would drink a green smoothie consisting of red chard, spinach and dandelions. I also took two garlic capsules, B vitamin and folic acid capsules every day. Within 4 months my skin was healing and my body was EXPELLING the bacteria from my body!!! I have been suffering from this for 8 years and after so much trial and error I finally found my cure.

Don't Ignore Cellulitis

Posted by Darcee (Ocala, Fl) on 09/21/2014

I am on week 2 recovering from my first and hopefully last bout of cellulitis. My symptoms started with going to work on a Monday feeling great to feeling nauseated with severe chills by mid-day. I somewhat felt a slight irritation on my (R) ankle and thought I might have nicked myself shaving the day before - which I didn't remember doing. I applied triple antibiotic ointment and bandaid where ankle felt irritated in between being nauseated and collapsing on bed.

I developed 105+ fever. My husband kept me supplied with ginger ale, water and ice chips. He was concerned about the fever and wanted to take me to the hospital. I kept refusing thinking I just had a tummy bug and would feel better by the next day. I was up the entire night dealing with nasea and severe chills. I noticed that it became increasingly painful to walk everytime I had to walk to the washroom.

I managed to get an appointment with the clinic who took my temp (104.7) and saw my B/P was high and noted the red ring that developed around my ankle. They immediately sent me to the hospital due to temp, B/P and their diagnosis of cellulitis. I was triaged and admitted. I was immediately started on IV therapy... Vancomycin along with a few other switch ups along the way. I started getting visits from infectious disease specialists as well as a surgeon who was trying to determine if I had flesh eatting bacteria - at which point he would remove the skin from my leg.

Staff noted that from my first moment of admission to 40 mins into Emer Dept treatment the "rash" had spread quite a bit by then. That really got their attention... thus concern about flesh eatting bacteria and severity of illness. After first day it was determined that I had a severe case of cellulitis - that if I hadn't gotten treatment when I did my conditions would have been fatal within another 24 hrs. I was hospitalized for 5 days and discharged still with pain and swelling and on IV therapy every 12 hours along with a lidocaine patch for my leg.

I have finally had improvement with pain and swelling for the past 2 days. I am scheduled to stay on antibiotics through next Tuesday... making it a full 2 wks by then from hospitalization and start of IV therapy to end of IV therapy. The specialist informed me Thurs that I will most likely start on oral antibiotics at that time and hopefully be released to return to work on Weds.. I have been taking probiotics and consuming kefir smoothies and now researching homeopathic avenues to pursue. I will be researching recommended / suggested avenues of treatments and look forward to finding successful options that will work for me. I normally am anti - antibiotic - and avoid at all cost, but in this case... they saved my life. Cellulitis is not to be taken lightly is a valuable lesson I have learned.

Replied by Sara

I have cellulitis on my foot and hand. My foot was very red with fever. Now it is still swollen but the outside of the area is very dark brown and the center piece is black. Is this the healing process? I am soaking my foot and keeping it elevated. Please give advice. Thanks

Replied by Debbie

Try Manuka honey!!!!!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Sara,

I would add turmeric to what you are doing, internally. 1 teaspoon three times a day. Taking it in milk is a good way to get it in you, though it doesn't taste the best.

When you are not soaking, perhaps overnight, charcoal poultices are a good option.

I would also be drinking plenty of water, perhaps with a couple of teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar a couple of times a day. Staying hydrated is important to flush the body of toxins.

Are you soaking in epsom salt?

~Mama to Many~


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sarahocean27 (Utah, USA) on 10/24/2021 4 posts

I had cellulitis on my neck. It was right over my spine and brain stem so it was really scary. It felt like someone had stabbed my neck with a hot iron. I had been on different antibiotics and none of them had done anything. I drew the line when I started breaking out in a rash and hives all over my body from the horrible antibiotics. That's when I decided to check out Earth Clinic. Thank goodness I did. Garlic! I crushed the garlic with a spoon then put it on the wound and had it on there all night. The next morning it had drained and I felt amazing. First time in a week. Thank you for posting this healing method, otherwise I'd still be in agonizing pain. It's sucked all the infection right out. No more cellulitis. Keep putting the garlic on the infection until it's healed. It pulls all the bad stuff right out. Good luck to you all. Cellulitis is no joke. Healing energies to you.

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