Natural Treatments for Cellulitis

Bee Propolis
Posted by Mgoldstrohm (Pa, US) on 11/17/2014

Hello. Two of my daughters used to get cellulitis frequently after a bee sting or even a mosquito bite. I was always running to the doctors for antibiotics to get rid of it. Now, the anitbiotics DID work, however after one summer with seven (yes, 7! ) anitbiotics, I decided there had to be something better out there! My husband happens to be a bee keeper, and he had heard of propolis (the "glue" the bees make from pollen and tree sap to fix and repair) and what a great natural antibiotic it is. It is an antifungal, antimicrobial, antibiotic, and about 5 other antis. (Forgive me for not overtyping, I haven't even finished my whole cup of morning coffee yet.) Long story short: We've started using propolis (be sure to get capsules or powder with no added stuff like zinc. Just propolis and the stearate used for preserving it's integrity. ) and have not been back for antibiotics once since! We use it to treat as soon as a sign of a cold, illness, or infection is coming on, and it gets it everytime! We've used propolis traps in our hives to naturally gather it, but it is incredibly hard to chew and swallow, because of it's stickiness. Amazing stuff. Simply amazing stuff!

Onion, Sunflower Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/19/2023

Dear Jazz,

Thanks for these remedies! I have never used an onion for infection, just inflammation. (Wonderful for bruises! ) So, this is great to know.

When we have dealt with Staph/Cellulitis, we have used turmeric internally. Also, I find it helpful to avoid sugar and dairy (except for milk kefir or yogurt with L. Caseii, which is very helpful.)

Frankincense essential oil is a helpful topical for staph infections as well.

Epsom Salt baths may be useful. 1 1/2 cups per bath.

Keep us posted on your progress!
~Mama to Many~

Activated Charcoal, Manuka Honey
Posted by Debbie (IL) on 06/04/2022


Hospitalized for 7 days. Put on an antibiotic (Levaquin) that was very detrimental to my overall health. Came home...Manuka Honey and activated charcoal, mixed together. Spread on area and cover. IT IS MESSY, but within 24 hours the redness had subsided and I was on my way to recovery.

Posted by Art (California) on 07/25/2021 2165 posts


I forgot to mention that it is possible for hydrogen peroxide and AgNPs to breakdown biofilms, so they are both important and alternating days maybe a way to be able to use both effectively. If you want to increase the effectiveness of the AgNPs, you can dissolve xylitol in it to increase its biofilm busting ability, moisturize the skin and give it an anti irritant effect to the skin.

Along this same line of thinking, if you can tolerate N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) it is also useful as a biofilm buster. Biofilms may be the reason that you say it is harder to eradicate the cellulitis this time.

Good luck!


Bee Propolis
Posted by Shellyscorner (Greensboro, Nc) on 03/19/2015

Reply to Gillian
Hi Gillian, unfortunately people rarely remember to list the "doses" that they use and often forget to even mention whether something is used externally or internally (when it might not always be obvious and could be used either way). And it's very rare that people follow their own comments or check back to see if anyone has asked questions about their suggestion. And by the way, I don't mean to sound critical of others. When you're the poster, things often sound obvious to you because it was your experience, but it's just not obvious to others reading your post ...

So ... that being said, I would assume that you can purchase the bee propolis she refers to in your local health food store/vitamin store and I would start by taking the recommended dosage on the bottle. Also, when you purchase the product, be sure to talk to the store clerk! They are often a HUGE wealth of knowledge! They may well be able to tell you how much you can safely take above the bottles "recommended dosage". I can almost guarantee that you won't be the first person to come in for the propolis for the purpose of treating cellulitis! If you are, I would be very surprised! Also, I would try going to a Whole Foods Market before I went to a "regular" vitamin store (assuming you have one in your area).

My daughter is currently dealing with her second bout with cellulitis. The first one was several months ago. That's why I came here to the Earth Clinic site. I wanted to see what was suggested here for a natural remedy. She has her FOURTH back surgery coming up the end of April for severe scoliosis. But if she has even a HINT of cellulitis, the surgeon would of course post-pone her surgery. which would create a problem for my daughter.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful to you and I wish you the best of luck!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Elizabeth (West Chicago) on 07/07/2014

I recently cut in between my toes and got cellulitus the doctors put me on cefadroxil 500mg 2 capsules twice a day and my mom bought me tea tree oil ointment while I was still on antibiotics in just three days my symptoms are almost gone after being on the antibiotics alone for a month I highly recommend using the tea tree oil and keeping the area very clean until healed. I used baby wipes twice a day or as needed and wore sandals so my toes could breath. I hope that helps.

Dietary Changes, Natural Remedies
Posted by Kathyp (Cedarburg, WI) on 03/15/2014

I agree with so many of the people that have posted their stories about Cellulitis on this site. Earth Clinic is a wonderful site to help people get rid of Cellulitis without antibiotics, which are becoming a real problem with the overuse of them. The first time I had Cellulitis I had to go to the doctor because I did not have a clue what was wrong with my lower leg. It was very warm to the touch, painful, swollen, and red. Doc put me on antibiotics and it was gone. It is very important if you have it on the leg or arms to elevate your leg or arm higher than your heart.

Well little did I know that after I had it the first time I got it a second time very soon. The cause of it was that I have athletes foot/eczema on both feet. They are red on the soles and I am so sure it is the moccasin type because skin is thick, dry, and cracks so bacteria can get in. Prescription drugs, creams, etc. did not take care of my athlete's foot. I was at a dermatologist and my regular doctor. Dermatologist told me to buy over the counter athlete's foot cream and creams for the eczema after I was done with her prescription drugs. I did just that and nothing helped my feet. I have spent hundreds of dollars just trying to find something that works. Athletes foot is a known cause of Cellulitis.

In Dec 2013 by chance I stopped in at a holistic health center and with luck was able to talk to the main person there for 10 minutes and I told her my problem. She looked at my hands that have some eczema on, and in one second she said I can tell you right now that no creams will cure your foot problem because you have "CANDIDA" and that is causing your athletes foot and eczema.

She said no dairy, no sugars, and I must go gluten free. Well I started the diet half way till after Christmas was over. I went on the diet as strict as I could and my feet got better. She wants me to drink 3 quarts of water a day (room temp and put lemon slices in it) The day I went to see her in Dec I had cellulitis than, as I have it right now, but it is getting better. I am taking turmeric, Vitamin C, Echinacea, and garlic pills. I also put very warm water on my leg when taking a shower or I use washcloth that I run hot water on. I also have a stocking on now that is half way a compression stocking. I put tea tree oil on my leg with a cotton swab. Now I have had cellulitis several times and got rid of it using these methods. I only had to use antibiotics the first time. I check my leg everyday and the minute I find a reddened sore spot I hit the Cellulitis treatment and I am able to get rid of it. If you have a bad case I would see your doctor because I have seen some pictures of really some bad looking open wounds on legs that have Cellulitis. You would need medical treatment then.

My feet are getting better and better, but I am not home free yet so I got a small crack in my foot and that is why the Cellulitis comes back. If I was totally and 100% strict on the diet maybe my athletes foot would be totally gone. I have had the problem for 3 years now so I can't expect it to be gone quickly. I understand it takes some people 6 months or more to get rid of the athletes foot. The last few days I have really been strict on the diet, and as a bonus I am losing weight. I am going to get rid of this pesty athletes foot/eczema one way or the other.

Two days ago my husband asked me if I ever tried glycerin to make my dry cracked feet softer and I said no. I read up on glycerin on the internet and went right out to buy some. I am soaking my feet now every day in ACV and then putting athletes foot cream and glycerin on. I only have been doing it for two days now so it is to soon to tell if it will help. Glycerin is good for many rashes.

For my Candida the gal has me taking Candex, 2 pills twice a day and a proboidic pill in the evening. My question is , will I ever get rid of the Candida? It all ties together with my athletes foot and Cellulitis. I bet your site has some goods posts on it, (Candida) which I will read tomorrow. I only found this wonderful site today.

Hope my post will help somebody suffering right now like I have been the last three years. And by the way, since I have Cellulitis right now I take the chair cushion from the living room and two other sturdy pillows under it to prop my leg every night when I sleep and it is amazing how use to it I am and can sleep very well. Good Luck

Vitamin D
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 12/16/2012

I have had cellulitis five times. The first time it was due to many small cuts on my hands after working on some dirty food service equipment. These cuts didn't bleed and I though nothing of it. The next morning I was very ill and was admitted to hospital with a 105. 5F temperature and treated for five days with injections of antibiotics. The cellulitis actually developed in my lower right leg which I had broken when I was seven. The second time I had it I believe it was caused by food poisoning and it was treated by IV antibiotics in hospital. The IV quit dripping so they put a pump on it which eventually led to my lower leg swelling to a circumference of 34.5 inches and blistering severely. Upon hearing the doctors discussing where they were going to cut my leg off I checked out of that hospital and went elsewhere. I still have my leg, with lots of scar tissue in it and thin skin with no hair on part of it, but I can still use it normally. The fourth time I had it I was unable to get to a doctor for five days and was able to keep it from getting worse by drinking pineapple juice and consuming nothing else. It actually improved a small amount by doing that. The antibiotics that they gave me would not clear it up so they switched me to "clindamycin" and that got rid of it fairly quickly. The last time I had it I had clindamycin on hand and used it immediately and it was cleared up in four days. The five times I had cellulitis were over a seven year time span that ended nine years ago. The only thing that I can attribute that to is taking a large daily dose of vitamin D3 (5000iu) since then. Vitamin D3 is known to kill bacteria and viruses. During the influenza epidemic in 1918? the people that improved the quickest were those that spent a lot of time out in the sun and it is sunlight that produces vitamin D in our bodies.

Onion, Sunflower Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Jazz A (Chicago, IL, USA) on 07/18/2023

I accidentally disturbed a nest of yellow jackets on my front porch and was swarmed. I escaped with only 2 of them getting me. One caught me above the ankle and another right above the thigh, on my backend. The one above my thigh stung me repetitively, at least 4 times. After I used a different remedy to bring that down, life went back to normal...or so I thought.

Exactly 1 week later, they started to itch again, and swelled back up like the day I got them. I had no fever, so I did what my grandmother would have done: I rubbed a little oil on my skin (cold-pressed sunflower) and strapped a yellow onion slice to it.

I've had it on for at least 12 hours and the heat is entirely gone. The swelling is still there, but the redness has been cut in half. It also doesn't itch! Although I do smell like an onion...

I have been changing out the onion slices every time they wilt up too much and look like the juices are used up.

I'm also applying an ice pack because it's 80 degrees and I work at a desk. I'm elevating the ankle too. I need to keep the areas cool and irritation free.

My family is prone to getting mild cases of cellulitis with bug bites. Normally, there is a wound that pusses and that's easily treated with powdered turmeric right on top (then slap a bandaid on top to trap it). If it's really nasty, I'll add some cayenne powder and garlic powder to the mix. But since this cellulitis is under the skin, I knew I needed a poultice to draw it out and onions are specifically killers of staph bacteria (scientifically proven).

I came here to see if there were any tips and tricks I can do on the side to speed the healing, and I'm definitely going to tackle this internally to boost my immune system too.

Thank you Earth Clinic and all you lovelies who share your amazing remedies. I hope I helped someone else out! And I hope you were lucky enough not to be stung on the bum like me.

Onion, Sunflower Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Art (California) on 07/19/2023 2165 posts

Jazz A,

I often use colloidal silver (CS) for such purposes because it has anti inflammatory effects, acts as a potent topical antibiotic and it helps wounds heal faster as discussed here : nanoparticles also exhibited potent, 44 and wound healing properties.

With CS, I have found that the wound dressing needs to remain wet for best effect. I do this by taking an old cotton t-shirt and cutting a piece that when folded four or more times is large enough to fully cover the wound and slightly more area around the wound. I fully wet this folded cloth (not dripping wet) and place it on the wound and then secure it in place with an elastic ACE wrap. The wrap holds it in place and helps the dressing to stay wet for a much longer period of time. I leave it on for at least 3 hours, remove and let the area fully dry for at least an hour and then repeat as necessary.


Posted by Sarahocean27 (Utah, USA) on 10/24/2021 4 posts

I had cellulitis on my neck. It was right over my spine and brain stem so it was really scary. It felt like someone had stabbed my neck with a hot iron. I had been on different antibiotics and none of them had done anything. I drew the line when I started breaking out in a rash and hives all over my body from the horrible antibiotics. That's when I decided to check out Earth Clinic. Thank goodness I did. Garlic! I crushed the garlic with a spoon then put it on the wound and had it on there all night. The next morning it had drained and I felt amazing. First time in a week. Thank you for posting this healing method, otherwise I'd still be in agonizing pain. It's sucked all the infection right out. No more cellulitis. Keep putting the garlic on the infection until it's healed. It pulls all the bad stuff right out. Good luck to you all. Cellulitis is no joke. Healing energies to you.

Dietary Changes, Soap
Posted by Angie (Los Angeles) on 10/08/2016

For cellulitis, I began showering my body with Zest bar soap. I would leave the foam on the infected cellulitis areas for a few minutes, rinse and repeat five more times. This helped dry out the skin from the outside. I cut out all sugar from my diet. It FEEDS of sugar. You need to cut it out!! I mean everything including fruits, bread, pasta, starch vegetables everything!! Every morning I would drink a green smoothie consisting of red chard, spinach and dandelions. I also took two garlic capsules, B vitamin and folic acid capsules every day. Within 4 months my skin was healing and my body was EXPELLING the bacteria from my body!!! I have been suffering from this for 8 years and after so much trial and error I finally found my cure.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dolores (Mira Loma, Ca) on 09/08/2015

I originally got Cellulitis in Dec 2014, since then I have had 4 flare ups. Dr's have given strong antibiotics for 20 days. It seemed to work, it has been 2 months and noticed redness starting along with pain. I do not want to use antibiotics any longer. I have used Tea tree oil, coconut oil, colloidal sprays etc. I am a diabetic, have gone through chemo, but why do I keep getting these flare ups? Please someone help me I am at my wits end

Thank you so much,


Colloidal Silver, Serrapeptase
Posted by Joanne (Mississippi) on 04/29/2015

Have discovered and used both colloidal silver, internally, 2 tspns, plus cleaned wounds externally for leg ulcers with colloidal silver spray for no infection successfully. Plus, then I take Serrapeptase around minimum of 80,000 per day. After one month the ulcers were closed, clean, and gone.

Thanks for everyone giving the health items that they use. Invaluable help.

The above colloidal silver and serrapeptase is the first time I completely cleaned up the ulcer on leg!!

I am at this time still continuing with colloidal silver and the serrapeptase.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California) on 04/23/2022 2165 posts


I have had the best luck with topical colloidal silver when I have kept it wet as opposed to spraying and letting dry. I have managed to keep it wet by taking a cotton cloth such as an old t-shirt that I have folded it into layers, saturated with colloidal silver and placed over the area I want to treat so that it covers beyond the area I wish to treat and then wrapped an ACE elastic wrap around it to keep it in place and then I check hourly to make sure it is still wet. I have never used it for cellulitis, so I don't know if it works for that, but cellulitis is a bacterial infection and colloidal silver seems to be a potent antibacterial.


Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 12/16/2014

Hi Jenn, Celluitis is caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus and mrsa is methicillin resistant staphyloccus aureus. Colloidal silver works for both of these so it would be worth looking into it. Internally and externally.

I have no experience in using borax for infections because colloidal silver has always worked for us. Ours is homemade and when its to be used externally we make it stronger. Borax should still be helpful so l hope someone has an answer for you. Cellulitis is happening too often after knee operations so it does not surprise me that you got yours after an ankle opperation. I remember the days when staph was only in some city hospitals and patients transfered to a hospital without staph were barrier nursed till tests showed they were negative. Now its everywhere. All the best in your journey to health, God bless

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert (BC) on 05/07/2021

Cellulite is subcutaneous fat under the skin. Cellulitis is an infection under the skin.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/24/2015

Dear Agnes,

Well, I absolutely love to walk in the woods (or anywhere in nature) and do this as able. Fall is around the corner-I try to walk most days when the weather is not extreme. But mostly I just enjoy the flowers, trees, clouds, sky, birds, and ocassionally a wild turkey or deer. Most of the herbs that I use are ones that I buy in bulk. I do finally have a couple of wonderful comfrey plants growing near my house and I have wildharvested burdock, plantain, and jewelweed. But it has all been one step at a time. I would never want someone to be discouraged that they "can't do herbal medicine" because they cannot collect or grow it themselves.

I really admire Mmsg on this forum, growing things on the balcony of her apartment. I would like to see natural remedies available to anyone who wants them. Most people can grow an aloe plant on a window sill and it has many applications. Many people can buy a bag of turmeric or cayenne pepper at a local market of some sort. There much healing benefit to be had from such! (But you are correct that it is common to doubt that a plant would be very helpful. I definitely had no idea how healing plant medicine could be! )

My hobby of nautural medicine is one that has turned out to be useful for my family. I could probably enjoy searching the globe for useful medicinal plants, but alas, I have many more interests than time to pursue them, as most people do. :)

I actually grew up in the suburbs and rarely used anything "natural." Even now, I do use over the counter or prescriptions for my family, once in a while, if it seems to be the best thing. I have been grateful for some good doctors for emergency situations over the years. But year by year we have learned and applied more natural things to our lives, and it so so satisfying to have safe, simple, inexpensive options.

While we do live on a small farm, we are not living "off the grid" or anything. If my family had to live off what we grow, we would be long dead. :) I hope to empower my children to take responsibility for their health and nutrition and at the same time be grateful for what they have whether it is home grown or from the store, an herb from the woods or a medicine from the doctor. I am not Amish, though have some Amish families that live not to far from us and we admire their resourcefulness and productivity!

I haven't worn make up regularly in decades (its just not my style)...but I am quite intrigued by the creating of make up. I have a friend that has done so and it is probably something I would have fun researching and doing if I had the time.

So here a little, there a little and we each learn a little more each day!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janet (Durham, West Grey, Ontario) on 06/17/2013

Cellulitis cures I've tried and failed:

I got cellulitis a year ago from a bug bite (mosquito I think) which became rapidly infected! I put Tea Tree oil on it but it only burned and didn't stop the infection. Actually I didn't know I had cellulitis at that point. I went to my local hospital emergency and the doctor on staff said likely the bug bite got infected due to chronic sinus infection under the cheek! He advised a topical antibiotic, which I normally NEVER take antibiotics as I get severely ill from them (I have a chronic underlying immune disorder and other health challenges originally due to serious childhood trauma/complex PTSD--post traumatic stress syndrome. To say, I have been holistic, vegetarian (mostly) and use many natural healing methods since I was 18 and I am 57 now).

Back to the cellulitis: I was so scared on reading on-line what cellulitis is and how dangerous that I decided to try:

1) a topical colloidal Silver gel. My face/cheek swelled to triple the size and became itchy, painful and really red!!! I looked up the ingredients and there was one that is some kind of chemical as the base that on researching is used by the cosmetic industry and is highly reactive in exactly the ways I had, for some individuals, esp. With sensitive skin normally (me)!!!! And this was advised by the health food store!!

2) I tried the topical antibiotic at that point being really worried--and even WORSED reaction!!!!!!

SOOOOO, I gave up, went on line, found people using golden seal---I tried a tincture straight, burned like hell. Put a little in SLippery Elm powder with water, applied as a pack on my cheek--this worked and in a few days my infection was greatly reduced. I continue for a few weeks. BUT the infection stayed at a low level and here I am 11 months later with it spread to my lips and up to my temple!! I tried slippery elm again, no change. I've tried various healing salves, I've even tried Tea Tree oil with water this morning--just burned a little, redder now--still swollen though not as bad as a year ago.

What now? I AM of course working with someone I've found who does natural healing to help my whole body and mind---with energy clearing work to clear out the PTSD, and diet adjusting ( already eat for 20+ years an organic, whole foods diet with all the best supplements) and supplement adjusting with muscle testing for MY SPECIFIC NEEDS. I was crying this morning though, wanting to give up, then praying to my Angels, God, the Universe to help me with my whole condition---I've had a 'flu' with vomitting, aching, fatigue, etc for 5 months now! #@! It went away for a bit, seemed the healing was working and then I ran out of money for my good food and supplements and boom! The flu came back--the whole bit. I've been on this adjusted diet and supplements with this healer for 2 weeks now, still sick!!! Argh! But I'm not giving up!

Any suggestions? I will, by the way, look at what the Earth Clinic suggests and try them! Thanks everyone for your stories by the way! To Light and Joy! Cheers! Janet

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/18/2013

Janet, So sorry about this suffering and sickness! Last year my son, who was 4, had a bug bite on his earlobe that became infected. It got worse and worse and appeared to be staph/cellulitis. We were able to heal him at home, it did take several weeks. This is what we did:


Turmeric - 2-4 times a day. 1/4 t. (an adult could take 1 t. Which would be about 4 00 capsules) I mixed it with honey as he couldn't swallow pills.

Coconut oil 2-4 times a day 1 t. (1 T. For an adult, but work up to it from 1 t. ) I gave this at the same time as the turmeric as the turmeric need some fat to work the best.

Externally -

During the day - several times a day I put a mixture of olive oil, tea tree essential oil and frankinsence essential oil on his ear. (1 t. Oil plus a couple of drops of the essential oils. He is a sensitive redhead and straight would be too much.)

During the night - charcoal poultices - 1 part ground flax seed, 1 part activated charcoal powder and water to make a paste like a soft jelly. I spread this on a paper towel and folded it over and put it on his ear and covered with plastic wrap (charcoal must be wet to work) and then attached it to his head with a bandana.

Once in a while I did hot and cold soaks. This really did seem to help. I would get two containers, one with very cold water and one with hot water as much as he could stand. I would alternate hot and cold several times and end with cold.

I have noticed several good ideas for you but wanted to add this so you have lots of things you can try. Please let us know what works for you!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Noelle (Minneapolis, Mn) on 06/30/2013

Hi Janet, I've had cellulitis before (refer to my post under "Turmeric" below. ) You've got to get this from the inside and treat it aggressively with Turmeric. Most recently, I successfully treated my therapist for cellulitis AND arthritis with this formula.

Turmeric Cocktail:

* Turmeric - 1 heaping teaspoon
* Pepper - 2-3 dashes (you can use black pepper or cayenne or berbere -- it all works.)
* Oil - 1/2 teaspoon. Use Coconut oil or Olive oil or Black Seed Oil.

Put this in a mug and cover with 1/2 cup of boiling water. Stir til dissolved. Add your choice of tomato juice or V8 or coconut milk or milk to make the drink palatable. Take this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and before you go to bed at night. If you are at home during the day, take one then also.

You will also need to take Turmeric capsules, almost any brand. (Stay away from Walmart and brands with fillers, or make your own capsules.)

Turmeric Capsules 400-500mg - 3 capsules every 4 hours.

Drink lots of water. Turmeric will dry you out.

The cellulitis has been in your system for a long time. The first day of this regimen you may feel worse. Please stay with it. When it has been in your system this long, it will take 1-2 weeks for you to see very noticeable improvements not just at the site but in general energy.

By the way I too have chronic PTSD, from traumas similar to those you mentioned. The Turmeric cocktail will not interfere with your treatment and it might even help even you out.

Good luck. Keep us all posted.

Posted by Hmm... (Oklahoma City, Ok) on 06/05/2011

Just found this site and absolutely love all the information and personal experiences shared. Going out to buy Turmeric today.

Recently dx with cellulitis and the huge dose(1600 mg 2X a day) of Batrium made me horribly ill. After the doctor refused to lower the dosage or prescribe an alternative antibiotic I began my own research. Wish I had found your site earlier but nonetheless will be adding Turmeric to my daily regime.

To those who have had cellulitis... What antibiotic worked the best for you? And, what have you implemented for a preventative. Doctor tells me the chances of a recurrence are likely.

Posted by Pbird (Western Wa) on 05/23/2015

Jenn, cellulitis is a bacterial infection, not viral. Check it out. Its staph in the layers of the skin.

Turmeric, Black Salve, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Lon (Stanhope, NJ) on 02/18/2009

Boils, possibly MRSA, and tumeric:

My son was hospitalized for serious, rapidly spreading cellulitis, which started with a boil. He responded well enough to antibiotics to come home, but although the culture indicated the boil was not MRSA, the boils did not respond to the various antibiotics the Drd tried. He developed multiple boils on and around his privates which wouldn't go away. By the way he's been hospitalized, had many surgeries and on intravenous and antibiotics many times for a digestive disease he was born with. The celulitis came back three times, while following the infectuous disease Dr's advice to control it, which was exhausting, frustrating for both of us and ineffective. Of course the Drs think you're not following their directions if their strategy doesn't work. Then I found this site! I gave my son one turmeric capsule three times daily for three days. A nutritionist suggested I watch the acid alkaline balance of his diet. Topically I applied black salve to any full blown boils. If I noticed any small emerging boils which have not yet formed pus at the tip, I apply straight tea tree oil to the tip only, being careful not to get it on the surrounding skin. I discovered the effectiveness of these particular topicals by observation after using so many topical remedies.The advantage of the black salve is that it stays on without a dressing. I couldn't use bandages/poultices because of the location of his boils. Nothing has worked like the turmeric, supported by the topical application of black salve and tea tree oil for healing the boils, as well as watching the diet. He now takes one turmeric a day for prevention. The origin i think is candida, but we're working on that.

My son has Down Syndrome, Hirschsprung's disease (never could spell it.), and an ileostomy, so you can imagine the difficulties with nutrition. It was an ordeal I thought would never end. I worried constantly that the celulitis would return. It's been almost a year without boils or cellulitis. Thank you for this site! If it wasn't for this site we probably would have continued with the endless cycle of antibiotics and hospitalization.

Avocado and Garlic
Posted by Sammie (London, UK) on 08/25/2019

Avocado & Garlic

Something bit me on my forearm, and 2 days later some 30% of my entire forearm was red and swollen. This is something you'd normally go to A&E for to get IV antibiotics. But I wanted antibiotics to be a last resort, something I would use if I had fever indicating sepsis and/or compartment syndrome. I read somewhere that someone tried avocado for something similar and it worked almost miraculously overnight, and they tried it on a relative and it worked again. I had an avocado in my fridge so I thought I'd give it ago. Like the guy recommended, I simply squashed up some avocado flesh and applied it, not just on the bite mark, but all over the forearm where it was red and swollen. At first there was a stinging sensation, as though the avocado was reacting with the venom or bacteria in and around the bite mark. Then my arm felt calm, the pain and throbbing had stopped.

I applied the avocado before bed, and when I woke up, the arm felt and looked a LOT better. But as soon as I washed the avocado off, it felt like the redness and swelling was quickly coming back. So I quickly put more avocado on and the arm calmed down again.

Then on that day I learned about another person's experience with GARLIC for a similar problem. So that night I decided to apply grated garlic over the avocado. Garlic being alkaline, made my arm sting all over at first.

When I woke up the next morning, almost ALL the swelling and redness was gone! In fact, the only redness that remained was the occasional small blister caused by alkaline burns from the garlic, so you need to be careful with this one. I don't know which was the greater help, but I know both avocado and garlic helped me to cure some seriously severe cellulitis on my arm, and did so within just 2 days, something even IV antibiotics would have taken at LEAST 3-4 days to get rid of.

And all without any systemic side-effects. No gut trouble, no building up antibiotic resistance. I think it's important to also combine this topical approach with a systemic approach.

I was sure to avoid all grain-based carbs and sugars, I drank ACV diluted with water (I really think this helped), and I took a high dose of turmeric capsules.

Avocado and Garlic
Posted by Rhonda (Iowa) on 03/01/2023

Hi Sammie,

THANK YOU for sharing this! I will be giving this a try today! I was in the ER 3 days ago for severe breast cellulitis (reconstruction implant / breast cancer). I had IV antibiotics on Sunday and am taking high dose meds along with applying coconut oil, eating tons of garlic and fresh turmeric... I am also doing HBOT therapy for 90 minutes daily.

I hope this is what will kick it over the edge on healing!

Thanks again,


Clay, Supplements
Posted by Mica (Wisconsin, US) on 03/15/2015

Hi Sherri, I know this isn't really regarding your post but as a cat owner of three cats I thought I would put my three cents in. I'm always getting bitten or scratched by one of my cats and have never in ten years gotten an infection. Even when my daughter was little and was bitten, and scratched a lot neither of ever had to go to the doctor. What I do is as soon as it happens (now only a few times a year) I put undiluted peroxide on a cotton ball and apply it to the injury, and no swelling or infection has ever occurred. I know we are always told to dilute h2o2 but it has worked for me for ten years and counting with no problems. :)

Clay, Supplements
Posted by Sherri (Long Island, Ny) on 03/25/2015

The cellulitis on my leg is almost gone! I am in shock over how fast it is recovering. I am still doing general detox remedies as well as the garlic as posted earlier but am taking 2 tsp. of amla with water after my meals. I did this initially simply to boost my vitamin C levels naturally so I could stop taking so much Ester-C. Well from the very first dose it started healing my leg. I could also feel activity going on in my lower intestines. It has only been 3 days on the amla and the cellulitis is almost healed! I would give it another 3 days and I expect it will be completely gone. If not, I will let you know. I don't know how it works, but I believe God's grace led me to it. It is Indian gooseberry -Amla organic powder about $20 a lb. Just warning you it tastes terrible - like sour dirt!

I plan on continuing it for a long time and to reduce the levels I am now taking. Right now I am taking 6-8 tsp. daily with meals. Right before I notice the most improvement I get very sleepy and a little dehydrated. I think this is because my body is detoxing. I have learned the hard way that when you body shows signs of dehydration (dry mouth) you must supplement with a natural salt as well as water. It is counterintuitive to think that you need salt when you are dehydrated but in Oct 2013 my salt levels plummeted and I had to be hospitalized. So now I have learned to take salt if I show signs of dehydration - but not iodized salt - it is toxic. (I also learned this the hard way.)

Of course if you are detoxing too fast you can lessen the amount of the supplement to slow things down. I may be taking a lot of Amla but I feel normal except for a little dehydration and sleepiness at night. All I know is that it is working. I will probably reduce the amount of Amla soon and I will eventually go down to 1-3 tsp a day for maintenance. I have a feeling the Amla is healing much more than only the cellulitis. I want to keep taking it for a long time to see if it addresses other health problems. If you are very sick don't give up, it may take months for your body to heal, even with the Amla. The cellulitis on my leg was about the size of a Tablespoon and has been there only about 6 months. Once you start taking the Amla it should be obvious that it is working though. This is what I have learned from my experience.

Treatment Regimen
Posted by Agnes (Warsaw, Poland) on 02/23/2015

Hello, here is a regimen for treating cellutlitis.

Take 3 drops of oregano oil mixed with 1 tsp pf coconut oil and 1 tsp of honey - 5 times a day for the first 3-4 days

then - maintenance dose- of 3 times a day for a week+ Also rub the area with a mix of coconut oil and oregano oil 4 times a day+ Morning and night do clay poultices+ once a day turmeric poultice, lots of water and ginger tea and a cup of milk with 1 spoon of turmeric at night

Posted by Art (California) on 07/25/2021 2165 posts


If you are using a true colloidal silver, the 3% hydrogen peroxide will cause the silver to fall out of suspension and become ineffective. Colloidal silver (AgNPs) works best if it can stay wet such as applying a washcloth that is wet with AgNPs while lying down.

AgNPs will agglomerate in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. If you want to use both, it might be more useful to alternate days of use with HP one day and AgNPs the next day.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alexandra (Cheshire, Uk) on 12/14/2014

Hi Sam. I think you are referring to cellulite. Cellulite and cellulitis are very different conditions.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 09/02/2014

Dear Carly,

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be used orally and topically. When I have used it for infection, we use 1 Tablespoon three times a day.

You might also consider turmeric - 1 teaspoon three times a day as well. Taking it at the same time as the coconut oil would be best, and adding a litle black pepper if possible. It increases its effectiveness.

Both coconut oil and turmeric together are excellent. Extra vitamin C may also be helpful.

Let us know how it goes!

~Mama to Many~

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/22/2015

Dear Agnes,

You are very encouraging and kind. I am really blessed with great kids and also lots of natural health resources, especially Earth Clinic! :)

When I was a girl, I used to hang out in the kitchen and watch my mother cook. She would let me stir or get out ingredients, etc. I remember marveling that she never needed recipes and yet she was such a great cook! When I first got married I had to use a recipe for everything. Now, 25 plus years later, I do a ton of cooking without recipes. Because you really do get a "feel" for things.

It didn't occur to me that herbs would be the same way. I remember buying some herbs in bulk because I wanted to try them out. It was so dreadfully intimidating and I had no idea what to use for what or how much or how often.....

But it ended up working out a lot like cooking. I got more and more comfortable with different herbs. Just like I now know that I want to include basil when I make Italian food, I know know that I want to include turmeric when I am dealing with inflammation.

I do have a number of books I consult for dosing information. Practical Herbalism is a favorite of mine for that. And I do seek the "wisdom that is from above." (Js 3:17) Because natural medicine is so fascinating to me I have read and read and read, too. For me, reading about how a natural remedy helped relieve someone's suffering is like hearing a bedtime story with a happy ending!

I have learned so many things reading posts on Earth Clinic. It is a fascinating collection of information from lay people. It is neat to see people post questions and over time they end up posting answers to other peoples' questions based on what they have learned. It is empowering to be able to take responsibility for your health, even if in small ways at first.

Have a super day!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/18/2013

Janet, I forgot to mention in my last post that I also gave my son raw garlic 2-3 times a day as well, as a natural antibiotic. 1 small clove each time, minced. I put it in honey or spread it on toast. He is really a pretty stoic little guy to tolerate it all, but it was all a very safe solution for him.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Jacqueline (Westmeath) on 06/03/2022

'itis' on the end of anything means inflammation or infection, ie dermatitis, cystitis, colitis, tendonitis.....

Posted by Alexandra (California) on 05/03/2016

I am a long time painfully chronicle facial cellulitis victim. To some bad cuts that originally happened years ago.

I went through many antibiotics clindamycin citronella k ed flex bactrim....I became more immune and had to visit hospital to recover iv antibiotics vancomycin, cubucin, the big guns of antibiotics, only to learn the last 6-7 yrs antibiotics has destroyed not only my immune system but my pancreas. I'm living with pancreatitis, normal pancreas range is 8-19. I was just hospitalized at one month later it's 200.

So I am fighting for my life here and can't have another antibiotic n my life, yet just off antibiotics. My cellulitis is back less than 2 weeks out of the hospital. My God, BE CAREFUL WITH ANTIBIOTICS! I was so naive..

I'm praying turmeric, cayenne, and goldenseal, echinacia will work. For some reason I also I get a sore throat with it! I believe my immune systems is so low from antibiotics that an opportunistic infection sneaks in there.

With much love n compassion to you all. Alexandra from Los Angeles

Turmeric, Black Salve, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jasmyne (Wa) on 09/24/2017

Hi Lon! Not sure if you'll end up even seeing my message in reply to your post but I just wanted to reach out and say THANKYOU for sharing your and your son's experience with all of this. I must say I find it super weird and so so interesting in some of the similarities we share. I have cellulitis right now on my shin and have been choosing to treat it with turmeric tree tea oil garlic echinacea goldenseal and also some calendula cream and soap also starting zinc and vitamin c tomorrow. However the most interesting things that have stood out to me thus far, would be the fact that my 9 year old little brother (I'm 25 myself, ) also has Downsyndrome, and just like your son was also born with hirschsprungs. Which I don't hear of very often from other people who too have it. The other strange things that caught my eye we're the facts that you yourself are from Stanhope, NJ. My fiance is from New Brunswick, born and raised, but has moved around and lived in many different cities from North to south end of the shore. And our anniversary date is May 18th 2014 . I noticed you posted on Feb 18.....ever since we got together the number 18 seems to follow us like a creepy stalker! LOL! Not too mention the fact his birthday is on August 18th, AND the bus I rode to and from school for over 5 years was bus #18! Sounds silly almost stupid when I say it outloud, but Oh well, just one of the sweet memories from when we met and realized ALL of these strange coincidences. (I also had the stone peridot in my ear piercing which just So happens to be the birthstone for the month of august.) So again, just another strange tribute to our now lucky number 18....there were just WAY TOO MANY things that stuck out to me about your post that I felt compelled to reach out and comment. Hope you and you're son are both doing well now, and hopefully the cellulitis has been kept at bay for everybody's sanity and comfort. If nothing else, being a loved one of a homie with an extra chromie always makes me feel connected to other parents, caretakers, siblings etc. So God bless you and yours. We're a pretty special Group of peeps if I do say so myself. 😊 Sending lots of peace, Love and good health your way from the west coast, jah bless!

Xx Jasmyne, Mac, Mike and Jeffrey!! :)

Bread and Milk Poultice
Posted by Debra (Sydney, Australia) on 05/23/2023 54 posts

That is awesome that such a simple remedy worked to clear the cellulitis up. I learnt recently that cellulitis is a staph infection and that they had found something natural that killed it 100%. They found that if it wasn't killed 100%, it would regenerate its numbers in 3 weeks. What killed it was hydrogen peroxide 3% and blue light therapy. I am using these to fight a staph infection in the lung and kidney but I need to be more consistent. When I do them, I get great relief but I have to make a point of doing it every day to clear it I think.

Thieve's Essential Oil Blend
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 01/19/2023

Another great post, Rob. Thank you for sharing. I have several screen shots of your great tips you've shared here on EC. Mama's blessed to have a son like you!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 11/12/2023 461 posts

I was going to do the povidone iodine on just one ankle - where it soaked right in and disappeared but as soon as I did it, the other one started itching so I put it on both, LOL! So much for my experiment...

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